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La ricerca pone al centro dell’indagine lo studio dell’importanza del cibo nelle cerimonie nuziali dell’Europa occidentale nei secoli V-XI. Il corpus di fonti utilizzate comprende testi di genere diverso: cronache, annali, agiografie, testi legislativi, a cui si è aggiunta un’approfondita analisi delle antiche saghe islandesi. Dopo un'introduzione dedicata in particolare alla questione della pubblicità della celebrazione, la ricerca si muove verso lo studio del matrimonio come “processo” sulla base della ritualità alimentare: i brindisi e i banchetti con cui si sigla l’accordo di fidanzamento e i ripetuti convivi allestiti per celebrare le nozze. Si pone attenzione anche ad alcuni aspetti trasversali, come lo studio del caso della “letteratura del fidanzamento bevuto”, ossia una tradizione di testi letterari in cui il fidanzamento tra i protagonisti viene sempre ratificato con un brindisi; a questo si aggiunge un’analisi di stampo antropologico della "cultura dell’eccesso", tipica dei rituali alimentari nuziali nel Medioevo, in contrasto con la contemporanea "cultura del risparmio". L'analisi si concentra anche sulle reiterate proibizioni al clero, da parte della Chiesa, di partecipare a banchetti e feste nuziali, tratto comune di tutta l’epoca altomedievale. Infine, la parte conclusiva della ricerca è incentrata sulla ricezione altomedievale di due figure bibliche che pongono al centro della narrazione un banchetto nuziale: la parabola delle nozze e il banchetto di Cana. L’insistente presenza di questi due brani nelle parole dei commentatori biblici mostra la straordinaria efficacia del “linguaggio alimentare”, ossia di un codice linguistico basato sul cibo (e su contesti quali l’agricoltura, la pesca, ecc.) come strumento di comunicazione sociale di massa con una valenza antropologica essenzialmente universale.
PURPOSE: The mandibular implant overdenture is a popular treatment modality and is well documented in the literature. Follow-up studies with a long observation period are difficult to perform due to the increasing age of patients. The present data summarize a long-term clinical observation of patients with implant overdentures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1984 and 1997, edentulous patients were consecutively admitted for treatment with an implant overdenture. The dentures were connected to the implants by means of bars or ball anchors. Regular maintenance was provided with at least one or two scheduled visits per year. Recall attendance and reasons for dropout were analyzed based on the specific history of the patient. Denture maintenance service, relining, repair, and fabrication of new dentures were identified, and complications with the retention devices specified separately. RESULTS: In the time period from 1984 to 2008, 147 patients with a total of 314 implants had completed a follow-up period of >10 years. One hundred one patients were still available in 2008, while 46 patients were not reexamined for various reasons. Compliance was high, with a regular recall attendance of >90%. More than 80% of dentures remained in continuous service. Although major prosthetic maintenance was rather low in relation to the long observation period, visits to a dental hygienist and dentist resulted in an annual visit rate of 1.5 and 2.4, respectively. If new dentures became necessary, these were made in student courses, which increased the treatment time and number of appointments needed. Complications with the retention devices consisted mostly of the mounting of new female retainers, the repair of bars, and the changing of ball anchors. The average number of events and the rate of prosthetic service with ball anchors were significantly higher than those with bars. Twenty-two patients changed from ball anchors to bars; 9 patients switched from a clip bar to a rigid U-shaped bar. CONCLUSIONS: This long-term follow-up study demonstrates that implant overdentures are a favorable solution for edentulous patients with regular maintenance. In spite of specific circumstances in an aging population, it is possible to provide long-term care, resulting in a good prognosis and low risk for this treatment modality. For various reasons the dropout rate can be considerable in elderly patients and prosthetic service must be provided regularly.
Given increased survival rates and treatment-related late effects, follow-up for cancer survivors is increasingly recommended. However, information about adverse events (e.g. possibility of late effects) may be distressing for the cancer survivor and lead to poor clinic attendance. Survivor satisfaction with appointments and the information provided are important. The Monitoring Process Model provides a theoretical framework to understand how survivors cope with threatening information, and consequences for follow-up care. Our aims were to describe satisfaction with routine follow-up and association between monitoring/blunting and satisfaction with care.
Background: Taiji is a mind-body practice, characterised by gentle and mindful body movements originating from Chinese martial arts. Studies investigating the reasons why people engage into Taiji and maintain their practice routine have emphasised extrinsic motivational outcome related aspects. The relevance of intrinsic motivation (i.e. motivation that comes from inside an individual and is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the performed activity itself) has not yet been examined. The autotelic aspect of intrinsic motivation is an essential precondition for experiencing flow, a state where subjects fully immersed into the performance of an activity report to be highly concentrated, optimally challenged and in control of the action. The aim of our study was to assess to which degree flow was experienced in the course of a 3 month Taiji-beginners class and to examine the relationship between the degree of flow experience at the end of the course and the Taiji practice behaviour. Materials and Methods: 28 healthy subjects participated in a Taiji beginners course (2 x 1h per week for 3 months). Flow values were measured at week 1, 6 and 12 by using the Flow-Kurz-Skala (FKS) questionnaire. Data were analysed by using ANOVA with repeated measurements, students t-Tests for comparison with normative values, and pearson correlation coefficients were calculated. Results: In the course of the 12 weeks Taiji training, mean flow values increased continuously (F(1.34, 8.92) = 19.49; p < .001). The mean value for experienced flow during Taiji practice at week 12 (M = 5.54; SD = ±.77) was significantly above the norm value (t = 3.705; df = 27; p < .01). Since average course attendance rate was high (86.8 %), a ceiling effect is assumed, thus flow values did not correlate with course adherence (r = .236; p = .227). However, a significant correlation was found between flow values at week 12 and practice at home (r = .439; p < .05). Conclusion: Our findings emphasise the potential value of intrinsic motivational aspects inherent in Taiji practice for developing a regular practice routine. The impact of increased flow experience on health related outcome measures, and its relevance in clinical trials is subject of further research.
Every day, a substantial proportion of the general population experiences the distressing and frightening signs of an upcoming psychiatric illness. The consequences can be enormous because severe psychiatric disorders typically cause the loss of the ability to work and often mean a long-term burden for both the patients and their families. Even though most developed countries have an exceptionally high density of general practitioners and psychiatrists in private practice, getting a mental health appointment and seeing a doctor is often very difficult for patients with acute psychiatric symptoms. This study aimed at quantifying the time delay involved in seeking medical attendance when psychiatric disorders begin to develop.
Child Aggression in a Post-Communist Country: Race and Gender Aspects in a Cross-Cultural Comparison
Gypsies represent approximately 2.5% of the Czech population, but are considerably over-represented among the unemployed, prisoners, schooldropouts, neglected children, etc. Together with racist attitudes on the part of the majority, this causes strong inter-ethnic tension and obviouseconomic, moral and political problems. This research studied the way in which this situation is reflected in peer relations between Gypsy andmajority children in schools. Six samples of children (totalling 2974 children aged 7-15, of whom 15% were Gypsies) were studied through peernomination, teacher assessment and self-reporting. Gypsy/non-Gypsy and gender dichotomies were correlated with measures of aggression,victimisation and acceptance/rejection. The results showed that Gypsy children, both boys and girls, were more likely to nominate their Gypsy peers as aggressors than they nominatemajority children, implying that they tend to direct their rejection toward their own kind. The number of Gypsy children in a class was also animportant factor with Gypsies being more likely to be accepted and less likely to appear aggressive when they were only one or two in a class, thanin a class where there was a greater number of Gypsy pupils. When whole classes were taken as the unit of analysis, Gypsy children were seen asmore likely to behave aggressively in class by their Gypsy and non-Gypsy counterparts as well as by their teachers. At the same time they aremuch less likely to become victims of aggression than are non-Gypsy children, both boys and girls. Mr. Rican also found that the acceptance/rejection patterns of Gypsy children betray their unsatisfactory socialisation. Among their peers, Gypsyor non-Gypsy, they tend to prefer aggressors or children who teachers describe as showing little discipline or effort to succeed at school. Partialcorrelation to assess the influence of seniority on aggressiveness provided a warning that the recent lengthening of compulsory school attendance islikely to bring an increase in aggressiveness. He believes that Gypsy ethnic identity has lost many of its important positive aspects, making itsnegative aspects more prominent and more dangerous. He does however find some possible ways for teachers to reinforce the positive aspects ofGypsy children's identities in order to support their socialisation at schools.
The associations between life events in the 12 months preceding an episode of self-poisoning resulting in hospital attendance (the index episode), and the suicide intent of this episode were compared in individuals for whom the index episode was their first, episode and in individuals in whom it was a recurrence of DSH. Results indicated a significant interaction between independent life events, repetition status, and gender in the prediction of suicide intent, the association between life events and intent being moderated by repetition status in women only. The results provide preliminary evidence to suggest the presence of a suicidal process in women, in which the impact of negative life events on suicide intent diminishes across episodes.
BACKGROUND: Children in emergencies need peripheral intravenous (IV) access in order to receive drugs or fluids. The success of IV access is associated with the age of patients and fails in up to 50% of children younger than 6 years. In such situations, it is essential that physicians and paramedics have a tool and easily learnable skills with a high chance of success. According to international guidelines intraosseous (IO) access would be the next step after failed IV access. Our hypothesis was that the success rate in IO puncturing can be improved by standardizing the training; so we developed an IO workshop. METHODS: Twenty-eight hospitals and ambulance services participated in an evaluation process over 3 years. IO workshops and the distribution of standardized IO sets were coordinated by the study group of the University Hospital of Berne. Any attempted or successful IO punctures were evaluated with a standardized interview. RESULTS: We investigated 35 applications in 30 patients (a total of 49 punctures) between November 2001 and December 2004. IO puncture was not successful in 5 patients. The success rate depended neither on the occupation nor the experience of users. Attendance at a standardized IO workshop increased the overall success rate from 77% to 100%, which was statistically not significant (P = 0.074). CONCLUSIONS: Standardized training in IO puncturing seems to improve success more than previous experience and occupation of providers. However, we could not show a significant increase in success rate after this training. Larger supranational studies are needed to show a significant impact of teaching on rarely used emergency skills.
AIMS: To describe the procedural performance and 30-day outcomes following implantation using the 18 Fr CoreValve Revalving System (CRS) as part of the multicentre, expanded evaluation registry, 1-year after obtaining CE mark approval. METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis and logistic Euroscore > or =15%, or age > or =75 years, or age > or =65 years associated with pre-defined risk factors, and for whom a physician proctor and a clinical specialist were in attendance during the implantation and who collected the clinical data, were included. From April 2007, to April 2008, 646 patients with a mean age of 81 +/- 6.6 years, mean aortic valve area 0.6 +/- 0.2 cm2, and logistic EuroSCORE of 23.1 +/- 13.8% were recruited. After valve implantation, the mean transaortic valve gradient decreased from 49.4 +/- 13.9 to 3 +/- 2 mmHg. All patients had paravalvular aortic regurgitation < or = grade 2. The rate of procedural success was 97%. The procedural mortality rate was 1.5%. At 30 days, the all-cause mortality rate (i.e, including procedural) was 8% and the combined rate of death, stroke and myocardial infarction was 9.3%. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the high rate of procedural success and a low 30-day mortality in a large cohort of high-risk patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with the CRS.
In market research, the adoption of interactive virtual reality-techniques could be expected to contain many advantages: artificial lab environments could be designed in a more realistic manner and the consideration of “time to the market”-factors could be improved. On the other hand, with an increasing degree of presence and the notional attendance in a simulated test environment, the market research task could fall prey to the tensing virtual reality adventure. In the following study a 3D-technique is empirically tested for its usability in market research. It will be shown that the interactive 3D-simulation is not biased by the immersion it generates and provides considerably better test results than 2D-stimuli do.
BACKGROUND Infectious diseases and social contacts in early life have been proposed to modulate brain tumour risk during late childhood and adolescence. METHODS CEFALO is an interview-based case-control study in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, including children and adolescents aged 7-19 years with primary intracranial brain tumours diagnosed between 2004 and 2008 and matched population controls. RESULTS The study included 352 cases (participation rate: 83%) and 646 controls (71%). There was no association with various measures of social contacts: daycare attendance, number of childhours at daycare, attending baby groups, birth order or living with other children. Cases of glioma and embryonal tumours had more frequent sick days with infections in the first 6 years of life compared with controls. In 7-19 year olds with 4+ monthly sick day, the respective odds ratios were 2.93 (95% confidence interval: 1.57-5.50) and 4.21 (95% confidence interval: 1.24-14.30). INTERPRETATION There was little support for the hypothesis that social contacts influence childhood and adolescent brain tumour risk. The association between reported sick days due to infections and risk of glioma and embryonal tumour may reflect involvement of immune functions, recall bias or inverse causality and deserve further attention.
This paper presents the first investigation of whether direct democracy supplements or undermines the attendance of demonstrations as a form of protest behavior. A first approach assumes that direct democracy is associated with fewer protests, as they function as a valve that integrates voters’ opinions, preferences, and emotions into the political process. A competing hypothesis proposes a positive relationship between direct democracy and this unconventional form of political participation due to educative effects. Drawing on individual data from recent Swiss Electoral Studies, we apply multilevel analysis and estimate a hierarchical model of the effect of the presence as well as the use of direct democratic institutions on individual protest behavior. Our empirical findings suggest that the political opportunity of direct democracy is associated with a lower individual probability to attend demonstrations.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Entwicklung von Schülerinnen und Schülern aus Ganztagsschulen, welche die Angebote intensiv nutzen im Vergleich zu Schülerinnen und Schülern, die nur den Unterricht besuchen (Kontrollgruppe) bezüglich (a) des prosozialen Verhaltens und (b) der sozio-emotionalen Verhaltensstärken bzw. Verhaltensauffälligkeiten untersucht. Die Teilstichprobe umfasst N = 295 Schüler aus 43 Primarschulklassen und 35 Schulen in der Deutschschweiz, die im Rahmen einer quasi-experimentellen Längsschnittstudie in den ersten drei Primarschuljahren untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es der Ganztagsschule insgesamt nicht gelingt, die Entwicklung des prosozialen Verhaltens oder der sozio-emotionalen Verhaltensstärken der Schülerinnen und Schüler positiv zu beeinflussen. Im Weiteren bestätigen die Befunde einen Zusammenhang zwischen der pädagogischen Qualität der Ganztagsschulangebote und der sozio-emotionalen Entwicklung von Primarschulkindern.
OBJECTIVE: In recent years research investigating various health benefits of Taiji practice has markedly increased. Despite this growing scientific interest, essential questions such as to what extent a Taiji course may exert noticeable effects in participants’ everyday life, what these effects are, and how and where potential transfer effects occur, have hardly been considered. The aim of our study was to explore transfer effects from a Taiji course into participants’ daily lives. METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal observational study in 45 healthy participants at the end of their three-month Taiji beginner course (tp1) and at two months (tp2) as well as one year after course completion (tp3). Participants were asked to report their Taiji practice behavior at all time points, as well as to rate and describe perceived transfer effects of Taiji course contents on their daily life at tp1 and tp3. RESULTS: Transfer effects were reported by 91.1% of all respondents after course completion (tp1) and persisted in 73.3% at the one-year follow-up assessment (tp3), counting “increase of self-efficacy”, “improvement of stress management”, and “increase of body awareness” as the most frequently mentioned effects. Transfer effects predominantly occurred in participants’ work and social environments, as well as during everyday activities in public areas. While selfreliant Taiji practice frequency significantly decreased from 82.2% at tp1 to 55.6% at tp3 (P < 0.001), the magnitude of self-reported transfer effects did not (P = 0.35). As explorative analyses revealed, regular Taiji course attendance was highly correlated with stronger transfer effects at tp1 (r = 0.51; P < 0.001) and tp3 (r = 0.35; P = 0.020). Participants reporting high self-reliant Taiji practice frequency at tp2 were likely to maintain a regular practice routine at tp3 (r = 0.42; P < 0.004), whereas self-reliant practice frequency and transfer effects at tp1 were positively correlated with self-reliant practice frequency at tp3 on a trend level (r < 0.27; P > 0.08). CONCLUSION: Our data underline the importance of regular course participation for pronounced and long lasting transfer effects into participants’ everyday life. We discuss that several context and process-related aspects of a Taiji intervention are potentially relevant factors for enhancement of transfer effect.
Der stationäre Klinikaufenthalt von Patienten mit Abhängigkeitserkrankungen ist häufig ein unverzichtbarer Teil in der Behandlungskette von Suchterkrankungen. Es werden die verschiedenen Phasen der Behandlung, deren Therapieelemente sowie Vor- und Nachteile eines stationären Aufenthalts diskutiert. Anhand der Klinik Südhang, welche Patienten und Patientinnen mit einer Alkohol- und/oder Medikamentenabhängigkeit stationär behandelt, zeigt sich die Bedeutung eines individualisierten Therapieangebots je nach Entzugs- und Entwöhnungsphase. Um Patienten mit einer Abhängigkeitserkrankung einen erfolgreichen Entzug, bzw. Entwöhnung zu gewährleisten, ist eine interdisziplinäre Betreuung und Nachsorge essentiell.