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西太平洋暖池汇集着世界上开阔海洋中温度最高的海水,它的维持和变化对全球天气和气候的变化起着关键性的作用。从海洋学角度全面而系统地研究西太平洋暖池的纬向变异特征、机制以及暖池纬向变异对ENSO的影响等科学问题,对深入了解发生在暖池区的海气耦合过程,全面认识暖池变异在ENSO循环及在全球气候变化中的作用是不可缺少的,该项研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本文根据长时间序列的海洋和大气资料,利用EOF、小波等分析方法较系统地研究了西太平洋暖池整层暖水纬向运移特征、暖池水体的时空振荡及暖池纬向的运移、时空振荡对ENSO的影响,分析了西太平洋暖池和东太平洋暖池对ENSO的联合影响,探讨了风场和流场对西太平洋暖池纬向变异的影响,并用一个简单的海洋模式,对暖池纬向变异的动力机制进行了诊断分析。主要研究内容及结果如下: 利用加权平均法,建立了一个表征整体暖池纬向运移的指标序列,分析了暖池纬向运移的时频特征以及暖池内部暖水在纬向运移上的差异,并探讨了暖池的纬向运移对赤道西太平洋海平面高度和温跃层深度的影响以及与ENSO的关系。结果显示:暖池的纬向运移具有显著的2-7a的年际变化和10-16a的年代际变化,并于1976年前后经历了一次气候跃变。暖池内部大致可以50m深度水层为界分为上、下两部分,暖池的上半部分纬向运移幅度非常大,而下半部分则相对较小。暖池的纬向运移不仅是赤道西太平洋海平面高度和温跃层深度异常变化的一个非常重要的直接因素,而且对ENSO的形成与发展有非常重要的作用。 为进一步了解暖池整体的时空振荡及其影响,分别对暖池厚度场、热带太平洋风应力场、海表面高度和热含量场进行了EOF分析。结果显示,西太平洋暖池水体具有大致以赤道为横轴的经向“跷跷板”式季节性反位相振荡和大致以 170o E为纵轴的纬向“跷跷板”式年际反位相振荡。纬向振荡是暖池厚度异常场年际变率的的主导模态。西太平洋暖池暖水的纬向运移是造成暖池水体纬向振荡的主要原因。热带太平洋海表面高度与热含量异常场有着非常相似的ENSO时间尺度的振荡特征:即大致以5o N为横轴的经向“跷跷板”式反位相振荡和大致以170o W为纵轴的纬向“跷跷板”式反位相振荡。而与ENSO密切相关的热带太平洋风应力异常场也存在着纬向和经向两种主要模态,分别表现为近赤道的纬向风异常和远赤道的经向风异常。西太平洋暖池的纬向振荡对风应力异常存在滞后1个月左右的响应和显著的相互作用关系。西太平洋暖池纬向振荡能够造成热带太平洋水体质量与热量的重新分配,并通过强烈的海气相互作用对ENSO循环形成与发展起着重要的作用。 西太平洋暖池和东太平洋暖池是热带太平洋两个重要的暖水区。在系统分析西太平洋暖池的纬向变异和东太平洋暖池的经向变异特征基础上,提出了两暖池对ENSO循环联合影响的新观点,并建立了一个联合影响指数。结果显示,当联合指数达1.6时,则预示着一次新El Nino的发生。这为ENSO的研究和预测提供了一个新线索。 数据分析显示,赤道中太平洋的纬向风应力及上层纬向流异常是暖池纬向运移的两个重要的动力因素,且两者对暖池的纬向运移有良好的预报意义。利用一个简单的海洋模式模拟结果,分析了风驱动下的上层纬向流异常、波动(Kelvin波和Rossby波)及其在边界的反射效应对暖池纬向运移的动力影响。模式结果显示:中太平洋上层纬向流异常是西太平洋暖池纬向运移的主要驱动机制。暖池的纬向运移对波模态流具有滞后约4个月的响应,而风漂流对暖池纬向运移的影响则比较适时。波动在太平洋东、西两边界的反射效应对暖池西缩的影响较大。
High molecular weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM) represents an important component of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in seawater and fresh-waters. In this paper, we report measurements of stable carbon (delta(13)C) isotopic compositions in total lipid, total hydrolyzable amino acid (THAA), total carbohydrate (TCHO) and acid-insoluble "uncharacterized" organic fractions separated from fourteen HMW-DOM samples collected from four U.S. estuaries. In addition, C/N ratio, delta(13) C and stable nitrogen (delta(15)N) isotopic compositions were also measured for the bulk HMW-DOM samples. Our results indicate that TCHO and THAA are the dominant organic compound classes, contributing 33-46% and 13-20% of the organic carbon in HMW-DOM while total lipid accounts for only <2% of the organic carbon in the samples. In all samples. a significant fraction (35-49%) of HMW-DOM was included in the acid-insoluble fraction. Distinct differences in isotopic compositions exist among bulk samples, the compound classes and the acid-insoluble fractions. Values of delta(13)C and delta(15)N measured for bulk HMW-DOM varied from -22.1 to -30.1parts per thousand and 2.8 to 8.9parts per thousand, respectively and varied among the four estuaries studied as well. Among the Compound classes, TCHO was more enriched in C-13 (delta(13)C = -18.5 to -22.8parts per thousand) compared with THAA (delta(13)C = -20.0 to -29.6parts per thousand) and total lipid (delta(13)C = -25.7 to -30.7parts per thousand). The acid-insoluble organic fractions, in general, had depleted C-13 values (delta(13)C = -23.0 to -34.4parts per thousand). Our results indicate that the observed differences in both delta(13)C and delta(15)N were mainly due to the differences in sources of organic matter and nitrogen inputs to these estuaries in addition to the microbial processes responsible for isotopic fractionation among the compound classes. Both terrestrial sources and local sewage inputs contribute significantly to the HMW-DOM pool in the estuaries studied and thus had a strong influence on its isotopic signatures. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
The distribution of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and nitrate were determined seasonally (winter, spring and summer) during three years along line P, i.e. an E-W transect from the coast of British Columbia, Canada, to Station P (50degreesN, 145degreesW) in the subarctic North East Pacific Ocean. In conjunction, DON measurements were made in the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Georgia within an estuarine system connected to the NE Pacific Ocean. The distribution of DON at the surface showed higher values of 4-17 muM in the Straits relative to values of 4-10 muM encountered along line P, respectively. Along line P, the concentration of DON showed an inshore-offshore gradient at the surface with higher values near the coast. The equation for the conservation of DON showed that horizontal transport of DON (inshore-offshore) was much larger than vertical physical mixing. Horizontal advection of DON-rich waters from the coastal estuarine system to the NE Pacific Ocean was likely the cause of the inshore-offshore gradient in the concentration of DON. Although the concentration of DON was very variable in space and time, it increased from winter to summer, with an average build up of 4.3 muM in the Straits and 0.7 muM in the NE subarctic Pacific. This implied seasonal DON sources of 0.3 mmol N m(-2) d(-1) at Station P and 1.5 mmol N m(-2) d(-1) in the Straits, respectively. These seasonal DON accumulation rates corresponded to about 15-20% of the seasonal nitrate uptake and suggested that there was a small seasonal build up of labile DON at the surface. However, the long residence times of 180-1560 d indicated that the most of the DON pool in surface waters was refractory in two very different productivity regimes of the NE Pacific. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
High-resolution sampling, measurements of organic carbon contents and C-14 signatures of selected four soil profiles in the Haibei Station situated on the northeast Tibetan Plateau, and application of C-14 tracing technology were conducted in an attempt to investigate the turnover times of soil organic carbon and the soil-CO2 flux in the alpine meadow ecosystem. The results show that the organic carbon stored in the soils varies from 22.12x10(4) kg C hm(-2) to 30.75x10(4) kg C hm(-2) in the alpine meadow ecosystems, with an average of 26.86x10(4) kg C hm(-2). Turnover times of organic carbon pools increase with depth from 45 a to 73 a in the surface soil horizon to hundreds of years or millennia or even longer at the deep soil horizons in the alpine meadow ecosystems. The soil-CO2 flux ranges from 103.24 g C m(-2) a(-1) to 254.93 gC m(-2) a(-1), with an average of 191.23 g C m(-2) a(-1). The CO2 efflux produced from microbial decomposition of organic matter varies from 73.3 g C m(-2) a(-1) to 181 g C m(-2) a(-1). More than 30% of total soil organic carbon resides in the active carbon pool and 72.8%. 81.23% of total CO2 emitted from organic matter decomposition results from the topsoil horizon (from 0 cm to 10 cm) for the Kobresia meadow. Responding to global warming, the storage, volume of flow and fate of the soil organic carbon in the alpine meadow ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau will be changed, which needs further research.
Background: The domestication of plants and animals was extremely important anthropologically. Previous studies have revealed a general tendency for populations of livestock species to include deeply divergent maternal lineages, indicating that they were domesticated in multiple, independent events from genetically discrete wild populations. However, in water buffalo, there are suggestions that a similar deep maternal bifurcation may have originated from a single population. These hypotheses have rarely been rigorously tested because of a lack of sufficient wild samples. To investigate the origin of the domestic yak (Poephagus grunnies), we analyzed 637 bp of maternal inherited mtDNA from 13 wild yaks (including eight wild yaks from a small population in west Qinghai) and 250 domesticated yaks from major herding regions.Results: The domestic yak populations had two deeply divergent phylogenetic groups with a divergence time of > 100,000 yrs BP. We here show that haplotypes clustering with two deeply divergent maternal lineages in domesticated yaks occur in a single, small, wild population. This finding suggests that all domestic yaks are derived from a single wild gene pool. However, there is no clear correlation of the mtDNA phylogenetic clades and the 10 morphological types of sampled yaks indicating that the latter diversified recently. Relatively high diversity was found in Qinghai and Tibet around the current wild distribution, in accordance with previous suggestions that the earliest domestications occurred in this region. Conventional molecular clock estimation led to an unrealistic early dating of the start of the domestication. However, Bayesian estimation of the coalescence time allowing a relaxation of the mutation rateConclusion: The information gathered here and the previous studies of other animals show that the demographic histories of domestication of livestock species were highly diverse despite the common general feature of deeply divergent maternal lineages. The results further suggest that domestication of local wild prey ungulate animals was a common occurrence during the development of human civilization following the postglacial colonization in different locations of the world, including the high, arid Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
It was the objective of this study to compare the suitability of different extractants for predicting the availability of sulfur (S) in natural grassland in a sulfur response trial on three different soil types in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. For soil analysis, seven different extractants have been employed. The inorganic SO4-S concentration was determined by ion chromatography. Additionally, in the Ca(H-2-PO4)(2) extract the total soluble S was determined employing turbidimetry. Weak salt solutions (0.15% CaCl2, Ca(H2PO4)(2), and KH2PO4) extracted similar amounts Of SO4-S. Extraction with 0.025 M KCl provided the lowest SO4-S values. Deionized water dissolved significantly more SO4-S in the control plots than most weak salt extractants. The concentration of soluble organic S decreased in the control plots after 100 days of plant growth, indicating that the organic S pool contributed significantly to the S nutrition of the forage crops. Significant relationships among the SO4-S in the soil determined in different extracts and crop yield, sulfur content in the forage, and total sulfur uptake were only found for the Ca(H2PO4)(2) extract. In general, the correlation coefficients proved to be unsatisfactory for field experimentation.
以英国 Sonardyne公司的超短基线 (Ultra- Short Base L ine)为研究对象 ,研究了该系统在各种情况下的重复定位精度 ,以及将该系统应用于水下机器人动力定位的可能性 .实验结果表明 ,即使存在姿态偏差 ,如果通过姿态传感器进行动态补偿 ,该系统仍能获得很好的重复定位精度 ,可以满足水下机器人动力定位的需要
分析了自治水下机器人 (AUV )的控制特点 ,论述了滑模模糊控制 (SMFC)的基本原理 ,并在6 0 0 0 m自治水下机器人“CR- 0 2”上进行了仿真和水池实验。结果表明 ,滑模模糊控制的性能明显优于PID控制 ,在强干扰时表现出良好的鲁棒性
Firstly, established sequence stratigraphy of Sinian System-Middle Triassic Series framework in Sichuan basin,be divided into 21 second-level sequence stratigraphy and 105 third-level sequence stratigraphy.From many aspects,discussed sequence stratigraphy characteristic. On the foundation of structure unconformity and fission track analysis, on the ground of An county-Shuinin county regional seismic section, using the positive evolution equilibrium principle technology, comprehensivly be mapped structure evolution of Sichuan basin. It can be divided into seven stages, that is :Pre-Sinian basement stage, cratonic depression basin(Z1-S)stage, cratonic rifted basin(D-T2)stage, passive continental margin(T3x1-3)stage, foreland basin(T3x4-6)stage, depression basin (Jurassic Period-Miocene Epoch) stage, formed basin (Holocene Epoch) stage. Analysis on structure evolution history,burial history,source rocks thermal evolution history, Maoba changxing formation gas pool forming process can be classified into four stages: ancient lithological oil pool stages in Indosinian-early Yanshanian period(T-J1-2), ancient structure- lithological gas pool stages in middle Yanshanian period(J3-K1), structure- lithological gas pool setting stages in last Yanshanian period(K2), structure- lithological gas pool adjusting and transformation stages in Himalayan period(R-Q). Maoba feixianguan formation gas pool forming process can be classified into two stages: second structure gas pool stages in last Yanshanian period(K2),second structure gas pool physical adjusting and transformation stages in Himalayan period(R-Q),and summarize reservoir formation model. On the base of newest exploration achievement and petroleum geologic comprehensive research , demonstrate how structure controls hydrocarbon accumulation. Structure controlling source rocks behaves structure controlling main source rocks’sedimentary facies, medium-large pools mainly located at center or margin of hydrocarbon generation. Structure controlling palaeo-karst reservoirs ,reef and beach facies reservoirs, fault and fracture reservoirs. Structure controlling palaeo-uplift, and palaeo-uplift controlling hydrocarbon migration, active reservoirs’forming, palaeo-structure traps forming. Structure controls distribution of mudstone and gypsolith, controls preservation. Structure controls hydrocarbon conducting, structure traps forming and hydrocarbon accumulation. Whether or no, Structure controls total process of basin forming-source rocks’generation- hydrocarbon accumulation. It is direct effect results of structure movements that large traps’ conditions, conducting migration conditions, high quality preservation. source rocks’condition and reservoirs’ condition are the indirect effect results. In the last analysis, “source rock controlling theory”, “high quality reservoir mainly controlling theory”, “palaeo-uplift controlling theory” and “current structure deciding theory” are structure controlling hydrocarbon accumulation. There are high variability and complex mechanisms in Sichuan basin , but the regional hydrocarbon accumulation conditions are very well, such as abundant source rocks, matching process of hydrocarbon accumulation and many exploration areas. By means of integrated analysis, put forward hydrocarbon exploration direction and large-middle targets of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation .Thus, more and more hydrocarbon proved reserve and output in Sichuan basin will be contributed to China energy industry in a long future time.
What geophysical inversion studied includes the common mathematics physical property of inversion and the constitution and appraisal method of solution in geophysics domain, i.e. using observed physical phenomenon from the earth surface to infer space changing and physical property structure of medium within the earth. Seismic inversion is a branch of geophysical inversion. The basic purpose of seismic inversion is to utilizing seismic wave propagating law in the medium underground to infer stratum structure and space distribution of physical property according to data acquisition, processing and interpretation, and then offer the vital foundation for exploratory development. Poststack inversion is convenient and swift, its acoustic impedance inversion product can reflect reservoir interior changing rule to a certain degree, but poststack data lack abundant amplitude and travel time information included in prestack data because of multiple superimpose and weaken the sensitiveness which reflecting reservoir property. Compared with poststack seismic inversion, prestack seismic inversion has better fidelity and more adequate information. Prestack seismic inversion, including waveform inversion, not only suitable for thin strata physical property inversion, it can also inverse reservoir oil-bearing ability. Prestack seismic inversion and prestack elastic impedance inversion maintain avo information, sufficiently applying seismic gathering data with different incident angle, partial angle stack, gradient and intercept seismic data cube. Prestack inversion and poststack inversion technology were studied in this dissertation. A joint inversion method which synthesize prestack elastic wave waveform inversion, prestack elastic impedance inversion and poststack inversion was proposed by making fully use of prestack inversion multiple information and relatively fast and steady characteristic of poststack inversion. Using the proposed method to extract rock physics attribute cube with clear physical significance and reflecting reservoir characterization, such as P-wave and S-wave impedance, P-wave and S-wave velocity, velocity ratio, density, Poisson ratio and Lame’s constant. Regarding loose sand reservoir in lower member of Minghuazhen formation, 32-6 south districts in Qinhuangdao,as the research object, be aimed at the different between shallow layer loose sand and deep layer tight sand, first of all, acquire physical property parameters suitable for this kind of heavy oil pool according to experimental study, establishing initial pressure and shear wave relational model; Afterwards, performing prestack elastic wave forward and inversion research, summarizing rules under the guidance of theoretical research and numerical simulation, performing elastic impedance inversion, calculating rock physics attributes; Finally, predicting sand body distribution according to rock physics parameters, and predicting favorable oil area combine well-logging materials and made good results.
The problem of oil and gas migration and accumulation have been investigated for many years in petroleum geology field. However, it is still the most weak link. It is a challenge task to research the question about the dynamics of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. The research area of this article,Chengbei step-fault zone is the important exploration area of Dagang oil field.The oil distribution is complicated in this area because of abundant faults and rock-reservoir-cap assemblage.In recent years, oil shows is often discovered, but no large-scale pool is found. The most important problem influencing exolore decision is lake of kowning about accumulation process of oil and resources potential. According to the geology characteristic and exolore difficult, the analysis principles of dynamics is used in this paper. The course from source to reservoir is considered as main research line, and relation of valid source rcok, migration dynamic and heterogeneous distribution of carrier is discussed especially in key time. By use of numerial model the couling of migration and passage is realized and dynamic process of oil migration is analysed quantitatively. On the basis of other research about structure and sendiment, basin model is built and parameters are choiced. The author has reconstructed characteristic and distribution of fluid dynamical in main pool-forming time by numerical model. The systems of oil migration and acuumulaiton are divided according to distribution of fluid potential. Furthermore, the scope of valid sourece rock and scale of discharging hydrocarbon is studied in geology history by the method of producting hydrocarbon poential. In carrier research, it is outstanding to analyse the function that fault controls the oil-gas migration and accumulation. According to the mechanism of fault sealing, the paper author puts forward a new quantitative method evaluating fault opening and sealing properties-fault connective probability by using the oil and gas shows in footwall and hangwall reservoir as the index of identifying fault sealing or non-sealing. In this method, many influencing factors are considered synthetically. Then the faut sealing propery of different position in third deimention of faults controlling hydrocarbon acummulation are quantitative evaluated, and it laies a foundation for building compex carrier systems. Ten models of carrier and dynamical are establishe by analysis of matching relation of all kinds of carriers in main pool-forming period. The forming process and distribution of main pathway has been studied quantitatively by Buoyancy-Percolation mode, which can conbine valid source rock, migration dynamical and carrier. On the basis of oil-gas migration and accumulation model, the author computes the loss of hydrocarbon in secondary migration, ahead of cap formation, and the quantity of valueless accumulation according to the stage of migration and accumulation and the losing mechamism. At the same time, resource potential is evaluated in every migration and accumulation system. It shows that the quanlity of middle systems arrive to 5.67×108t, which has a huge explore potential prospect. Finally, according to the result of quantitve analysis above mentioned, the favorable explore aims are forcasted by the way of overlapping migration pathway and valid trap and considering factors of pool-forming. The drilling of actual wells proved that the study result is credible. It would offer strong support to optimize explore project in Chengbei step-fault zone.