911 resultados para accessory foramen


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La BCPA e’ ormai utilizzata routinariamente come stadio intermedio della palliazione di Fontan nel trattamento dei cuori funzionalmente univentricolari e si conferma intervento a ridotta mortalità e morbilità. La crescita delle arterie polmonari dopo BCPA è abbastanza variabile ed imprevedibile, le dimensioni indicizzate dei rami principali sembrano tendenzialmente ridotte, tranne quelle dell’arteria lobare inferiore destra, la quale beneficerebbe del flusso preferenziale della BCPA. Proprio i pazienti con arterie polmonari più piccole mostrerebbero un maggior incremento di dimensioni delle stesse dopo BPCA. Il ruolo ed i vantaggi del flusso accessorio nella BCPA sono ancora da definire; tuttavia sembrerebbe offrire vantaggi in termini di crescita delle arterie polmonari, soprattutto il ramo lobare sinistro, e di miglior outcome dopo TCPC.


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In vielen Teilgebieten der Mathematik ist es w"{u}nschenswert, die Monodromiegruppe einer homogenen linearen Differenzialgleichung zu verstehen. Es sind nur wenige analytische Methoden zur Berechnung dieser Gruppe bekannt, daher entwickeln wir im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit eine numerische Methode zur Approximation ihrer Erzeuger.rnIm zweiten Abschnitt fassen wir die Grundlagen der Theorie der Uniformisierung Riemannscher Fl"achen und die der arithmetischen Fuchsschen Gruppen zusammen. Auss erdem erkl"aren wir, wie unsere numerische Methode bei der Bestimmung von uniformisierenden Differenzialgleichungen dienlich sein kann. F"ur arithmetische Fuchssche Gruppen mit zwei Erzeugern erhalten wir lokale Daten und freie Parameter von Lam'{e} Gleichungen, welche die zugeh"origen Riemannschen Fl"achen uniformisieren. rnIm dritten Teil geben wir einen kurzen Abriss zur homologischen Spiegelsymmetrie und f"uhren die $widehat{Gamma}$-Klasse ein. Wir erkl"aren wie diese genutzt werden kann, um eine Hodge-theoretische Version der Spiegelsymmetrie f"ur torische Varit"aten zu beweisen. Daraus gewinnen wir Vermutungen "uber die Monodromiegruppe $M$ von Picard-Fuchs Gleichungen von gewissen Familien $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ von $n$-dimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten. Diese besagen erstens, dass bez"uglich einer nat"urlichen Basis die Monodromiematrizen in $M$ Eintr"age aus dem K"orper $bbq(zeta(2j+1)/(2 pi i)^{2j+1},j=1,ldots,lfloor (n-1)/2 rfloor)$ haben. Und zweitens, dass sich topologische Invarianten des Spiegelpartners einer generischen Faser von $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ aus einem speziellen Element von $M$ rekonstruieren lassen. Schliess lich benutzen wir die im ersten Teil entwickelten Methoden zur Verifizierung dieser Vermutungen, vornehmlich in Hinblick auf Dimension drei. Dar"uber hinaus erstellen wir eine Liste von Kandidaten topologischer Invarianten von vermutlich existierenden dreidimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten mit $h^{1,1}=1$.


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ZusammenfassungrnAlle bekannten Exemplare der Amphibien-Gruppe Microsauria des mitteleuropäischen Rotliegend wurden untersucht sowie – für die kladistische Untersuchung – ihre nächsten Verwandten. Im Saar-Nahe-Becken sind vier Arten aus zwei Microsauria-Gattungen nachzuweisen: Batropetes niederkirchensis n. sp., Batropetes palatinus n. sp., Batropetes appelensis n. sp. und Altenglanerpeton schroederi n. sp.. Aus dem Döhlen-Becken bei Dresden stammt Batropetes fritschi.rnDie Rekonstruktionen legen nahe, dass die in Seeablagerungen gefundenen Batropetes-Arten kleine, terrestrisch lebende Microsaurier waren, die sich von Insekten oder deren Larven ernährten. Ihre mittlere Gesamtlänge beträgt fast 8 cm, ihr Rumpf ist auffallend kurz mit je nach Art 17 oder 19 Präsakralwirbeln. Sie besitzen große von Wülsten umgebene Augenöffnungen, ein großes Pinealforamen, drei längs angeordnete Grübchen auf den Frontalia, dreispitzige Zähne, einen zahnlosen Gaumen und vier kurze kräftige Extremitäten. Becken- und Schultergürtel sind komplett verknöchert, außer den bei Batropetes appelensis und Batropetes fritschi knorpeligen Coracoid-Anteilen. Die Batropetes-Arten unterscheiden sich bezüglich Form, Proportionen bzw. Verknöcherungsgrad einiger Knochen im cranialen und postcranialen Skelett. rnDie kladistischen Untersuchungen ergeben für die Arten der monophyletische Gattung Batropetes, dass Batropetes appelensis den übrigen Arten gegenübersteht und Batropetes palatinus mit Batropetes fritschi eine Schwestergruppe zu Batropetes niederkirchensis bildet. Mit den etwas jüngeren texanischen Gattungen Carrolla und Quasicaecilia bildet Batropetes die monophyletische Familie Brachystelechidae. rnAltenglanerpeton schroederi, nur durch ein schlecht erhaltenes Exemplar überliefert, besitzt einen massiv gebauten Schädel, kaum länger als breit mit annähernd dreieckigem Umriss, ohne Anzeichen für Seitenlinien, mit kleiner rundlicher Orbita, sehr breiter Interorbitalregion und bis weit vor die Orbita reichendem Jugale. Sein langer Rumpf umfasst mindestens 30 lepospondyle Präsakralwirbel. Wegen der unvollkommenen Entwicklung der Gliedmaßen kann diese Art nicht auf vier Beinen gelaufen sein und lebte möglicherweise in der Laubschicht wühlend oder in Sümpfen. Altenglanerpeton ist keiner bestimmten Microsauria-Familie zuzuordnen und steht den Pantylidae, Gymnarthridae, Goniorhynchidae und Ostodolepidae am nächsten, wobei zu letzteren die meisten morphologischen Ähnlichkeiten bestehen.rnAußerdem sind mit isolierten Einzelknochen, insbesondere Wirbeln, Microsauria und andere Gruppen lepospondyler Amphibien ohne Bestimmung der Gattung und Art aus wenigen stratigraphischen Niveaus des Saar-Nahe-Beckens überliefert. rn


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Shoulder complaints and functional impairment are common sequelae of neck dissection. This is often attributed to injury of the spinal accessory nerve by dissection or direct trauma. Nevertheless, shoulder morbidity may also occur in cases in which the spinal accessory nerve has been preserved. In this article, the physiology and pathophysiology of the shoulder are discussed, followed by a consideration of the impact of neck dissection on shoulder complaints, functional impairment, and quality of life. Finally, rehabilitation will be considered. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2010.


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Mutations in melanocortin receptor 2 (MC2R) and its related melanocortin receptor accessory protein (MRAP) cause familial glucocorticoid deficiency. We identified a novel MC2R mutation, K289fs. This unique mutation in the C terminus of MC2R is located in the intracellular part of the protein for which the exact function is unknown.


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Experimental modal analysis techniques are applied to characterize the planar dynamic behavior of two spur planetary gears. Rotational and translational vibrations of the sun gear, carrier, and planet gears are measured. Experimentally obtained natural frequencies, mode shapes, and dynamic response are compared to the results from lumped-parameter and finite element models. Two qualitatively different classes of mode shapes in distinct frequency ranges are observed in the experiments and confirmed by the lumped-parameter model, which considers the accessory shafts and fixtures in the system to capture all of the natural frequencies and modes. The finite element model estimates the high-frequency modes that have significant tooth mesh deflection without considering the shafts and fixtures. The lumped-parameter and finite element models accurately predict the natural frequencies and modal properties established by experimentation. Rotational, translational, and planet mode types presented in published mathematical studies are confirmed experimentally. The number and types of modes in the low-frequency and high-frequency bands depend on the degrees of freedom in the central members and planet gears, respectively. The accuracy of natural frequency prediction is improved when the planet bearings have differing stiffnesses in the tangential and radial directions, consistent with the bearing load direction. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Detecting a benefit from closure of patent foramen ovale in patients with cryptogenic stroke is hampered by low rates of stroke recurrence and uncertainty about the causal role of patent foramen ovale in the index event. A method to predict patent foramen ovale-attributable recurrence risk is needed. However, individual databases generally have too few stroke recurrences to support risk modeling. Prior studies of this population have been limited by low statistical power for examining factors related to recurrence. AIMS: The aim of this study was to develop a database to support modeling of patent foramen ovale-attributable recurrence risk by combining extant data sets. METHODS: We identified investigators with extant databases including subjects with cryptogenic stroke investigated for patent foramen ovale, determined the availability and characteristics of data in each database, collaboratively specified the variables to be included in the Risk of Paradoxical Embolism database, harmonized the variables across databases, and collected new primary data when necessary and feasible. RESULTS: The Risk of Paradoxical Embolism database has individual clinical, radiologic, and echocardiographic data from 12 component databases, including subjects with cryptogenic stroke both with (n = 1925) and without (n = 1749) patent foramen ovale. In the patent foramen ovale subjects, a total of 381 outcomes (stroke, transient ischemic attack, death) occurred (median follow-up 2·2 years). While there were substantial variations in data collection between studies, there was sufficient overlap to define a common set of variables suitable for risk modeling. CONCLUSION: While individual studies are inadequate for modeling patent foramen ovale-attributable recurrence risk, collaboration between investigators has yielded a database with sufficient power to identify those patients at highest risk for a patent foramen ovale-related stroke recurrence who may have the greatest potential benefit from patent foramen ovale closure.


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Coats plus is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting the eye, brain, bone and gastrointestinal tract. Here, we show that Coats plus results from mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, a member of the mammalian homolog of the yeast heterotrimeric CST telomeric capping complex. Consistent with the observation of shortened telomeres in an Arabidopsis CTC1 mutant and the phenotypic overlap of Coats plus with the telomeric maintenance disorders comprising dyskeratosis congenita, we observed shortened telomeres in three individuals with Coats plus and an increase in spontaneous γH2AX-positive cells in cell lines derived from two affected individuals. CTC1 is also a subunit of the α-accessory factor (AAF) complex, stimulating the activity of DNA polymerase-α primase, the only enzyme known to initiate DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Thus, CTC1 may have a function in DNA metabolism that is necessary for but not specific to telomeric integrity.


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29I is one of the major dose-determining nuclides in the safety analysis of deep storage of radioactive waste. Iodine forms anionic species that hardly sorb on the surfaces of common host-rock minerals. Recently, interest has arisen on the role of pyrite, an accessory mineral capable of binding anionic selenium. Whereas the interaction of selenium with pyrite is well documented, corresponding results on iodine sorption are still scarce and controversial. Pyrite is present in argicilleous rocks which are being considered in many countries as potential host rocks for a radioactive waste repository. The uptake of iodide (I−) on natural pyrite was investigated under nearly anoxic conditions (O2 < 5 ppm) over a wide concentration range (10−11–10−3 M total I−) using 125I as the radioactive tracer. Weak but measurable sorption was observed; distribution coefficients (R d) were less than 0.002 m3 kg−1 and decreased with increasing total iodide concentration. Iodide sorption was connected to the presence of oxidized clusters on the pyrite surface, which were presumably formed by reaction with limited amounts of dissolved oxygen. The results obtained indicated that pyrite cannot be considered as an effective scavenger of 129I under the geochemical conditions prevailing in underground radioactive waste geologic storage.


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Intraperitoneal larval infection (alveolar echinococcosis, AE) with Echinococcus multilocularis in mice impairs host immunity. Metacestode metabolites may modulate immunity putatively via dendritic cells. During murine AE, a relative increase of peritoneal DCs (pe-DCs) in infected mice (AE-pe-DCs; 4% of total peritoneal cells) as compared to control mice (naive pe-DCs; 2%) became apparent in our study. The differentiation of AE-pe-DCs into TGF-beta-expressing cells and the higher level of IL-4 than IFN-gamma/IL-2 mRNA expression in AE-CD4+pe-T cells indicated a Th2 orientation. Analysis of major accessory molecule expression on pe-DCs from AE-infected mice revealed that CD80 and CD86 were down-regulated on AE-pe-DCs, while ICAM-1(CD54) remained practically unchanged. Moreover, AE-pe-DCs had a weaker surface expression of MHC class II (Ia) molecules as compared to naive pe-DCs. The gene expression level of molecules involved in MHC class II (Ia) synthesis and formation of MHC class II (Ia)-peptide complexes were down-regulated. In addition, metacestodes excreted/secreted (E/S) or vesicle-fluid (V/F) antigens were found to alter MHC class II molecule expression on the surface of BMDCs. Finally, conversely to naive pe-DCs, an increasing number of AE-pe-DCs down-regulated Con A-induced proliferation of naive CD4+pe-T cells. These findings altogether suggested that TGF-beta-expressing immature AE-pe-DCs might play a significant role in the generation of a regulatory immune response within the peritoneal cavity of AE-infected mice.


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A 37-year-old man with advanced Friedreich's ataxia was referred to our emergency department with acute exacerbated abdominal pain of unclear aetiology. Laboratory tests showed slightly increased inflammatory parameters, elevated troponin and B-type natriuretic peptide, as well as minimal proteinuria. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a pre-existing dilated cardiomyopathy. Abdominal sonography showed no pathological alterations. Owing to persistent pain under analgesia, a contrast-enhanced CT-abdomen was performed, which revealed a non-homogeneous perfusion deficit of the right kidney, although neither abdominal vascular alteration, cardiac thrombus, deep vein thrombosis nor a patent foramen ovale could be detected. Taking all clinical and radiological results into consideration, the current incident was diagnosed as a thromboembolic kidney infarction. As a consequence, lifelong oral anticoagulation was initiated.


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The antiviral potency of the cytokine IFN-α has been long appreciated but remains poorly understood. A number of studies have suggested that induction of the apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 3 (APOBEC3) and bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2/tetherin/CD317) retroviral restriction factors underlies the IFN-α-mediated suppression of HIV-1 replication in vitro. We sought to characterize the as-yet-undefined relationship between IFN-α treatment, retroviral restriction factors, and HIV-1 in vivo. APOBEC3G, APOBEC3F, and BST-2 expression levels were measured in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected, antiretroviral therapy-naïve individuals before, during, and after pegylated IFN-α/ribavirin (IFN-α/riba) combination therapy. IFN-α/riba therapy decreased HIV-1 viral load by -0.921 (±0.858) log(10) copies/mL in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. APOBEC3G/3F and BST-2 mRNA expression was significantly elevated during IFN-α/riba treatment in patient-derived CD4+ T cells (P < 0.04 and P < 0.008, paired Wilcoxon), and extent of BST-2 induction was correlated with reduction in HIV-1 viral load during treatment (P < 0.05, Pearson's r). APOBEC3 induction during treatment was correlated with degree of viral hypermutation (P < 0.03, Spearman's ρ), and evolution of the HIV-1 accessory protein viral protein U (Vpu) during IFN-α/riba treatment was suggestive of increased BST-2-mediated selection pressure. These data suggest that host restriction factors play a critical role in the antiretroviral capacity of IFN-α in vivo, and warrant investigation into therapeutic strategies that specifically enhance the expression of these intrinsic immune factors in HIV-1-infected individuals.


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A 58-year-old male presented with a history of two prior transient ischaemic attacks and was found to have a patent foramen ovale (PFO) in the absence of atrial fibrillation or relevant carotid atheromatosis. PFO closure was deferred at this stage due to the lack of clinical evidence. Three years later the patient was re-admitted after a major stroke with residual symptoms and finally underwent PFO closure in a minimally invasive procedure using an Amplatzer PFO Occluder.