988 resultados para Wentworth, Martha Hilton.
Tesis ( Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Acuacultura) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Medicina) UANL
Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica) UANL, 1999.
Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Manejo de Recursos Naturales) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Zoología) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Doctor en Filosofía con Especialidad en Psicología) UANL, 2010.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Acentuación en: Química de Productos Naturales) UANL, 2010.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias de Enfermería) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Doctor en Derecho) UANL, 2013.
Tesis (Doctorado en Filosofía con Especialidad en Psicología) UANL, 2013.
[O]uvrir fermer / les portes, la première partie de ce mémoire, est un projet de poésie, divisé en cinq sections, qui allie le vers libre et la prose. Le sujet poétique essaie d'animer et de ranimer son "récit", son "histoire", entre autres par le rappel fragmentaire d'événements ou de lieux, la redite de paroles déjà échangées et, par l'adresse et l'apostrophe rétroactives. Derrière une énonciation piétinante, une tendance à la répétition, derrière une rythmique à la fois fuyante et brisée se trouve un questionnement: que dire et comment le dire? Que nommer et comment le nommer? Si le ton du projet est lyrique et intimiste, il veut aussi chercher à se positionner face aux variations existantes du lyrisme. La seconde partie, Les pouvoirs mémoriels de l'objet dans Le saut de l'ange de Denise Desautels, est un essai qui s'intéresse aux rapports auratiques et mémoriels (G. Didi-Huberman) entre l'écriture et les objets d'art (six sculptures de la série Island de Martha Townsend) qui accompagnent le recueil Le saut de l'ange de la poète québécoise Denise Desautels.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con acentuación en Alimentos) UANL, 2014.
Amartya Sen’s capability approach is, on the one hand, in line with universalism such as exhibited in Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach and Len Doyal and Ian Gough’s human need theory. On the other hand, his approach puts priority on people’s “self-evaluation” of capabilities and needs. The latter emphasis makes his approach distinctly sensitive to people’s differences such as gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.. One could ask, however, how successfully the former commitment to universalism relates to this latter feature that places importance on taking difference seriously. This question is especially relevant with respect to global justice and gender, for example. To offer a potential answers to this question is main goal of this paper.
This paper proposes a theory of the good life for use in answering the question how much money the rich should spend on fighting poverty. The paper moves from the abstract to the concrete. To begin with, it investigates various ways to get an answer to the question what is good, and finds itself drawn to objective theories of the good. It then develops, taking Bernard Williams and Martha Nussbaum as its guides, a broad outline of a theory of the good. It holds that something evil happens to people if they do not have a real choice from a reasonable number of projects that realize most of their key capacities to a certain degree, and in connection to this it points to the great importance of money. The paper goes on specifically to consider what criticisms of Nussbaum's version of the capability approach are implied in this outline of a theory of the good. Next, it gets more specific and asks how much money the rich can give -and how they can be restricted in spending their money- without suffering any evil. It does three suggestions: the tithe suggestion, the ecological (or footprint) suggestion, and the fair trade suggestion. To conclude, the paper returns to the question how much money the rich should spend on fighting poverty.