726 resultados para Vestit-Alacant-Gravat
Inscripciones al pie de las imágenes: "GIL BLAS."
Resumen: Descripción: hombres a caballo luchando con sus lanzas y espadas
Inscripción en ángulo sup. der.: "14"
Resumen: Descripción: retrato ecuestre de Felipe IV
Resumen: Descripción: vista de Sagunto desde la otra orilla del río
Contiene: Plano de Denia = Plan de Dénia = Plan of Denia / Moulinier delineavit ; Vicq sculpsit (estampado en la misma hoja)
Inscripción en ángulo derecho: "2"
Estampado junto a: "Vista de un sepulcro antiguo en Dayemus"
Estampado junto a: "Plano y detalles geometrales del Aqueducto de Chelves"
Estampada junto a: "Detalles y cortes de un sepulcro en Dayemus"
Inscripción en la parte inf.: " 84"
Inscripción: "Segun el cuadro que posee Dn. Pedro Pérez Conserge de la Real Academia de S. Carlos Dibujado y grabado p.r Mariano Sigüenza". En medio del texto anagrama "J.H.S."
Inscripción en la parte inferior derecho: "6"
Research surrounding the transition from II to I millennium cal BC in Eastern Iberian Peninsula has a large and extensive tradition of investigation. However, the chances to do research on this historical process have been limited by the lack of a well contextualized and dated stratigraphic sequence. For this reason, recent studies in this topic have followed the periodic proposals which were developed in closer regions and areas, especially in the South East and North East of the Peninsula. The investigation perspective about the Late Bronze in Eastern Iberian has however now improved, with the development of several archaeological investigations, the increase in the number of sites being dated and more recent studies into the region helping to bring about this change. As such, it is now in the correct state to be able to propose a new periodization and delve into the changes which occurred in the transition between 1500 and 725 cal BC.