999 resultados para Vekkelse og vitenskap : Lars Levi L©Œstadius 200 år
Algumas publicações relatam que o adensamento populacional dos bananais reduz a severidade da sigatoka-negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). Instalou-se um ensaio com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos 1.600, 2.000, 2.400, 2.800 e 3.200 plantas.ha-1 da cultivar D'Angola foram instalados em parcelas agrupadas de 2.000 m² cada. O tamanho das parcelas foi fixo e o número de plantas por parcela variou conforme o espaçamento adotado para cada população. A área de 2.000 m² foi dividida em quatro subáreas de 500 m², considerando-as como parcelas. Em cada subárea selecionaram-se 15 plantas centrais para serem avaliadas. Na época do florescimento registraram-se a severidade da doença na folha n.°10 e o número de folhas viáveis. Na colheita, a altura e o diâmetro do pseudocaule e o peso dos cachos, das pencas e dos frutos. A análise conjunta dos dados indica que todos os tratamentos foram semelhantes entre si e que o adensamento das plantas não controlou a sigatoka-negra.
A borda sul da região amazônica apresenta um tipo peculiar de floresta, denominada de Floresta Estacional Perenifólia, que atualmente vem sofrendo severos impactos ambientais devido à expansão da fronteira agrícola no Norte do Estado de Mato Grosso. Diante da falta de estudos neste tipo florestal, objetivou-se identificar a composição florística e a estrutura fitossociológica do componente arbóreo de um trecho florestal na Fazenda Trairão em Querência-MT. A amostragem da vegetação consistiu na distribuição de 200 pontos-quadrantes, sendo considerados os quatro indivíduos mais próximos de cada ponto que tivessem DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito) igual ou superior a 10 cm. A densidade total foi de 728 ind./ha, distribuídos em 49 espécies, 39 gêneros e 24 famílias. A família que apresentou maior riqueza foi Fabaceae (cinco espécies), seguida por Burseraceae e Euphorbiaceae, cada uma com quatro espécies, consideradas também as mais ricas em trechos de Floresta Amazônica. As espécies de maior Valor de Importância (VI) foram Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Laness., Xylopia amazonica R.E. Fr., Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC., Chaetocarpus echinocarpus (Baill.) Ducke e Protium pilosissimum Engl., mas não tiveram a mesma representatividade em outros trechos de Floresta Estacional Perenifólia, evidenciando diferenças estruturais desta unidade fitogeográfica. A comunidade avaliada possui porte fino, pois a maioria dos indivíduos concentra-se nas classes de diâmetro entre 10 e 14,9 cm e altura entre 10,6 e 16,5 m. O índice de Shannon (3,17) é considerado baixo por se tratar de floresta amazônica, na qual a diversidade é superior a 4,0.
Estudos recentes têm relatado o estado pluricarencial da população dos estados da Região Norte do Brasil. Paradoxalmente nessa região encontra-se uma grande biodiversidade da flora com variadas frutas e hortaliças, ainda não tão conhecidas, mas que os pesquisadores acreditam ser altamente nutritivas. Entre elas, tem-se o cariru, planta herbácea da família Portulacea, hortaliça própria da região amazônica e de fácil cultivo. Amostras dessa verdura foram submetidas a determinações analíticas a fim de obter maiores informações sobre seu valor nutricional. A maior fração desse vegetal é a água (92,24%), seguida de lipídeos (3,04%), carboidratos (2,94%), minerais totais (1,71%) e de proteína (0,07%), constituindo um alimento de reduzido valor calórico (40 Kcal/100g). Tendo em vista os resultados encontrados na análise de minerais, essa folhosa pode ser considerada como excelente fonte de ferro, zinco e molibdênio, já que o consumo de 200 g/dia desse alimento atenderia as necessidades diárias desses nutrientes. Chama-se atenção para os conteúdos de selênio e manganês, onde 100g dessa biomassa fresca podem fornecer duas e três vezes, respectivamente, as quantidades recomendadas para adultos pelos órgãos internacionais de saúde, com as devidas precauções, já que excessos desses oligominerais podem causar danos à saúde. Sendo assim, recomenda-se a inclusão dessa folhosa no hábito alimentar brasileiro, por apresentar minerais em quantidades suficientes para minimizar o estado carencial de muitas pessoas, residentes na região Norte do país, exatamente onde é encontrada em abundância e com custo reduzido.
Electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) fiber mats find applications in an increasing number of areas, such as battery separators, filtration and detection membranes, due to their excellent properties. However, there are limitations due to the hydrophobic nature and low surface energy of PVDF. In this work, oxygen plasma treatment has been applied in order to modify the surface wettability of PVDF fiber mats and superhydrophilic PVDF electrospun membranes have been obtained. Further, plasma treatment does not significantly influences fiber average size (~400 ± 200 nm), morphology, electroactive -phase content (~80-85%) or the degree of crystallinity (Xc of 42 ± 2%), allowing to maintain the excellent physical-chemical characteristics of PVDF. Plasma treatment mainly induces surface chemistry modifications, such as the introduction of oxygen and release of fluorine atoms that significantly changes polymer membrane wettability by a reduction of the contact angle of the polymer fibers and an overall decrease of the surface tension of the membranes.
Polymeric scaffolds used in regenerative therapies are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated loading cycles. In the case of articular cartilage engineering, an implanted scaffold is typically subjected to long term dynamic compression. The evolution of the mechanical properties of the scaffold during bioresorption has been deeply studied in the past, but the possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. In this work fatigue studies of polycaprolactone scaffolds were carried by subjecting the scaffold to repeated compression cycles in conditions simulating the scaffold implanted in the articular cartilage. The behaviour of the polycaprolactone sponge with the pores filled with a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel simulating the new formed tissue within the pores was compared with that of the material immersed in water. Results were analyzed with Morrow’s criteria for failure and accurate fittings are obtained just up to 200 loading cycles. It is also shown that the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) increases the elastic modulus of the scaffolds, the effect being more pronounced with increasing the number of freeze/thawing cycles.
Electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) fiber mats find applications in an increasing number of areas, such as battery separators, filtration and detection membranes, due to their excellent properties. However, there are limitations due to the hydrophobic nature and low surface energy of PVDF. In this work, oxygen plasma treatment has been applied in order to modify the surface wettability of PVDF fiber mats and superhydrophilic PVDF electrospun membranes have been obtained. Further, plasma treatment does not significantly influences fiber average size (~400 ± 200 nm), morphology, electroactive -phase content (~80-85%) or the degree of crystallinity (Xc of 42 ± 2%), allowing to maintain the excellent physical-chemical characteristics of PVDF. Plasma treatment mainly induces surface chemistry modifications, such as the introduction of oxygen and release of fluorine atoms that significantly changes polymer membrane wettability by a reduction of the contact angle of the polymer fibers and an overall decrease of the surface tension of the membranes.
The results of a dedicated search for pair production of scalar partners of charm quarks are reported. The search is based on an integrated luminosity of 20.3fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The search is performed using events with large missing transverse momentum and at least two jets, where the two leading jets are each tagged as originating from c-quarks. Events containing isolated electrons or muons are vetoed. In an R-parity-conserving minimal supersymmetric scenario in which a single scalar-charm state is kinematically accessible, and where it decays exclusively into a charm quark and a neutralino, 95% confidence-level upper limits are obtained in the scalar-charm—neutralino mass plane such that, for neutralino masses below 200 GeV, scalar-charm masses up to 490 GeV are excluded.
Um macho de Phanoxyla hystrix (R. Felder, [1874]) foi coletado em Porto Velho, representando o primeiro registro para o estado de Rondônia, Brasil.
A search for a charged Higgs boson, H±, decaying to a W± boson and a Z boson is presented. The search is based on 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The H± boson is assumed to be produced via vector-boson fusion and the decays W±→qq′¯ and Z→e+e−/μ+μ− are considered. The search is performed in a range of charged Higgs boson masses from 200 to 1000 GeV. No evidence for the production of an H± boson is observed. Upper limits of 31--1020 fb at 95% CL are placed on the cross section for vector-boson fusion production of an H± boson times its branching fraction to W±Z. The limits are compared with predictions from the Georgi-Machacek Higgs Triplet Model.
The results of a search for charged Higgs bosons decaying to a τ lepton and a neutrino, H±→τ±ν, are presented. The analysis is based on 19.5 fb−1 of proton--proton collision data at s√=8 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Charged Higgs bosons are searched for in events consistent with top-quark pair production or in associated production with a top quark. The final state is characterised by the presence of a hadronic τ decay, missing transverse momentum, b-tagged jets, a hadronically decaying W boson, and the absence of any isolated electrons or muons with high transverse momenta. The data are consistent with the expected background from Standard Model processes. A statistical analysis leads to 95% confidence-level upper limits on the product of branching ratios B(t→bH±)×B(H±→τ±ν), between 0.23% and 1.3% for charged Higgs boson masses in the range 80--160 GeV. It also leads to 95% confidence-level upper limits on the production cross section times branching ratio, σ(pp→tH±+X)×B(H±→τ±ν), between 0.76 pb and 4.5 fb, for charged Higgs boson masses ranging from 180 GeV to 1000 GeV. In the context of different scenarios of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, these results exclude nearly all values of tanβ above one for charged Higgs boson masses between 80 GeV and 160 GeV, and exclude a region of parameter space with high tanβ for H± masses between 200 GeV and 250 GeV.
Em decorrência dos estudos na subtribo Ecliptinae da Amazônia brasileira, é descrita uma nova espécie, Acmella marajoensis G.A.R. Silva & J.U.M. Santos. Até o presente momento, a espécie é considerada como endêmica da Ilha do Marajó. São apresentados diagnose em latim, descrição detalhada, comentários taxonômicos e ilustrações.
O gênero Lepidagathis apresenta distribuição pantropical com cerca de 100 espécies. No Brasil ocorrem 16 espécies, a maioria nas regiões Centro - Oeste e Sudeste. O estudo foi realizado em sub - bosque de remanescente florestal do município de Tangará da Serra - MT e teve como objetivo analisar a fenologia de floração, descrever a morfologia e biologia floral, verificar os visitantes florais e avaliar o sistema e o sucesso reprodutivo por meio de polinizações manuais. Lepidagathis sessilifolia apresenta inflorescências espiciformes, terminais, com cálice de cor rósea vistosa e corola de coloração branco-rósea. A floração ficou restrita aos meses de março a abril, durante a estação chuvosa. A senescência floral ocorreu após 24 ou 48 horas. A viabilidade dos grãos de pólen foi elevada (92,5%). O único polinizador observado visitando as flores de L. sessilifolia foi a abelha Partamona nhambiquara (Apidae - Meliponini). O sistema reprodutivo misto da espécie é caracterizado pela formação de frutos por meio de agamospermia, autopolinização e polinização cruzada. Esse sistema reprodutivo flexível é vantajoso, pois, garante a manutenção da espécie na área de estudo mesmo na ausência de polinizadores.
In the present work we explored the ABP-CM4 peptide properties from Bombyx mori for the creation of biopolymers with broad antimicrobial activity. An antimicrobial recombinant protein-based polymer (rPBP) was designed by cloning the DNA sequence coding for ABP-CM4 in frame with the N-terminus of the elastin-like recombinamer consisting of 200 repetitions of the pentamer VPAVG, here named A200. The new rPBP, named CM4-A200, was purified via a simplified nonchromatographic method, making use of the thermoresponsive behavior of the A200 polymer. ABP-CM4 peptide was also purified through the incorporation of a formic acid cleavage site between the peptide and the A200 sequence. In soluble state the antimicrobial activity of both CM4-A200 polymer and ABP-CM4 peptide was poorly effective. However, when the CM4-A200 polymer was processed into free-standing films high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi was observed. The antimicrobial activity of CM4-A200 was dependent on the physical contact of cells with the film surface. Furthermore, CM4-A200 films did not reveal a cytotoxic effect against both normal human skin fibroblasts and human keratinocytes. Finally, we have developed an optimized ex vivo assay with pig skin demonstrating the antimicrobial properties of the CM4-A200 cast films for skin applications.
Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) were obtained from chitosan plasticized with glycerol and contained europium (III) trifluoromethanesulfonate salt. The transparent samples were characterized by thermal analysis (DSC and TGA), impedance spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The sample with 55.34 wt.% of europium triflate showed the best ionic conductivity of 1.52 × 10−6 and 7.66 × 10−5 S cm−1 at 30°C and 80°C, respectively. The thermal analysis revealed that the degradation started at around 130–145°C and the weight loss ranged from 20 to 40%. The DSC of the samples showed no Tg, but only a large endothermic peak that was centered between 160 and 200 °C. The EPR analysis showed a broadening of the EPR resonance lines with increasing europium contents in the chitosan membranes due to the magnetic dipole–dipole coupling and spin–spin exchange between the Eu2+ ions. Moreover, the electrolytes based on chitosan and europium triflate presented good flexibility, homogeneity, and transparency.
Aim: To determine the common symptoms in current soft contact lens (CL) wearers and theirassociation with other factors among Nepalese population.Methods: All the current CL wearers who started to wear soft CL in Nepal Eye Hospital between July 2007 and June 2012 were invited for the participation. Frequency of the ten most common symptoms, divided into never, occasionally, frequently and consistent were recorded. Association between degree of symptoms with other factors, e.g. age, gender, profession, cigarette smoking, ethnicity, level of education and duration and wearing modality of CL wear were analyzed.Results: Out of 129 subjects participated in this study, 67% were female; the mean age of the subjects was 23.9 ± 4.3 years. Ninety seven percent of them had at least one symptom occasionally or frequently or consistently. Discomfort was found in 88.4% of the total subjects.Other common symptoms were foreign body sensation in 73.6%, redness in 65.9%, reduced wearing time in 63.6% and dryness in 62.8%. Symptoms were found occasionally in the majority of subjects. Degree of symptoms was not associated with age, gender, profession, education status, ethnicity of subjects and duration or modality of lens wear (p > 0.05) but was positively associated with passive cigarette smoking (p < 0.001).Conclusion: Almost all of the Nepalese soft CL wearers had some types of symptoms at least occasionally. Discomfort was the most common symptom. Degree of symptoms was associated with the passive smoking but not with other factors like age, sex, profession and duration of lens wear.