984 resultados para Variable rate


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OBJECTIVE:: To determine whether there are differences in health perception and health care use among adolescents with psychosomatic symptoms (PS), with chronic conditions (CCs), and with both conditions compared with healthy controls. METHODS:: By using the SMASH02 database, 4 groups were created: youths with PS but no CCs (N = 1010); youths with CCs but no PS (N = 497); youths with both psychosomatic symptoms and chronic conditions (PSCC, N = 213); and youths with neither PS nor CC (control, N = 5709). We used χ tests and analysis of variance to compare each variable between the 4 groups. In a second step, all health and health care use variables were included in a multinomial regression analysis controlling for significant (p < .05) background variables and using the control group as the reference. RESULTS:: Overall, PS and PSCC youths were significantly more likely to rate their health as poor, to be depressed, and to have consulted several times their primary health care provider or a mental health professional than their healthy peers. With the exception of being depressed, PSCC adolescents reported worse health perception and higher health care use than CC and PS. CONCLUSIONS:: Although PS youths do not define PS as a CC, it should be considered as one. Moreover, having PS represents an additional burden to chronically ill adolescents. Health professionals dealing with adolescents must be aware of the deleterious health effects that PS can have on adolescents and have this diagnosis in mind to better target the treatment and improve their management.


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Orchid bees are increasingly applied on Neotropical biomonitoring and bioindication studies due to the relative easiness of sampling and identification when compared to other bee groups. A considerable number of orchid bee community studies have been adopting baited traps as a sampling method, especially for replication purposes. However, the trap attributes are variable, and hitherto no evaluation of different designs was carried out. Here, five attributes of baited traps were tested: trap volume, number of entrance holes, presence of landing platform, kind of landing platform, and fixation content. We use Mann-Whitney tests to access differences in richness and abundance capture rates for each trap design. We found that volume, number of entrance holes, and fixation content do not influence orchid bees capture. However, the design without landing platforms had a significantly higher capture rate for richness when compared with sanded landing platforms. On the other hand, analyzing the kind of landing platform, we detected a significantly higher richness and abundance for the trap with landing platforms glued with sand. Despite the fact that the effects of different designs tested here were very punctual, we consider that results from samples taken with different baited trap designs are comparable. Some adjustments on trap design can be done according to the particularities of future studies.


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RÉSUMÉ : Le bullying est un type de comportement agressif qu'un élève (ou plusieurs) fait subir à un autre et qui se manifeste par des agressions verbales, physiques et/ou psychologiques. Les caractéristiques du bullying sont la répétitivité d'actions négatives sur le long terme et une relation de pouvoir asymétrique. Pour la victime, ce type de comportement peut avoir des conséquences graves telles qu'échec scolaire, dépression, troubles alimentaires, ou idées suicidaires. De plus, les auteurs de bullying commettent plus de comportements déviants au sein de l'école ou à l'extérieur de cette dernière. La mise en place d'actions ciblées auprès des auteurs de bullying pourrait donc non seulement prévenir une victimisation, mais aussi réduire les actes de délinquance en général. Hormis quelques études locales ou cantonales, aucune recherche nationale auprès d'adolescents n'existait dans le domaine. Ce travail propose de combler cette lacune afin d'obtenir une compréhension suffisante du phénomène qui permet de donner des pistes pour définir des mesures de prévention appropriées. Afin d'appréhender la problématique du bullying dans les écoles secondaires suisses, deux sondages de délinquance juvénile autoreportée ont été effectués. Le premier a eu lieu entre 2003 et 2005 dans le canton de Vaud auprès de plus de 4500 écoliers. Le second a été administré en 2006 dans toute la Suisse et environ 3600 jeunes y ont participé. Les jeunes ont répondu au sondage soit en classe (questionnaire papier) soit en salle d'informatique (questionnaire en ligne). Les jeunes ayant répondu avoir sérieusement harcelé un autre élève est d'environ 7% dans le canton de Vaud et de 4% dans l'échantillon national. Les analyses statistiques ont permis tout d'abord de sélectionner les variables les plus fortement liées au bullying. Les résultats montrent que les jeunes avec un bas niveau d'autocontrôle et ayant une attitude positive envers la violence sont plus susceptibles de commettre des actes de bullying. L'importance des variables environnementales a aussi été démontrée: plus le jeune est supervisé et encadré par des adultes, plus les autorités (école, voisinage) jouent leur rôle de contrôle social en faisant respecter les règles et en intervenant de manière impartiale, moins le jeune risque de commettre des actes de bullying. De plus, l'utilisation d'analyses multiniveaux a permis de montrer l'existence d'effets de l'école sur le bullying. En particulier, le taux de bullying dans une école donnée augmente lorsque les avis des jeunes divergent par rapport à leur perception du climat scolaire. Un autre constat que l'on peut mettre en évidence est que la réaction des enseignants lors de bagarres a une influence différente sur le taux de bullying en fonction de l'établissement scolaire. ABSTRACT : Bullying is the intentional, repetitive or persistent hurting of one pupil by another (or several), where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is a type of aggressive behaviour and the act can be verbal, physical and/or psychological. The consequences on the victims are serious: school failure, depressive symptomatology, eating disorders, or suicidal ideation. Moreover, the authors of bullying display more delinquent behaviour within or outside the school. Thus, preventive programmes targeting bullying could not only prevent victimisation, but also reduce delinquency in general. Very little data concerning bullying had been collected in Switzerland and, except some local or cantonal studies, no national research among teenagers existed in the field. This work intends to fill the gap in order to provide sufficient understanding of the phenomenon and to suggest some tracks for defining appropriate measures of prevention. In order to understand the problems of bullying in Swiss secondary schools better, two surveys of self-reported juvenile delinquency were carried out. The first one took place between 2003 and 2005 in the canton Vaud among more than 4500 pupils, the second in 2006 across Switzerland with about 3600 youths taking part. The pupils answered to the survey either in the classroom (paper questionnaire) or in the computer room (online questionnaire). The youths that answered having seriously bullied another pupil are about 7% in canton Vaud and 4% in the national sample. Statistical analyses have selected the variables most strongly related to bullying. The results show that the youths with a low level of self-control and adopting a positive attitude towards violence are more likely to bully others. The importance of the environmental variables was also shown: the more that youth is supervised and monitored by adults, and the more the authorities (school, neighbourhood) play their role of social control by making the rules be respected through intervening in an impartial way, the less the youth bully. Moreover, the use of multilevel analyses permitted to show the existence of effects of the school on bullying. In particular, the rate of bullying in a given school increases when there is a wide variation among students of the same school in their perception of their school climate. Another important aspect concerns teachers' reactions when pupils fight: this variable does not influence the bullying rate to the same extent, and depends on the school.


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Coagulation factor V (FV) deficiency is characterised by variable bleeding phenotypes and heterogeneous mutations. To add new insights into the FV genotype-phenotype relationship, we characterised the R1698W change in the A3 domain, at the poorly investigated interface with the A2 domain. The FV R1698W mutation was responsible for a markedly reduced expression level (10% of FV-WT) and specific activity in thrombin generation (0.39). Interestingly, the FVa1698W showed rapid activity decay upon activation due to increased dissociation rate between the heavy and light chains. The importance of the size and charge of the residue at position 1698 was investigated by three additional recombinant mutants, FVR1698A, FVR1698Q, and FVR1698E. FVR1698A and FVR1698Q expression (30 and 45% of FV-WT), specific activity (both 0.57) and stability were all reduced. Noticeably, FVR1698E showed normal activity and stability despite poor expression (10% of FV-WT). These data indicate the essential role of R1698 for normal biosynthetic process and support local flexibility for positively or negatively charged residues to produce stable and functional A3-A2 domain interactions. Their experimental alteration produces a gradient of FV defects, which help to interpret the wide spectrum of phenotypes in FV-deficient patients.


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Mainly because it is possible to live without it, the spleen has always been considered a secondary and mysterious organ. However, recent observations have revealed new unsuspected functions for this organ whose patho-physiological importance should be reconsidered. Much less known than the hypersplenism, the hyposplenism corresponds historically to the loss or the insufficiency of the two principal functions of spleen: the filtration of faded or senescent elements from the blood and the fight against infections. In this article, after a short recall of the physiological functions of spleen, three innovations relating to hyposplenism will be explored: the vascular complications, the loss of the splenic pool of regenerating monocytes and the loss of the splenic pool of pluripotent mesenchymal stem cell.


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Basados en la compilación de resultados de análisis sedimentológicos (granulometría, contenido orgánico) de 1191 estaciones realizadas por IMARPE, de 1975 a 2001, la compilación de información sobre el tema entre los 3°30’S y los 15°30’S y con el conocimiento de la morfología del fondo marino de esta región, se definen tres grandes áreas: al norte de los 6°15’S, de 6°15’S a 9°30’S y entre 9°30’ y 15°30’S. Entre los 3°30’ y los 6°15’S los contenidos de materia orgánica son mayores a 5% y menores a 10%, el carbono orgánico predomina con valores <1% a 2%. Los sedimentos corresponden a facies de fango y arenas, de origen terrígeno. El ancho de la plataforma es variable aproximadamente de 3 a 30 mn (14 mn promedio), la pendiente del talud superior es bastante pronunciada, presenta caídas bruscas. El relieve es disparejo, con fuertes desmembramientos en el borde exterior de la plataforma y el talud superior debido a que se encuentra surcado por cañones submarinos. En el extremo noroccidental de esta zona, se halla el Banco de Máncora cuyo fondo es rocoso e irregular. Entre los 6°30’S y los 9°30’S los contenidos de materia orgánica se incrementan de 5% a 15%, los contenidos de carbono orgánico son >2% y llegan a 5%, en algunos casos localmente superan este valor casi en tres puntos más. En los sedimentos del sector norte de esta zona predominan facies texturales de arenas y fango de origen terrígeno y también biógenos (foraminíferos), hacia el sur de esta zona predominan sedimentos de origen biogénico y autigénico (principalmente fosforita). El ancho de la plataforma se incrementa hasta alcanzar su máxima magnitud, esta es variable, aproximadamente de 22 a 70 mn. El talud superior tiene un declive moderado. El relieve del fondo marino en el borde exterior de la plataforma y talud superior se hallan surcados por cañones submarinos (7° - 9°S). Frente a Punta Chao aproximadamente a 65 mn se encuentra el Banco de Chimbote cuyo fondo es rocoso e irregular. La granulometría de los sedimentos y sus estadígrafos muestran un cambio definido desde los 10°30’S. Desde los 9°30’ a los 15°45’S los valores de materia orgánica por lo general sobrepasan el 15% y pueden alcanzar hasta 32,12%, los contenidos de carbono orgánico varían de 5% a 11,14%. En esta zona se encuentra presente, principalmente fango limoso y fango arcilloso terrígeno y biógeno (diatoméico). El ancho de la plataforma varía de modo general entre 10 y 50 mn (24 mn promedio aproximadamente). La pendiente del talud superior es suave en casi toda su extensión, el relieve del fondo marino es bastante uniforme, surcado por algunos pequeños cañones submarinos que no afectan la regularidad del relieve. De la interpretación de la data, análisis de parámetros estadísticos generados y condiciones de los sedimentos, se encontró coincidencia en la zona de la plataforma y talud superior de más de uno de los factores medio ambiente deposicional que permiten la preservación del contenido de materia orgánica tales como: Tipo y condiciones geoquímicas del sedimento y fondo marino, morfología del fondo marino, hidrodinámica, fuente de suministro, tasa de sedimentación, bioturbación.


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The most widely used formula for estimating glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in children is the Schwartz formula. It was revised in 2009 using iohexol clearances with measured GFR (mGFR) ranging between 15 and 75 ml/min × 1.73 m(2). Here we assessed the accuracy of the Schwartz formula using the inulin clearance (iGFR) method to evaluate its accuracy for children with less renal impairment comparing 551 iGFRs of 392 children with their Schwartz eGFRs. Serum creatinine was measured using the compensated Jaffe method. In order to find the best relationship between iGFR and eGFR, a linear quadratic regression model was fitted and a more accurate formula was derived. This quadratic formula was: 0.68 × (Height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))-0.0008 × (height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))(2)+0.48 × age (years)-(21.53 in males or 25.68 in females). This formula was validated using a split-half cross-validation technique and also externally validated with a new cohort of 127 children. Results show that the Schwartz formula is accurate until a height (Ht)/serum creatinine value of 251, corresponding to an iGFR of 103 ml/min × 1.73 m(2), but significantly unreliable for higher values. For an accuracy of 20 percent, the quadratic formula was significantly better than the Schwartz formula for all patients and for patients with a Ht/serum creatinine of 251 or greater. Thus, the new quadratic formula could replace the revised Schwartz formula, which is accurate for children with moderate renal failure but not for those with less renal impairment or hyperfiltration.


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The criterion, based on the thermodynamics theory, that the climatic system tends to extremizesome function has suggested several studies. In particular, special attention has been devoted to the possibility that the climate reaches an extremal rate of planetary entropy production.Due to both radiative and material effects contribute to total planetary entropy production,climatic simulations obtained at the extremal rates of total, radiative or material entropy production appear to be of interest in order to elucidate which of the three extremal assumptions behaves more similar to current data. In the present paper, these results have been obtainedby applying a 2-dimensional (2-Dim) horizontal energy balance box-model, with a few independent variables (surface temperature, cloud-cover and material heat fluxes). In addition, climatic simulations for current conditions by assuming a fixed cloud-cover have been obtained. Finally,sensitivity analyses for both variable and fixed cloud models have been carried out


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Summary : With regard to exercise metabolism, lactate was long considered as a dead-end waste product responsible for muscle fatigue and a limiting factor for motor performance. However, a large body of evidence clearly indicates that lactate is an energy efficient metabolite able to link the glycolytic pathway with aerobic metabolism and has endocrine-like actions, rather than to be a dead-end waste product. Lactate metabolism is also known to be quickly upregulated by regular endurance training and is thought to be related to exercise performance. However, to what extent its modulation can increase exercise performance in already endurance-trained subjects is unknown. The general hypothesis of this work was therefore that increasing either lactate metabolic clearance rate or lactate availability could, in turn, increase endurance performance. The first study (Study I) aimed at increasing the lactate clearance rate by means of assumed interaction effects of endurance training and hypoxia on lactate metabolism and endurance performance. Although this study did not demonstrate any interaction of training and hypoxia on both lactate metabolism and endurance performance, a significant deleterious effect of endurance training in hypoxia was shown on glucose homeostasis. The methods used to determine lactate kinetics during exercise exhibited some limitations, and the second study did delineate some of the issues raised (Study 2). The third study (Study 3) investigated the metabolic and performance effects of increasing plasma lactate production and availability during prolonged exercise in the fed state. A nutritional intervention was used for this purpose: part of glucose feedings ingested during the control condition was substituted by fructose. The results of this study showed a significant increase of lactate turnover rate, quantified the metabolic fate of fructose; and demonstrated a significant decrease of lipid oxidation and glycogen breakdown. In contrast, endurance performance appeared to be unmodified by this dietary intervention, being at odds with recent reports. Altogether the results of this thesis suggest that in endurance athletes the relationship between endurance performance and lactate turnover rate remains unclear. Nonetheless, the result of the present study raises questions and opens perspectives on the rationale of using hypoxia as a therapeutic aid for the treatment of insulin resistance. Moreover, the results of the second study open perspectives on the role of lactate as an intermediate metabolite and its modulatory effects on substrate metabolism during exercise. Additionally it is suggested that the simple nutritional intervention used in the third study can be of interest in the investigation on the aforementioned roles of lactate. Résumé : Lorsque le lactate est évoqué en rapport avec l'exercice, il est souvent considéré comme un déchet métabolique responsable de l'acidose métabolique, de la fatigue musculaire ou encore comme un facteur limitant de la performance. Or la littérature montre clairement que le lactate se révèle être plutôt un métabolite utilisé efficacement par de nombreux tissus par les voies oxydatives et, ainsi, il peut être considéré comme un lien entre le métabolisme glycolytique et le métabolisme oxydatif. De plus on lui prête des propriétés endocrines. Il est connu que l'entraînement d'endurance accroît rapidement le métabolisme du lactate, et il est suggéré que la performance d'endurance est liée à son métabolisme. Toutefois la relation entre le taux de renouvellement du lactate et la performance d'endurance est peu claire, et, de même, de quelle manière la modulation de son métabolisme peut influencer cette dernière. Le but de cette thèse était en conséquence d'investiguer de quelle manière et à quel degré l'augmentation du métabolisme du lactate, par l'augmentation de sa clearance et de son turnover, pouvait à son tour améliorer la performance d'endurance de sujets entraînés. L'objectif de la première étude a été d'augmenter la clearance du lactate par le biais d'un entraînement en conditions hypoxiques chez des cyclistes d'endurance. Basé sur la littérature scientifique existante, on a fait l'hypothèse que l'entraînement d'endurance et l'hypoxie exerceraient un effet synergétique sur le métabolisme du lactate et sur la performance, ce qui permettrait de montrer des relations entre performance et métabolisme du lactate. Les résultats de cette étude n'ont montré aucun effet synergique sur la performance ou le métabolisme du lactate. Toutefois, un effet délétère sur le métabolisme du glucose a été démontré. Quelques limitations de la méthode employée pour la mesure du métabolisme du lactate ont été soulevées, et partiellement résolues dans la seconde étude de ce travail, qui avait pour but d'évaluer la sensibilité du modèle pharmacodynamique utilisé pour le calcul du turnover du lactate. La troisième étude a investigué l'effet d'une augmentation de la lactatémie sur le métabolisme des substrats et sur la performance par une intervention nutritionnelle substituant une partie de glucose ingéré pendant l'exercice par du fructose. Les résultats montrent que les composants dynamiques du métabolisme du lactate sont significativement augmentés en présence de fructose, et que les oxydations de graisse et de glycogène sont significativement diminuées. Toutefois aucun effet sur la performance n'a été démontré. Les résultats de ces études montrent que la relation entre le métabolisme du lactate et la performance reste peu claire. Les résultats délétères de la première étude laissent envisager des pistes de travail, étant donné que l'entraînement en hypoxie est considéré comme outil thérapeutique dans le traitement de pathologies liées à la résistance à l'insuline. De plus les résultats de la troisième étude ouvrent des perspectives de travail quant au rôle du lactate comme intermédiaire métabolique durant l'exercice ainsi que sur ses effets directs sur le métabolisme. Ils suggèrent de plus que la manipulation nutritionnelle simple qui a été utilisée se révèle être un outil prometteur dans l'étude des rôles et effets métaboliques que peut revêtir le lactate durant l'exercice.


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More knowledge on the reasons for refusal of the influenza vaccine in elderly patients is essential to target groups for additional information, and hence improve coverage rate. The objective of the present study was to describe precisely the true motives for refusal. All patients aged over 64 who attended the Medical Outpatient Clinic, University of Lausanne, or their private practitioner's office during the 1999 and 2000 vaccination periods were included. Each patient was informed on influenza and its complications, as well as on the need for vaccination, its efficacy and adverse events. The vaccination was then proposed. In case of refusal, the reasons were investigated with an open question. Out of 1398 patients, 148 (12%) refused the vaccination. The main reasons for refusal were the perception of being in good health (16%), of not being susceptible to influenza (15%), of not having had the influenza vaccine in the past (15%), of having had a bad experience either personally or a relative (15%), and the uselessness of the vaccine (10%). Seventeen percent gave miscellaneous reasons and 12% no reason at all for refusal. Little epidemiological knowledge and resistance to change appear to be the major obstacles for wide acceptance of the vaccine by the elderly.


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We present I-band deep CCD exposures of the fields of galactic plane radio variables. An optical counterpart, based on positional coincidence, has been found for 15 of the 27 observed program objects. The Johnson I magnitude of the sources identified is in the range 18-21.