915 resultados para VILLEGAS DOMÍNGUEZ, RODRIGO, 1918-2007
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Sociais (Sociologia Política), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2015
UW access only. Questions about spatial data can be directed to uwlib-gis [at] uw [dot] edu, include the URI address below and any information you have.
UW access only. Questions about spatial data can be directed to uwlib-gis [at] uw [dot] edu, include the URI address below and any information you have.
This report builds on a conceptual framework developed by McKinnon (2007) for analysing the performance and impacts of freight transport. This framework is used to analyse the performance of road freight transport by heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in Britain over the period from 1984 to 2007 using data from the Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport. The efficiency and intensity of HGV operations are assessed. The determinants that have led to the changes in HGV key variables (including length of haul, vehicle carrying capacity, lading factor, empty running) are considered. A forecast of the future level of HGV activity (in terms of vehicle kilometres travelled, fuel consumed and CO2 emissions) in 2020 is presented.
This report contains detailed analysis of road freight transport by heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in London and its intensity and efficiency. Using a conceptual framework for analysing the performance and impacts of freight transport it presents results for road freight transport in London between 2005 and 2007.
Concert Program for University Chorale Talent Show February 10, 2007
It is a commonplace that the labour movement was somehow nurtured within the witness for liberty of the Free Churches. Exploring this at a range of levels - including organisation, rhetoric, policies, electoral politics and people - this book demonstrates the extent to which this remained a reality into the inter-war years. The distinctive religious setting in which it emerged indeed helps to explain the differences between Labour and more Marxist counterparts on the Continent. It is shown here that this setting continued to influence Labour approaches towards welfare, nationalisation and industrial relations between the wars. In the process Labour also adopted some of the righteousness of tone of the Free Churches. This setting was, however, changing. Dropping their traditional suspicion of the State, Nonconformists instead increasingly invested it with religious values, turning it through its growing welfare functions into the provider of practical Christianity. This nationalisation of religion continues to shape British attitudes to the welfare state as well as imposing narrowly utilitarian and material tests of relevance upon the churches and other social institutions. The elevation of the State was not, however, intended as an end in itself. What mattered were the social and individual outcomes. Socialism, for those Free Churchmen and women who helped to shape Labour in the early twentieth century, was about improving society as much as systems.
After the horrors of the First World War a dialogue began between European statesmen seeking some form of European integration as a way of achieving lasting peace. During the inter-war period this idea started to attract support in Britain even though Britain's strategic and economic interests remained focused outside Europe. This book explores Britain's relations with the continent between 1918 and 1945, focussing on diplomatic and military responses to the major crises and examining attitudes to the idea of Europe in the broader context of relations with the Empire, Commonwealth and the USA.
London is changing, to a breath-taking extent. Beneath this fast paced activity, new patterns are forming and divisions that had been relatively unremarked before are now becoming increasingly visible. The ‘square mile’ of the City of London, which is now identified by some dramatically tall buildings, forms a contrast to the traditional urbanism of the City of Westminster, the majority of which is covered by conservation area legislation. This paper will consider this contrast from the perspective of urban design, examining both the wider development context for these changes and the separate design policies of these two historic organisations of local government. One of the key questions to be investigated is how these changes have impacted on the character of central London as a place. Moving on from the well-rehearsed debates about London’s skyline, the paper considers the significance of urban design in the context of a global urban spatial economy. It suggests that central London faces severe dilemmas about its future if the growth scenario continues.
Partindo de um Ácrodão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça que decidiu sobre o destino dos benefícios resultantes nas operações com terceiros nas cooperativas...
O equilíbrio do capital é um estado por excelência estudado pelos diversos cientistas de nossa disciplina, sendo que, por sua alta relevância, chegou a ser considerado objeto de estudos da contabilidade, em doutrina contábil específica. Realmente, o ponto de harmonia entre a proporção e o movimento, das principais partes do patrimônio, é, para que toda a organização constituída possua o estado de fortuna e prosperidade. As pesquisas dos grandes doutrinadores da contabilidade brasileira e estrangeira, formam um arcabouço que nos serve de base para a produção de uma consultoria superior que se realiza por meio da análise patrimonial, cuja finalidade é diagnosticar e orientar conforme o caso, as empresas, na correta manutenção dos seus investimentos, financiamentos, custos, receitas e rédito. O objetivo deste artigo é tratar alguns pontos desta doutrina geral, que expõe os princípios do equilíbrio, noção sublime para a formação de orientações especiais, que visam a sanidade do capital ordenadamente constituído.