960 resultados para Utopia liberal


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Centuries after Locke asserted the importance of memory to identity, Freudian psychology argued that what was forgotten was of equal importance as to what was remembered. The closing decades of the nineteenth century saw a rising interest in the nature of forgetting, resulting in a reassessment and newfound distrust of the long revered faculty of memory. The relationship between memory and identity was inverted, seeing forgetting also become a means for forging identity. This newfound distrust of memory manifested in the writings of Nietzsche who in 1874 called for society to learn to feel unhistorically and distance itself from the past - in what was essentially tantamount to a cultural forgetting. Following the Nietzschean call, the architecture of Modernism was also compelled by the need to 'overcome' the limits imposed by history. This paper examines notions of identity through the shifting boundaries of remembering and forgetting, with particular reference to the construction of Brazilian identity through the ‘repression’ of history and memory in the design of the Brazilian capital. Designed as a forward-looking modernist utopia, transcending the limits imposed by the country's colonial heritage, the design for Brasilia exploited the anti-historicist agenda of modernism to emancipate the country from cultural and political associations with the Portuguese Empire. This paper examines the relationship between place, memory and forgetting through a discussion of the design for Brasilia.


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Contemporary strategies for rural development in Australia are based upon notions of self-help and bottom-up, community-based initiatives which are said to 'empower' the individual from the imposing structures of government intervention. While such strategies are not entirely new to Australia, they have, it seems, been inadequately theorised to date and are generally regarded, in rather functionalist terms, as indicative of attempts to cut back on public expenditure. Harnessing itself to the 'governmentality' perspective, this paper explores government and 'expert' discourses of rural community development in Queensland and suggests, instead, that these strategies are indicative of an advanced liberal form of rule which seeks to 'govern through community'. With this in mind, three basic research questions are identified as worthy of further exploration; how are the notions of self-governing individuals and communities constructed in political discourse; what political rationalities are used to justify current levels of(non) intervention and finally; what are the discourses, forms and outcomes of empowerment at the local level? The paper concludes by arguing that while the empowering effects of self-help are frequently cited as its greatest virtue, it is not so much control as the added burden of responsibility that is being devolved to local people. Given the emphasis of the governmentality perspective on strategies for 'governing at a distance', however, these conclusions can hardly be unexpected. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.


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Targeting is increasingly used to manage people. It operates by segmenting populations and providing different levels of opportunities and services to these groups. Each group is subject to different levels of surveillance and scrutiny. This article examines the deployment of targeting in Australian social security. Three case studies of targeting are presented in Australia's management of benefit overpayment and fraud, the distribution of employment services and the application of workfare. In conceptualizing surveillance as governance, the analysis examines the rationalities, technologies and practices that make targeting thinkable, practicable and achievable. In the case studies, targeting is variously conceptualized and justified by calculative risk discourses, moral discourses of obligation and notions of welfare dependency Advanced information technologies are also seen as particularly important in giving rise to the capacity to think about and act on population segments.


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The notion of governing society has for a long time seemed self-evident. Society was conceived as a totality coincident with a certain space, a territory, and occupied by a population. Governing was undertaken by a unified agency that acted upon the society of which it was also a specialized part--the government, or, more broadly, "the state." The notion of "governing society" thus referred unproblematically to the binary of state and society. The articles in this special issue of Alternatives, however, each in its own and different way, address the question of "governing society today."


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This paper uses Bourdieu to develop theorizing about policy processes in education and to extend the policy cycle approach in a time of globalization. Use is made of Bourdieu's concept of social field and the argument is sustained that in the context of globalization the field of educational policy has reduced autonomy, with enhanced cross-field effects in educational policy production, particularly from the fields of the economy and journalism. Given the social rather than geographical character of Bourdieu's concept of social fields, it is also argued that the concept can be, and indeed has to be, stretched beyond the nation to take account of the emergent global policy field in education. Utilizing Bourdieu's late work on the globalization of the economy through neo-liberal politics, we argue that a non-reified account of the emergent global educational policy field can be provided.


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Context Perioperative red blood cell transfusion is commonly used to address anemia, an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality after cardiac operations; however, evidence regarding optimal blood transfusion practice in patients undergoing cardiac surgery is lacking. Objective To define whether a restrictive perioperative red blood cell transfusion strategy is as safe as a liberal strategy in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. Design, Setting, and Patients The Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac Surgery (TRACS) study, a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical noninferiority trial conducted between February 2009 and February 2010 in an intensive care unit at a university hospital cardiac surgery referral center in Brazil. Consecutive adult patients (n=502) who underwent cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were eligible; analysis was by intention-to-treat. Intervention Patients were randomly assigned to a liberal strategy of blood transfusion (to maintain a hematocrit >= 30%) or to a restrictive strategy (hematocrit >= 24%). Main Outcome Measure Composite end point of 30-day all-cause mortality and severe morbidity (cardiogenic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or acute renal injury requiring dialysis or hemofiltration) occurring during the hospital stay. The noninferiority margin was predefined at -8% (ie, 8% minimal clinically important increase in occurrence of the composite end point). Results Hemoglobin concentrations were maintained at a mean of 10.5 g/dL(95% confidence interval [CI], 10.4-10.6) in the liberal-strategy group and 9.1 g/dL (95% CI, 9.09.2) in the restrictive-strategy group (P<.001). A total of 198 of 253 patients (78%) in the liberal-strategy group and 118 of 249 (47%) in the restrictive-strategy group received a blood transfusion (P<.001). Occurrence of the primary end point was similar between groups (10% liberal vs 11% restrictive; between-group difference, 1% [95% CI, -6% to 4%]; P=.85). Independent of transfusion strategy, the number of transfused red blood cell units was an independent risk factor for clinical complications or death at 30 days (hazard ratio for each additional unit transfused, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.1-1.4]; P=.002). Conclusion Among patients undergoing cardiac surgery, the use of a restrictive perioperative transfusion strategy compared with a more liberal strategy resulted in noninferior rates of the combined outcome of 30-day all-cause mortality and severe morbidity. Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01021631 JAMA. 2010; 304(14):1559-1567 www.jama.com


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US President Lyndon Johnson's state visit to Australia in October 1966, came at the pinnacle of support for Australia's military involvement in the Vietnam War. Johnson's visit also occurred just weeks before an election for the House of Representatives at which the ruling Liberal-Country Party Coalition won its eighth successive, and largest victory, The proximity of these events has led many to argue that a causal relationship exists between the two. Advocates of this thesis, however, have failed to support their position with any evidence other than the anecdotal. Contrary to the assertions made by numerous political historians and observers of the period, this paper finds no evidence to support a thesis of causality. This paper argues that the Coalition's landslide victory in 1966 was both a rejection of the tired and lacklustre leadership of Labor's Arthur Calwell and a measure of the electorate's overwhelming support for Holt and his Government's policies of conscription and military involvement in Vietnam.


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Information technology (IT) sees information as a fluid, to be stored, regulated and exchanged. This is a profoundly economic model, whose dreams are those of the marketplace – and now, university managers. But no teacher, of course, holds that teaching can be reduced to the movement of information from one point to another. Teaching is never quite absorbed into the models of IT. Where they meet, we do not have the utopia of the virtual classroom, at last freed from the strictures of timetables and the face-to-face; we have, rather, the grinding of two radically irreducible models. This has nothing to do with Luddism; on the contrary, it is the value and necessity of IT for us at present, as teachers. At a time when the tertiary sector’s massive investment in IT is motivated in part by its own dream of the teacherless classroom, one of the pressing tasks for us may be simply to argue as rigorously as we can the structural necessity of our own position as teachers, without nostalgia or humanist sentimentality.


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The main question informing this paper is whether it is possible to extend democracy beyond its liberal forms. The paper reflects upon this question with regard to its implications for the individual. For the radicalization of democracy implies a need for self-transformation, if the everyday egoism of contemporary citizens is not to thwart reasonable discussion and participation. Theorists such as Richard Rorty argue that the philosophical resources required to guide such self-transformation can be made available only by sacrificing the political freedom and cultural diversity liberalism has been able to precariously establish. Other theorists insist that the thresholds of pluralism and tolerance that existing liberal democracies are struggling to maintain actually require an extension of democracy. The paper evaluates two different theoretical strategies that aim to identify potentials for democratization without falling prey to the dilemma identified by Rorty: a ‘ deliberative’ strategy explicated with reference to Jürgen Habermas and an ‘existential’ approach represented here by William Connolly.


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Pippa Norris provides a schematic account of the evolution of campaigning through premodern, modern and postmodern stages. In particular she points to an emerging postmodern phase of electioneering characterized by a renewed emphasis upon direct forms of engagement which resonate with an earlier period in which campaigns were locally fought and largely dependent upon the canvassing efforts of party workers and volunteers. Norris's analysis offers a useful prism with which to view recent developments in electioneering in Australia. In the past several elections the rival Labor and Liberal parties have attempted to achieve a synergy between their centrally conducted and constituency-level campaigns by ensuring that their national campaigns are locally relevant and address local concerns. Their efforts to 'localize the national' meld the use of sophisticated software with elements of a traditional 'meet and greet' politics and suggest that local campaigning may now have a new shape and importance.


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Depois da grande crise dos anos 80 o momento ?? de reconstru????o do Estado na Am??rica Latina. Na verdade, em todo o mundo, porque em maior ou menor grau a crise foi universal. E para isto ?? preciso pensar qual ser?? a natureza do capitalismo e do Estado, da sociedade civil e da sociedade pol??tica, no s??culo 21 que se avizinha. No s??culo 19 tivemos um capitalismo competitivo e um Estado liberal, no s??culo 20, um capitalismo monopolista e, em diversas medidas, um Estado social- burocr??tico


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Este artigo apresenta diferentes vis??es sobre burocracia e efici??ncia, fazendo o contraponto com alguns modelos de gest??o p??blica, tais como o tradicional ou ortodoxo, o liberal e o chamado empreendedorismo estatal. Discute o relacionamento entre burocracia e efici??ncia, com um exemplo extra??do do gerencialismo brit??nico, orientador de reformas administrativas em diversos pa??ses. Elenca algumas quest??es recorrentes, que norteiam diversos modelos de gest??o p??blica em sua busca por efici??ncia e que t??m indiscut??vel import??ncia no ??mbito da administra????o p??blica.


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Este ensaio trata da integra????o entre pol??tica e administra????o no contexto da chamada revolu????o gerencial. O texto est?? estruturado em cinco segmentos. Os dois primeiros delineiam uma interpreta????o weberiana do problema da burocracia: a dicotomiza????o entre pol??tica e administra????o, tanto no n??vel te??rico da governan??a contempor??nea, onde prop??e-se um quadro de refer??ncia anal??tica ?? integra????o entre pol??tica e administra????o, quanto no contexto da moderniza????o da administra????o p??blica brasileira. O terceiro segmento busca caracterizar os atributos do modelo ideal de administra????o p??blica preconizado pela revolu????o gerencial, a partir da contraposi????o de outros paradigmas reconstitu??dos da literatura: um ortodoxo, um liberal, outro empreendedor. O quarto segmento sustenta que os modelos de administra????o p??blica preconizados pela revolu????o gerencial apresentam o mesmo car??ter dicotomizante entre pol??tica e administra????o t??pica da burocracia. O sexto segmento ensaia algumas reflex??es sobre a validade da revolu????o gerencial, sua contribui????o para a experi??ncia brasileira e sobre o advento de uma revolu????o p??s-gerencial.


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A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap) lan??a a edi????o n?? 38 dos Cadernos Enap, intitulada ???Inova????o no setor p??blico: uma reflex??o a partir das experi??ncias premiadas no Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal???. A publica????o ?? uma parceria da Escola com o Centro de Estudos Avan??ados de Governo e Administra????o P??blica (Ceag) da Faculdade de Economia, Administra????o e Contabilidade (Face) da Universidade de Bras??lia (UnB). Os autores investigam os fatores relevantes que possam explicar o dinamismo da inova????o no setor p??blico, tomando, como referencial anal??tico, as 98 iniciativas premiadas pelo Concurso Inova????o, no per??odo de 2004 (9?? Edi????o) a 2012 (17?? Edi????o). O estudo desenvolveu metodologia espec??fica para compreens??o do conjunto de iniciativas premiadas pelo Concurso, o que resultou na classifica????o das inova????es reunidas no formato de uma proposta de Matriz Inovativa. Essa Matriz representa a distribui????o das iniciativas analisadas quanto aos crit??rios de ambiente para o qual estiveram voltadas, ao tipo de inova????o que essa representa e ?? capilaridade ou p??blico beneficiado pela inova????o. S??o destacados, ainda, os fatores de sucesso apontados pelos pr??prios gestores como fatores cr??ticos para a inova????o, e se as iniciativas est??o ativas ou inativas. O trabalho est?? dividido em quatro etapas. A primeira concentra um esfor??o te??rico a fim de caracterizar o que vem a ser inova????o no setor p??blico. Em um segundo momento, ?? apresentada a metodologia desenvolvida, com informa????es sobre a tipologia e a classifica????o para a inova????o no setor p??blico. A terceira etapa trata da pesquisa sobre inova????o no setor p??blico a partir da coleta de dados dos relatos das a????es premiadas no Concurso Inova????o. Finalmente, na ??ltima etapa s??o apresentados os resultados da pesquisa.


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Apesar de todo investimento nos ??ltimos anos, do poder p??blico, em qualificar profissionais, criar cursos e institui????es para forma????o de gestores p??blicos, o que parece ainda vigorar s??o as indica????es, para os cargos de gestores de unidades de sa??de. A carreira do Gestor P??blico na ??rea de sa??de deve ser feita atrav??s da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), criada para tal fim, nos moldes atuais da carreira de Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental (EPPGG) ou por outras Escolas como a Escola Nacional de Sa??de P??blica (ENSP). A????es e press??es de atores internacionais interferem na gest??o governamental, levando os governantes a promoverem reformas em suas administra????es visando atender esses interesses. Reformas administrativas ocorreram, em sua maioria, n??o por vontade do governo vigente, mas sim por v??rios fatores, sejam internos ou externos ao pa??s. Devido ao processo de globaliza????o e ao ide??rio neoliberal, que defendiam menor participa????o de interven????o do Estado na economia, reformas administrativas ocorreram e vem ocorrendo. Nos anos recentes, visando responder ??s demandas de novos conhecimentos e tecnologias colocadas pelo sistema de sa??de brasileiro em r??pida transforma????o, foi criado o espa??o institucional na, Escola de Governo em Sa??de (EGS), implantada na ENSP em 1998, dedicada a mobilizar e potencializar os esfor??os institucionais especificamente dirigidos a colaborar com a amplia????o da capacidade de governo em sa??de. Faremos uma breve exposi????o da forma????o de profissionais para a carreira de gest??o p??blica em alguns pa??ses das Am??ricas, mostrando a diversidade dos modelos de Escolas de Governo.