961 resultados para Transport of Pollutants


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A numerical model for studying the influences of deep convective cloud systems on photochemistry was developed based on a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and chemistry from a global chemistry transport model. The transport of trace gases, the scavenging of soluble trace gases, and the influences of lightning produced nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) on the local ozone-related photochemistry were investigated in a multi-day case study for an oceanic region located in the tropical western Pacific. Model runs considering influences of large scale flows, previously neglected in multi-day cloud resolving and single column model studies of tracer transport, yielded that the influence of the mesoscale subsidence (between clouds) on trace gas transport was considerably overestimated in these studies. The simulated vertical transport and scavenging of highly soluble tracers were found to depend on the initial profiles, reconciling contrasting results from two previous studies. Influences of the modeled uptake of trace gases by hydrometeors in the liquid and the ice phase were studied in some detail for a small number of atmospheric trace gases and novel aspects concerning the role of the retention coefficient (i.e. the fraction of a dissolved trace gas that is retained in the ice phase upon freezing) on the vertical transport of highly soluble gases were illuminated. Including lightning NOx production inside a 500 km 2-D model domain was found to be important for the NOx budget and caused small to moderate changes in the domain averaged ozone concentrations. A number of sensitivity studies yielded that the fraction of lightning associated NOx which was lost through photochemical reactions in the vicinity of the lightning source was considerable, but strongly depended on assumptions about the magnitude and the altitude of the lightning NOx source. In contrast to a suggestion from an earlier study, it was argued that the near zero upper tropospheric ozone mixing ratios which were observed close to the study region were most probably not caused by the formation of NO associated with lightning. Instead, it was argued in agreement with suggestions from other studies that the deep convective transport of ozone-poor air masses from the relatively unpolluted marine boundary layer, which have most likely been advected horizontally over relatively large distances (both before and after encountering deep convection) probably played a role. In particular, it was suggested that the ozone profiles observed during CEPEX (Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment) were strongly influenced by the deep convection and the larger scale flow which are associated with the intra-seasonal oscillation.


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During central nervous system myelination, oligodendrocytes extend membrane processes towards an axonal contact site which is followed by ensheathment resulting in a compacted multilamellar myelin sheath. The formation of this axon-glial unit facilitates rapid saltatory propagation of action potentials along the axon and requires the synthesis and transport of copious amounts of lipids and proteins to the axon-glial contact site. Fyn is a member of the Src family of non receptor tyrosine kinases and inserted into the inner leaflet of the oligodendrocyte membrane by acylation. Fyn activity plays a pivotal role in the maturation of oligodendrocytes and the myelination process. It was suggested previously that Fyn kinase can be stimulated by binding of a neuronal ligand to oligodendroglial F3/ contactin, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchored immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) member protein. It could be shown here, that neuronal cell adhesion molecule L1 binds to oligodendrocytes in an F3-dependent manner and activates glial Fyn. In the search for downstream participants of this novel axon-glial signalling cascade, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 was identified as a novel Fyn target in oligodendrocytes. HnRNP A2 was known to be involved in the localisation of translationally repressed myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA by binding to a cis acting A2 response element (A2RE) present in the 3’ untranslated region. Transport of MBP mRNAs occurs in RNA-protein complexes termed RNA granules and translational repression during transport is achieved by hnRNP A2-mediated recruitment of hnRNP E1 to the granules. It could be shown here, that Fyn activity leads to enhanced translation of reporter mRNA containing a part of the 3’ UTR of MBP including the A2RE. Furthermore hnRNP E1 seems to dissociate from RNA granules in response to Fyn activity and L1 binding. These findings suggest a novel form of neuron- glial communication: Axonal L1 binding to oligodendroglial F3 activates Fyn kinase. Activated Fyn phosphorylates hnRNP A2 leading to removal of hnRNP E1 from RNA granules initiating the translation of MBP mRNA. MBP is the second most abundant myelin protein and mice lacking this protein show a severe hypomyelination phenotype. Moreover, the brains of Fyn knock out mice contain reduced MBP levels and are hypomyelinated. Hence, L1-mediated MBP synthesis via Fyn as a central molecule could be part of a regulatory mechanism required for myelinogenesis in the central nervous system.


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The subject of this work is the diffusion of turbulence in a non-turbulent flow. Such phenomenon can be found in almost every practical case of turbulent flow: all types of shear flows (wakes, jet, boundary layers) present some boundary between turbulence and the non-turbulent surround; all transients from a laminar flow to turbulence must account for turbulent diffusion; mixing of flows often involve the injection of a turbulent solution in a non-turbulent fluid. The mechanism of what Phillips defined as “the erosion by turbulence of the underlying non-turbulent flow”, is called entrainment. It is usually considered to operate on two scales with different mechanics. The small scale nibbling, which is the entrainment of fluid by viscous diffusion of turbulence, and the large scale engulfment, which entraps large volume of flow to be “digested” subsequently by viscous diffusion. The exact role of each of them in the overall entrainment rate is still not well understood, as it is the interplay between these two mechanics of diffusion. It is anyway accepted that the entrainment rate scales with large properties of the flow, while is not understood how the large scale inertial behavior can affect an intrinsically viscous phenomenon as diffusion of vorticity. In the present work we will address then the problem of turbulent diffusion through pseudo-spectral DNS simulations of the interface between a volume of decaying turbulence and quiescent flow. Such simulations will give us first hand measures of velocity, vorticity and strains fields at the interface; moreover the framework of unforced decaying turbulence will permit to study both spatial and temporal evolution of such fields. The analysis will evidence that for this kind of flows the overall production of enstrophy , i.e. the square of vorticity omega^2 , is dominated near the interface by the local inertial transport of “fresh vorticity” coming from the turbulent flow. Viscous diffusion instead plays a major role in enstrophy production in the outbound of the interface, where the nibbling process is dominant. The data from our simulation seems to confirm the theory of an inertially stirred viscous phenomenon proposed by others authors before and provides new data about the inertial diffusion of turbulence across the interface.


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Membrane proteins play a major role in every living cell. They are the key factors in the cell’s metabolism and in other functions, for example in cell-cell interaction, signal transduction, and transport of ions and nutrients. Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), as one of the membrane proteins of the respiratory chain, plays a significant role in the energy transformation of higher organisms. CcO is a multi centered heme protein, utilizing redox energy to actively transport protons across the mitochondrial membrane. One aim of this dissertation is to investigate single steps in the mechanism of the ion transfer process coupled to electron transfer, which are not fully understood. The protein-tethered bilayer lipid membrane is a general approach to immobilize membrane proteins in an oriented fashion on a planar electrode embedded in a biomimetic membrane. This system enables the combination of electrochemical techniques with surface enhanced resonance Raman (SERRS), surface enhanced reflection absorption infrared (SEIRAS), and surface plasmon spectroscopy to study protein mediated electron and ion transport processes. The orientation of the enzymes within the surface confined architecture can be controlled by specific site-mutations, i.e. the insertion of a poly-histidine tag to different subunits of the enzyme. CcO can, thus, be oriented uniformly with its natural electron pathway entry pointing either towards or away from the electrode surface. The first orientation allows an ultra-fast direct electron transfer(ET) into the protein, not provided by conventional systems, which can be leveraged to study intrinsic charge transfer processes. The second orientation permits to study the interaction with its natural electron donor cytochrome c. Electrochemical and SERR measurements show conclusively that the redox site structure and the activity of the surface confined enzyme are preserved. Therefore, this biomimetic system offers a unique platform to study the kinetics of the ET processes in order to clarify mechanistic properties of the enzyme. Highly sensitive and ultra fast electrochemical techniques allow the separation of ET steps between all four redox centres including the determination of ET rates. Furthermore, proton transfer coupled to ET could be directly measured and discriminated from other ion transfer processes, revealing novel mechanistic information of the proton transfer mechanism of cytochrome c oxidase. In order to study the kinetics of the ET inside the protein, including the catalytic center, time resolved SEIRAS and SERRS measurements were performed to gain more insight into the structural and coordination changes of the heme environment. The electrical behaviour of tethered membrane systems and membrane intrinsic proteins as well as related charge transfer processes were simulated by solving the respective sets of differential equations, utilizing a software package called SPICE. This helps to understand charge transfer processes across membranes and to develop models that can help to elucidate mechanisms of complex enzymatic processes.


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Successful conservation of tropical montane forest, one of the most threatened ecosystems on earth, requires detailed knowledge of its biogeochemistry. Of particular interest is the response of the biogeochemical element cycles to external influences such as element deposition or climate change. Therefore the overall objective of my study was to contribute to improved understanding of role and functioning of the Andean tropical montane forest. In detail, my objectives were to determine (1) the role of long-range transported aerosols and their transport mechanisms, and (2) the role of short-term extreme climatic events for the element budget of Andean tropical forest. In a whole-catchment approach including three 8-13 ha microcatchments under tropical montane forest on the east-exposed slope of the eastern cordillera in the south Ecuadorian Andes at 1850-2200 m above sea level I monitored at least in weekly resolution the concentrations and fluxes of Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3-N, NH4-N, DON, P, S, TOC, Mn, and Al in bulk deposition, throughfall, litter leachate, soil solution at the 0.15 and 0.3 m depths, and runoff between May 1998 and April 2003. I also used meteorological data from my study area collected by cooperating researchers and the Brazilian meteorological service (INPE), as well as remote sensing products of the North American and European space agencies NASA and ESA. My results show that (1) there was a strong interannual variation in deposition of Ca [4.4-29 kg ha-1 a-1], Mg [1.6-12], and K [9.8-30]) between 1998 and 2003. High deposition changed the Ca and Mg budgets of the catchments from loss to retention, suggesting that the additionally available Ca and Mg was used by the ecosystem. Increased base metal deposition was related to dust outbursts of the Sahara and an Amazonian precipitation pattern with trans-regional dry spells allowing for dust transport to the Andes. The increased base metal deposition coincided with a strong La Niña event in 1999/2000. There were also significantly elevated H+, N, and Mn depositions during the annual biomass burning period in the Amazon basin. Elevated H+ deposition during the biomass burning period caused elevated base metal loss from the canopy and the organic horizon and deteriorated already low base metal supply of the vegetation. Nitrogen was only retained during biomass burning but not during non-fire conditions when deposition was much smaller. Therefore biomass burning-related aerosol emissions in Amazonia seem large enough to substantially increase element deposition at the western rim of Amazonia. Particularly the related increase of acid deposition impoverishes already base-metal scarce ecosystems. As biomass burning is most intense during El Niño situations, a shortened ENSO cycle because of global warming likely enhances the acid deposition at my study forest. (2) Storm events causing near-surface water flow through C- and nutrient-rich topsoil during rainstorms were the major export pathway for C, N, Al, and Mn (contributing >50% to the total export of these elements). Near-surface flow also accounted for one third of total base metal export. This demonstrates that storm-event related near-surface flow markedly affects the cycling of many nutrients in steep tropical montane forests. Changes in the rainfall regime possibly associated with global climate change will therefore also change element export from the study forest. Element budgets of Andean tropical montane rain forest proved to be markedly affected by long-range transport of Saharan dust, biomass burning-related aerosols, or strong rainfalls during storm events. Thus, increased acid and nutrient deposition and the global climate change probably drive the tropical montane forest to another state with unknown consequences for its functions and biological diversity.


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Chromatography is the most widely used technique for high-resolution separation and analysis of proteins. This technique is very useful for the purification of delicate compounds, e.g. pharmaceuticals, because it is usually performed at milder conditions than separation processes typically used by chemical industry. This thesis focuses on affinity chromatography. Chromatographic processes are traditionally performed using columns packed with porous resin. However, these supports have several limitations, including the dependence on intra-particle diffusion, a slow mass transfer mechanism, for the transport of solute molecules to the binding sites within the pores and high pressure drop through the packed bed. These limitations can be overcome by using chromatographic supports like membranes or monoliths. Dye-ligands are considered important alternatives to natural ligands. Several reactive dyes, particularly Cibacron Blue F3GA, are used as affinity ligand for protein purification. Cibacron Blue F3GA is a triazine dye that interacts specifically and reversibly with albumin. The aim of this study is to prepare dye-affinity membranes and monoliths for efficient removal of albumin and to compare the three different affinity supports: membranes and monoliths and a commercial column HiTrapTM Blue HP, produced by GE Healthcare. A comparison among the three supports was performed in terms of binding capacity at saturation (DBC100%) and dynamic binding capacity at 10% breakthrough (DBC10%) using solutions of pure BSA. The results obtained show that the CB-RC membranes and CB-Epoxy monoliths can be compared to commercial support, column HiTrapTM Blue HP, for the separation of albumin. These results encourage a further characterization of the new supports examined.


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Rapid and sensitive detection of chemical and biological analytes becomes increasingly important in areas such as medical diagnostics, food control and environmental monitoring. Optical biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and optical waveguide spectroscopy have been extensively pushed forward in these fields. In this study, we combine SPR, surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) and optical waveguide spectroscopy with hydrogel thin film for highly sensitive detection of molecular analytes.rnrnA novel biosensor based on SPFS which was advanced through the excitation of long range surface plasmons (LRSPs) is reported in this study. LRSPs are special surface plasmon waves propagating along thin metal films with orders of magnitude higher electromagnetic field intensity and lower damping than conventional SPs. Therefore, their excitation on the sensor surface provides further increased fluorescence signal. An inhibition immunoassay based on LRSP-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (LRSP-FS) was developed for the detection of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk. The biosensor allowed for the detection of AFM1 in milk at concentrations as low as 0.6 pg mL-1, which is about two orders of magnitude lower than the maximum AFM1 residue level in milk stipulated by the European Commission legislation.rnrnIn addition, LRSPs probe the medium adjacent to the metallic surface with more extended evanescent field than regular SPs. Therefore, three-dimensional binding matrices with up to micrometer thickness have been proposed for the immobilization of biomolecular recognition elements with large surface density that allows to exploit the whole evanescent field of LRSP. A photocrosslinkable carboxymethyl dextran (PCDM) hydrogel thin film is used as a binding matrix, and it is applied for the detection of free prostate specific antigen (f-PSA) based on the LRSP-FS and sandwich immunoassay. We show that this approach allows for the detection of f-PSA at low femto-molar range, which is approximately four orders of magnitude lower than that for direct detection of f-PSA based on the monitoring of binding-induced refractive index changes.rnrnHowever, a three dimensional hydrogel binding matrix with micrometer thickness can also serve as an optical waveguide. Based on the measurement of binding-induced refractive index changes, a hydrogel optical waveguide spectroscopy (HOWS) is reported for a label-free biosensor. This biosensor is implemented by using a SPR optical setup in which a carboxylated poly(N-isoproprylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) hydrogel film is attached on a metallic surface and modified by protein catcher molecules. Compared to regular SPR biosensor with thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM), HOWS provides an order of magnitude improved resolution in the refractive index measurements and enlarged binding capacity owing to its low damping and large swelling ratio, respectively. A model immunoassay experiment revealed that HOWS allowed detection of IgG molecules with a 10 pM limit of detection (LOD) that was five-fold lower than that achieved for SPR with thiol SAM. For the high capacity hydrogel matrix, the affinity binding was mass transport limited.rnrnThe mass transport of target molecules to the sensor surface can play as critical a role as the chemical reaction itself. In order to overcome the diffusion-limited mass transfer, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were employed. The magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can serve both as labels providing enhancement of the refractive index changes, and “vehicles” for rapidly delivering the analytes from sample solution to an SPR sensor surface with a gradient magnetic field. A model sandwich assay for the detection of β human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) has been utilized on a gold sensor surface with metallic diffraction grating structure supporting the excitation of SPs. Various detection formats including a) direct detection, b) sandwich assay, c) MNPs immunoassay without and d) with applied magnetic field were compared. The results show that the highly-sensitive MNPs immunoassay improves the LOD on the detection of βhCG by a factor of 5 orders of magnitude with respect to the direct detection.rn


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Air quality represents a key issue in the so-called pollution “hot spots”: environments in which anthropogenic sources are concentrated and dispersion of pollutants is limited. One of these environments, the Po Valley, normally experiences exceedances of PM10 and PM2.5 concentration limits, especially in winter when the ventilation of the lower layers of the atmosphere is reduced. This thesis provides a highlight of the chemical properties of particulate matter and fog droplets in the Po Valley during the cold season, when fog occurrence is very frequent. Fog-particles interactions were investigated with the aim to determine their impact on the regional air quality. Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected in Bologna, urban site, and San Pietro Capofiume (SPC), rural site, during two campaigns (November 2011; February 2013) in the frame of Supersito project. The comparison between particles size-distribution and chemical composition in both sites showed the relevant contribution of the regional background and secondary processes in determining the Po Valley aerosol concentration. Occurrence of fog in November 2011 campaign in SPC allowed to investigate the role of fog formation and fog chemistry in the formation, processing and deposition of PM10. Nucleation scavenging was investigated with relation to the size and the chemical composition of particles. We found that PM1 concentration is reduced up to 60% because of fog scavenging. Furthermore, aqueous-phase secondary aerosol formation mechanisms were investigated through time-resolved measurements. In SPC fog samples have been systematically collected and analysed since the nineties; a 20 years long database has been assembled. This thesis reports for the first time the results of this long time series of measurements, showing a decrease of sulphate and nitrate concentration and an increase of pH that reached values close to neutrality. A detailed discussion about the occurred changes in fog water composition over two decades is presented.


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The study of the bio-recognition phenomena behind a biological process is nowadays considered a useful tool to deeply understand physiological mechanisms allowing the discovery of novel biological target and the development of new lead candidates. Moreover, understanding this kind of phenomena can be helpful in characterizing absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination and toxicity properties of a new drug (ADMET parameters). Recent estimations show that about half of all drugs in development fail to make it to the market because of ADMET deficiencies; thus a rapid determination of ADMET parameters in early stages of drug discovery would save money and time, allowing to choose the better compound and to eliminate any losers. The monitoring of drug binding to plasma proteins is becoming essential in the field of drug discovery to characterize the drug distribution in human body. Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant protein in plasma playing a fundamental role in the transport of drugs, metabolites and endogenous factors; so the study of the binding mechanism to HSA has become crucial to the early characterization of the pharmacokinetic profile of new potential leads. Furthermore, most of the distribution experiments carried out in vivo are performed on animals. Hence it is interesting to determine the binding of new compounds to albumins from different species to evaluate the reliability of extrapolating the distribution data obtained in animals to humans. It is clear how the characterization of interactions between proteins and drugs determines a growing need of methodologies to study any specific molecular event. A wide variety of biochemical techniques have been applied to this purpose. High-performance liquid affinity chromatography, circular dichroism and optical biosensor represent three techniques that can be able to elucidate the interaction of a new drug with its target and with others proteins that could interfere with ADMET parameters.


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Nitrogen is an essential nutrient. It is for human, animal and plants a constituent element of proteins and nucleic acids. Although the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere consists of elemental nitrogen (N2, 78 %) only a few microorganisms can use it directly. To be useful for higher plants and animals elemental nitrogen must be converted to a reactive oxidized form. This conversion happens within the nitrogen cycle by free-living microorganisms, symbiotic living Rhizobium bacteria or by lightning. Humans are able to synthesize reactive nitrogen through the Haber-Bosch process since the beginning of the 20th century. As a result food security of the world population could be improved noticeably. On the other side the increased nitrogen input results in acidification and eutrophication of ecosystems and in loss of biodiversity. Negative health effects arose for humans such as fine particulate matter and summer smog. Furthermore, reactive nitrogen plays a decisive role at atmospheric chemistry and global cycles of pollutants and nutritive substances.rnNitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) belong to the reactive trace gases and are grouped under the generic term NOx. They are important components of atmospheric oxidative processes and influence the lifetime of various less reactive greenhouse gases. NO and NO2 are generated amongst others at combustion process by oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen as well as by biological processes within soil. In atmosphere NO is converted very quickly into NO2. NO2 is than oxidized to nitrate (NO3-) and to nitric acid (HNO3), which bounds to aerosol particles. The bounded nitrate is finally washed out from atmosphere by dry and wet deposition. Catalytic reactions of NOx are an important part of atmospheric chemistry forming or decomposing tropospheric ozone (O3). In atmosphere NO, NO2 and O3 are in photosta¬tionary equilibrium, therefore it is referred as NO-NO2-O3 triad. At regions with elevated NO concentrations reactions with air pollutions can form NO2, altering equilibrium of ozone formation.rnThe essential nutrient nitrogen is taken up by plants mainly by dissolved NO3- entering the roots. Atmospheric nitrogen is oxidized to NO3- within soil via bacteria by nitrogen fixation or ammonium formation and nitrification. Additionally atmospheric NO2 uptake occurs directly by stomata. Inside the apoplast NO2 is disproportionated to nitrate and nitrite (NO2-), which can enter the plant metabolic processes. The enzymes nitrate and nitrite reductase convert nitrate and nitrite to ammonium (NH4+). NO2 gas exchange is controlled by pressure gradients inside the leaves, the stomatal aperture and leaf resistances. Plant stomatal regulation is affected by climate factors like light intensity, temperature and water vapor pressure deficit. rnThis thesis wants to contribute to the comprehension of the effects of vegetation in the atmospheric NO2 cycle and to discuss the NO2 compensation point concentration (mcomp,NO2). Therefore, NO2 exchange between the atmosphere and spruce (Picea abies) on leaf level was detected by a dynamic plant chamber system under labo¬ratory and field conditions. Measurements took place during the EGER project (June-July 2008). Additionally NO2 data collected during the ECHO project (July 2003) on oak (Quercus robur) were analyzed. The used measuring system allowed simultaneously determina¬tion of NO, NO2, O3, CO2 and H2O exchange rates. Calculations of NO, NO2 and O3 fluxes based on generally small differences (∆mi) measured between inlet and outlet of the chamber. Consequently a high accuracy and specificity of the analyzer is necessary. To achieve these requirements a highly specific NO/NO2 analyzer was used and the whole measurement system was optimized to an enduring measurement precision.rnData analysis resulted in a significant mcomp,NO2 only if statistical significance of ∆mi was detected. Consequently, significance of ∆mi was used as a data quality criterion. Photo-chemical reactions of the NO-NO2-O3 triad in the dynamic plant chamber’s volume must be considered for the determination of NO, NO2, O3 exchange rates, other¬wise deposition velocity (vdep,NO2) and mcomp,NO2 will be overestimated. No significant mcomp,NO2 for spruce could be determined under laboratory conditions, but under field conditions mcomp,NO2 could be identified between 0.17 and 0.65 ppb and vdep,NO2 between 0.07 and 0.42 mm s-1. Analyzing field data of oak, no NO2 compensation point concentration could be determined, vdep,NO2 ranged between 0.6 and 2.71 mm s-1. There is increasing indication that forests are mainly a sink for NO2 and potential NO2 emissions are low. Only when assuming high NO soil emissions, more NO2 can be formed by reaction with O3 than plants are able to take up. Under these circumstance forests can be a source for NO2.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden zytotoxische Effekte sowie die inflammatorische Reaktionen des distalen respiratorischen Traktes nach Nanopartikelexposition untersucht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit lag auch auf der Untersuchung unterschiedlicher zellulärer Aufnahmewege von Nanopartikeln wie z.B. Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose oder auch Clathrin- und Caveolae-unabhängige Endozytose (mit möglicher Beteiligung von Flotillinen). Drei unterschiedliche Nanopartikel wurden hierbei gewählt: amorphes Silica (aSNP), Organosiloxan (AmorSil) und Poly(ethyleneimin) (PEI). Alle unterschiedlichen Materialien gewinnen zunehmend an Interesse für biomedizinische Forschungsrichtungen (drug and gene delivery). Insbesondere finden aSNPs auch in der Industrie vermehrt Anwendung, und stellen somit ein ernstzunehmendes Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Dieser wird dadurch zu einem begehrten Angriffsziel für pharmazeutische Verabreichungen von Medikamenten über Nanopartikel als Vehikel aber bietet zugleich auch eine Angriffsfläche für gesundheitsschädliche Nanomaterialien. Aus diesem Grund sollten die gesundheitsschädigenden Risiken, sowie das Schicksal von zellulär aufgenommenen NPs sorgfältig untersucht werden. In vivo Studien an der alveolaren-kapillaren Barriere sind recht umständlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Kokulturmodel benutzt, dass die Alveolar-Kapillare Barrier in vivo nachstellt. Das Model besteht aus dem humanen Lungenepithelzelltyp (z.B. NCI H441) und einem humanen microvasculären Endothelzelltyp (z.B. ISO-HAS-1), die auf entgegengesetzten Seiten eines Transwell-Filters ausgesät werden und eine dichte Barriere ausbilden. Die NP Interaktion mit Zellen in Kokultur wurde mit denen in konventioneller Monokultur verglichen, in der Zellen 24h vor dem Experiment ausgesät werden. Diese Studie zeigt, dass nicht nur die polarisierte Eigenschaft der Zellen in Kokultur sondern auch die unmittelbare Nähe von Epithel und Endothelzelle ausschlaggebend für durch aSNPs verursachte Effekte ist. Im Hinblick auf inflammatorische Marker (sICAM, IL-6, IL8-Ausschüttung), reagiert die Kokultur auf aSNPs empfindlicher als die konventionelle Monokultur, wohingegen die Epithelzellen in der Kokultur auf zytotoxikologischer Ebene (LDH-Ausschüttung) unempfindlicher auf aSNPs reagierten als die Zellen in Monokultur. Aufnahmestudien haben gezeigt, dass die Epithelzellen in Kokultur entschieden weniger NPs aufnehmen. Somit zeigen die H441 in der Kokultur ähnliche epitheliale Eigenschaften einer schützenden Barriere, wie sie auch in vivo zu finden sind. Obwohl eine ausreichende Aufnahme von NPs in H441 in Kokultur erreicht werden konnte, konnte ein Transport von NPs durch die epitheliale Schicht und eine Aufnahme in die endotheliale Schicht mit den gewählten Inkubationszeiten nicht gezeigt werden. Eine Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose von NPs konnte mittels Immunfluoreszenz weder in der Mono- noch in der Kokultur nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch zeigte sich eine Akkumulation von NPs in Flotillin-1 und-2 enthaltende Vesikel in Epithelzellen aus beiden Kultursystemen. Ergebnisse mit Flotillin-inhibierten (siRNA) Epithelzellen, zeigten eine deutlich geringere Aufnahme von aSNPs. Zudem zeigte sich eine eine reduzierte Viabilität (MTS) von aSNP-behandelten Zellen. Dies deutet auf eine Beteiligung von Flotillinen an unbekannten (Clathrin oder Caveolae -unabhängig) Endozytosemechanismen und (oder) endosomaler Speicherung. Zusammenfassend waren die Aufnahmemechanismen für alle untesuchten NPs in konventioneller Monokultur und Kokultur vergleichbar, obwohl sich die Barriereeigenschaften deutlich unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit zeigt deutlich, dass sich die Zellen in Kokultur anders verhalten. Die Zellen erreichen hierbei einen höheren Differenzierungsgrad und eine Zellkommunikation mit anderen relevanten Zelltypen wird ermöglicht. Durch das Einbringen eines dritten relevanten Zelltyps in die Kokultur, des Alveolarmakrophagen (Zelllinie THP-1), welcher die erste Verteidigungsfront im Alveolus bildet, wird diese Aussage weiter bekräftigt. Erste Versuche haben gezeigt, dass die Triplekultur bezüglich ihrer Barriereeigenschaften und IL-8-Ausschüttung sensitiver auf z.B. TNF- oder LPS-Stimulation reagiert als die Kokultur. Verglichen mit konventionellen Monokulturen imitieren gut ausgebildete, multizelluräre Kokulturmodelle viel präziser das zelluläre Zusammenspiel im Körper. Darum liefern Nanopartikelinteraktionen mit dem in vitro-Triplekulturmodel aufschlussreichere Ergebnisse bezüglich umweltbedingter oder pharmazeutischer NP-Exposition in der distalen Lung als es uns bisher möglich war.


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Environmental decay in porous masonry materials, such as brick and mortar, is a widespread problem concerning both new and historic masonry structures. The decay mechanisms are quite complex dependng upon several interconnected parameters and from the interaction with the specific micro-climate. Materials undergo aesthetical and substantial changes in character but while many studies have been carried out, the mechanical aspect has been largely understudied while it bears true importance from the structural viewpoint. A quantitative assessment of the masonry material degradation and how it affects the load-bearing capacity of masonry structures appears missing. The research work carried out, limiting the attention to brick masonry addresses this issue through an experimental laboratory approach via different integrated testing procedures, both non-destructive and mechanical, together with monitoring methods. Attention was focused on transport of moisture and salts and on the damaging effects caused by the crystallization of two different salts, sodium chloride and sodium sulphate. Many series of masonry specimens, very different in size and purposes were used to track the damage process since its beginning and to monitor its evolution over a number of years Athe same time suitable testing techniques, non-destructive, mini-invasive, analytical, of monitoring, were validated for these purposes. The specimens were exposed to different aggressive agents (in terms of type of salt, of brine concentration, of artificial vs. open-air natural ageing, …), tested by different means (qualitative vs. quantitative, non destructive vs. mechanical testing, punctual vs. wide areas, …), and had different size (1-, 2-, 3-header thick walls, full-scale walls vs. small size specimens, brick columns and triplets vs. small walls, masonry specimens vs. single units of brick and mortar prisms, …). Different advanced testing methods and novel monitoring techniques were applied in an integrated holistic approach, for quantitative assessment of masonry health state.


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The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles make them suitable for biomedical applications. Due to their ‘straight-forward’ synthesis, their known biocompatibility, their strong optical properties, their ability for targeted drug delivery and their uptake potential into cells gold nanoparticles are highly interesting for biomedical applications. In particular, the therapy of brain diseases (neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic stroke) is a challenge for contemporary medicine and gold nanoparticles are currently being studied in the hope of improving drug delivery to the brain.rnIn this thesis three major conclusions from the generated data are emphasized.rn1. After improvement of the isolation protocol and culture conditions, the formation of a monolayer of porcine brain endothelial cells on transwell filters lead to a reproducible and tight in vitro monoculture which exhibited in vivo blood brain barrier (BBB) characteristics. The transport of nanoparticles across the barrier was studied using this model.rn2. Although gold nanoparticles are known to be relatively bioinert, contaminants of the nanoparticle synthesis (i.e. CTAB or sodium citrate) increased the cytotoxicity of gold nanoparticles, as shown by various publications. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that contaminants of the nanoparticle synthesis such as sodium citrate increased the cytotoxicity of the gold nanoparticles in endothelial cells but in a more dramatic manner in epithelial cells. Considering the increased uptake of these particles by epithelial cells compared to endothelial cells it was demonstrated that the observed decrease of cell viability appeared to be related to the amount of internalized gold nanoparticles in combination with the presence of the contaminant.rn3. Systematically synthesized gold nanoparticles of different sizes with a variety of surface modifications (different chemical groups and net charges) were investigated for their uptake behaviour and functional impairment of endothelial cells, one of the major cell types making up the BBB. The targeting of these different nanoparticles to endothelial cells from different parts of the body was investigated in a comparative study of human microvascular dermal and cerebral endothelial cells. In these experiments it was demonstrated that different properties of the nanoparticles resulted in a variety of uptake patterns into cells. Positively charged gold nanoparticles were internalized in high amounts, while PEGylated nanoparticles were not taken up by both cell types. Differences in the uptake behavior were also demonstrated for neutrally charged particles of different sizes, coated with hydroxypropylamine or glucosamine. Endothelial cells of the brain specifically internalized 35nm neutrally charged hydroxypropylamine-coated gold nanoparticles in larger amounts compared to dermal microvascular endothelial cells, indicating a "targeting" for brain endothelial cells. Co-localization studies with flotillin-1 and flotillin-2 showed that the gold nanoparticles were internalized by endocytotic pathways. Furthermore, these nanoparticles exhibited transcytosis across the endothelial cell barrier in an in vitro BBB model generated with primary porcine brain endothelial cells (1.). In conclusion, gold nanoparticles with different sizes and surface characteristics showed different uptake patterns in dermal and cerebral endothelial cells. In addition, gold nanoparticles with a specific size and defined surface modification were able to cross the blood-brain barrier in a porcine in vitro model and may thus be useful for controlled delivery of drugs to the brain.


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What is the intracellular fate of nanoparticles (NPs) taken up by the cells? This question has been investigated for polystyrene NPs of different sizes with a set of molecular biological and biophysical techniques.rnTwo sets of fluorescent NPs, cationic and non-ionic, were synthesized with three different polymerization techniques. Non-ionic particles (132 – 846 nm) were synthesized with dispersion polymerization in an ethanol/water solution. Cationic NPs with 120 nm were synthesized by miniemulsion polymerization Particles with 208, 267 and 603 nm were produced by seeding the 120 nm particle obtained by miniemulsion polymerization with drop-wise added monomer and polymerization of such. The colloidal characterization of all particles showed a comparable amount of the surface groups. In addition, particles were characterized with regard to their size, morphology, solid content, amount of incorporated fluorescent dye and zeta potential. The fluorescent intensities of all particles were measured by fluorescence spectroscopy for calibration in further cellular experiments. rnThe uptake of the NPs to HeLa cells after 1 – 24 h revealed a much higher uptake of cationic NPs in comparison to non-ionic NPs. If the same amount of NPs with different sizes is introduced to the cell, a different amount of particles is present in the cell medium, which complicates a comparison of the uptake. The same conclusion is valid for the particles’ overall surface area. Therefore, HeLa cells were incubated with the same concentration, amount and surface area of NPs. It was found that with the same concentration always the same polymer amount is taking up by cells. However, the amount of particles taken up decreases for the biggest. A correlation to the surface area could not be found. We conclude that particles are endocytosed by an excavator-shovel like mechanism, which does not distinguish between different sizes, but is only dependent on the volume that is taken up. For the decreased amount of large particles, an overload of this mechanism was assumed, which leads to a decrease in the uptake. rnThe participation of specific endocytotic processes has been determined by the use of pharmacological inhibitors, immunocytological staining and immunofluorescence. The uptake of NPs into the endo-lysosomal machinery is dominated by a caveolin-mediated endocytosis. Other pathways, which include macropinocytosis and a dynamin-dependent mechanism but exclude clathrin mediated endocytosis, also occur as competing processes. All particles can be found to some extent in early endosomes, but only bigger particles were proven to localize in late endosomes. No particles were found in lysosomes; at least not in lysosomes that are labeled with Lamp1 and cathepsin D. However, based on the character of the performed experiment, a localization of particles in lysosomes cannot be excluded.rnDuring their ripening process, vesicles undergo a gradual acidification from early over late endosomes to lysosomes. It is hypothesized that NPs in endo-lysosomal compartments experience the same change in pH value. To probe the environmental pH of NPs after endocytosis, the pH-sensitive dye SNARF-4F was grafted onto amino functionalized polystyrene NPs. The pH value is a ratio function of the two emission wavelengths of the protonated and deprotonated form of the dye and is hence independent of concentration changes. The particles were synthesized by the aforementioned miniemulsion polymerization with the addition of the amino functionalized copolymer AEMH. The immobilization of SNARF-4F was performed by an EDC-coupling reaction. The amount of physically adsorbed dye in comparison to covalently bonded dye was 15% as determined by precipitation of the NPs in methanol, which is a very good solvent for SNARF-4F. To determine influences of cellular proteins on the fluorescence properties, a intracellular calibration fit was established with platereader measurements and cLSM imaging by the cell-penetrable SNARF-4F AM ester. Ionophores equilibrated the extracellular and intracellular pH.rnSNARF-4F NPs were taken up well by HeLa cells and showed no toxic effects. The pH environment of SNARF-4F NPs has been qualitatively imaged as a movie over a time period up to 1 h in pseudo-colors by a self-written automated batch program. Quantification revealed an acidification process until pH value of 4.5 over 24 h, which is much slower than the transport of nutrients to lysosomes. NPs are present in early endosomes after min. 1 h, in late endosomes at approx. 8 h and end up in vesicles with a pH value typical for lysosomes after > 24 h. We therefore assume that NPs bear a unique endocytotic mechanism, at least with regards to the kinetic involvedrn


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Lysosomaler Transport kationischer Aminosäuren (KAS) stellt einen Rettungsweg in der Cystinose-Therapie dar. Ein solches Transportsystem wurde in humanen Hautfibroblasten beschrieben und mit System c benannt. Des Weiteren stellt lysosomales Arginin eine Substratquelle für die endotheliale NO-Synthase (eNOS) dar. Das von der eNOS gebildete NO ist ein wichtiges vasoprotektiv wirkendes Signalmolekül. Ziel war es daher, herauszufinden, ob Mitglieder der SLC7-Unterfamilie hCAT möglicherweise System c repräsentieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit konnte ich die lysosomale Lokalisation verschiedener endogener, sowie als EGFP-Fusionsproteine überexprimierter CAT-Isoformen nachweisen. Mittels Fluoreszenz-mikroskopie wurde festgestellt, dass die in U373MG-Zellen überexprimierten Fusionsproteine hCAT-1.EGFP sowie SLC7A14.EGFP mit dem lysosomalen Fluoreszenz-Farbstoff LysoTracker co-lokalisieren. Eine Lokalisation in Mitochondrien oder dem endoplasmatischem Retikulum konnte mit entsprechenden Fluoreszenz-Farbstoffen ausgeschlossen werden. Zusätzlich reicherten sich die überexprimierten Proteine hCAT-1.EGFP, hCAT-2B.EGFP und SLC7A14.EGFP in der lysosomalen Fraktion C aus U373MG-Zellen zusammen mit den lysosomalen Markern LAMP-1 und Cathepsin D an. Gleiches galt für den endogenen hCAT-1 in der lysosomalen Fraktion C aus EA.hy926- und U373MG-Zellen sowie für den SLC7A14 in den humanen Hautfibroblasten FCys5. Mit dem im Rahmen dieser Arbeit generierte Antikörper gegen natives SLC7A14 konnte erstmals die endogene Expression und Lokalisation von SLC7A14 in verschiedenen Zelltypen analysiert werden.rnObwohl eine Herunterregulation des hCAT-1 in EA.hy926-Endothelzellen nicht zu einer Reduktion der Versorgung der eNOS mit lysosomalem Arginin führte, ist eine Funktion von hCAT-1 im Lysosom wahrscheinlich. Sowohl die [3H]Arginin- als auch die [3H]Lysin-Aufnahme der Fraktion C aus U373MG-hCAT-1.EGFP war signifikant höher als in die Fraktion C aus EGFP-Kontrollzellen. Dies konnte ebenfalls für den hCAT-2B.EGFP gezeigt werden. Zusätzlich zeigten lysosomale Proben aus U373MG-hCAT-2B.EGFP-Zellen in der SSM-basierten Elektrophysiologie eine elektrogene Transportaktivität für Arginin. Das Protein SLC7A14.EGFP zeigte in keiner der beiden durchgeführten Transportstudien eine Aktivität. Dies war unerwartet, da die aus der Diplomarbeit stammende und im Rahmen dieser Dissertation erweiterte Charakterisierung der hCAT-2/A14_BK-Chimäre, die die „funktionelle Domäne“ des SLC7A14 im Rückgrat des hCAT-2 trug, zuvor den Verdacht erhärtet hatte, dass SLC7A14 ein lysosomal lokalisierter Transporter für KAS sein könnte. Diese Studien zeigten allerding erstmals, dass die „funktionelle Domäne“ der hCATs die pH-Abhängigkeit vermittelt und eine Rolle in der Substraterkennung spielt.rnZukünftig soll weiter versucht werden auch endogen eine Transportaktivität der hCATs für KAS im Lysosom nachzuweisen und das Substrat für das intrazellulär lokalisierte Waisen-Protein SLC7A14 zu finden. Eine mögliche Rolle könnte SLC7A14 als Transporter für Neurotransmitter spielen, da eine sehr prominente Expression im ZNS festgestellt wurde.rn