951 resultados para Student exchange programs
G-1 - Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs - October 2007
G-1 - Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs - November 2007
Audit report on the Iowa Federal Family Education Loan Program Division, a Division of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, for the year ended June 30, 2007
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Credit Cards on Student Incomes: Proceed With Caution – and Shop With Care.
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, Statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form extremely important mutualistic symbioses with most plants. Their role in nutrient acquisition, plant community structure, plant diversity, and ecosystem productivity and function has been demonstrated in recent years. New findings on the genetics and biology of AMF also give us a new picture of how these fungi exist in ecosystems. In this article, I bring together some recent findings that indicate that AMF have evolved to contain multiple genomes, that they connect plants together by a hyphal network, and that these different genomes may potentially move around in this network. These findings show the need for more intensive studies on AMF population biology and genetics in order to understand how they have evolved with plants, to better understand their ecological role, and for applying AMF in environmental management programs and in agriculture. A number of key features of AMF population biology have been identified for future studies and most of these concern the need to understand drift, selection, and genetic exchange in multigenomic organisms, a task that has not previously presented itself to evolutionary biologists.
RecA protein in bacteria and its eukaryotic homolog Rad51 protein are responsible for initiation of strand exchange between homologous DNA molecules. This process is crucial for homologous recombination, the repair of certain types of DNA damage and for the reinitiation of DNA replication on collapsed replication forks. We show here, using two different types of in vitro assays, that in the absence of ATP hydrolysis RecA-mediated strand exchange traverses small substitutional heterologies between the interacting DNAs, whereas small deletions or insertions block the ongoing strand exchange. We discuss evolutionary implications of RecA selectivity against insertions and deletions and propose a molecular mechanism by which RecA can exert this selectivity.
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2007
This report contains information on the Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs. Programs included are FIP (Iowa’s TANF program), Title IV-D (Child Support), Food Stamps (USDA Food Assistance Program), Title XIX (Medicaid), Title XX (Social Services Block Grant), Juvenile Parole, State Supplemental Assistance, Other, Food Stamp Fraud, FIP Fraud, RCA (Refugee Cash Assistance) Fraud, and a total for all the programs. This report is issued monthly.
This report contains information on the Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs. Programs included are FIP (Iowa’s TANF program), Title IV-D (Child Support), Food Stamps (USDA Food Assistance Program), Title XIX (Medicaid), Title XX (Social Services Block Grant), Juvenile Parole, State Supplemental Assistance, Other, Food Stamp Fraud, FIP Fraud, RCA (Refugee Cash Assistance) Fraud, and a total for all the programs. This report is issued monthly.
This report contains information on the Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs. Programs included are FIP (Iowa’s TANF program), Title IV-D (Child Support), Food Stamps (USDA Food Assistance Program), Title XIX (Medicaid), Title XX (Social Services Block Grant), Juvenile Parole, State Supplemental Assistance, Other, Food Stamp Fraud, FIP Fraud, RCA (Refugee Cash Assistance) Fraud, and a total for all the programs. This report is issued monthly.
This report contains information on the Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs. Programs included are FIP (Iowa’s TANF program), Title IV-D (Child Support), Food Stamps (USDA Food Assistance Program), Title XIX (Medicaid), Title XX (Social Services Block Grant), Juvenile Parole, State Supplemental Assistance, Other, Food Stamp Fraud, FIP Fraud, RCA (Refugee Cash Assistance) Fraud, and a total for all the programs. This report is issued monthly.
This report contains information on the Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs. Programs included are FIP (Iowa’s TANF program), Title IV-D (Child Support), Food Stamps (USDA Food Assistance Program), Title XIX (Medicaid), Title XX (Social Services Block Grant), Juvenile Parole, State Supplemental Assistance, Other, Food Stamp Fraud, FIP Fraud, RCA (Refugee Cash Assistance) Fraud, and a total for all the programs. This report is issued monthly.
A avaliação externa de escolas assumiu, nos últimos anos, uma grande centralidade nas políticas educativas e apercebemos que cada vez mais, se tornou uma exigência nos estabelecimentos de ensino. É nesta perspetiva que levamos a cabo uma investigação cuja preocupação central assenta na avaliação externa de escolas como nosso objeto de estudo, uma vez que, devido à pertinência atribuída pelas políticas educativas e sustentada nas boas práticas internacionais é considerada um gerador de mudança que contribui para a melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos e para o desenvolvimento das instituições. Assim, optamos por realizar o trabalho segundo uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, através de um inquérito por entrevistas, com o propósito de obter dados que permitissem compreender e conhecer o modelo da avaliação externa de escolas, que, enquanto área de avaliação e de melhorias é assumida como uma das prioridades na educação, que caminha para o progresso das escolas, qualificando-as, com o objetivo de gerar impacto na melhoria dos resultados dos alunos. De uma forma global constatamos que nas últimas décadas, particularmente em Portugal, varias foram as iniciativas de avaliação de escolas e que a lei nº 31/2002, de 20 de dezembro, veio dar continuidade aos programas antes implementados, atribuindo-lhe um caráter obrigatório. Entretanto, Cabo Verde não dispõe de nenhum regulamento que estabeleça a obrigatoriedade da mesma, mas tendo consciência do impacto que a avaliação externa de escolas tem suscitado em muitos países europeus, a inspeção - geral da educação iniciou-se uma experiência em março de 2012, mas falta ainda fazer a revisão dos normativos que permitam regularizar este fenómeno, de modo a que se torne seja uma prática regularizada e consistente. De acordo com os argumentos dos entrevistados, os dados revelam-se que, a avaliação externa de escolas têm como finalidade a melhoria do sistema educativo e os efeitos nomeadamente a este nível são o desenvolvimento a nível institucional e profissional dos professores, a boa gestão pedagógica e ainda o de produzir uma cultura de autoavaliação nas escolas.
Report on the Iowa College Student Aid Commission for the year ended June 30, 2007