931 resultados para Stars: massive


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Modelling of massive stars and supernovae (SNe) plays a crucial role in understanding galaxies. From this modelling we can derive fundamental constraints on stellar evolution, mass-loss processes, mixing, and the products of nucleosynthesis. Proper account must be taken of all important processes that populate and depopulate the levels (collisional excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination, photoionization, bound–bound processes). For the analysis of Type Ia SNe and core collapse SNe (Types Ib, Ic and II) Fe group elements are particularly important. Unfortunately little data is currently available and most noticeably absent are the photoionization cross-sections for the Fe-peaks which have high abundances in SNe. Important interactions for both photoionization and electron-impact excitation are calculated using the relativistic Dirac atomic R-matrix codes (DARC) for low-ionization stages of Cobalt. All results are calculated up to photon energies of 45 eV and electron energies up to 20 eV. The wavefunction representation of Co III has been generated using GRASP0 by including the dominant 3d7, 3d6[4s, 4p], 3p43d9 and 3p63d9 configurations, resulting in 292 fine structure levels. Electron-impact collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths across a wide range of astrophysically relevant temperatures are computed for Co III. In addition, statistically weighted level-resolved ground and metastable photoionization cross-sections are presented for Co II and compared directly with existing work.


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Models of neutrino-driven core-collapse supernova explosions have matured considerably in recent years. Explosions of low-mass progenitors can routinely be simulated in 1D, 2D, and 3D. Nucleosynthesis calculations indicate that these supernovae could be contributors of some lighter neutron-rich elements beyond iron. The explosion mechanism of more massive stars remains under investigation, although first 3D models of neutrino-driven explosions employing multi-group neutrino transport have become available. Together with earlier 2D models and more simplified 3D simulations, these have elucidated the interplay between neutrino heating and hydrodynamic instabilities in the post-shock region that is essential for shock revival. However, some physical ingredients may still need to be added/improved before simulations can robustly explain supernova explosions over a wide range of progenitors. Solutions recently suggested in the literature include uncertainties in the neutrino rates, rotation, and seed perturbations from convective shell burning. We review the implications of 3D simulations of shell burning in supernova progenitors for the ‘perturbations-aided neutrino-driven mechanism,’ whose efficacy is illustrated by the first successful multi-group neutrino hydrodynamics simulation of an 18 solar mass progenitor with 3D initial conditions. We conclude with speculations about the impact of 3D effects on the structure of massive stars through convective boundary mixing.


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We present the first 3D simulation of the last minutes of oxygen shell burning in an 18 solar mass supernova progenitor up to the onset of core collapse. A moving inner boundary is used to accurately model the contraction of the silicon and iron core according to a 1D stellar evolution model with a self-consistent treatment of core deleptonization and nuclear quasi-equilibrium. The simulation covers the full solid angle to allow the emergence of large-scale convective modes. Due to core contraction and the concomitant acceleration of nuclear burning, the convective Mach number increases to ~0.1 at collapse, and an l=2 mode emerges shortly before the end of the simulation. Aside from a growth of the oxygen shell from 0.51 to 0.56 solar masses due to entrainment from the carbon shell, the convective flow is reasonably well described by mixing length theory, and the dominant scales are compatible with estimates from linear stability analysis. We deduce that artificial changes in the physics, such as accelerated core contraction, can have precarious consequences for the state of convection at collapse. We argue that scaling laws for the convective velocities and eddy sizes furnish good estimates for the state of shell convection at collapse and develop a simple analytic theory for the impact of convective seed perturbations on shock revival in the ensuing supernova. We predict a reduction of the critical luminosity for explosion by 12--24% due to seed asphericities for our 3D progenitor model relative to the case without large seed perturbations.


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[EN] The impact of nest predators on sea turtle hatching success is highly variable depending on predator abundance and also on interactions among different predators. Food web connectivity usually makes it difficult to understand predator-prey interactions and develop efficient conservation strategies. In the Cape Verde archipelago there is an important nesting area for loggerheads where ghost crabs are the only described nest predator. We have studied the impact of ghost crabs on loggerhead nests on this threatened population as well as the efficiency of several management practices to reduce this impact.


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To evaluate the biodistribution of sodium pertecnetate (Na99mTcO4) in organs and tissues, the morphometry of remnant intestinal mucosa and ponderal evolution in rats subjected to massive resection of the small intestine. Methods: Twenty-one Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups of 7 animals each. The short bowel (SB) group was subjected to massive resection of the small intestine; the control group (C) rats were not operated on, and soft intestinal handling was performed in sham rats. The animals were weighed weekly. On the 30th postoperative day, 0.l mL of Na99mTcO4, with mean activity of 0.66 MBq was injected intravenously into the orbital plexus. After 30 minutes, the rats were killed with an overdose of anesthetic, and fragments of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, femur and brain were harvested. The biopsies were washed with 0.9% NaCl.,The radioactivity was counted using Gama Counter WizardTM 1470, PerkinElmer. The percentage of radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI-g) was calculated. Biopsies of the remaining jejunum were analysed by HE staining to obtain mucosal thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test for multiple comparisons were used, considering p<0.05 as signifi cant. Results: There were no signifi cant differences in %ATI-g of the Na99mTcO4 in the organs of the groups studied (p>0.05). An increase in the weight of the SB rats was observed after the second postoperative week. The jejunal mucosal thickness of the SB rats was signifi cantly greater than that of C and sham rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: In rats with experimentally-produced short bowel syndrome, an adaptive response by the intestinal mucosa reduced weight loss. The biodistribution of Na99mTcO4 was not affected by massive intestinal resection, suggesting that short bowel syndrome is not the cause of misleading interpretation, if an examination using this radiopharmaceutical is indicated


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In questo elaborato viene presentato lo studio fotometrico di quattro ammassi globulari galattici. I target di questa Tesi fanno parte della HST UV Legacy Survey degli ammassi globulari galattici (Piotto et al. 2015). Nell'ambito di questa survey sono stati osservati, in modo omogeneo, 57 ammassi globulari galattici con il telescopio spaziale Hubble e la camera WFC3, in tre bande fotometriche ultraviolette e blu. Un dataset così composto è adatto a numerosi scopi, tra cui lo studio delle popolazioni calde come le BSS e delle popolazioni multiple. Sono stati selezionati quattro ammassi particolarmente popolosi e tra i più densi del campione, allo scopo di mettere a punto indicatori di evoluzione dinamica e comprendere il ruolo di quest'ultima sulle proprietà delle popolazioni multiple presenti nei sistemi selezionati. Lo studio dell'evoluzione dinamica è stato effettuato tramite la distribuzione radiale delle BSS (Blue Straggler Stars), che è stato dimostrato esserne un efficiente indicatore (Ferraro et al. 2012). I risultati ottenuti evidenziano chiaramente che tutti gli ammassi selezionati si trovano in fasi avanzate di evoluzione dinamica, come suggerito dall'alta densità che li caratterizza. Anche lo studio delle proprietà delle popolazioni multiple, ovvero sottopopolazioni con differenti abbondanze chimiche di elementi leggeri, la cui presenza è stata recentemente osservata negli ammassi globulari, è stato effettuato tramite lo studio della loro distribuzione radiale. Tra i quattro casi analizzati, soltanto M 15 ha mostrato una separazione significativa tra le distribuzioni radiali delle due popolazioni.


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My Thesis work is aimed at searching for evidence of CO-depletion in the atmosphere of these objects. To this end, I am analyzing high-resolution spectra recently acquired with the spectrograph HDS at the Subaru Telescope. The global sample is composed of 5 BSSs with hot WD companions, 3 additional binary BSSs with no a significant far-UV excess, and one "normal" stars (along the RGB star) needed for comparison. The analysis will provide us with the surface chemical abundances (especially of C and O) of the target stars. The final goal is to verify the expected {chemical signature} and put constraints on its characteristic time scale (for instance, a positive detection in the 5 BSSs with hot companions and a non-detection in the other 3 binary BSSs would imply that CO-depletion is a transient phenomenon, lasting approx 300 Myr only). The analysis will also provide us with the rotational velocities of each target, thus allowing to investigate their kinematical properties and shed new light on their evolutionary path.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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La galaxie spirale barrée NGC 5430 est particulière en ce sens qu’elle présente un noeud Wolf-Rayet très lumineux et des bras asymétriques. Des spectres longue-fente le long de la barre et dans le bras déformé ainsi que des données SpIOMM couvrant l’ensemble de la galaxie ont été analysées. L’absorption stellaire sous-jacente a été soustraite des spectres longue-fente à l’aide d’un ajustement de modèles théoriques de populations stellaires fait avec le programme GANDALF. L’absorption a un impact très important sur le calcul de l’extinction ainsi que sur les différents diagnostics propres aux régions HII et aux populations stellaires jeunes. Enfin, cette étude montre que NGC 5430 comporte une composante gazeuse ionisée diffuse sur toute son étendue et qu’il est important d’en tenir compte afin d’appliquer correctement les diagnostics. Un des scénarios évolutifs proposés au terme de cette étude est que le noeud Wolf-Rayet constitue le restant d’une petite galaxie ou d’un nuage intergalactique qui serait entré en collision avec NGC 5430. Une structure englobant le noeud Wolf-Rayet se déplace à une vitesse considérablement inférieure (50 - 70 km s-1) à celle attendue à une telle distance du centre de la galaxie (200 - 220 km s-1). De plus, le noeud Wolf-Rayet semble très massif puisque l’intensité maximale du continu stellaire de cette région est semblable à celle du noyau et est de loin supérieure à celle de l’autre côté de la barre. Le nombre d’étoiles Wolf-Rayet (2150) est aussi considérable. Il n’est toutefois pas exclu que la différence de vitesses observée témoigne d’un écoulement de gaz le long de la barre, qui alimenterait la formation stellaire du noeud Wolf-Rayet ou du noyau.


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Using our anholonomic frame deformation method, we show how generic off-diagonal cosmological solutions depending, in general, on all spacetime coordinates and undergoing a phase of ultra-slow contraction can be constructed in massive gravity. In this paper, there are found and studied new classes of locally anisotropic and (in)homogeneous cosmological metrics with open and closed spatial geometries. The late time acceleration is present due to effective cosmological terms induced by nonlinear off-diagonal interactions and graviton mass. The off-diagonal cosmological metrics and related Stückelberg fields are constructed in explicit form up to nonholonomic frame transforms of the Friedmann–Lamaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) coordinates. We show that the solutions include matter, graviton mass and other effective sources modeling nonlinear gravitational and matter fields interactions in modified and/or massive gravity, with polarization of physical constants and deformations of metrics, which may explain certain dark energy and dark matter effects. There are stated and analyzed the conditions when such configurations mimic interesting solutions in general relativity and modifications and recast the general Painlevé–Gullstrand and FLRW metrics. Finally, we elaborate on a reconstruction procedure for a subclass of off-diagonal cosmological solutions which describe cyclic and ekpyrotic universes, with an emphasis on open issues and observable signatures.


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This thesis presents an analysis of the largest catalog to date of infrared spectra of massive young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Evidenced by their very different spectral features, the luminous objects span a range of evolutionary states from those most embedded in their natal molecular material to those that have dissipated and ionized their surroundings to form compact HII regions and photodissociation regions. We quantify the contributions of the various spectral features using the statistical method of principal component analysis. Using this analysis, we classify the YSO spectra into several distinct groups based upon their dominant spectral features: silicate absorption (S Group), silicate absorption and fine-structure line emission (SE), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission (P Group), PAH and fine-structure line emission (PE), and only fine-structure line emission (E). Based upon the relative numbers of sources in each category, we are able to estimate the amount of time massive YSOs spend in each evolutionary stage. We find that approximately 50% of the sources have ionic fine-structure lines, indicating that a compact HII region forms about half-way through the YSO lifetime probed in our study. Of the 277 YSOs we collected spectra for, 41 have ice absorption features, indicating they are surrounded by cold ice-bearing dust particles. We have decomposed the shape of the ice features to probe the composition and thermal history of the ice. We find that most the CO2 ice is embedded a polar ice matrix that has been thermally processed by the embedded YSO. The amount of thermal processing may be correlated with the luminosity of the YSO. Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we imaged the dense gas around a subsample of our sources in the HII complexes N44, N105, N113, and N159 using HCO+ and HCN as dense gas tracers. We find that the molecular material in star forming environments is highly clumpy, with clumps that range from subparsec to ~2 parsecs in size and with masses between 10^2 to 10^4 solar masses. We find that there are varying levels of star formation in the clumps, with the lower-mass clumps tending to be without massive YSOs. These YSO-less clumps could either represent an earlier stage of clump to the more massive YSO-bearing ones or clumps that will never form a massive star. Clumps with massive YSOs at their centers have masses larger than those with massive YSOs at their edges, and we suggest that the difference is evolutionary: edge YSO clumps are more advanced than those with YSOs at their centers. Clumps with YSOs at their edges may have had a significant fraction of their mass disrupted or destroyed by the forming massive star. We find that the strength of the silicate absorption seen in YSO IR spectra feature is well-correlated with the on-source HCO+ and HCN flux densities, such that the strength of the feature is indicative of the embeddedness of the YSO. We estimate that ~40% of the entire spectral sample has strong silicate absorption features, implying that the YSOs are embedded in circumstellar material for about 40% of the time probed in our study.


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To evaluate the biodistribution of sodium pertecnetate (Na99mTcO4) in organs and tissues, the morphometry of remnant intestinal mucosa and ponderal evolution in rats subjected to massive resection of the small intestine. Methods: Twenty-one Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups of 7 animals each. The short bowel (SB) group was subjected to massive resection of the small intestine; the control group (C) rats were not operated on, and soft intestinal handling was performed in sham rats. The animals were weighed weekly. On the 30th postoperative day, 0.l mL of Na99mTcO4, with mean activity of 0.66 MBq was injected intravenously into the orbital plexus. After 30 minutes, the rats were killed with an overdose of anesthetic, and fragments of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, femur and brain were harvested. The biopsies were washed with 0.9% NaCl.,The radioactivity was counted using Gama Counter WizardTM 1470, PerkinElmer. The percentage of radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI-g) was calculated. Biopsies of the remaining jejunum were analysed by HE staining to obtain mucosal thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test for multiple comparisons were used, considering p<0.05 as signifi cant. Results: There were no signifi cant differences in %ATI-g of the Na99mTcO4 in the organs of the groups studied (p>0.05). An increase in the weight of the SB rats was observed after the second postoperative week. The jejunal mucosal thickness of the SB rats was signifi cantly greater than that of C and sham rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: In rats with experimentally-produced short bowel syndrome, an adaptive response by the intestinal mucosa reduced weight loss. The biodistribution of Na99mTcO4 was not affected by massive intestinal resection, suggesting that short bowel syndrome is not the cause of misleading interpretation, if an examination using this radiopharmaceutical is indicated


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Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) consistem em cursos online abertos e, normalmente gratuitos, que permitem a inscrição de um elevado número de participantes. A adesão a esta modalidade de educação, normalmente informal, foi o principal repto para propor uma oficina de formação, totalmente online. Com esta formação pretendeu-se fornecer as competências necessárias para que professores se sentissem capacitados para criar e distribuir os seus próprios MOOC. No presente trabalho recorre-se à metodologia de estudo de caso e procura-se inicialmente apresentar, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, a revisão de literatura relativamente aos MOOC. Posteriormente, com base nos dados obtidos pela observação participante e inquérito por questionário, evidenciam-se os principais resultados da oficina de formação online “MOOC: uma tecnologia educativa de futuro.


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We present the case of a 55-year-old man, with a self-limited febrile condition associated to polyserositis with inconclusive investigation. Bilateral pleural and pericardial effusions resolved. The peritoneal fluid loculated and was compatible with an exudate. The patient remained clinically asymptomatic. Two years later, examination revealed a palpable and painless abdominal mass, which imaging study suggested a cystic lesion. Surgical resection was performed and the histological examination revealed a mesenteric pseudocyst. Mesenteric pseudocysts are rare intra-abdominal cystic masses, mostly benign, without causing specific symptoms. Although imaging tests are useful for their differential diagnosis, the histology is mandatory.