931 resultados para Spatial dynamic modeling
The machining of hardened steels has always been a great challenge in metal cutting, particularly for drilling operations. Generally, drilling is the machining process that is most difficult to cool due to the tool`s geometry. The aim of this work is to determine the heat flux and the coefficient of convection in drilling using the inverse heat conduction method. Temperature was assessed during the drilling of hardened AISI H13 steel using the embedded thermocouple technique. Dry machining and two cooling/lubrication systems were used, and thermocouples were fixed at distances very close to the hole`s wall. Tests were replicated for each condition, and were carried out with new and worn drills. An analytical heat conduction model was used to calculate the temperature at tool-workpiece interface and to define the heat flux and the coefficient of convection. In all tests using new and worn out drills, the lowest temperatures and decrease of heat flux were observed using the flooded system, followed by the MQL, considering the dry condition as reference. The decrease of temperature was directly proportional to the amount of lubricant applied and was significant in the MQL system when compared to dry cutting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study presents an alternative three-dimensional geometric non-linear frame formulation based on generalized unconstrained vector and positions to solve structures and mechanisms subjected to dynamic loading. The formulation is classified as total Lagrangian with exact kinematics description. The resulting element presents warping and non-constant transverse strain modes, which guarantees locking-free behavior for the adopted three-dimensional constitutive relation, Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff, for instance. The application of generalized vectors is an alternative to the use of finite rotations and rigid triad`s formulae. Spherical and revolute joints are considered and selected dynamic and static examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and generality of the proposed technique. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with the numerical assessment of the influence of parameters such as pre-compression level, aspect ratio, vertical and horizontal reinforcement ratios and boundary conditions on the lateral strength of masonry walls under in-plane loading. The numerical study is performed through the software DIANA (R) based on the Finite Element Method. The validation of the numerical model is carried out from a database of available experimental results on masonry walls tested under cyclic lateral loading. Numerical results revealed that boundary conditions play a central role on the lateral behavior of masonry walls under in-plane loading and determine the influence of level of pre-compression as well as the reinforcement ratio on the wall strength. The lateral capacity of walls decreases with the increase of aspect ratio and with the decrease of pre-compression. Vertical steel bars appear to have almost no influence in the shear strength of masonry walls and horizontal reinforcement only increases the lateral strength of masonry walls if the shear response of the walls is determinant for failure, which is directly related to the boundary conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Highly ordered A-B-A block copolymer arrangements in the submicrometric scale, resulting from dewetting and solvent evaporation of thin films, have inspired a variety of new applications in the nanometric world. Despite the progress observed in the control of such structures, the intricate scientific phenomena related to regular patterns formation are still not completely elucidated. SEBS is a standard example of a triblock copolymer that forms spontaneously impressive pattern arrangements. From macroscopic thin liquid films of SEBS solution, several physical effects and phenomena act synergistically to achieve well-arranged patterns of stripes and/or droplets. That is, concomitant with dewetting, solvent evaporation, and Marangoni effect, Rayleigh instability and phase separation also play important role in the pattern formation. These two last effects are difficult to be followed experimentally in the nanoscale, which render difficulties to the comprehension of the whole phenomenon. In this paper, we use computational methods for image analysis, which provide quantitative morphometric data of the patterns, specifically comprising stripes fragmentation into droplets. With the help of these computational techniques, we developed an explanation for the final part of the pattern formation, i.e. structural dynamics related to the stripes fragmentation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Multifunctional structures are pointed out as an important technology for the design of aircraft with volume, mass, and energy source limitations such as unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs). In addition to its primary function of bearing aerodynamic loads, the wing/spar structure of an UAV or a MAV with embedded piezoceramics can provide an extra electrical energy source based on the concept of vibration energy harvesting to power small and wireless electronic components. Aeroelastic vibrations of a lifting surface can be converted into electricity using piezoelectric transduction. In this paper, frequency-domain piezoaeroelastic modeling and analysis of a canti-levered platelike wing with embedded piezoceramics is presented for energy harvesting. The electromechanical finite-element plate model is based on the thin-plate (Kirchhoff) assumptions while the unsteady aerodynamic model uses the doublet-lattice method. The electromechanical and aerodynamic models are combined to obtain the piezoaeroelastic equations, which are solved using a p-k scheme that accounts for the electromechanical coupling. The evolution of the aerodynamic damping and the frequency of each mode are obtained with changing airflow speed for a given electrical circuit. Expressions for piezoaeroelastically coupled frequency response functions (voltage, current, and electrical power as well the vibratory motion) are also defined by combining flow excitation with harmonic base excitation. Hence, piezoaeroelastic evolution can be investigated in frequency domain for different airflow speeds and electrical boundary conditions. [DOI:10.1115/1.4002785]
Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs) constitute unique application platforms for vibration-based energy harvesting. Generating usable electrical energy during their mission has the important practical value of providing an additional energy source to run small electronic components. Electrical energy can be harvested from aeroelastic vibrations of lifting surfaces of UAVs and MAVs as they tend to have relatively flexible wings compared to their larger counterparts. In this work, an electromechanically coupled finite element model is combined with an unsteady aerodynamic model to develop a piezoaeroelastic model for airflow excitation of cantilevered plates representing wing-like structures. The electrical power output and the displacement of the wing tip are investigated for several airflow speeds and two different electrode configurations (continuous and segmented). Cancelation of electrical output occurs for typical coupled bending-torsion aeroelastic modes of a cantilevered generator wing when continuous electrodes are used. Torsional motions of the coupled modes become relatively significant when segmented electrodes are used, improving the broadband performance and altering the flutter speed. Although the focus is placed on the electrical power that can be harvested for a given airflow speed, shunt damping effect of piezoelectric power generation is also investigated for both electrode configurations.
An investigation of nucleate boiling on a vertical array of horizontal plain tubes is presented in this paper. Experiments were performed with refrigerant RI 23 at reduced pressures varying from 0.022 to 0.64, tube pitch to diameter ratios of 1.32, 1.53 and 2.00, and heat fluxes from 0.5 to 40 kW/m(2). Brass tubes with external diameters of 19.05 mm and average roughness of 0.12 mu m were used in the experiments. The effect of the tube spacing on the local heat transfer coefficient along the tube array was negligible within the present range of experimental conditions. For partial nucleate boiling, characterized by low heat fluxes, and low reduced pressures, the tube positioning shows a remarkable effect on the heat transfer coefficient. Based on these data, a general correlation for the prediction of the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient on a vertical array of horizontal tubes under flooded conditions was proposed. According to this correlation, the ratio between the heat transfer coefficients of a given tube and the lowest tube in the array depends only on the tube row number, the reduced pressure and the heat flux. By using the proposed correlation, most of the experimental heat transfer coefficients obtained in the present study were predicted within +/- 15%. The new correlation compares reasonably well with independent data from the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This work presents an analysis of the wavelet-Galerkin method for one-dimensional elastoplastic-damage problems. Time-stepping algorithm for non-linear dynamics is presented. Numerical treatment of the constitutive models is developed by the use of return-mapping algorithm. For spacial discretization we can use wavelet-Galerkin method instead of standard finite element method. This approach allows to locate singularities. The discrete formulation developed can be applied to the simulation of one-dimensional problems for elastic-plastic-damage models. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work is to study the wheel/workpiece dynamic interactions in high-speed grinding using vitrified CBN wheel and DTG (difficult to grind) work materials. This problem is typical in the grinding of engine valve heads. The influence of tangential force per abrasive grain was investigated as an important control variable for the determination of G ratio. Experiments were carried out to observe the influence of vibrations in the wheel wear. The measurements of acoustic emission (AE) and vibration signals helped in identifying the correlation between the dynamic interactions (produced by forced random excitation) and the wheel wear. The wheel regenerative chatter phenomenon was observed by using the wheel mapping technique. (c) 2008 CIRP.
Distributed control systems consist of sensors, actuators and controllers, interconnected by communication networks and are characterized by a high number of concurrent process. This work presents a proposal for a procedure to model and analyze communication networks for distributed control systems in intelligent building. The approach considered for this purpose is based on the characterization of the control system as a discrete event system and application of coloured Petri net as a formal method for specification, analysis and verification of control solutions. With this approach, we develop the models that compose the communication networks for the control systems of intelligent building, which are considered the relationships between the various buildings systems. This procedure provides a structured development of models, facilitating the process of specifying the control algorithm. An application example is presented in order to illustrate the main features of this approach.
The purpose is to present a scientific research that led to the modeling of an information system which aimed at the maintenance of traceability data in the Brazilian wine industry, according to the principles of a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Since 2005, traceability data maintenance is an obligation for all producers that intend to export to any European Union country. Also, final customers, including the Brazilian ones, have been asking for information about food products. A solution that collectively contemplated the industry was sought in order to permit that producer consortiums of associations could share the costs and benefits of such a solution. Following an extensive bibliographic review, a series of interviews conducted with Brazilian researchers and wine producers in Bento Goncalves - RS, Brazil, elucidated many aspects associated with the wine production process. Information technology issues related to the theme were also researched. The software was modeled with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and uses web services for data exchange. A model for the wine production process was also proposed. A functional prototype showed that the adopted model is able to fulfill the demands of wine producers. The good results obtained lead us to consider the use of this model in other domains.
This paper presents an Adaptive Maximum Entropy (AME) approach for modeling biological species. The Maximum Entropy algorithm (MaxEnt) is one of the most used methods in modeling biological species geographical distribution. The approach presented here is an alternative to the classical algorithm. Instead of using the same set features in the training, the AME approach tries to insert or to remove a single feature at each iteration. The aim is to reach the convergence faster without affect the performance of the generated models. The preliminary experiments were well performed. They showed an increasing on performance both in accuracy and in execution time. Comparisons with other algorithms are beyond the scope of this paper. Some important researches are proposed as future works.
This paper presents a free software tool that supports the next-generation Mobile Communications, through the automatic generation of models of components and electronic devices based on neural networks. This tool enables the creation, training, validation and simulation of the model directly from measurements made on devices of interest, using an interface totally oriented to non-experts in neural models. The resulting model can be exported automatically to a traditional circuit simulator to test different scenarios.
A new, simple approach for modeling and assessing the operation and response of the multiline voltage-source controller (VSC)-based flexible ac transmission system controllers, namely the generalized interline power-flow controller (GIPFC) and the interline power-flow controller (IPFC), is presented in this paper. The model and the analysis developed are based on the converters` power balance method which makes use of the d-q orthogonal coordinates to thereafter present a direct solution for these controllers through a quadratic equation. The main constraints and limitations that such devices present while controlling the two independent ac systems considered, will also be evaluated. In order to examine and validate the steady-state model initially proposed, a phase-shift VSC-based GIPFC was also built in the Alternate Transients Program program whose results are also included in this paper. Where applicable, a comparative evaluation between the GIPFC and the IPFC is also presented.
A procedure is proposed to accurately model thin wires in lossy media by finite element analysis. It is based on the determination of a suitable element width in the vicinity of the wire, which strongly depends on the wire radius to yield accurate results. The approach is well adapted to the analysis of grounding systems. The numerical results of the application of finite element analysis with the suitably chosen element width are compared with both analytical results and those computed by a commercial package for the analysis of grounding systems, showing very good agreement.