977 resultados para South American fruit fly


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La primera parte del artículo muestra cómo el período de transición que vive actualmente la Comunidad Andina (CAN) puede conducir a su liquidación o a la redefinición de su sentido y de su alcance. La forma en que las dinámicas sudamericanas pueden incidir en la suerte de la CAN, de acuerdo a que si las cuestiones energéticas y de infraestructura amplían la fragmentación ideológico- política o si impulsan una reestructuración plural de la integración regional, son abordadas en la segunda parte de este trabajo.


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El artículo aborda el tema de la consolidación de la paz y la seguridad en la región andina como un objetivo central en la Política Exterior Común adoptada por la Comunidad Andina. Hace un análisis de cómo algunos textos e instrumentos manejaron el tema de la seguridad subregional, como por ejemplo el Comunicado de Brasilia, en el cual los presidentes sudamericanos acordaron el establecimiento de una Zona de Paz en el espacio sudamericano. En este contexto, se analiza las posibilidades de establecer dicha Zona Sudamericana de Paz a partir de los instrumentos comunitarios existentes sobre la materia tanto en la Comunidad Andina como en el MERCOSUR, así como las condiciones previas y los requisitos que ella debiera tener para alcanzar sus fines.


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El estudio que aquí se pone a consideración del lector pretende de una manera crítica y objetiva dar cuenta, en primer término, de las estructuras institucionales que operan, a nivel del estado (ejecutivo, ministerios, etc.) y los otros actores políticos (Asamblea Constituyente, Asamblea Nacional, partidos políticos), para procesar lo concerniente a la integración política regional, y en segundo término, de las orientaciones que tienen los actores políticos más relevantes de Ecuador: ejecutivo, constituyentes, partidos políticos, formadores de opinión ciudadana, respecto de las estructuras, mecanismos y procesos de la integración política en la región sudamericana y en la Comunidad Andina. Todo ello ilustrado con datos de la práctica reciente del estado en materia de relaciones internacionales de integración.


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Este ensayo, de carácter analítico-descriptivo, pretende transitar entre las grandes líneas de la política exterior brasileña a lo largo de la primera década del siglo XXI, más específicamente durante los dos mandatos de Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva (2003-2006 y 2007-2010), a fin de identificar en qué medida la agenda internacional brasileña fue afectada desde su categorización como potencia emergente bajo el acrónimo de BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) en el año 2003. El análisis parte de la premisa de que la política exterior brasileña, a lo largo de la primera década del siglo XXI, está más que nunca, imBRICada. Más allá de un simple juego de palabras, im“BRIC”ar significa dejar en evidencia la forma compleja en la que interactúan las diversas prioridades de la agenda internacional de un país emergente como Brasil, a veces convergiendo, a veces discrepando.


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El propósito del presente artículo es reflexionar sobre el papel de Brasil en el actual proceso de integración sudamericana. Nuestra tesis es que dicho rol es a la vez causa y consecuencia de dos realidades a las que se refieren el exsecretario de Estado Norteamericano y la excandidata del Partido de los Trabajadores y actual presidenta de Brasil en los epígrafes anteriores, es decir, que Brasil se está convirtiendo en una potencia y que una de las claves de eso es el proceso de internacionalización de las empresas que operan en su territorio. Nos interesa plantear la tesis de que la convergencia de una serie de factores a partir de mediados de la década de 1990 es lo que posibilita que Brasil se haya convertido en el pivote del proceso de integración que, buscando la construcción de un espacio sudamericano integrado como objetivo estratégico, se despliega en varios ámbitos: económico, de infraestructura, político e incluso militar.


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En este artículo se analiza la evolución histórica de los flujos migratorios entre Ecuador y Europa. Se observa una nueva migración europea hacia Ecuador y otros países suramericanos, pese a lo cual la Unión Europea no ha adaptado su política migratoria a esta nueva realidad. Por tanto, se plantea la necesidad de que la UE elimine el requisito de visado a los ciudadanos ecuatorianos. Se presentan escenarios así como estrategias para lograr ese objetivo, incluida una propuesta de solidaridad y acción colectiva de UNASUR en materia de visados.


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El artículo trata sobre diferentes visiones de la política exterior brasilera. Primero introduce las principales directivas de la política exterior: desarrollo económico y social, así como delimitación limítrofe con los países de América del Sur. La segunda establece la situación de las relaciones de Brasil luego de la guerra fría, con algunos países y regiones en el mundo: Estados Unidos, Unión Europea, América Latina, China, África, India y otras regiones. Finalmente se refiere a los intereses nacionales brasileros en las Naciones Unidas en campos como energía, medio ambiente y defensa.


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Since the creation of Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), health policies have become a strategic element in dealing with the impact of neoliberal policies in the region. The aim of this paper is: first, to describe the social, political and economic processes that explain the emergence of UNASUR and its focus on social policy through health care, and second, how through UNASUR Health, health became the engine behind a new kind of health diplomacy. This article hopes to contribute to the debate on the new forms of health diplomacy and the role of regional organizations concentrating on health policies as a centrepiece of their regional integration efforts and the reduction of social inequalities.


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This article starts by considering the fact that the Guyanas can be understood as an atypical region in the Latin-American context. The lapse of analysis of this study is from 1600 to 1814, period of development of Dutch Guyanas, which was the base of the Surinam Republic and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. These are highlighted for being the unique Latin-American entities that were not colonized by the Catholics Monarchies, for the absence of missionary activities until 1735, and also for the absence of private action. These colonies offer an interesting study field about comparative development with other South American regions.


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Understanding and predicting changes in storm tracks over longer time scales is a challenging problem, particularly in the North Atlantic. This is due in part to the complex range of forcings (land–sea contrast, orography, sea surface temperatures, etc.) that combine to produce the structure of the storm track. The impact of land–sea contrast and midlatitude orography on the North Atlantic storm track is investigated through a hierarchy of GCM simulations using idealized and “semirealistic” boundary conditions in a high-resolution version of the Hadley Centre atmosphere model (HadAM3). This framework captures the large-scale essence of features such as the North and South American continents, Eurasia, and the Rocky Mountains, enabling the results to be applied more directly to realistic modeling situations than was possible with previous idealized studies. The physical processes by which the forcing mechanisms impact the large-scale flow and the midlatitude storm tracks are discussed. The characteristics of the North American continent are found to be very important in generating the structure of the North Atlantic storm track. In particular, the southwest–northeast tilt in the upper tropospheric jet produced by southward deflection of the westerly flow incident on the Rocky Mountains leads to enhanced storm development along an axis close to that of the continent’s eastern coastline. The approximately triangular shape of North America also enables a cold pool of air to develop in the northeast, intensifying the surface temperature contrast across the eastern coastline, consistent with further enhancements of baroclinicity and storm growth along the same axis.


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In this study, complementary species-level and intraspecific phylogenies were used to better circumscribe the original native range and history of translocation of the invasive tree Parkinsonia aculeata. Species-level phylogenies were reconstructed using three chloroplast gene regions, and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to reconstruct the intraspecific phylogeny. Together, these phylogenies revealed the timescale of transcontinental lineage divergence and the likely source of recent introductions of the invasive. The sequence data showed that divergence between North American and Argentinean P. aculeata occurred at least 5.7 million years ago, refuting previous hypotheses of recent dispersal between North and South America. AFLP phylogenies revealed the most likely sources of naturalized populations. The AFLP data also identified putatively introgressed plants, underlining the importance of wide sampling of AFLPs and of comparison with uniparentally inherited marker data when investigating hybridizing groups. Although P. aculeata has generally been considered North American, these data show that the original native range of P. aculeata included South America; recent introductions to Africa and Australia are most likely to have occurred from South American populations.


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Despite continuing developments in information technology and the growing economic significance of the emerging Eastern European, South American and Asian economies, international financial activity remains strongly concentrated in a relatively small number of international financial centres. That concentration of financial activity requires a critical mass of office occupation and creates demand for high specification, high cost space. The demand for that space is increasingly linked to the fortunes of global capital markets. That linkage has been emphasised by developments in real estate markets, notably the development of global real estate investment, innovation in property investment vehicles and the growth of debt securitisation. The resultant interlinking of occupier, asset, debt and development markets within and across global financial centres is a source of potential volatility and risk. The paper sets out a broad conceptual model of the linkages and their implications for systemic market risk and presents preliminary empirical results that provide support for the model proposed.


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Oxygen isotope records of stalagmites from China and Oman reveal a weak summer monsoon event, with a double-plunging structure, that started 8.21 ± 0.02 kyr B.P. An identical but antiphased pattern is also evident in two stalagmite records from eastern Brazil, indicating that the South American Summer Monsoon was intensified during the 8.2 kyr B.P. event. These records demonstrate that the event was of global extent and synchronous within dating errors of <50 years. In comparison with recent model simulations, it is plausible that the 8.2 kyr B.P. event can be tied in changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation triggered by a glacial lake draining event. This, in turn, affected North Atlantic climate and latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, resulting in the observed low-latitude monsoonal precipitation patterns.


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We used fossil pollen to investigate the response of the eastern Chiquitano seasonally-dry tropical forest (SDTF), lowland Bolivia, to high-amplitude climate change associated with glacial–interglacial cycles. Changes in the structure, composition and diversity of the past vegetation are compared with palaeoclimate data previously reconstructed from the same record, and these results shed light on the biogeographic history of today’s highly disjunct blocks of SDTF across South America. We demonstrate that lower glacial temperatures limited tropical forest in the Chiquitanía region, and suggest that SDTF was absent or restricted at latitudes below 17°S, the proposed location of the majority of the hypothesized ‘Pleistocene dry forest arc’ (PDFA). At 19500 yrs b.p., warming supported the establishment of a floristically-distinct SDTF, which showed little change throughout the glacial–Holocene transition, despite a shift to significantly wetter conditions beginning ca. 12500–12200 yrs b.p. Anadenanthera colubrina, a key SDTF taxon, arrived at 10000 yrs b.p., which coincides with the onset of drought associated with an extended dry season. Lasting until 3000 yrs b.p., Holocene drought caused a floristic shift to more drought-tolerant taxa and a reduction in α-diversity (shown by declining palynological richness), but closed-canopy forest was maintained throughout. In contrast to the PDFA, the modern distribution of SDTF most likely represents the greatest spatial coverage of these forests in southern South America since glacial times. We find that temperature is a key climatic control upon the distribution of lowland South American SDTF over glacial-interglacial timescales, and seasonality of rainfall exerts a strong control on their floristic composition.


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The response of the six major summer monsoon systems (the North American monsoon, the northern Africa monsoon, the Asia monsoon, the northern Australasian monsoon, the South America monsoon and the southern Africa monsoon) to mid-Holocene orbital forcing has been investigated using a coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model (FOAM), with the focus on the distinct roles of the direct insolation forcing and oceanic feedback. The simulation result is also found to compare well with the NCAR CSM. The direct effects of the change in insolation produce an enhancement of the Northern Hemisphere monsoons and a reduction of the Southern Hemisphere monsoons. Ocean feedbacks produce a further enhancement of the northern Africa monsoon and the North American monsoon. However, ocean feedbacks appear to weaken the Asia monsoon, although the overall effect (direct insolation forcing plus ocean feedback) remains a strengthened monsoon. The impact of ocean feedbacks on the South American and southern African monsoons is relatively small, and therefore these regions, especially the South America, experienced a reduced monsoon regime compared to present. However, there is a strong ocean feedback on the northern Australian monsoon that negates the direct effects of orbital changes and results in a strengthening of austral summer monsoon precipitation in this region. A new synthesis is made for mid-Holocene paleoenvironmental records and is compared with the model simulations. Overall, model simulations produce changes in regional climates that are generally consistent with paleoenvironmental observations.