980 resultados para Slides (Photography)


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This paper discusses the art practice of Australian artists Catherine Sagin and Kate Woodcroft, who have been working collaboratively under various monikers since 2008. The duo define their artworks in terms of winning and losing, and play out the division of labour in an artistic practice that employs video, performance, photography and sculpture. Catherine or Kate utilise combative and comparative processes, which challenge notions of artistic collaboration and highlight the inherent tensions and competitive nature of working together.


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Purpose: To examine the effects of gaze position and optical blur, similar to that used in multifocal corrections, on stepping accuracy for a precision stepping task among older adults. Methods: Nineteen healthy older adults (mean age, 71.6 +/- 8.8 years) with normal vision performed a series of precision stepping tasks onto a fixed target. The stepping tasks were performed using a repeated-measures design for three gaze positions (fixating on the stepping target as well as 30 and 60 cm farther forward of the stepping target) and two visual conditions (best-corrected vision and with +2.50DS blur). Participants' gaze position was tracked using a head-mounted eye tracker. Absolute, anteroposterior, and mediolateral foot placement errors and within-subject foot placement variability were calculated from the locations of foot and floor-mounted retroreflective markers captured by flash photography of the final foot position. Results: Participants made significantly larger absolute and anteroposterior foot placement errors and exhibited greater foot placement variability when their gaze was directed farther forward of the stepping target. Blur led to significantly increased absolute and anteroposterior foot placement errors and increased foot placement variability. Furthermore, blur differentially increased the absolute and anteroposterior foot placement errors and variability when gaze was directed 60 cm farther forward of the stepping target. Conclusions: Increasing gaze position farther ahead from stepping locations and the presence of blur negatively impact the stepping accuracy of older adults. These findings indicate that blur, similar to that used in multifocal corrections, has the potential to increase the risk of trips and falls among older populations when negotiating challenging environments where precision stepping is required, particularly as gaze is directed farther ahead from stepping locations when walking.


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Background and aims: Low stage and curative surgery are established factors for improved survival in gastric cancer. However, not all low-stage patients have a good prognosis. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is known to associate with reduced survival in several cancers, and has been shown to play an important role in gastric carcinogenesis. Since new and better prognostic markers are needed for gastric cancer, we studied the prognostic significance of COX-2 and of markers that associate with COX-2 expression. We also studied markers reflecting proliferation and apoptosis, and evaluated their association with COX-2. Our purpose was to construct an accurate prognostic model by combining tissue markers and clinicopathogical factors. Materials and methods: Of 342 consecutive patients who underwent surgery for gastric cancer at Meilahti Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital, 337 were included in this study. Low stages I to II were represented by 141 (42%) patients, and high stages III to IV by 196 (58%). Curative surgery was performed on 176 (52%) patients. Survival data were obtained from the national registers. Slides from archive tissue blocks were prepared for immunohistochemistry by use of COX-2, human antigen R (HuR), cyclin A, matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 (MMP-2, MMP-9), and Ki-67 antibodies. Immunostainings were scored by microscopy, and scores were entered into a database. Associations of tumor markers with clinicopathological factors were calculated, as well as associations with p53, p21, and results of flow cytometry from earlier studies. Survival analysis was performed by the Kaplan-Meier method, and Cox multivariate models were reconstructed. Cell culture experiments were performed to explore the effect of small interfering (si)RNA of HuR on COX-2 expression in a TMK-1 gastric cancer cell line. Results: Overall 5-year survival was 35.1%. Study I showed that COX-2 was an independent prognostic factor, and that the prognostic impact of COX-2 was more pronounced in low-stage patients. Cytoplasmic HuR expression also associated with reduced survival in gastric cancer patients in a non-independent manner. Cell culture experiments showed that HuR can regulate COX-2 expression in TMK-1 cells in vitro, with an association also between COX-2 and HuR tissue expression in a clinical material. In Study II, cyclin A was an independent prognostic factor and was associated with HuR expression in the gastric cancer material. The results of Study III showed that epithelial MMP-2 associated with survival in univariate, but not in multivariate analysis. However, MMP-9 showed no prognostic value. MMP-2 expression was associated with COX-2 expression. In Study IV, the prognostic power of COX-2 was compared with that of all tested markers associated with survival in Studies I to III, as well as with p21, p53, and flow cytometry results. COX-2 and p53 were independent prognostic factors, and COX-2 expression was associated with that of p53 and Ki-67 and also with aneuploidy. Conclusions: COX-2 is an independent prognostic factor in gastric cancer, and its prognostic power emerges especially in low stage cancer. COX-2 is regulated by HuR, and is associated with factors reflecting invasion, proliferation, and apoptosis. In an extended multivariate model, COX-2 retained its position as an independent prognosticator. COX-2 can be considered a promising new prognostic marker in gastric cancer.


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Stick-slip is usually observed in driven dissipative threshold systems. In these set of lectures, we discuss, some generic and system specific features of stickslip systems by considering a few examples wherein there has been some progress in understanding the associated dynamics. In most stick slip systems, both at low and high drive rates, the system slides smoothly, but within a window of drive rates, the motion becomes intermittent; the system alternately “sticks” till the stress builds up to a threshold value, and then “slips” when the stress is rapidly released. This intermittent motion can be traced to the existence of an unstable branch separating the two resistive branches in the force-drive-rate relation. While the two resistive branches are experimentally measurable, the unstable branch is usually not measurable and is only inferred.


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Metsäsuunnittelussa tarvittavan metsävaratiedon keräämisessä ollaan Suomessa siirtymässä kuvioittaisesta arvioinnista laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuvapohjaiseen kaukokartoitukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ja läpimittajakauman ennustamisen tarkkuus koealan metsikkö- ja puustotunnuksista MSN-, PRM-, ML- ja FMM-menetelmiä sekä Weibull-jakaumaa hyödyntäen seuraavilla tavoilla: 1. PRM-menetelmällä hilatasolla, 2. PRMmenetelmällä kuviotasolla, 3. ML-menetelmällä hilatasolla ja 4. ML-menetelmällä kuviotasolla. Lisäksi kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ennustamisen tarkkuus selvitettiin hyödyntäen kuviolle tuotettua runkolukusarjaa. Tulokset laskettiin puulajikohtaisesti männylle, kuuselle, koivulle ja muille puulajeille. Puulajien tulokset laskettiin kuviotasolla yhteen. Lisäksi selvitettiin menetelmien laskenta-ajan ja tallennustilan tarve. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun Evon toimipisteen metsistä mitattuja kiinteäsäteisiä ympyräkoealoja, joita oli 249 kappaletta. Hakkuukoneella mitattiin 12kuvion, joiden pinta-alat vaihtelivat välillä 0,2 – 1,94 hehtaaria, puustotiedot. Aluepohjaisen laserkeilausaineiston pulssin tiheys oli 1,8/m2 ja ilmakuvien pikselikoko 0,5 metriä. Kuvion kokonaistilavuus ennustettiin tai estimoitiin laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuva-aineiston piirteiden avulla koealojen puustotunnuksista. Tulokset laskettiin erikseen kaikille kuvioille ja kuvioille, joiden pinta-ala oli yli 0,5 hehtaaria. Yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioita oli 8 kappaletta. Kuvion hilojen naapureina käytettiin 1 - 10 koealaa. Menetelmästä ja naapurien määrästä riippuen kokonaistilavuuden suhteellinen RMSE ja harha vaihtelivat välillä 20,76 – 52,86 prosenttia ja -12,04 – 46,54 prosenttia. Vastaavat luvut yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioilla olivat 6,74 – 59,41 prosenttia ja -8,04 – 49,59 prosenttia. Laskenta-aika vaihteli menetelmien ja käytettyjen naapurien määrän mukaan voimakkaasti. Kehittyneemmällä ohjelmoinnilla ja ohjelmistolla laskenta-ajat voivat laskea merkittävästi. Tallennustila ei testatuilla menetelmillä ole rajoittava tekijä laajassakaan mittakaavassa. Läpimittajakauman perusteella PRM-menetelmä ennustaa puulajille erittäin kapean läpimittajakauman, jos koeala koostuu vain muutamasta lähes samankokoisesta puusta. Tämä vaikutti tuloksiin erityisesti menetelmällä PRM2.


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The characteristics of the separated flow behind a diaphragm over a burning surface are investigated experimentally. This complex problem of practical significance involving recirculation, blowing and combustion reactions is studied in a two-dimensional combustion tunnel. The flame structure, recirculation patterns and heat transfer to the surface are presented for a range of values of free stream and fuel injection velocities as well as for different heights of the diaphragm. The trends of heat transfer vs axial distance are shown to be similar to those resulting from a non-reactive heated stream with a diaphragm. Treating the case of a boundary layer diffusion flame as that corresponding to the zero height of the diaphragm, the heat transfer augmentation due to recirculation is estimated. It is found that at considerable downstream distances (xfh > 3), the heat transfer rates with diaphragm overtake the rates from a developing boundary layer case. Flow visualization studies with particle track photography show that there are many similarities between the reactive and the non-reactive cases.


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Photographized nature I. K. Inha s work as a signification of nature The dissertation examines, through the work of the Finnish photographer and writer I. K. Inha (formerly Konrad Into Nyström) (1865 1930), the different ways in which the signification of nature is achieved. The principal material consists of Inha s work from 1890 to 1925, from which a number of photographs and texts are considered and upon which the photographization of nature is contemplated. The dissertation addresses the issue of how nature is conceived and how the act of photographizing it can be defined. The methodical context of the study is composed of three thematic baskets that structure the material and which consist of narrations on Finnish national perception, nature conservation and understanding the world. In the first case nature is seen as the natural environment encompassing lakes, seashores, forests, and hills, which at the time were often perceived from a utilitarian viewpoint. By the photographization they generated a pictorial narrative that could be shared. The natural environment was thus turned into landscape by means of photography, following the global pictorial concepts picturesque and sublime, as well as the national canons that had been developed in literature and the visual arts. In the narrations concerning nature conservation, the photographization did not merely occur within the limits of presuppositions, but rather nature was given the opportunity to unfold itself. While the photograph was being established as a basis for supporting nature conservation or to highlight the destruction of nature at the hand of Man, an attempt was made to represent subjects that were difficult to convey in photographs, such as nature s power or the miracle of growth. The thesis suggests, that in the third case the concept of nature broke away from its strict interconnection with the natural environment and led to a contemplation of nature that is perceivable in a person. In this context the photograph and the photographization are interpreted as an attempt to understand a person and his or her very existence in the world, while this same existential wonder is seen as being embodied in Inha s portrait of a rune singer and in his photographs of forest interior and water. Further, the thesis asks whether photographing nature could be interpreted as an action similar to the idea of the phenomenological reduction as a means of bypassing the photographer s prevailing way of being.


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Nonstandard hour child care is a subject rarely studied. From an adult's perspective it is commonly associated with a concern for child's wellbeing. The aim of this study was to view nonstandard hour child care and its everyday routines from children´s perspective. Three research questions were set. The first question dealt with structuring of physical environment and time in a kindergarten providing nonstandard hour child care. The second and third questions handled children s agency and social interaction with adults and peers. The research design was qualitative, and the study was carried out as a case study. Research material was mainly obtained through observation, but interviews, photography and written documents were used as well. The material was analysed by means of content analysis. The study suggests that the physical environment and schedule of a kindergarten providing nonstandard hour child care are similar to those of kindergartens in general. The kindergarten's daily routine enabled children s active agency especially during free play sessions for which there was plenty of time. During free play children were able to interact with both adults and peers. Children s individual day care schedules challenged interaction between children. These special features should be considered in developing and planning nonstandard hour child care. In other word, children's agency and opportunities to social interaction should be kept in mind in organising the environment of early childhood education in kindergartens providing nonstandard hour child care.


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The loss and degradation of forest cover is currently a globally recognised problem. The fragmentation of forests is further affecting the biodiversity and well-being of the ecosystems also in Kenya. This study focuses on two indigenous tropical montane forests in the Taita Hills in southeastern Kenya. The study is a part of the TAITA-project within the Department of Geography in the University of Helsinki. The study forests, Ngangao and Chawia, are studied by remote sensing and GIS methods. The main data includes black and white aerial photography from 1955 and true colour digital camera data from 2004. This data is used to produce aerial mosaics from the study areas. The land cover of these study areas is studied by visual interpretation, pixel-based supervised classification and object-oriented supervised classification. The change of the forest cover is studied with GIS methods using the visual interpretations from 1955 and 2004. Furthermore, the present state of the study forests is assessed with leaf area index and canopy closure parameters retrieved from hemispherical photographs as well as with additional, previously collected forest health monitoring data. The canopy parameters are also compared with textural parameters from digital aerial mosaics. This study concludes that the classification of forest areas by using true colour data is not an easy task although the digital aerial mosaics are proved to be very accurate. The best classifications are still achieved with visual interpretation methods as the accuracies of the pixel-based and object-oriented supervised classification methods are not satisfying. According to the change detection of the land cover in the study areas, the area of indigenous woodland in both forests has decreased in 1955 2004. However in Ngangao, the overall woodland area has grown mainly because of plantations of exotic species. In general, the land cover of both study areas is more fragmented in 2004 than in 1955. Although the forest area has decreased, forests seem to have a more optimistic future than before. This is due to the increasing appreciation of the forest areas.


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Photocatalysis using semiconductor catalyst such as TiO2, in presence of UV light, is a promising technique for the inactivation of various microorganisms present in water. In the current study, the photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli bacteria was studied with commercial Degussa Aeroxide TiO2 P25 (Aeroxide) and combustion synthesized TiO2 (CS TiO2) catalysts immobilized on glass slides in presence of UV irradiation. Thin films of the catalyst and polyelectrolytes, poly(allyl amine hydrochloride) and poly(styrene sulfonate sodium salt), were deposited on glass slides by layer by layer (LbL) deposition method and characterized by SEM and AFM imaging. The effect of various parameters, namely, catalyst concentration, surface area and number of bilayers, on inactivation was studied. Maximum inactivation of 8-log reduction in the viable count was observed with 1.227 mg/cm(2) of catalyst loaded slides. With this loading, complete inactivation was observed within 90 min and 75 min of irradiation, for Aeroxide and CS TiO2, respectively. Further increase in the catalyst concentration or increasing number of bilayers had no significant effect on inactivation. The effect of surface area on the inactivation was studied by increasing the number of slides and the inactivation was observed to increase with increasing surface area. It was also observed that the immobilized catalyst slides can be used for several cycles leading to an economic process. The study shows potential application of TiO2, for the inactivation of bacteria, in its fixed form by a simple immobilization technique.


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Degradation of dimethoate under UV irradiation using TiO2/polymer films prepared by the layer-by-layer (LbL) method was investigated. The thin films were fabricated on glass slides and the surface morphology and roughness of the thin films were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The effect of lamp intensity, catalyst loading in the layers, number of bilayers, pH and initial dimethoate concentration on the degradation of dimethoate was systematically studied. The degradation was monitored using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis and total organic carbon (TOC) measurements as a function of irradiation time, to see the change in concentration of dimethoate and mineralization, respectively. Complete degradation of dimethoate was achieved under TiO2 optimum loading of 4 g/L at an UV irradiation time of 180 min. Increase in the lamp intensity, catalyst loading and number of bilayers increased the rate of degradation. At a pH of 4.62, complete degradation of dimethoate was observed. The degradation efficiency decreased with increase in initial dimethoate concentration. The degradation byproducts were analyzed and confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectra (GC-MS). Toxicity of the irradiated samples was measured using the luminescence of bacteria Vibrio fischeri after 30 min of incubation and the results showed more toxicity than the parent compound. Catalyst reusability studies revealed that the fabricated thin films could be repeatedly used for up to ten times without affecting the photocatalytic activity of the films. The findings of the present study are very useful for the treatment of wastewaters contaminated with pesticides. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Metal-ion- (Ag, Co, Ni and Pd) doped titania nanocatalysts were successfully deposited on glass slides by layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly technique using a poly(styrene sulfonate sodium salt) (PSS) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) polyelectrolyte system. Solid diffuse reflectance (SDR) studies showed a linear increase in absorbance at 416 nm with increase in the number of m-TiO2 thin films. The LbL assembled thin films were tested for their photocatalytic activity through the degradation of Rhodamine B under visible-light illumination. From the scanning electron microscope (SEM), the thin films had a porous morphology and the atomic force microscope (AFM) studies showed ``rough'' surfaces. The porous and rough surface morphology resulted in high surface areas hence the high photocatalytic degradation (up to 97% over a 6.5 h irradiation period) using visible-light observed. Increasing the number of multilayers deposited on the glass slides resulted in increased film thickness and an increased rate of photodegradation due to increase in the availability of more nanocatalysts (more sites for photodegradation). The LbL assembled thin films had strong adhesion properties which made them highly stable thus displaying the same efficiencies after five (5) reusability cycles.


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The flow over a truncated cone is a classical and fundamental problem for aerodynamic research due to its three-dimensional and complicated characteristics. The flow is made more complex when examining high angles of incidence. Recently these types of flows have drawn more attention for the purposes of drag reduction in supersonic/hypersonic flows. In the present study the flow over a truncated cone at various incidences was experimentally investigated in a Mach 5 flow with a unit Reynolds number of 13.5�10 6m -1. The cone semi-apex angle is 15° and the truncation ratio (truncated length/cone length) is 0.5. The incidence of the model varied from -12° to 12° with 3° intervals relative to the freestream direction. The external flow around the truncated cone was visualised by colour Schlieren photography, while the surface flow pattern was revealed using the oil flow method. The surface pressure distribution was measured using the anodized aluminium pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) technique. Both top and sideviews of the pressure distribution on the model surface were acquired at various incidences. AA-PSP showed high pressure sensitivity and captured the complicated flow structures which correlated well with the colour Schlieren and oil flow visualisation results. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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We describe a method to fabricate high-density biological microarrays using lithographic patterning of polyelectrolyte multi layers formed by spin assisted electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly. Proteins or DNA can be immobilized on the polyelectrolyte patterns via electrostatic attachment leading to functional microarrays. As the immobilization is done using electrostatically assembled polyelectrolyte anchor, this process is substrate independent and is fully compatible with a standard semiconductor fabrication process flow. Moreover, the electrostatic assembly of the anchor layer is a fast process with reaction saturation times of the order of a few minutes unlike covalent schemes that typically require hours to reach saturation. The substrate independent nature of this technique is demonstrated by functionalizing glass slides as well as regular transparency sheets using the same procedure. Using a model protein assay, we demonstrate that the non-covalent immobilization scheme described here has competitive performance compared to conventional covalent immobilization schemes described in literature. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Air can be trapped on the crevices of specially textured hydrophobic surfaces immersed in water. This heterogenous state of wetting in which the water is in contact with both the solid surface and the entrapped air is not stable. Diffusion of air into the surrounding water leads to gradual reduction in the size and numbers of the air bubbles. The sustainability of the entrapped air on such surfaces is important for many underwater applications in which the surfaces have to remain submersed for longer time periods. In this paper we explore the suitability of different classes of surface textures towards the drag reduction application by evaluating the time required for the disappearance of the air bubbles under hydrostatic conditions. Different repetitive textures consisting of holes, pillars and ridges of different sizes have been generated in silicon, aluminium and brass by isotropic etching, wire EDM and chemical etching respectively. These surfaces were rendered hydrophobic with self-assembled layer of fluorooctyl trichlorosilane for silicon and aluminium surfaces and 1-dodecanethiol for brass surfaces. Using total internal reflection the air bubbles are visualized with the help of a microscope and time lapse photography. Irrespective of the texture, both the size and the number of air pockets were found to decrease with time gradually and eventually disappear. In an attempt to reverse the diffusion we explore the possibility of using electrolysis to generate gases at the textured surfaces. The gas bubbles are nucleated everywhere on the surface and as they grow they coalesce with each other and get pinned at the texture edges.