An Experimental Study of Kerosene Combustion in a Supersonic Model Combustor Using Effervescent Atomization

Autoria(s): 俞刚; 李建国; 赵建荣; 岳连捷; 张新宇; 宋知人



Investigation of kerosene combustion in a Mach 2.5 flow was carried out using a model supersonic combustor with cross-section area of 51 mm?70 mm, with special emphases on the characterization of effervescent atomization and the flameholdering mechanism using different integrated fuel injector/flameholder cavity modules. Direct photography, Schlieren imaging, and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of OH were utilized to examine the cavity characteristics and spray structure, with and without gas barbotage. Schlieren images illustrate the effectiveness of gas barbotage in facilitating atomization and the importance of secondary atomization when kerosene sprays interacting with a supersonic crossflow. OH-PLIF images further substantiate our previous finding that there exists a local high temperature radical pool within the cavity flameholder and this radical pool plays a crucial role in promoting kerosene combustion in a supersonic combustor. The present results also demonstrate that the cavity characteristics can be different in non-reacting and reacting supersonic flows. As such, the conventional definition of cavity characteristics based on non-reacting flows needs to be revised.


Palavras-Chave #力学
