977 resultados para Rothengatter, Werner
Issues concerning coastal regions, especially the beaches have sparked quite complex because studies are there that most people in the world has secured housing, mainly from the half of the last century, without concern for the natural dynamics of these environments, which have complex interactions of continental and oceanic, coastal responsible for changes in locations that can be perceived in a few years and sometimes even a few days or hours. The search took as main goal, analyze the Genipabu Beach, in the municipality of Extremoz/RN, fragile environment and rapid momentum, which has been occupied in a disorderly and unplanned. Carried out a beach monitoring through profiles beach environments: defined stages morphodynamics; realization of characterize hydrodynamic processes; identification of changes in the landscape. To this end, made necessary a survey from the bibliographic collection for theoretical and conceptual rationale. An empirical step for conducting the environmental characterization of hydrodynamics, leveling and topographic analysis of sediments (in laboratory), for observation of changes in features, influenced, and natural dynamics, anthropic action that increasingly comes taking the characteristics from the natural landscape. Underlines therefore the importance of academic studies in several areas in these environments, for setting up a coastal zoning giving public subsidies for managers for managing and planning the use and occupation of the coast in their areas
This dissertation includes the monitoring of coastal environmental dynamics at three points distinct from Ponta Negra beach, located on the South Coast of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period June 2012 to May, 2013. For this, the following hypotheses were developed: Which actors morphodynamic and/or anthropogenic responsible for the changes in the study area? And yet, the configuration of the morphodynamic state of the beach, dissipative, reflective or intermediate? Faced with these questions , studies on the beach environment has its relevance as they may clarify the risks and responsibilities of anthropogenic intervention and also assist managers in more targeted action regarding the protection of praiais systems, since once committed, it is very difficult recover the environmental framework of the area, being greatly more feasible the development of multidisciplinary work plans that can guide human actions possible in search of an understanding to the harmonious interaction between society and the beach system. Its main goal is the understanding of the processes of coastal dynamics, methodological procedures that supported the implementation of this research were based on the object of study related literature associated with the collection of data resulting from beach profiles made monthly in spring tides (full moon), the hydrodynamic data and statistical quantification data (%) and size classification of sediment sediment after laboratory analysis. The results obtained from annual comparative tables of beach profiles, associated sedimentological analysis, indicated a positive sediment budget, tending to equilibrium for Point 01 and Point 02 negative. Have to Step 03 were added to the hydrodynamic data, which allowed also on a comparative framework, the perception of a depositional dynamics, with a tendency to decrease the accumulation of material at the end of the annual cycle. These data also allowed for the point 03, the calculation of the volume of material transported by the longshore current was around 104.280 m³/m, plus the Dean parameter which established a morphological state of the dissipative beach with specific prevalences for point 03. Thus, given the results presented in this work in a timely monitoring of coastal dynamics is expected that managers and public authorities can articulate multidisciplinary work plans, always aiming actions that seek understanding and effective commitment to the recovery of the harmonious interaction between society and Ponta Negra beach environment
The aim of the evaluation of milk production and somatic cell count of dairy cow supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a source of organic zinc for 180 days, 25 Holstein cows were selected, randomly chosen from a flock of 189 lactating cows. The animals were distributed in two groups, namely group 1 (G1) which holded 10 cows supplemented and group 2 (G2) with 15 animals without supplementation. The production of milk was measured by the control official milkman of the Assocition Paranaense of Creators of Bovine of the Holstein in seven moments during the 180 days. The samples of milk were collected of each animal, being submitted to the electronic counting of somatic cells. The results demonstrate that the supplemented of organic zinc didn't alter the production of milk, however it was capable to maintain low the counting of somatic cells. The data of the present work suggest that to use supplemented of organic zinc in the diet of cows milk, increase the quality of the produced milk and consequently the remuneration for the producer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to determinate the occurrence of hepatic lesions caused by migratory large Strongyle larvaes in horses slaughtered in city of Apucarana in state of Parana. The lesions were diagnostic in post mortem exam by macro and microscopic analysis. From April 2003 to April 2004,38,363 animals, coming from different regions of Brazil, were examined. The occurrence of granulomas in liver was observed in 14,443 (37.64%), with adhesions and spot in 6,645 (17,32%), and 17,275 (45.03%) without macroscopic lesions. Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of livers with calcified nodules, the presence of whitish spots, and adhesions in the format of "lines" over the hepatic capsule. No larvae were found in the livers. Hepatic fragments were histologically processed and revealed, by optical microscopy, inflammatory cells with predominance of eosinophils around the granulomas with a moderate amount of macrophages and the presence of fibroblasts.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Com base no levantamento bibliográfico realizado sobre as cianobactérias citadas para o Brasil e para o Estado de São Paulo em particular, além de consulta à lista de espécies da flora brasileira e aos bancos de dados de coleções paulistas, encontramos um total de 460 espécies citadas para o Brasil e 378 para o estado de São Paulo. Considerando que o grupo tem ao redor de 2800 espécies, estes números representam bem menos de 20% das espécies conhecidas. Assim, frente a diversidade de ambientes e habitats existentes nos biomas tropicais/subtropicais, o reduzido número de espécies já conhecidas indica que certamente essa biodiversidade está subestimada e deve ser muito maior do que identificamos até agora.
Considering the great ecological importance of the cyanobacteria and the need for more detailed information about these organisms in Brazilian waters, this paper provides taxonomic information about the unicellular cyanobacteria flora in lagoon systems along the coastal plains of Rio Grande do Sul State. Sampling was performed in different freshwater bodies along the eastern (Casamento Lake area) and western (near the city of Tapes) banks of the Patos Lagoon (30º40' S-30º10' S and 50º30' W-51º30' W). The samples were collected once in the rainy season and once in the dry season (from May 2003 to December 2003) using a plankton net (25 µm mesh) in pelagic and littoral zones, and by squeezing the submerged parts of aquatic macrophytes. Thirty one species belonging to the families Synechoccocaceae (7 taxa), Merismopediaceae (12 taxa), Chamaesiphonaceae (1 taxon), Microcystaceae (4) and Chroococcaceae (7 taxa) were identified. Among these species, five are reported for the first time in Rio Grande do Sul State: Chamaesiphon amethystinus (Rostafinski) Lemmermann, Chroococcus minimus (Keissler) Lemmermann, Coelomoron pusillum (Van Goor) Komárek, Coelosphaerium kuetzingeanum Naegeli, and Cyanodictyon tubiforme Cronberg.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to bottom quarks in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)