999 resultados para Ronaldo Porto Macedo
Com a finalidade de se testar a viabilidade do método de microenxertia para produzir mudas de mangueira livres do fungo Fusarium subglutinans, agente causal da malformação, foram realizados experimentos utilizando-se do ápice meristemático da cultivar Tommy Atkins. Retirou-se o ápice meristemático do porta-enxerto e colocou-se o ápice meristemático da cultivar-copa, denominando-se essa metodologia de microenxertia por substituição de ápice meristemático, na qual foram utilizadas as cultivares Coquinho, Espada, Ouro e Ubá como porta-enxertos. O material de propagação utilizado foi retirado de uma planta-matriz da cultivar Tommy Atkins sem sintomas de malformação. Primeiramente, a parte apical dos ramos foi cortada com aproximadamente 3 cm de comprimento. Os meristemas foram colocados em uma solução antioxidante composta de ácido ascórbico, ácido cítrico e L-cisteína, para evitar a oxidação dos compostos fenólicos existentes na manga. Os meristemas apicais foram cortados com comprimento de 2 mm. em seguida, efetuou-se o corte do meristema apical e de folhas do porta-enxerto, colocando-se o meristema apical sobre o corte do porta-enxerto, recobrindo-se com Parafilm®. Demonstrou-se com a técnica de microenxertia a possibilidade de formação de plantas-matrizes, para implantação de jardim clonal em condições de viveiro protegido.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as plantas aquáticas e os níveis de infestação de cada espécie em Porto Primavera antes do enchimento final do reservatório. Foram avaliados todos os focos de vegetação aquática no reservatório (72 pontos), sendo os pontos demarcados com um aparelho de GPS. As espécies foram identificadas e estimouse visualmente (tamanho da área) a distribuição proporcional das plantas no foco de infestação. Após a identificação, foram encontradas 18 espécies de plantas aquáticas vegetando no reservatório, das quais foram determinadas a frequência de espécie de planta aquática e a distribuição dentro do sistema de geração de energia. As espécies encontradas no reservatório foram: Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia azurea, Pistia stratiotes, Paspalum repens, Cyperus brevifolius, Paspalum conspersum, Echinochloa polystachya, Egeria densa, Egeria najas, Polygonum hidropiperoides, Polygonum lapathifolium, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Eleocharis sellowiana, Nymphaea ampla, Pontederia cordata, Salvinia auriculata, Salvinia rotundifolia e Typha angustifolia. As maiores frequências relativas foram observadas em: E. azurea (36,11%), E. crassipes (16,67%), P. stratiotes (13,89%), S. auriculata (13,89%), C. brevifolius (11,11%) e P. lapathifolium (6,94%).
The obtaining of the oligosaccharides from chitosanase, has showed interest of the pharmaceutical area in the last years due their countless functional properties. Although, the great challenge founded out is how to keep a constant and efficient production. The alternative proposed by this present work was to study the viability to develop an integrated technology, with reduced costs. The strategy used was the obtaining of the oligomers through enzymatic hydrolysis using chitosanolitic enzymes obtained straight from the fermented broth, eliminating this way the phases involved in the enzymes purification. The two chitosanases producing strains chosen for the work, Paenibacillus chitinolyticus and Paenibacillus ehimensis, were evaluated according to the behavior in the culture medium with simple sugar and in relation to the pH medium variations. The culture medium for the chitosanases induction and production was developed through addition of soluble chitosan as carbon source. The soluble chitosan was obtained using hydrochloric acid solution 0.1 M and afterwards neutralization with NaOH 10 M. The enzymatic complexes were obtained from induction process in culture medium with 0.2% of soluble chitosan. The enzymes production was verified soon after the consumption of the simple sugars by the microorganisms and the maximum chitosanolitic activity obtained in the fermented broth by Paenibacillus chitinolyticus was 249 U.L-1 and by Paenibacillus ehimensis was 495U.L-1. These two enzymatic complexes showed stability when stored at 20°C for about 91 days. The enzymes in the fermented broth by Paenibacillus chitinolyticus, when exposed at temperature of 55°C and pH 6.0, where the activity is maximum, showed 50% lost of activity after 3 hours Meanwhile, for the complex produced by Paenibacillus ehimensis, after 6 days of exposure, it was detected 100% of the activity. The chito-oligosaccharides obtained by the hydrolysis of a 1% chitosan solution, using the enzymatic complex produced by Paenibacillus chitinolyticus showed larger quantity after 9 hours hydrolysis and using the complex produced by Paenibacillus ehimensis after 20 minutes was observed the chito-ligosacharides with polymerization degree between 3 and 6 units. Evaluating these results, it was verified that the production of chitosan-oligosaccharides is possible, using a simultaneous process
Escherichia coli has been one of the most widely used hosts in recombinant protein production, in both laboratory and industrial scale since the advent of recombinant DNA technology. Despite the substantial progress of studies on the molecular biology and immunology of infections, there is currently no medication-based prophylaxis capable of preventing leishmaniasis. As such, there is a great need to identify specific antigens for the development of vaccines and diagnostic kits against visceral leishmaniasis. Thus, the primary goal of the present study is to assess the influence of cultivation conditions on the production of Leishmania chagasi antigens, carried out in a rotating incubator and bioreactor. To that end, several assays were conducted to evaluate the kinetic behavior of antigens (648, 503) of Leishmania. i. chagasi in two different compositions of media (2xTY, TB), with and without an inducer. In order to improve expression, assays were performed in a benchtop bioreactor using the best conditions obtained in a rotating incubator, in addition to assessing the influence of stirring speed. Results show that high complexity of the cultivation medium favored kinetic growth of clones (648, 503). However, in assays submitted to induction by IPTG, this elevated complexity did not promote the expression of recombinant proteins. Expression of antigens 648 and 503 exhibited behavior associated with growth and, in terms of location, proteins 648 and 503 are intracellularly stored. Lactose may be the most adequate inducer in protein expression, when considering factors, cost, toxicity and stability. Elevated stirring may increase cell growth in clone 53, although it may not result in high concentrations for the protein of interest. On the other hand, positive results were obtained for all recombinant clones (648, 503) tested, confirmed by the electrophoretic profile
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Iconic historical figure, Antônio Vieira (1608-1697) is regarded as an essential character to the Luso-Brazilian history. Between 1646 and 1667, the priest began writing the History of the Future, the first volume of the celebrated "Clavis Prophetarum , political and theological unity that would leverage the process of spread of Christianity across the globe, recognizing Portugal as forefront and center of all millenarian movement. Them, Jesuit represented the "World" in two metaphors: "theater" and "body" responsible for viewing spaces of abstract Christian truth. Starting from the hermeneutical assumptions of analysis, we investigated the historical relations present in the construction of such representations, by which establish the dialogue between politics, theology and seventeenth-century rhetoric. Therefore, the following study supports the hypothesis that beyond a mere stylistic expressions, spatial metaphors of "World" were formulated by Antonio Vieira as a resource that could sharpen the minds of his readers, engaging words into action, become alive and effective use of rhetoric
The objective of this work is to understand some of the modifications caused for the phenomenon of the westernization in the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande e in the life of the indians populations that inhabited there during the Colonial Period. We break of the quarrel of Serge Gruzinski concerning the westernization, understood while immersed phenomenon in the context of the expansion of the commercial capitalism and that, for the imposition of the culture occidental person to the alteridades of the New World, emprende the conquest of its territories, bodies and souls. The space clipping has covered the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande, specifically the colonial territory of the Freguesia da Gloriosa Senhora Santa Ana do Seridó. The chosen chronological limit for the research corresponds to the Colonial Period and part of the Imperial one. However, the emphasis falls again on the period that it initiates in 1670, year of the oldest concession of would sesmaria known until the moment in the hinterland of the Rio Grande, extending itself until the decade of 1840. Sources of written by hand nature, cartographic printed and compose the used document roll: official correspondence and legislation, petitions of would sesmaria, inventories post-mortem, justifications of debt, registers of parish, maps, action civil court jurisdiction, notes of notary's office, land landmarks. We take the method, analyzed for Carlo Ginzburg, to cross these sources between itself and to detect its implied particularitities and ideas in the space between lineses, but, attributing it status to they of a colonial speech, fruit of the bureaucracy of where it was originated and of the social place of who produced it. We look for to demonstrate, throughout the work, that the phenomenon of the westernization desestruturou the aboriginal societies and its habitat, constructing, over its rubbles, a colonial territory that found in the cartography of the Freguesia de Santa Ana an efficient instrument of control of the space and the population. On the other hand, if the imposition of the culture occidental person exterminou great part of the native population that inhabited the hinterland of the Rio Grande, the remainders of these indians and the mestizos of descending them had survived in diverse ways in the freguesia: in the condition of captives of war or in regimen of servile work, as living or assistants in the farms, populations and village; rambling without route in the fields and the population spots; as mediating agents between the world occidental person and the native, exerting military or civil positions and still appealing to Justice in search of its rights of inheritance. Experiences of slavery, servitude, errância and mediation, but, also of resistance, adaptation, mestization in the Freguesia de Santa Ana
The physical and environmental factors presented by each habitat and the rhythm of behavior patterns strongly influence the ecology and behavior of the all living beings. At same time this factors may provide clues about the structure of a population and its ecological balance. The organizational structure, ecology and behavior of a species appraised in a region if we know be in balance when compared to the same type of appraisal made in a degraded area can provide a clear view of how the anthropogenic influences acted on these species and what steps can be taken in order to mitigate the effects and keep the population. The region where this study was conducted is, like most areas of port, subject to intense physical and environmental degradation. With the emerging interest of change in the quality of these environments also by the companies themselves that use the port services, the proposed study aimed to characterize the use of habitat, the distribution of behavioral activities carried out throughout the day and influence of geomorphology of the bed, depth and variation of tide on the expression of the behavior of Sotalia guianensis in the port of Maceio - Alagoas. From this information will be possible establish parameters for comparison with other populations of S. guianensis and establish conservation measures for the population occurring in the port of Maceio - AL, serving also as a basis for conservation actions future performed in other port regions
Decapod crustaceans are one of the most important portions of megafaunal of coastal waters, playing a role as modifier of the environment and controlling populations of other organisms. Among the Decapoda, crab (brachyuran) constitutes the dominant macrofauna of mangroves. Among brachyuran is the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus, Linnaeus, 1763), which represents the main component of the macrofauna of mangroves, particularly in Northern and Northeastern Brazil. In Brazil, its distribution is known from the state of Amapá to the north of Santa Catarina. This species is distinguished by its economic importance, being one of the main fishing resources in Brazil, generating a significant impact on their natural populations. This reduction would result in loss of value to the product, preventing its commercialization. Although it´s great ecological and economic importance, there are few articles about the biological aspects of U. cordatus, mainly in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work aimed to study the population dynamics of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in Conchas estuary, Porto do Mangue, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. During the period November 2009 to October 2010 the crabs were collected monthly, obeying predetermined lunar periods (new moon or full moon) in a mangrove area in Porto do Mangue - RN. With the aid of a steel caliper (0.01 mm) and a precision balance (0.01 g) were measured biometric variables related to the animal's carapace, major propodus chela, width of abdomen (female), length of gonopodium ( males) and total weight. In addition, it was recorded, the gonads and molt stages, for males and females. In total, 476 crabs were collected, with 338 males and 138 females. Males were larger, heavier and in greater proportion than females. The reproductive period for the species in this location was limited during the months November to May, suggesting a change in current environmental legislation for the closure period. Synchrony was observed between the morphological and physiological maturity with females maturing earlier, possibly, a reproductive strategy adopted, compared to the low fishing pressure in the area. The molting period occurred in the dry season peaking in October. The analysis of growth, based on the parameters of von Bertalanffy was calculated using the nonlinear fit using modes (AJMOD). High growth rates for both males (L = 7.54 cm, k = 0.95, t0 =- 00:08; tmax = 4.84) and females (L = 6.50, k = 1 , 2, t0 =- 0008; tmax = 3.28) were found, contrasting with data from the literature, using other techniques. Males had higher asymptotic width size and longevity, but a lower growth constant when compared with females. The estimated age, for males and females, reaching the minimum capture size was 1.82 years and 1.63 years respectively. The size of physiological maturity, when individuals are able to reproduce, was estimated at 1.4 years and 1.05 years, for males and females, respectively. The recruitment period for this species is seasonal, with two peaks of occurrence, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. This work represented the first effort on understanding the ecology of the mangrove crab, to the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. However, further studies on its biology should be undertaken, especially those related to growth, and recruitment, where observed that literature is more scarce
Este estudo é parte do monitoramento limnológico empreendido pela Companhia Energética do Estado de São Paulo (CESP) durante o processo de enchimento do reservatório de Porto Primavera (Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta). Este reservatório, localizado no alto rio Paraná, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso, é o quarto maior do país. A primeira etapa de enchimento do lago começou em dezembro de 1998 e a segunda em março de 2001. Amostras para a análise da comunidade bentônica e das características sedimentológicas foram coletadas trimestralmente entre agosto de 1999 e novembro de 2001 e também em agosto de 2002 (11 campanhas). As coletas foram feitas em 13 estações de amostragem distribuídas no reservatório e em uma localizada a jusante da barragem. 128 táxons de invertebrados foram encontrados, sendo Mollusca, Annelida, Insecta e Nematoda os grupos dominantes durante praticamente todos os meses analisados. A classe Insecta foi a melhor representada, com 9 diferentes ordens, dentro das quais os Diptera contribuíram com a ocorrência de 63 táxons. A espécie exótica de bivalve Corbicula fluminea foi registrada em todas as estações de amostragem mostrando sua grande capacidade para colonizar novos habitats em regiões neotropicais. Variações consideráveis na densidade da fauna foram observadas para os diferentes períodos e locais analisados. A densidade máxima (média de 7812 ind.m-2) foi registrada no centro do reservatório enquanto que as densidades mínimas foram registradas na zona lacustre próxima à barragem (média de 9 ind.m-2). A maior riqueza de espécies por local/período (24 táxons) foi encontrada no trecho superior do reservatório (trecho fluvial). A diversidade máxima foi observada nas zonas superior e central do reservatório, com valores de 3.82 e 3.86 (bits.ind-1) no início (agosto/1999) e final (agosto/2002) do processo de enchimento, respectivamente. Não foi encontrado um padrão de distribuição dos grupos faunísticos que pudesse estar associado com a textura granulométrica dos diferentes locais amostrados. Por outro lado, constatou-se a diminuição, ou mesmo a não ocorrência de organismos, nas estações com elevada concentração de matéria orgânica (>40%) em baixo estado de degradação (grandes detritos vegetais). Tal fato pode estar relacionado com a falta de depósitos de sedimentos, dificultando a fixação de organismos da fauna bentônica, bem como com condições químicas mais redutoras em função da intensidade dos processos de decomposição da fitomassa inundada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to estimate the fecundity of Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861 and Sylviocarcinus australis Magalhães & Turkay, 1996, collected in the Paraguay River, Porto Murtinho County, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, between coordinates 21º42,000'S 57º33,649'W and 21º41,449'S 57º33,770'W, in the period of April 1999 to March 2000. After general collection procedures, the specimens were measured and processed in laboratory conditions. The river water crab species hatch like juveniles and, frequently, female specimens were observed carrying eggs in different stages of development, besides juveniles and eggs at the same time. It was apparent in the frequency distributions that D. pagei has a carapace width average greater than S. australis. The number of eggs and juveniles transported varied amongst species and amongst size class. A size superposition was observed between young and adult females for both species. According to the calculated fecundity index, D. pagei presented slightly more elevated values (7.41) than S. australis (6.65). Eggs are spherical and are not adhering to pleopods. Egg size did not varied during development, continuing with 2mm diameters.
In this study we present the technical details, adaptations and modifications of the original procedure of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats described by Lee et al. in 1972. We also present the results and technical failures observed in a follow-up of 12 years. From March, 1982 to December, 1994, we performed in the Laboratory of Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery of Faculty of Medicine, Botucatu - UNESP, Brazil, 665 duodenopancreatectomies in donor rats and 592 surgeries for revascularization of the pancreatic graft in recipient animals. The observed percentage of technical failures in donor rats was 11% due to bleeding and/or vascular complications, irregular flushing of the graft with saline and respiratory insufficiency. In recipients of grafts, we observed a percentage of technical failures of 22,5% due to porto-caval thrombosis, vascular bleeding, pancreatitis and graft ischemia. In both surgeries, the successful results are directly related to the technical performance of the surgeon and the cares in the postoperative period.
Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications.