988 resultados para Romance, Sociedade e Censura
Neste artigo, estamos desenvolvendo um estudo relativo às instituições totais. Pesquisamos no romance O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia quais são os dispositivos disciplinares produtores de subjetividade no contexto institucional. Trata-se de uma análise institucional tomando como campo de pesquisa um caso da literatura, pautada pelos referenciais de Goffman e de Foucault. Goffman diz o que são e como funcionam e indica o que produzem as instituições totais. Foucault, por sua vez, nos revela como são possíveis as instituições disciplinares e quais as razões de sua emergência. A leitura de Goffman a partir das análises de Foucault pode nos proporcionar um enriquecimento fecundo na compreensão dos processos de produção de subjetividade na sociedade contemporânea e, de modo específico, no contexto das instituições totais. Goffman analisa as práticas não-discursivas, ele as articula com grande sutileza, fazendo falar os detalhes mais pitorescos e aparentemente insignificantes do cotidiano institucional: percebemos então o plano microfísico das relações intra-institucionais, mergulhando nas diferentes estratégias nas quais o poder se ramifica, circula, domina e produz saberes e sujeitos.
A doação de órgãos é um problema de relevância social e científica, pois envolve as formas como a vida é perpetuada através do corpo de outra pessoa, especificamente por meio de seus órgãos. Quais são os fatores de resistência e de facilitação à doação de órgãos? Este artigo propõe um fator de resistência e um de facilitação. O primeiro, o narcisismo pelo próprio corpo; o segundo, o desejo de perpetuar-se a si mesmo e a vida.
The corpus of this work constitutes an analysis the literary work As Filhas do Arco-Íris, by Eulício Farias de Lacerda, considering object of study myths, legends and popular stories as estruturant elements of the romance. The unchainment of this reading considers aspects of the oral tradition as starting point for the rupture tradition. In that perspective, it became fundamental to describe aspects of the popular culture that consolidated the Brazilian Literature during the 20th century. Like this, it was necessary to understand the development of oral elements and the structuring of the folk-tales, pointing out that As Filhas do Arco-Íris was built in a especial way with regionalist characteristics, following the parameters of the romances published among the years 1930 and 1950. In the researched work, it was noticed a narrative that gathers stories, legends, myths, proverbs and oral locutions. In this, it reveals that the Brazilian literary production grew in aesthetics and thematic. Like this, As Filhas do Arco-Íris is an exercise of the experience regionalist inserted in the contemporary novel, because even with your first publication in 1980, the narrative is configured to the molds of a Romance de 30
Entitled Joana s several mask: the melancholy in Perto do coração selvagem, the work is divided in six parts: the first one consists of the elaboration of a theoretical sketch about the melancholy that it offers the presuppositions that orientate the work, it is a short introduction about the study of the melancholy, a report until our time, the against-depressive ones and the arrival of the melancholy in Brazil and their particularities; the second part raises the theme of the melancholy, deepening its conception until what is called creative melancholy spread by Walter Benjamin, it serves as anchor for Clarice s writing and as a potential force for the processes lived by the characters of this writer; the third part examines Clarice Lispector s method emphasizing important points of production related to the theme of the melancholy, her style is the psychological analysis; the last one parts (fourth, fifth and sixth parts) are divided in topics that illustrate the conflicts, in most of the time contradictory, of the protagonist Joana, as well as, her difficult interaction with the things and the people that surround her. The fragmentary writing, the being's essential searches, the proximity with the death, the multiplicity of voices of feminine, De profundis, surrealist images, the incessant search for the thing , trips, epiphany, the flaw in the language, the taste of the badly, everything starting from melancholy - transformation and creation tool. The work about melancholy (Freud, Benjamin, Kristeva), it s place of ambiguous and contradictory movements. It is a trip that leads to several corporal and psychological sensations of Joana, enigma-scenes to be deciphered and conflicting images that make you wake up for a critical vision of the modern society. Since the beginning, something pulses without stopping, an incessant memory and the search for something that is lost. We are before recyclings of the interior/exterior, pain/pleasure, visions, abyss, ecstasy in the future and an exit through the melancholic light
Helena is the romance of perishable and discontinuous title character denominator of a dialectic that does not consume and build the narrative by sequential fragmentation combined with episodic frame. The novel is a lightning stroke to the romantic literary project. Therefore, this study aims to find "objective" elements of the novel that would constitute a conception of literary nation proposed by Machado de Assis, as in classical writing, where women are engaged as a metaphor for the nation by a non-cultural heroism, as the example of the Greek myth of Helena, where the feminine represents a mythical image of the nation. The paper's theoretical conception of the history of Walter Benjamin, that is, that is constructed as an allegorical appeal, the conclusions about the disciplinary society of nineteenth century of Michel Foucault, the construction of the nation as a subtle game to remember and forget of Wander Miranda and the rhetoric of death and loss reflected in the speeches of the cultural heritage of José Reginaldo Santos Gonçalves, which allow you to analyze the work permeated by subjectivity and existential conflicts by Machado, who has it arranged in dialectic with the avant-garde literary romanticism and realism. In this relationship with the Greek myth of Helen, explained that characters with the nickname of Helena in Machado's work are not uncommon. As in classical Helena, Machado s Helena uses three rhetorical are the cause of the seizure of the nation. In this game of remembering and forgetting, in the daily plebiscite, Machado draw ideal images that forged our mythical past and commitment to the future. The suffering love of Helena is suffering from failure of the nation which would have led the author to the use of allegorical language, seeking a balance in the chaos generated by the opposition between cruelty and pity widespread view in an area where only left the character's confession guilt for the death. It is a simulacrum of unfinished nation, the space for the game of remembering and forgetting, while the rhetoric of negotiation of our Brazilianness
It is possible to notice that the modern narrative increasingly seeks to invest its characters with a broad and complex nature, away from the well-defined beings of the traditional narrative. Through this work, we aim to make a study of Marcela, a character of the novel A ostra e o vento, by Moacir Costa Lopes, taking into account the way the complexity of the fictitious being is constituted through an analysis of structural, semantic, and thematic elements. We first will bring up a brief theoretical discussion about the character in a novel, and we also will carefully analyze the diagetic universe, presenting the complex path of the character further. Subsequently, we will focus on the structure of the narrative which creates a complex picture of the character, using the technique of crossed points of view as well as the technique of temporal fragmentation. Finally, we will investigate conflicting social relations that portray Marcela s disturbed inner side, as well as the metaphoric symbolic language, which furnishes a number of different representation of this character, impeding the creation of a well-structured coherent character. Studies of scholars such as Antonio Candido, Anatol Rosenfeld, Vitor Manuel de Aguiar e Silva, Fernando Segolin, Gerard Genette, Michel Zéraffa, among others, will guide our analysis
The objective of this paper is to analyze the work of the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864), The Scarlet Letter (1850), in the light of the contributions of Literature and History of the American people in the context of New England. Accordingly, we highlight aspects that justify the inclusion of the work as a historical novel, especially based on the reading of The Historical Novel (1936-37) written by Georg Lukács. The diversity of voices and social interrelationships that come out of the main characters of the plot of the novel, as well as their contextual buildings, constituted as important traces to understanding the novel as being of historical value. During our study, we found out that it is in the plots of the novels that the characters reflect, at the same time, the specific conditions of their singularities, the general trends of the historical process and the social conditions from which they arise. We also could see that it is in their singularities that lie special tendencies of human beings. Our references to this study came from scholars as Howard (1964), Bakhtin (1998), Eagleton (2006), Todorov (2009), Zabel (1947), Sellers (1985), Cunlife (1986), Candido (1993) and Schwarz (1981)
Trata-se nesta dissertação de estabelecer, partindo do pensamento contemporâneo francês da linha deleuziana e guattariana, sobretudo, uma analítica do desejo capaz de reconfigurar o romance de Nelson Rodrigues, Asfalto selvagem: Engraçadinha, seus amores e seus pecados, desterritorializá-lo em relação à tradição crítica e estética, fundada no paradigma realista-naturalista enraizado no pensamento literário brasileiro, especificamente no século XX. Movemo-nos por discussões sobre o autor e sobre o romance, empreendidas por Rolnik, interlocutora de Guattari, o qual está ligado aos novos paradigmas estéticos, à questão da produção de subjetividades, à micropolítica, às multiplicidades e às minorias. Buscamos contribuir para esse redimensionamento, colocando-nos na perspectiva cartográfica e rizomática para surpreender, em Asfalto, seus processos de subjetivação, incidindo sobre as singularidades selvagens, considerando os conceitos de Foucault, aplicados à construção literária enquanto espaço heterotópico, configurando a experiência do fora, como princípios estéticos. Veremos que as personagens, com foco em Engraçadinha, funcionam, como pequenas máquinas desejantes, Corpos sem Órgãos, moléculas desestabilizando as formações molares. Destarte, Nelson Rodrigues, na perspectiva da produção autoral, torna-se o pornógrafo, o literato iterador, como agenciador de uma palavra perversa, para além dos dogmas, da cena romantizada, originando, em sua poética, a revelação da obs-cena, a obscenidade, como crítica às instituições falidas. Trazemos, nesse sentido, referências de Bataille, quanto ao que na atividade estética se relaciona com o excedente da visão, relacionados ao espaço tático-ótico, concepção deleuziana referentes ao corpo-linguagem, pornografia, pornógrafo, narrativas abomináveis. Acompanhamo-nos, pois, dos conceitos da problemática da diferença e da alteridade, repercutindo na larvaridade, nas afecções, que abrem vias comunicantes com fenômenos extremos, atuantes em torno do mesmo e do outro, trazendo a rizomaticidade do mal e da monstruosidade para a construção estética de Asfalto selvagem, vistos sob a ótica de Bataille, Deleuze, Baudrillard, em ensaios que rompem o olhar estrutural em torno da obra e oferecem subsídios para a construção de uma cartografia outra, o território do ficcional, habitado por um povo por vir, na perspectiva tratada por Deleuze e por Blanchot
Esta tesis trata de cómo se desarrolla en la obra de la escritora contemporánea Nélida Piñon una especie de pensamiento cartográfico, presente desde su primer romance Guia-mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo, publicado en 1961. Para que se interprete el universo literario nelidiano, formulamos nuestro trabajo estableciendo un confronto con el texto del mito iluminado por las reflexiones de Eliade (2007; 2007b; 2008) y Meletínski (2002); con el discurso filosófico pos-estructuralista, representado principalmente por las contribuciones de Deleuze y Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997) a respecto de una geografía del nomadismo; y de Foucault (1996; 2006) sobre el orden del discurso, o nacimiento de la literatura y el ser del lenguaje. Examinadas por la lectura crítica y comparativista de esta investigación, las cartografías mito-póeticas de Piñon son presentadas al lector asociándose a una geografía de los sentimientos y al que Maffesoli (2001) denomina deseo de errância y de perdición, particularmente en las obras Tebas do Meu Coração, A República dos Sonhos, O Presumível Coração da América e Fundador. Esa última novela, publicada en 1969, por lo tanto anterior a los otros textos mencionados, servirá como corpus principal de nuestro análisis, que objetiva demostrar como la narrativa de Piñon se conecta a un linaje literario estructurado a partir de las acciones de un determinado tipo de personaje conocido como inaugurador de ciudades o héroe civilizador o cultural. En la reedición de ese arquetipo de personaje, la autora instaura el elemento de la seducción, en un juego que se establece entre los sujetos masculino y femenino y que pone de manifiesto cuestiones relacionadas al erotismo, a la transgresión y al sagrado, abordadas en nuestro discurso por las consideraciones de Baudrillard (2008) y Bataille (1987). Para que se explicite la constitución de esos puntos, realizaremos un viaje de las visiones del mundo arcaico al contemporáneo por las páginas de Fundador, apuntando de qué manera la escritora brasileña retoma las imágenes del mito cosmogónico, del mito del eterno retorno y del paraíso terreal, que se inscriben como fundamento do su texto literario
Ines de Castro is a theme in literature from the fourteenth century. The historical fact of his death, in 1355, became a landmark in the history of Portugal and, since then, several literary texts from various genres, have dealt with this theme, this made the couple Pedro and Ines a myth of love passion, of love beyond the barriers of death, like Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, Abelard and Heloise. The literary myth - or any picture that mythologize literature - is always prepared before culturally and works in the same way that so many others, this is, as an element of cultural identity, either collectively or individually, making it also a feature poetic. Thereby, is an archetype confirmed through time and eventually reveals a series of webs of the human psyche. Ines de Castro became the Portuguese myth of eternal love: she became queen after your dead. The persistence of the myth makes the love story of Pedro and Ines continue to produce texts of various literary genres. This study examines six contemporary historical novels, to show that the way actually this kind o novel does a new formulacion of Pedro e Ines mythical, because now it s different view likes the victim in Os lusiadas and other texts from the past. Collaborate to this news relacions between history and literature and a novelist's new stance in relation to historical facts that relate like reffering to novel. The intention is to show, through the novels chosen now Ines de Castro have different profiles than it had before in tradicional historic novels from the period of Romanticism and New Romanticism. Authored by Agustina Bessa-Luís, João Aguiar, António Cândido Franco, Seomara da Veiga Ferreira and Luis Rosa, the six novels studied show the circularity cultural of inesian myth showing this new character of the new person Ines in the contemporany historical novel
Este trabalho analisa relações da experiência, memória e humor e investiga representações da infância, da velhice, da loucura e do alcoolismo no romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris, de Eulício Farias de Lacerda e em contos de Primeiras Estórias, de Guimarães Rosa, destacando-se que meninos, velhos, cegos e loucos, mesmo marginalizados, podem ser encarados como atores sociais na formação das comunidades. Verifica-se que essas personagens constituem uma coletividade no sentido de evocar a representação de indivíduos. Também se procura examinar práticas literárias e culturais no âmbito do sistema literário brasileiro, com ênfase em regionalismos, oralidade e considerações sobre literatura e sociedade. É desse modo que se busca observar que as obras destacadas estão inseridas numa discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento sociocultural. Portanto, a preocupação desta pesquisa deriva da discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento social. Diante disso, observa-se nos textos de Guimarães Rosa e de Eulício Farias um tratamento narrativo em torno dessas personagens, enfatizando que as situações vividas por eles envolvem experiências que os levam a construir, em relação ao contexto social, aspectos de amadurecimento, rememoração, compartilhamento, encantamento, viagem ao desconhecido, movimentos históricos, alegrias e tristezas, sempre demonstrando uma sintonia com a temática da modernidade. Assim, as condições sociais são interpretadas para evidenciar e confrontar: discriminação, amizade, conflito, respeito, marginalização, memória social. Ainda são estabelecidas comparações entre personagens do romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris com as de alguns contos de Primeiras Estórias, salientando-se considerações sobre o narrador, as inter-relações, regionalismo e relações entre literatura, organização e processo social. Esta pesquisa tem por base o conceito de sistema literário consolidado idealizado por Antonio Candido e os postulados de estudiosos e teóricos como: Walter Benjamin, Jacqueline Held, Mikhail Bakhtin, Roland Barthes, Ana Paula Pacheco, Serge Moscovici, François Laplantine, Liane Trindade
This thesis A paz tensa da chama fugaz: a configuração do amor no romance contemporâneo, Lygia Fagundes Telles e Lídia Jorge aims to study the configuration of Love in contemporary novels. Their corpuses of study are the novels As horas nuas (1989), by the Brazilian writer Lygia Fagundes Telles; and O vento assobiando nas gruas (2002), by the Portuguese writer Lídia Jorge. The following research tries to understand how the characters from those texts deal with some love questions on the context of the contemporary narrative; it also tries to comprehend the love expression which is formed as a contradictorily fluid feeling and intensely wanted, which are important points concerning the love discourse at the present day. As a critic-comparative study, this research focuses on the problematic concerned love as a synonym of Eros, in other words, the relation between lovers, analyzed through social and philosophical perspective. Through that, this work broadens the study of two contemporary novels, and it also establish connections between the characters from those novels and the literary environment where they are placed, once it focuses on the human and social context presented in this books. The thesis ends calling attention to the dichotomy of love and death, to the image of love which grows through absence and through the longing of completeness of the human being; that is why this work sustains that the Lygia Fagundes Telles and Lídia Jorge update and materialized in their texts the plurality of contemporary love conception, which continues to be contradictory, fragmented and problematic
This research presents a study that seeks to analyze the images of the future in science fiction movies, specifically those made through animation techniques, exploring particularly the representation of audiovisual communication medias in its dialogue with the approached societies in the movies chosen to be analyzed. The proposed discussion seeks approximations in order to answer to the question that initiated this research: how are we thinking the future nowadays? It also seeks to, according to Morin (1997), comprehend aspects of the contemporary society by using the cinema, and at the same time, to understand the cinema, aided by a social analysis
This dissertation addresses the issue of technology in the work of Herbert Marcuse, explaning the merger between technology and domination that result in a totalitarian technological apparatus. Thus, technological civilization is supported and justified by a rational technological apparatus in the society, we have come not only the philosophy of Marcuse, but other great thinkers too, like Heidegger, Hegel, Marx. We also present a debate involving the philosophy of science, logic and linguage. Marcuse points to the need for a new technological rationality that emerge from a new sensibility, where the technique would allow a new relationship between man and nature. From then on, would emerge the need for a new subject. This transition would be possible by means of sensitivity, where art would become the art of live. With the link between art and technique made possible by new sensitivity, the author leaves one of its main contribution: he leaves open the possibility for the subject to choose new targests for technological development
This dissertation addresses the issue of technology in the work of Herbert Marcuse, explaning the merger between technology and domination that result in a totalitarian technological apparatus. Thus, technological civilization is supported and justified by a rational technological apparatus in the society, we have come not only the philosophy of Marcuse, but other great thinkers too, like Heidegger, Hegel, Marx. We also present a debate involving the philosophy of science, logic and linguage. Marcuse points to the need for a new technological rationality that emerge from a new sensibility, where the technique would allow a new relationship between man and nature. From then on, would emerge the need for a new subject. This transition would be possible by means of sensitivity, where art would become the art of live. With the link between art and technique made possible by new sensitivity, the author leaves one of its main contribution: he leaves open the possibility for the subject to choose new targests for technological development