999 resultados para Rivera, Iris


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This research was conducted in the context of the project IRIS 8A Health and Society (2002-2008) and financially supported by the University of Lausanne. It was aomed at developping a model based on the elder people's experience and allowed us to develop a "Portrait evaluation" of fear of falling using their examples and words. It is a very simple evaluation, which can be used by professionals, but by the elder people themselves. The "Portrait evaluation" and the user's guide are on free access, but we would very much approciate to know whether other people or scientists have used it and collect their comments. (contact: Chantal.Piot-Ziegler@unil.ch)The purpose of this study is to create a model grounded in the elderly people's experience allowing the development of an original instrument to evaluate FOF.In a previous study, 58 semi-structured interviews were conducted with community-dwelling elderly people. The qualitative thematic analysis showed that fear of falling was defined through the functional, social and psychological long-term consequences of falls (Piot-Ziegler et al., 2007).In order to reveal patterns in the expression of fear of falling, an original qualitative thematic pattern analysis (QUAlitative Pattern Analysis - QUAPA) is developed and applied on these interviews.The results of this analysis show an internal coherence across the three dimensions (functional, social and psychological). Four different patterns are found, corresponding to four degrees of fear of falling. They are formalized in a fear of falling intensity model.This model leads to a portrait-evaluation for fallers and non-fallers. The evaluation must be confronted to large samples of elderly people, living in different environments. It presents an original alternative to the concept of self-efficacy to evaluate fear of falling in older people.The model of FOF presented in this article is grounded on elderly people's experience. It gives an experiential description of the three dimensions constitutive of FOF and of their evolution as fear increases, and defines an evaluation tool using situations and wordings based on the elderly people's discourse.


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Extrasynaptic neurotransmission is an important short distance form of volume transmission (VT) and describes the extracellular diffusion of transmitters and modulators after synaptic spillover or extrasynaptic release in the local circuit regions binding to and activating mainly extrasynaptic neuronal and glial receptors in the neuroglial networks of the brain. Receptor-receptor interactions in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) heteromers play a major role, on dendritic spines and nerve terminals including glutamate synapses, in the integrative processes of the extrasynaptic signaling. Heteromeric complexes between GPCR and ion-channel receptors play a special role in the integration of the synaptic and extrasynaptic signals. Changes in extracellular concentrations of the classical synaptic neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA found with microdialysis is likely an expression of the activity of the neuron-astrocyte unit of the brain and can be used as an index of VT-mediated actions of these two neurotransmitters in the brain. Thus, the activity of neurons may be functionally linked to the activity of astrocytes, which may release glutamate and GABA to the extracellular space where extrasynaptic glutamate and GABA receptors do exist. Wiring transmission (WT) and VT are fundamental properties of all neurons of the CNS but the balance between WT and VT varies from one nerve cell population to the other. The focus is on the striatal cellular networks, and the WT and VT and their integration via receptor heteromers are described in the GABA projection neurons, the glutamate, dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and histamine striatal afferents, the cholinergic interneurons, and different types of GABA interneurons. In addition, the role in these networks of VT signaling of the energy-dependent modulator adenosine and of endocannabinoids mainly formed in the striatal projection neurons will be underlined to understand the communication in the striatal cellular networks


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O meio científico carece de métodos que efetivem a utilização da espectroradiometria em mapeamentos de solos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o uso do sensoriamento remoto espectral com o método convencional, na obtenção de mapas de solos. Utilizando o mapa planialtimétrico como base, trinta pontos de amostragem foram demarcados na área de estudo. As amostras foram coletadas a 0-20, 40-60 e 80-100 cm de profundidade em cada ponto, todos georreferenciados, totalizando noventa amostras nas quais foram feitas as análises químicas, físicas e radiométricas. Os dados radiométricos foram obtidos em laboratório usando o espectrorradiômetro IRIS, na faixa de 400-2.500 nm. Pela análise e interpretação dos dados espectrais juntamente com as curvas de nível, obteve-se um mapa espectral detalhado de solos. Na mesma área foi obtido um mapa de solos detalhado pelo método convencional. Foram identificadas quatro classes de solos em ambos os mapas, com boa correlação, demonstrando que os dados espectrais podem ser utilizados como instrumento no mapeamento de solos. A utilização conjunta dos dados de sensoriamento remoto espectral, curvas de nível e trabalho de campo permite a obtenção do mapa detalhado de solos.


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En el treball que es mostra a continuació podrem observar un estudi sobre la preparació física aplicada a l’esport del futbol. A més, farem un estudi dels nivells del volum màxim d’Oxigen (Vo2màx) a través d’un procés d’obtenció de resultats indirecte (Test de Course Navette) tenint present el nombre de sessions setmanals. Observarem les diferències en la definició del paràmetre segons Zintl (1991), Diéguez (1997), Gómez, Aranda i Ferrer (2010), entre d’altres. També observarem els nivells que s’han de tenir a partir d’autors com Zintl (1991), Rivera i Avella (1992), Sánchez i Salas (2008). Per dur-ho a terme, farem un estudi hipotètic-deductiu a través d’un mostreig no probabilístic. Observarem els valors del Vo2màx. assolits en el període preparatori, comparats amb el manteniment, la millora o la pèrdua d’aquest després d’un període d’entrenament diferenciat entre una i tres sessions. Un cop realitzat el procés, hem pogut veure que els nivells assolits després del període preparatori (60.87+ 8.81 ml/kg/min) són majors respecte l’inici del període (44.38 +8.92 ml/kg/min.). Posteriorment, al observar les diferències entre els dos grups de la mostra, podem afirmar que amb tres sessions realitzades no es poden mantenir els nivells anteriors (57.80 +10.16) respecte els (56.73 +9.24) de l’últim test. Per últim, el grup 2, amb una única sessió setmanal els valors baixen més, es passa dels (63.93 + 6.24 ml/kg/min.) als (56.50 + 7.52 ml/kg/min)


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Objective: This study assesses differences in adiposity, aerobic fitness, and lifestyle characteristics in preschoolers according to their weight status and sports club (SC) participation. Method: As part of the Ballabeina study, 600 randomly selected preschoolers (mean age 5.1 ± 0.6 years; 50.2% girls) were analyzed. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance, aerobic fitness by the 20-meter shuttle run test, and physical activity by accelerometers. Eating habits, media use, and SC participation were assessed by questionnaires. Results: Overweight children (Swiss national percentiles) and children not participating in SC had both lower aerobic fitness and higher % body fat compared to their respective counterparts (all p ≤ 0.028). In addition, children not participating in SC were less physically active, had more media use, and ate less healthy compared to children participating in SC (all p ≤ 0.023). Controlling for parental sociocultural determinants attenuated differences in % body fat, in physical activity, and in eating habits. Conclusion: Aerobic fitness differs both according to weight status and SC participation in preschoolers. Furthermore, in view of the many differences in lifestyle behaviors, SC participation at this age could represent a more discriminatory indicator of healthy lifestyle characteristics than weight status.


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Background: Anterior ciliary arteries travelling along recti muscles provide anterior segment vascularization, which can be compromised by surgery involving more than 2 muscles.Patients and Methods: We studied retrospectively the files of 10 patients in whom a fluorescein angiography of the iris had been performed as a pre-operative assessment prior to a second or third oculomotor surgery.Results: The median age of the patients was 47.5 years (range 15 to 73 years). Relative iris ischemia was present in 4 patients following multiple surgeries, none of them presenting any general cardiovascular risk. The initial surgical protocol was modified according to angiographic results in these 4 patients.Conclusion: When further surgery has to be performed on previously multi-operated patients, anterior segment angiography can be useful in the planning of surgery in order to minimize the risks of anterior segment ischemia.


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Abstract Background: Effective promotion of exercise could result in substantial savings in healthcare cost expenses in terms of direct medical costs, such as the number of medical appointments. However, this is hampered by our limited knowledge of how to achieve sustained increases in physical activity. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of a Primary Health Care (PHC) based physical activity program in reducing the total number of visits to the healthcare center among inactive patients, over a 15-month period. Research Design: Randomized controlled trial. Subjects: Three hundred and sixty-two (n = 362) inactive patients suffering from at least one chronic condition were included. One hundred and eighty-three patients (n = 183; mean (SD); 68.3 (8.8) years; 118 women) were randomly allocated to the physical activity program (IG). One hundred and seventy-nine patients (n = 179; 67.2 (9.1) years; 106 women) were allocated to the control group (CG). The IG went through a three-month standardized physical activity program led by physical activity specialists and linked to community resources. Measures: The total number of medical appointments to the PHC, during twelve months before and after the program, was registered. Self-reported health status (SF-12 version 2) was assessed at baseline (month 0), at the end of the intervention (month 3), and at 12 months follow-up after the end of the intervention (month 15). Results: The IG had a significantly reduced number of visits during the 12 months after the intervention: 14.8 (8.5). The CG remained about the same: 18.2 (11.1) (P = .002). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that a 3-month physical activity program linked to community resources is a shortduration, effective and sustainable intervention in inactive patients to decrease rates of PHC visits. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00714831


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There is a concern that agriculture will no longer be able to meet, on a global scale, the growing demand for food. Facing such a challenge requires new patterns of thinking in the context of complexity and sustainability sciences. This paper, focused on the social dimension of the study and management of agricultural systems, suggests that rethinking the study of agricultural systems entails analyzing them as complex socio-ecological systems, as well as considering the differing thinking patterns of diverse stakeholders. The intersubjective nature of knowledge, as studied by different philosophical schools, needs to be better integrated into the study and management of agricultural systems than it is done so far, forcing us to accept that there are no simplistic solutions, and to seek a better understanding of the social dimension of agriculture. Different agriculture related problems require different policy and institutional approaches. Finally, the intersubjective nature of knowledge asks for the visualization of different framings and the power relations taking place in the decision-making process. Rethinking management of agricultural systems implies that policy making should be shaped by different principles: learning, flexibility, adaptation, scale-matching, participation, diversity enhancement and precaution hold the promise to significantly improve current standard management procedures.


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Candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have not identified common variants, which are reliably associated with depression. The recent identification of obesity predisposing genes that are highly expressed in the brain raises the possibility of their genetic contribution to depression. As variation in the intron 1 of the fat mass- and obesity-associated (FTO) gene contributes to polygenic obesity, we assessed the possibility that FTO gene may contribute to depression in a cross-sectional multi-ethnic sample of 6561 depression cases and 21 932 controls selected from the EpiDREAM, INTERHEART, DeCC (depression case-control study) and Cohorte Lausannoise (CoLaus) studies. Major depression was defined according to DSM IV diagnostic criteria. Association analyses were performed under the additive genetic model. A meta-analysis of the four studies showed a significant inverse association between the obesity risk FTO rs9939609 A variant and depression (odds ratio=0.92 (0.89, 0.97), P=3 × 10(-4)) adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity/population structure and body-mass index (BMI) with no significant between-study heterogeneity (I(2)=0%, P=0.63). The FTO rs9939609 A variant was also associated with increased BMI in the four studies (β 0.30 (0.08, 0.51), P=0.0064) adjusted for age, sex and ethnicity/population structure. In conclusion, we provide the first evidence that the FTO rs9939609 A variant may be associated with a lower risk of depression independently of its effect on BMI. This study highlights the potential importance of obesity predisposing genes on depression.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a Coulomb Controlled Iontophoresis system (CCI) in the local delivery of corticosteroids for the treatment of uveitis. The therapeutic efficacy of Dexamethasone (Dex) administered by CCI was compared to systemic injection and to topical application with the iontophoresis apparatus in the absence of electrical current. The evaluation was done in the treatment of the endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) model, and in the effect on TNF gene expression in the iris/ciliary body as well as in the retina and on TNF levels in aqueous humor and vitreous. Dex was administered either at the time of LPS injection or 5 hours later. For iontophoresis, we used a 1 ml reservoir-electrode covering the cornea, the limbus, and the first millimeter of the sclera. The applied electrical current was of 400 microA during four minutes with a total surface charge of 0.4 C cm-2. EIU was evaluated by clinical examination, by counts of intraocular inflammatory cells on histological sections, and by measuring the protein levels in the aqueous humor and in the vitreous. The TNF-alpha gene expression in the iris and ciliary body, and in the retina was evaluated by RT-PCR. The systemic effect of Dex delivered by CCI was evaluated on the level of serum TNF-alpha in EIU. Our results demonstrated that local administration of Dex by CCI inhibited anterior and posterior signs of intraocular inflammation as effectively as systemic administration, with no effect on systemic level of TNF. In the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, the protein exudation. TNF levels and the cellular infiltration were inhibited. The TNF-alpha gene expression was inhibited in the anterior as well as the posterior segment of the eye. No clinical nor histological damage were caused by the CCI apparatus. In conclusion, CCI administration of Dex allows for a therapeutic effect on the posterior as well as the anterior segment of the eye, and may present a viable alternative to systemic administration of glucocorticoids in severe ocular inflammations.


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OBJECTIVE: To test the effect of a multidimensional lifestyle intervention on aerobic fitness and adiposity in predominantly migrant preschool children. DESIGN: Cluster randomised controlled single blinded trial (Ballabeina study) over one school year; randomisation was performed after stratification for linguistic region. SETTING: 40 preschool classes in areas with a high migrant population in the German and French speaking regions of Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: 652 of the 727 preschool children had informed consent and were present for baseline measures (mean age 5.1 years (SD 0.7), 72% migrants of multicultural origins). No children withdrew, but 26 moved away. INTERVENTION: The multidimensional culturally tailored lifestyle intervention included a physical activity programme, lessons on nutrition, media use (use of television and computers), and sleep and adaptation of the built environment of the preschool class. It lasted from August 2008 to June 2009. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcomes were aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run test) and body mass index (BMI). Secondary outcomes included motor agility, balance, percentage body fat, waist circumference, physical activity, eating habits, media use, sleep, psychological health, and cognitive abilities. RESULTS: Compared with controls, children in the intervention group had an increase in aerobic fitness at the end of the intervention (adjusted mean difference: 0.32 stages (95% confidence interval 0.07 to 0.57; P=0.01) but no difference in BMI (-0.07 kg/m(2), -0.19 to 0.06; P=0.31). Relative to controls, children in the intervention group had beneficial effects in motor agility (-0.54 s, -0.90 to -0.17; P=0.004), percentage body fat (-1.1%, -2.0 to -0.2; P=0.02), and waist circumference (-1.0 cm, -1.6 to -0.4; P=0.001). There were also significant benefits in the intervention group in reported physical activity, media use, and eating habits, but not in the remaining secondary outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: A multidimensional intervention increased aerobic fitness and reduced body fat but not BMI in predominantly migrant preschool children.


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The goal of this work was to move structural health monitoring (SHM) one step closer to being ready for mainstream use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures. To meet this goal, the objective of this project was to implement a pilot multi-sensor continuous monitoring system on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge such that autonomous data analysis, storage, and retrieval can be demonstrated. The challenge with this work was to develop the open channels for communication, coordination, and cooperation of various Iowa DOT offices that could make use of the data. In a way, the end product was to be something akin to a control system that would allow for real-time evaluation of the operational condition of a monitored bridge. Development and finalization of general hardware and software components for a bridge SHM system were investigated and completed. This development and finalization was framed around the demonstration installation on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge. The hardware system focused on using off-the-shelf sensors that could be read in either “fast” or “slow” modes depending on the desired monitoring metric. As hoped, the installed system operated with very few problems. In terms of communications—in part due to the anticipated installation on the I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River—a hardline digital subscriber line (DSL) internet connection and grid power were used. During operation, this system would transmit data to a central server location where the data would be processed and then archived for future retrieval and use. The pilot monitoring system was developed for general performance evaluation purposes (construction, structural, environmental, etc.) such that it could be easily adapted to the Iowa DOT’s bridges and other monitoring needs. The system was developed allowing easy access to near real-time data in a format usable to Iowa DOT engineers.


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We describe a female patient with a midline syndrome. The patient presents agenesis of the corpus callosum, encephalocele, iris coloboma, hypertelorism, submucosal cleft palate and dental anomalies. Despite being very characteristic, her phenotypical traits do not coincide exactly with those reported to date in the literature. The karyotype and the molecular cytogenetic study do not show mutations. We identify the presence of dental anomalies in the mother and other family members, not being identified MSX1 and PAX9 mutations that could the related with their etiology. Despite the fact that dental agenesis has been related to a large number of other malformation syndromes and congenital conditions, dental anomalies have only rarely been mentioned when reporting midline syndromes. These dental phenotypical traits, present in the patient and her family, could be considered part of the midline syndrome in carriers as well as in the patients.


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El siguiente trabajo consiste en el análisis de dos traducciones, una al catalán y otra al castellano, de la comedia The Importance of Being Earnest de Oscar Wilde. El análisis se centra en los aspectos más problemáticos de la traducción de esta obra


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Se ha cumplido el 30 aniversario de la LISMI y todavía no se ha logrado un grado de inserción laboral suficientemente positivo de las personas con discapacidad. Son numerosos los factores que hacen que este colectivo tenga todavía mucho que mejorar en referencia a la calidad y cantidad de contrataciones. En general, en estas últimas décadas se ha avanzado,pero todavía es preciso llevar a cabo análisis desde diferentes perspectivas para lograr mejorar los datos que tenemos hasta el momento. En este sentido, el artículo pretende enfocar algunos de los factores en los que la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento está influyendo en la dimensión laboral de las personas, y más concretamente en el colectivo de personas con discapacidad. Estos factores, si se tienen en cuenta, pueden prevenir una situación mucho más negativa, y además pueden ser precursores de la mejora de las posibilidades laborales de este colectivo.