998 resultados para Preservação de Sangue
Este trabalho se situa na continuidade do debate incitado por vários estudiosos sobre as metamorfoses dos centros históricos. Procura-se enunciar algumas contradições entre discursos e práticas manifestadas na cidade de São Luís - MA tendo como pano de fundo o protagonismo do programa de revitalização versus atuação do poder público sobre o legado cultural. O objetivo principal consistiu em analisar como determinados políticos se apropriaram da questão da proteção do patrimônio histórico-cultural. Os temas referentes a (re)apropriação das áreas centrais antigas adquiriram na atualidade incontestável relevância. Na maioria das vezes, os resultados das intervenções nos centros antigos são apresentados como fatos que só têm lado positivo, já que, o movimento que seleciona a “memória oficial”, escolhida por governos em nome da tradição dá supremacia para a valorização do acervo cultural arquitetônico. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, a pesquisa é de caráter exploratório permeada pela interdisciplinaridade. Foram consultados documentos institucionais relativos ao programa de preservação, partindo para identificação de fatos, e estratégias desveladas para sua implementação. Percebeu-se que a prática preservacionista funcionou, um lócus privilegiado, de oportunidades de investimentos rentáveis ao poder político, o que acabou resultando em novas configurações urbanas com a manutenção do status quo de determinados indivíduos.
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma discussão teórico-metodológica da gestão ambiental para a proteção dos recursos hídricos, na perspectiva de analisar a nascente do Igarapé do Mindu, observando a problemática crescimento versus preservação ambiental, de maneira a proporcionar bases para discussão e apresentação de alternativas de gestão ambiental para a proteção de nascentes dos igarapés de Manaus. Neste sentido, faremos uma abordagem Geográfica das políticas de Gestão Ambiental voltadas para o planejamento e ordenamento do territorial a partir da bacia hidrográfica, na busca por apontar a Educação Ambiental como articuladora desse processo. Ocupações antrópicas às margens de córregos e nascentes tem sido freqüente nas cidades amazônicas, onde muitas vezes, o poder público não consegue alcançar com suas políticas, seja pela imensidão do território seja pela ineficiência dos equipamentos públicos. Nenhuma civilização conseguiu florescer sem ter resolvido o problema de obtenção dos recursos hídricos, matéria-prima fundamental e veículo propiciador do desenvolvimento econômico (ALMEIDA, 2007). Portanto, pensar ações que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas para a proteção de nascentes, em áreas urbanas, deve se tornar realidade à medida que a comunidade e o poder público consigam articular-se e, a Educação Ambiental tem o desafio na formação dessa nova postura.
A pesquisa objetiva diagnosticar a importância da conservação e preservação ambiental da FLONA ARARIPE, para a região do Cariri Cearense, por apresentar uma biodiversidade e ecossistemas que contribuem para a sustentabilidade hidrológica, ecológica e edáfica do Complexo Sedimentar do Araripe. Primeira floresta criada no Brasil, através do decreto Nº 9.226, de 02 de maio de 1946, localiza-se no topo da Chapada do Araripe – centro da Região Nordeste do Brasil, no extremo sul do estado do Ceará. Com base no diagnóstico da área, através de visitas na área e análise das imagens de satélites, a FLONA vem apresentando mudanças na sua paisagem natural, devido algumas ações de degradação ambiental, desmatamentos, queimadas, extrativismos, especulação imobiliária dentre outros. Sendo gerida pelo Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação para a Biodiversidade, este detém um número mínimo de recursos humanos para acompanhar e fiscalizar 38.262 hectares de área. Nesse sentido, é de suma importância a execução do seu plano de manejo, práticas educativas que garantam a conservação/preservação ambiental desse território.
A região da Serra Gaúcha é uma importante área de produção de uvas e vinhos no sul do Brasil e busca reconhecimento através das Indicações Geográficas (IG) para vinhos finos. A preservação ambiental constitui um requisito importante para definir uma IG. No contexto de um projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido na Embrapa Uva e Vinho, um dos objetivos foi localizar áreas de preservação permanente (APPs) de acordo com o Código Florestal Brasileiro, com o auxílio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento no intuito de identificar os vinhedos em APPs. Para isto foi utilizado o mosaico de fotografias aéreas com resolução espacial de 2 metros. Foi gerado o modelo digital de elevação da rede de drenagem, sendo as áreas de vinhedos obtidas a partir do cadastro de vinhedos pré-existentes do município. A partir do cruzamento das áreas dos vinhedos com as APPs, foram identificados 31% dos vinhedos em área de conflito.
As Áreas de Preservação Permanente foram instituídas para preservar o meio ambiente, devendo estar cobertas pela vegetação natural. Esta cobertura vegetal minimiza os impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, como processos erosivos, lixiviação dos solos, assoreamento de cursos d’água, contribuindo assim, para a regularização do fluxo hídrico. De outra forma, com a ausência dessa cobertura vegetal ocorre-se aceleradamente a degradação ambiental.
Gestione della disponibilità nella catena di distribuzione del sangue con Smart Contract in Ethereum
All’inizio di questa tesi viene discusso il funzionamento delle tecnologie visionate, Bitcoin ed Ethereum, cercando di identificarne i punti principali e salienti: la gestione delle transazioni, le tipologie di Blockchain adottate oggi e l’introduzione degli Smart Contract per sviluppare applicazioni decentralizzate. Successivamente viene considerato il caso di studio, il quale sottolinea la distribuzione delle sacche di sangue tra un centro trasfusionale e un’azienda sanitaria, con lo scopo di mettere in evidenza le interazioni tra queste, concentrandosi sulla disponibilità. Infine, dopo un’analisi del linguaggio Solidity e dopo la descrizione della modalità di sviluppo adottata accompagnata da una fase di testing, viene esposta l’implementazione realizzata concentrandosi sui dettagli delle funzionalità proposte.
As sensibilizações a doação espontânea de sangue contribui para que não haja comprometimento do estoque de hemocomponentes nos serviços de hemoterapia, incentiva o cuidado com a saúde e a divulgação da cultura do “doador saudável” a população.
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Alloimmunisation is a major complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) receiving red blood cell (RBC) transfusions and despite provision of Rh phenotyped RBC units, Rh antibodies still occur. These antibodies in patients positive for the corresponding Rh antigen are considered autoantibodies in many cases but variant RH alleles found in SCD patients can also contribute to Rh alloimmunisation. In this study, we characterised variant RH alleles in 31 SCD patients who made antibodies to Rh antigens despite antigen-positive status and evaluated the clinical significance of the antibodies produced. RHD and RHCE BeadChip™ from BioArray Solutions and/or amplification and sequencing of exons were used to identify the RH variants. The serological features of all Rh antibodies in antigen-positive patients were analysed and the clinical significance of the antibodies was evaluated by retrospective analysis of the haemoglobin (Hb) levels before and after transfusion; the change from baseline pre-transfusion Hb and the percentage of HbS were also determined. We identified variant RH alleles in 31/48 (65%) of SCD patients with Rh antibodies. Molecular analyses revealed the presence of partial RHD alleles and variant RHCE alleles associated with altered C and e antigens. Five patients were compound heterozygotes for RHD and RHCE variants. Retrospective analysis showed that 42% of antibodies produced by the patients with RH variants were involved in delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions or decreased survival of transfused RBC. In this study, we found that Rh antibodies in SCD patients with RH variants can be clinically significant and, therefore, matching patients based on RH variants should be considered.
BACKGROUND: The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) was developed to predict short-term mortality in patients with cirrhosis. There are few reports studying the correlation between MELD and long-term posttransplantation survival. AIM: To assess the value of pretransplant MELD in the prediction of posttransplant survival. METHODS: The adult patients (age >18 years) who underwent liver transplantation were examined in a retrospective longitudinal cohort of patients, through the prospective data base. We excluded acute liver failure, retransplantation and reduced or split-livers. The liver donors were evaluated according to: age, sex, weight, creatinine, bilirubin, sodium, aspartate aminotransferase, personal antecedents, brain death cause, steatosis, expanded criteria donor number and index donor risk. The recipients' data were: sex, age, weight, chronic hepatic disease, Child-Turcotte-Pugh points, pretransplant and initial MELD score, pretransplant creatinine clearance, sodium, cold and warm ischemia times, hospital length of stay, blood requirements, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT >1,000 UI/L = liver dysfunction). The Kaplan-Meier method with the log-rank test was used for the univariable analyses of posttransplant patient survival. For the multivariable analyses the Cox proportional hazard regression method with the stepwise procedure was used with stratifying sodium and MELD as variables. ROC curve was used to define area under the curve for MELD and Child-Turcotte-Pugh. RESULTS: A total of 232 patients with 10 years follow up were available. The MELD cutoff was 20 and Child-Turcotte-Pugh cutoff was 11.5. For MELD score > 20, the risk factors for death were: red cell requirements, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. For the patients with hyponatremia the risk factors were: negative delta-MELD score, red cell requirements, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. The regression univariated analyses came up with the following risk factors for death: score MELD > 25, blood requirements, recipient creatinine clearance pretransplant and age donor >50. After stepwise analyses, only red cell requirement was predictive. Patients with MELD score < 25 had a 68.86%, 50,44% and 41,50% chance for 1, 5 and 10-year survival and > 25 were 39.13%, 29.81% and 22.36% respectively. Patients without hyponatremia were 65.16%, 50.28% and 41,98% and with hyponatremia 44.44%, 34.28% and 28.57% respectively. Patients with IDR > 1.7 showed 53.7%, 27.71% and 13.85% and index donor risk <1.7 was 63.62%, 51.4% and 44.08%, respectively. Age donor > 50 years showed 38.4%, 26.21% and 13.1% and age donor <50 years showed 65.58%, 26.21% and 13.1%. Association with delta-MELD score did not show any significant difference. Expanded criteria donors were associated with primary non-function and severe liver dysfunction. Predictive factors for death were blood requirements, hyponatremia, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. CONCLUSION: In conclusion MELD over 25, recipient's hyponatremia, blood requirements, donor's sodium were associated with poor survival.
Currently, owing to the occurrence of environmental problems, along with the need of environmental preservation, both the territory management of Hydrographic Basin and the conservation of natural resources have proven to have remarkable importance. Thus, the mean goal of the research is to raise and scrutinize social-economic and technologic data from the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin (São Paulo, Brazil). The aim is to group municipalities with similar characteristics regarding the collected data, which may direct joint actions in the Hydrographic Basin Management. There were used both the methods of factorial analysis and automatic hierarchical classifications. Additionally, there is going to be applied a Geographical Information System to represent the outcomes of the methods aforementioned, through the evolvement of a geo-referenced database, which will allow the obtainment of information categorically distributed including theme maps of interest. The main characteristics adopted to group the municipalities were: agricultural area, sugar cane production, small farms, animal production, number of agriculture machinery and equipments and agricultural income. The methodology adopted in the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin will be analyzed vis-à-vis its appropriateness on basin management, as well as the possibility of assisting the studies on behalf of the São Paulo Hydrographic Basin groups, to regional development.
Cecropia glaziovii is a tree with used in Brazilian popular medicine. Methods allowing the clonal propagation of this species are of great interest for superior genotype multiplication and perpetuation. For this reason, we examined the effect of different culture media and different types of explants on adventitious shoot regeneration from callus and buds of C. glaziovii. Leaves, petioles and stipules obtained from aseptically grown seedlings or from pre-sterilized plants were used to initiate cultures. Adventitious shoot regeneration was achieved when apical and axillary buds were inoculated on gelled Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine alone (BAP) (1.0, 5.0 or 10.0 mg L-1) or combined with -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (1.0 or 2.0 mg L-1), after 40 days of culture. Best callus production was obtained after 30 days of petioles' culture on gelled MS medium with 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (5.0 mg L-1) combined with BAP (1.0 mg L-1). Successful shoot regeneration from callus was achieved when MS medium supplemented with zeatin (ZEA) (0.1 mg L-1) alone or combined with 2,4-D (1.0 or 5.0 mg L-1) was inoculated with friable callus obtained from petioles. All shoots were rooted by inoculation on MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (1.0 mg L-1). Rooted plants transferred to potting soil were successfully established. All in vitro regenerated plantlets showed to be normal, without morphological variations, being also identical to the source plant. Our study has shown that C. glaziovii can be propagated by tissue culture methods, allowing large scale multiplication of superior plants for pharmacological purposes.
OBJECTIVE: To adapted the critical velocity (CV), RAST test and lactate minimum (LM) to evaluation of female basketball players. METHODS: Twelve well-trained female basketball players (19 ± 1yrs) were submitted to four intensities running (10 - 14 km/h) at shuttle exercise until exhaustion, applied on alternate days. The linear model 'velocity vs. 1/tlim' was adopted to determine the aerobic (CV) and anaerobic (CCA) parameters. The lactate minimum test consisted of two phases: 1) hiperlactatemia induction using the RAST test and 2) incremental test composed by five shuttle run (20-m) at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 km/h. Blood samples were collected at the end of each stage. RESULTS: The velocity (vLM) and blood lactate concentration at LM were obtained by two polynomial adjustments: lactate vs. intensity (LM1) and lactate vs. time (LM2). ANOVA one-way, Student t-test and Pearson correlation were used for statistical analysis. The CV was obtained at 10.3 ± 0.2 km/h and the CCA estimated at 73.0 ± 3.4 m. The RAST was capable to induce the hiperlactatemia and to determine the Pmax (3.6 ± 0.2 W/kg), Pmed (2.8 ± 0.1 W/kg), Pmin (2.3 ± 0.1 W/kg) and FI (30 ± 3%). The vLM1 and vLM2 were obtained, respectively, at 9.47 ±0.13 km/h and 9.8 ± 0.13 km/h, and CV was higher than vLM1. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the non-invasive model can be used to determine the aerobic and anaerobic parameters. Furthermore, the LM test adapted to basketball using RAST and progressive phase was effective to evaluate female athletes considering the specificity of modality, with high success rates observed in polynomial adjustment 'lactate vs. time' (LM2).
Evolving interfaces were initially focused on solutions to scientific problems in Fluid Dynamics. With the advent of the more robust modeling provided by Level Set method, their original boundaries of applicability were extended. Specifically to the Geometric Modeling area, works published until then, relating Level Set to tridimensional surface reconstruction, centered themselves on reconstruction from a data cloud dispersed in space; the approach based on parallel planar slices transversal to the object to be reconstructed is still incipient. Based on this fact, the present work proposes to analyse the feasibility of Level Set to tridimensional reconstruction, offering a methodology that simultaneously integrates the proved efficient ideas already published about such approximation and the proposals to process the inherent limitations of the method not satisfactorily treated yet, in particular the excessive smoothing of fine characteristics of contours evolving under Level Set. In relation to this, the application of the variant Particle Level Set is suggested as a solution, for its intrinsic proved capability to preserve mass of dynamic fronts. At the end, synthetic and real data sets are used to evaluate the presented tridimensional surface reconstruction methodology qualitatively.