1000 resultados para Pork - Quality


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One of the strategies of Universitat Pompeu Fabra to support Quality Learning has been the creation of Units for the Support of Teaching Quality and Innovation within each faculty. In the seminar we will present the role and activities of the Polytechnic School Unit in charge or coordinating the efforts towards quality learning in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Engineering Studies. We will also discuss how these activities are informed to relevant academic stakeholders.


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The United States has invested large sums of resources in multiple conservation programs for agriculture over the past century. In this paper we focus on the impacts of program interactions. Specifically, using an integrated economic and bio-physical modeling framework, we consider the impacts of the presence of working land programs on a land retirement for an important agricultural region—the Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMRB). Compared to a land retirement only program, we find that the presence of a working land program for conservation tillage results in significantly lower predicted signups for land retirement at a given rental rate. We also find that the presence of both a large working land and land retirement program can result in more environmental benefits and income transfers than a land retirement only program can achieve.


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This study provides a comparative economic analysis of the primary production of pork and its marketing channel in Spain and the United States. The focus on Spain is due to the profound growth and transformation of its pork sector over the last 20 years, compared with other major players in the world market for pig meat. The analysis reveals a number of similar characteristics but also important differences between the two countries. The significant expansion of Spain’s pork production sector stemmed from a number of factors that apply, to a relatively large extent, to some U.S. states (in particular, North Carolina) but do not apply to the U.S. pork production sector as a whole. This implies that it is unlikely that the U.S. pork production sector as a whole will mimic an expansion driven by the same type of factors in the future. Likewise, it seems highly unlikely that the U.S. consumption of pig meat will expand in the future based on the same driving forces behind the sharp increase in Spain’s domestic demand for pig meat over the last 20 years. The analysis also indicates that Spanish pig producers are currently being subjected to more stringent environmental and animal welfare regulations than their U.S. counterparts and that these regulations are becoming increasingly more restrictive. It would not be surprising to see similar trends emerging in the United States, leading to a substantially more restrictive regulatory environment for U.S. hog producers.


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The air void analyzer (AVA) with its independent isolation base can be used to accurately evaluate the air void system—including volume of entrained air, size of air voids, and distribution of air voids—of fresh portland cement concrete (PCC) on the jobsite. With this information, quality control adjustments in concrete batching can be made in real time to improve the air void system and thus increase freeze-thaw durability. This technology offers many advantages over current practices for evaluating air in concrete.


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BACKGROUND: Studies about the association between body mass index (BMI) and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) are often limited, because they 1) did not include a broad range of health-risk behaviors as covariates; 2) relied on clinical samples, which might lead to biased results; and 3) did not incorporate underweight individuals. Hence, this study aims to examine associations between BMI (from being underweight through obesity) and HRQOL in a population-based sample, while considering multiple health-risk behaviors (low physical activity, risky alcohol consumption, daily cigarette smoking, frequent cannabis use) as well as socio-demographic characteristics. METHODS: A total of 5 387 young Swiss men (mean age = 19.99; standard deviation = 1.24) of a cross-sectional population-based study were included. BMI was calculated (kg/m²) based on self-reported height and weight and divided into 'underweight' (<18.5), 'normal weight' (18.5-24.9), 'overweight' (25.0-29.9) and 'obese' (≥30.0). Mental and physical HRQOL was assessed via the SF-12v2. Self-reported information on physical activity, substance use (alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis) and socio-demographic characteristics also was collected. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to study the associations between BMI categories and below average mental or physical HRQOL. Substance use variables and socio-demographic variables were used as covariates. RESULTS: Altogether, 76.3% were normal weight, whereas 3.3% were underweight, 16.5% overweight and 3.9% obese. Being overweight or obese was associated with reduced physical HRQOL (adjusted OR [95% CI] = 1.58 [1.18-2.13] and 2.45 [1.57-3.83], respectively), whereas being underweight predicted reduced mental HRQOL (adjusted OR [95% CI] = 1.49 [1.08-2.05]). Surprisingly, obesity decreased the likelihood of experiencing below average mental HRQOL (adjusted OR [95% CI] = 0.66 [0.46-0.94]). Besides BMI, expressed as a categorical variable, all health-risk behaviors and socio-demographic variables were associated with reduced physical and/or mental HRQOL. CONCLUSIONS: Deviations from normal weight are, even after controlling for important health-risk behaviors and socio-demographic characteristics, associated with compromised physical or mental HRQOL among young men. Hence, preventive programs should aim to preserve or re-establish normal weight. The self-appraised positive mental well-being of obese men noted here, which possibly reflects a response shift, might complicate such efforts.


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This paper reviews the economic effects of collective-quality promotion through a survey of the recent literature devoted to common labeling and professional groups. Benefits and costs of common labeling and professional groups for improving quality are detailed. Some empirical facts are presented, mainly focusing on some European examples, since many European countries have a long history of producer-owned marketing programs. This paper shows that in some cases the collective-quality promotion can be a successful strategy for firms/farmers.


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Based on accepted advances in the marketing, economics, consumer behavior, and satisfaction literatures, we develop a micro-foundations model of a firm that needs to manage the quality of a product that is inherently heterogeneous in the presence of varying customer tastes or expectations for quality. Our model blends elements of the returns to quality, customer lifetime value, and service profit chain approaches to marketing. The model is then used to explain several empirical results pertaining to the marketing literature by explicitly articulating the trade-offs between customer satisfaction and costs (including opportunity costs) of quality. In this environment firms will find it optimal to allow some customers to go unsatisfied. We show that the relationship between the expected number of repeated purchases by an individual customer is endogenous to the choice of quality by the firm, indicating that the number of purchases cannot be chosen freely to estimate a customer’s lifetime value.


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The aim of this IRB-approved study was to analyze prospectively quality of life (QOL) and psychological changes in 30 ESRD patients before and after kidney transplantation (KT). Semi-structured interviews were conducted after inclusion on the waiting list (A). Follow-up interviews were performed 6 months later with patients still awaiting KT (B6, n= 15), and with transplant recipients 6, 12 and 24 months after KT (C6, n=15; C12, n=15; C24, n=14). Qualitative thematic analysis was performed. A: All patients reported loss of freedom, 87% tried to maintain normality; 57% modified medical directives. All mentioned emotional fragility, negative thoughts (43%), and suicidal thoughts (20%) related to loss of QOL from dialysis (D), and professional tension (26%). B6: 40% reported no change compared to baseline, while 60% mentioned increase of illness intrusiveness, 46% D side effects, 40% communication problems, and 33% concerns about the waiting list handling. Fear of emotional breakdown (40%), couple problems (47%), and worsened professional difficulties (20%) were reported. C6: All patients reported recovery of QOL and concerns about acute rejection. 73% were anxious about laboratory results. 93% felt dependent on immunosuppressants (IS), 47% reported difficulties coping with their regimen, and 47% were concerned about side effects; 67% had resumed work, but medical constraints led 40% to professional stigmatization. C12: All enjoyed good QOL. Adherence to IS was mandatory (100%). All were aware of the limited long-term graft survival and 47% anxious about a possible return to D. 60% underlined positive life value; 47% resumed a full time job; 40% were on social security. C24: Good QOL was underlined (86%). Patients stated they would prefer re-TX to resuming D (71%). Post-TX health problems were mentioned (64%); increase of creatinine levels induced fear (36%). 79% complained about side effects. 64% reported changes in life values. This study reveals positive QOL and psychological transformations after KT, which are associated with positive changes related to graft survival and freedom from D. Psychological follow-up should be offered to patients who face relapsing ESRD or post-TX co-morbidities.


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We study business organization and coordination of specialty-market hog production using a comparative analysis of two Iowa pork niche-marketing firms. We describe and analyze each firms management of five key organizational challenges: planning and logistics, quality assurance, process verication and management of �credence attributes,� business structure, and profit sharing. Although each firm is engaged in essentially the same activity, there are substantial differences across the two firms in the way production and marketing are coordinated. These differences are partly explained by the relative size and age of each firm, thus highlighting the importance of organizational evolution in agricultural markets, but are also partly the result of a formal organizational separation between marketing and production activities in one of the firm.


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This paper revisits the issue of the regulatory choice between a mandatory label and a minimum-quality standard. When the cost of regulation is relatively low, we show that the socially optimal choice depends on the producers’ cost structure for complying with regulation and improving quality. Under a marginal cost for improving quality, the mandatory labeling is sufficient for reaching the socially optimal level of quality. Under a fixed cost for improving quality, we show that each instrument or the combination of both instruments may emerge at the equilibrium.


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"In Service to Iowa : Public Library Measures of Quality, 4th edition" is the manual for the Accreditation and Standards program of the State Library of Iowa.


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This paper empirically explores the link between quality and concentration in a cross-section of manufactured goods. Using concentration data and product quality indicators, an ordered probit estimation explores the impact of concentration on quality that is defined as an index of quality characteristics. The results demonstrate that market concentration and quality are positively correlated across different industries. When industry concentration increases, the likelihood of the product being higher quality increases and the likelihood of observing a lower quality decreases.


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Objectif : La prise en charge des patients avec hyperglycémie en soins aigus estdifficile et les erreurs de prescription d'insuline sont fréquentes. Notre objectifest de promouvoir l'évolution des pratiques vers une gestion efficace et sécuritairede l'hyperglycémie.Matériels et méthodes : Création d'un programme de formation structuré pourla gestion de l'hyperglycémie en soins aigus. Ce programme est le produit dumétissage entre le modèle de l'accompagnement thérapeutique et la systémiquedu management. Il vise l'acquisition d'une métacognition pour une réflexiontransversale face à l'hyperglycémie. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : comprendreles particularités de l'hyperglycémie en aigu ; gérer le basal/bolus ; argumenterle choix thérapeutique ; s'approprier l'outil sécuritaire d'aide à l'insulinothérapie ;anticiper la sortie du patient. Une analyse mixte a été effectuée : quantitative,glycémies, hypoglycémies, durée de séjour et qualitative, évolution de la réflexionautour de l'hyperglycémie.Résultats : Nov. 2009-2010, dans le Service de Médecine du CHUV, nous avonsdispensé 3 sessions de formation (15 cours), suivies d'une période de coaching,pour 78 internes. Évaluation quantitative : 85 patients (56,4 % H), âge moyen72,7 ± 9,6 ans, glycémies à J3 dans la cible (4-8,5 mmol/l) 44,6 %, glycémiemoyenne 8,5 ± 1,8 mmol/l, hypoglycémies 0,9 %, durée moyenne de séjour9,7 ± 5,4 J. Évaluation qualitative : choix du schéma thérapeutique pertinentdans la majorité des cas, environ 90 % des internes ont intégré les éléments depondération de l'insulinothérapie, estiment que cette formation a eu un impactpositif sur leur gestion, sont plus confiants dans leurs capacités et ont unmeilleur sentiment d'auto-efficacité. Les modalités pédagogiques adoptées ontfavorisé le transfert des compétences et le niveau de satisfaction globale atteint90 %.Conclusion : Le développement d'un programme de formation des soignants,basé sur l'approche réflexive et participative, permet une amélioration importantede la gestion de l'hyperglycémie. Notre projet s'inscrit dans une démarcheglobale visant à doter les bénéficiaires d'une vision systémique du diabète.