1000 resultados para Perspectiva linear


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La realitatdel fenomen que hem anomenat violencia de genere ha convertit el terme genere, concepte acade mic que ne ix de les teories femin istes dins de les ciencies socials. en un terme mediatic, que ha passat a formar part delllenguatge comú, tot i que sovint no s ' ha utilitzat de forma molt adequada. Aquest article pretén, d' una banda, analitzar el genere com un dels eixos estructuradors de les desigualtats en la nostrara societat, clarificant el mateix concepte en el marc teoric de les ciencies socials i, de l' altra, plantejar-Io com una perspectiva d' analisi de la realitat social; una nova mirada que cal tenir en compte, també, en el moment de dissenyar les intervencions en el camp socioeducatiu.


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A ocorrência do distúrbio fisiológico conhecido como "Mancha Fisiológica do Mamão" (MFM) tem comprometido a qualidade do mamão (Carica papaya L.) produzido no Brasil. A obtenção de material genético tolerante à MFM faz parte das estratégias de ação de médio a longo prazo para minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes da ocorrência desse distúrbio. No presente trabalho, buscou-se avaliar a tolerância de vinte e dois híbridos de mamão à ocorrência da MFM, na região norte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os frutos foram colhidos de um ensaio de competição instalado na Estação Experimental da PESAGRO-Rio, no município de Macaé-RJ. O ensaio consistiu de quatro repetições, num delineamento em blocos ao acaso, sendo que cada parcela foi constituída de oito plantas. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância e teste de média. Efetuou-se, inicialmente, uma análise conjunta, envolvendo os dois estádios de maturação avaliados - verde-maduro e ¾ maduro; considerando a significância da interação Estádio x Genótipo, procedeu-se a uma análise específica, por estádio de desenvolvimento do fruto. Em função da análise de variância, também, foi calculado o coeficiente de determinação genotípica (H²) para o caráter em estudo, o qual demonstrou que a avaliação do nível de severidade da MFM, no estádio ¾ maduro, caracteriza melhor as diferenças genotípicas. Com base nesses resultados, inferimos que há uma expressiva variabilidade genética, para o caráter MFM, dentre os genótipos avaliados. Isto sugere um bom potencial em se obter, através do melhoramento genético, material vegetal (híbridos e variedades) com maior tolerância à MFM. O melhoramento genético associado ao manejo do ambiente poderá permitir o cultivo do mamoeiro sem as limitações advindas da ocorrência da MFM.


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Microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome is an X-linked male-lethal disorder also known as MIDAS (microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea). Additional clinical features include neurological and cardiac abnormalities. MLS syndrome is genetically heterogeneous given that heterozygous mutations in HCCS or COX7B have been identified in MLS-affected females. Both genes encode proteins involved in the structure and function of complexes III and IV, which form the terminal segment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC). However, not all individuals with MLS syndrome carry a mutation in either HCCS or COX7B. The majority of MLS-affected females have severe skewing of X chromosome inactivation, suggesting that mutations in HCCS, COX7B, and other as-yet-unidentified X-linked gene(s) cause selective loss of cells in which the mutated X chromosome is active. By applying whole-exome sequencing and filtering for X-chromosomal variants, we identified a de novo nonsense mutation in NDUFB11 (Xp11.23) in one female individual and a heterozygous 1-bp deletion in a second individual, her asymptomatic mother, and an affected aborted fetus of the subject's mother. NDUFB11 encodes one of 30 poorly characterized supernumerary subunits of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, known as complex I (cI), the first and largest enzyme of the MRC. By shRNA-mediated NDUFB11 knockdown in HeLa cells, we demonstrate that NDUFB11 is essential for cI assembly and activity as well as cell growth and survival. These results demonstrate that X-linked genetic defects leading to the complete inactivation of complex I, III, or IV underlie MLS syndrome. Our data reveal an unexpected role of cI dysfunction in a developmental phenotype, further underscoring the existence of a group of mitochondrial diseases associated with neurocutaneous manifestations.


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In this work we study the integrability of a two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fourth degree. We give sufficient conditions for integrability in polar coordinates. Finally we establish a conjecture about the independence of the two classes of parameters which appear in the system; if this conjecture is true the integrable cases found will be the only possible ones.


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In this work we study the integrability of two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fifth degree. We give a simple characterisation for the integrable cases in polar coordinates. Finally we formulate a conjecture about the independence of the two classes of parameters which appear on the system; if this conjecture is true the integrable cases found will be the only possible ones.


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Background: Design of newly engineered microbial strains for biotechnological purposes would greatly benefit from the development of realistic mathematical models for the processes to be optimized. Such models can then be analyzed and, with the development and application of appropriate optimization techniques, one could identify the modifications that need to be made to the organism in order to achieve the desired biotechnological goal. As appropriate models to perform such an analysis are necessarily non-linear and typically non-convex, finding their global optimum is a challenging task. Canonical modeling techniques, such as Generalized Mass Action (GMA) models based on the power-law formalism, offer a possible solution to this problem because they have a mathematical structure that enables the development of specific algorithms for global optimization. Results: Based on the GMA canonical representation, we have developed in previous works a highly efficient optimization algorithm and a set of related strategies for understanding the evolution of adaptive responses in cellular metabolism. Here, we explore the possibility of recasting kinetic non-linear models into an equivalent GMA model, so that global optimization on the recast GMA model can be performed. With this technique, optimization is greatly facilitated and the results are transposable to the original non-linear problem. This procedure is straightforward for a particular class of non-linear models known as Saturable and Cooperative (SC) models that extend the power-law formalism to deal with saturation and cooperativity. Conclusions: Our results show that recasting non-linear kinetic models into GMA models is indeed an appropriate strategy that helps overcoming some of the numerical difficulties that arise during the global optimization task.


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This work proposes the detection of red peaches in orchard images based on the definition of different linear color models in the RGB vector color space. The classification and segmentation of the pixels of the image is then performed by comparing the color distance from each pixel to the different previously defined linear color models. The methodology proposed has been tested with images obtained in a real orchard under natural light. The peach variety in the orchard was the paraguayo (Prunus persica var. platycarpa) peach with red skin. The segmentation results showed that the area of the red peaches in the images was detected with an average error of 11.6%; 19.7% in the case of bright illumination; 8.2% in the case of low illumination; 8.6% for occlusion up to 33%; 12.2% in the case of occlusion between 34 and 66%; and 23% for occlusion above 66%. Finally, a methodology was proposed to estimate the diameter of the fruits based on an ellipsoidal fitting. A first diameter was obtained by using all the contour pixels and a second diameter was obtained by rejecting some pixels of the contour. This approach enables a rough estimate of the fruit occlusion percentage range by comparing the two diameter estimates.


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El propósito del artículo es reflexionar sobre el binomio etnicidad-desarrollo en perspectiva histórica y desde la atalaya del mundo andino. Pretende visibilizar las ambivalencias y con- tradicciones por las que han circulado los discursos sobre el desarrollo, tanto los de corte convencional como los del Buen Vivir o Sumak Kawsay. El texto aborda cuatro aspectos remarcables de ese proceso: a) el tiempo en el que la alteridad cultural fue conceptualizada como un obstáculo a la llamada ‘modernización’; b) el establecimiento, bajo el neolibera- lismo, de lineamientos sensibles a las potencialidades percibidas en la etnicidad de cara a generar procesos de desarrollo endógenos; c) la dificultad de definir con precisión a qué se refiere el Buen Vivir según se ubique el punto de mira desde posiciones de gobierno o de oposición; y d) en qué medida el del Sumak Kawsay constituye o no una suerte de paradig- ma alternativo potencialmente conducente a un escenario empoderativo de los grupos subal- ternos en nombre de quienes se dice actuar.


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El present assaig és una modesta i particular reflexió sobre alguns aspectes de les polítiques socials que configuren l’Estat del benestar en el nostre país i en aquest primer lustre del segle XXI. L’objectiu genèric no és altre que “prendre el pols” i fer una temptativa de diagnosi de l’estat que presenta aquest complex institucional encarregat d’accionar els mecanismes de protecció social. Per fer dita aproximació seguiré un itinerari del més general al més concret. En el primer apartat dibuixo a grans trets un esbós de la qualificació que atribueixo a l’actual situació del benestar. En el segon punt desgrano els que crec que són els principals problemes amb que s’enfronten els sis sistemes de l’Estat del benestar. I en el darrer epígraf aventuro les accions en que podria implicar-s’hi específicament el treball social.


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We present a dual-trap optical tweezers setup which directly measures forces using linear momentum conservation. The setup uses a counter-propagating geometry, which allows momentum measurement on each beam separately. The experimental advantages of this setup include low drift due to all-optical manipulation, and a robust calibration (independent of the features of the trapped object or buffer medium) due to the force measurement method. Although this design does not attain the high-resolution of some co-propagating setups, we show that it can be used to perform different single molecule measurements: fluctuation-based molecular stiffness characterization at different forces and hopping experiments on molecular hairpins. Remarkably, in our setup it is possible to manipulate very short tethers (such as molecular hairpins with short handles) down to the limit where beads are almost in contact. The setup is used to illustrate a novel method for measuring the stiffness of optical traps and tethers on the basis of equilibrium force fluctuations, i.e., without the need of measuring the force vs molecular extension curve. This method is of general interest for dual trap optical tweezers setups and can be extended to setups which do not directly measure forces.


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In this paper we study the existence of a unique solution for linear stochastic differential equations driven by a Lévy process, where the initial condition and the coefficients are random and not necessarily adapted to the underlying filtration. Towards this end, we extend the method based on Girsanov transformations on Wiener space and developped by Buckdahn [7] to the canonical Lévy space, which is introduced in [25].


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La publicación en 1992 de Nubosidad variable supuso la reanudación de la actividad novelesca de Carmen Martín Gaite, después de catorce arios dedicados al ensayo y a la historia. En esta obra, el «credo» literario de la novelista no ha variado sustancialmente en relación a otras como Ritmo lento, Retahilas o El cuarto de atrás, pero se ha visto enriquecido con una técnica que acota y fija de forma maestra todo el mundo de significaciones que se proyecta, y que podemos conceptualizar como el flirteo de la autora con la introspección, el recuerdo, y los antojos frente al tiempo pasado de una memoria vulnerable y resbaladiza. La perspectiva narrativa se revela, en este sentido, como el apoyo básico del andamiaje material de la obra.


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Development of research methods requires a systematic review of their status. This study focuses on the use of Hierarchical Linear Modeling methods in psychiatric research. Evaluation includes 207 documents published until 2007, included and indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge databases; analyses focuses on the 194 articles in the sample. Bibliometric methods are used to describe the publications patterns. Results indicate a growing interest in applying the models and an establishment of methods after 2000. Both Lotka"s and Bradford"s distributions are adjusted to the data.