1000 resultados para Pensamiento global
Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida (CV) global en personas con demencia e investigar las variables asociadas con la percepción subjetiva de la CV. Pacientes y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en seis centros de Barcelona y Tarragona. Un total de 99 personas con demencia leve-moderada que vivían en casa con un cuidador conocido completaron una entrevista cara-cara que incluía información sociodemográfica, percepción del estado de salud, un listado de problemas crónicos de salud, sintomatología depresiva, estado funcional, aspectos positivos, sentido de la vida y satisfacción con las relaciones personales. La CV global se evaluó con la pregunta global del World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF. Resultados: El 40,6% de los entrevistados consideró su CV como buena/muy buena. Los análisis univariados de regresión logística ordinal y binaria no mostraron asociación entre CV con datos sociodemográficos, gravedad de la demencia ni estado funcional, pero sí con las otras variables de estudio. Los análisis multivariados de la regresión logística ordinal y binaria mostraron que una mejor percepción de salud y mayor satisfacción con las relaciones personales se asociaban con mejor CV. Asimismo, en el análisis multivariado de regresión logística ordinal, mejor CV se asoció con un menor número de síntomas depresivos, y en el análisis de regresión logística binaria, con disfrutar de la vida y menor gravedad de la demencia. Conclusiones: Personas con demencia leve-moderada pueden informar sobre su CV y estados subjetivos. Además de los aspectos relacionados con la salud, aspectos positivos y las relaciones personales deberían evaluarse sistemáticamente en esta población.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Medial temporal lobe abnormalities on DWI and functional imaging are occasionally observed in patients with transient global amnesia. We used CTP to study these patients during or briefly after resolution of their amnesic syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 2002 onward, patients satisfying clinical criteria for transient global amnesia who underwent CTP were included. Patients with additional clinical features suggesting transient ischemic attack or stroke and those with an ischemic lesion on subsequent DWI were excluded. If deemed necessary by the clinician, DWI was performed within 10 days. RESULTS: Thirty patients with transient global amnesia underwent CTP at a median latency of 5.9 hours (interquartile range, 4.3-9.7 hours) after symptom onset. All findings, except for those in 1 patient, were normal, including those in the 14 patients with well-imaged hippocampi. In the patient with abnormal findings, CTP and PWI showed hypoperfusion in both lentiform nuclei extending into the insulae, with normalization on the repeat CTP 6 days later. In 10 patients, DWI was performed at a median latency of 2 days (interquartile range, 0-9 days). Of these, 2 showed punctate hippocampal lesions, often seen in transient global amnesia. In 2 patients excluded because of mildly atypical transient global amnesia and ischemic lesions on subsequent DWI, acute CTP findings were also normal. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with transient global amnesia had normal CTP findings in the acute phase with the exception of 1 patient with transient hypoperfusion in both basal ganglia. If imaging is performed for typical and atypical transient global amnesia, DWI should be the preferred method.
Many companies today struggle with problems they face around sales lead management. They are suffering from inconsistent quality of leads, they miss clear sales opportunities and even cannot handle well their internal marketing lists. Meanwhile customers are better and better equipped with means to easily initiate contact via internet, via call centers etc. Investing in lead generation activities that are built on a bad process is not a good idea. Better than asking how to get more leads, companies should ask how to get better quality leads and invest in improving lead management. This study looks sales lead management as a multi step process where a company generates leads in controlled environment, qualifies them and hands over to the sales cycle. As a final step, organization needs to analyze the incomes and successes of different lead sources. Most often in sales lead management a process improvement requires setting up additional controls to enable proper tracking of all leads. A sales lead management process model for the case company is built based on the findings. Implementing the new model involves changes and improvements in some key areas of current process. Starting from the very beginning, these include redefining a bit the lead definition and revising the criteria set for qualified lead. There are some improvements to be done in the system side to enable the proposed model. Lastly a setting for responsible roles is presented.
The purpose of this thesis is to study factors that explain the bilateral fiber trade flows. This is done by analyzing bilateral trade flows during 1990-2006. It will be studied also, whether there are differences between fiber types. This thesis uses a gravity model approach to study the trade flows. Gravity model is mostly used to study the aggregate data between trading countries. In this thesis the gravity model is applied to single fibers. This model is then applied to panel data set. Results from the regression show clearly that there are benefits in studying different fibers in separate. The effects differ considerably from each other. Furthermore, this thesis speaks for the existence of Linder’s effect in certain fiber types.
This article examines the determinants of traffic volumes and the revenues per tonne generated by Spain’s port authorities. The interest of the study lies on the strong differences between port authorities in a context of strict regulation but that provides some scope for price competition. We find that port charges influence the amount of traffic that a port is able to generate. Furthermore, we find clear evidence of local price competition and report mixed results for global competition. Revenues per tonne are higher in ports operating more international regular lines and with multinational terminal operators, while they are lower in ports with nearby competing facilities and where the market share of the dominant shipping firm is high.
Considered as a remedy to multiple problems that our world is facing, biofuels are nowadays promoted on a global scale. Despite this globalised approach, however, biofuels are heavily contested. Not only the social implications of biofuels are disputed and uncertain, particularly in countries of the global South, but also their environmental and economic rationales. Given these huge controversies, policies promoting biofuels would seem difficult to maintain. Yet, support for them has been surprisingly well established on the political agendas. With the aim of understanding this puzzle, this study asks how the dominant approach to biofuels has been sustained on a global level. In order to answer this question, the meanings and assumptions in biofuel discourses are explored through the lens of Maarten Hajer’s “argumentative” discourse analysis. Based on the existence of a “partnership for sustainable bioenergy” between the EU, Brazil and Mozambique, the study takes these three locations as case studies. The analysis reveals that various discursive strategies, including a particular problem construction and the use of two main story-lines, have played an important role in ensuring the permanence of the global approach to biofuels. Moreover, while the discourse of critics against biofuels demonstrates that there is room for contestation, the analysis finds that the opponents’ discourse largely fails to target the most salient justification for biofuels. A more effective strategy for critics would therefore be to also question the problem constructions underpinning this main justification in the global discourse.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo comprobar la relación entre el Inventariode Pensamiento Constructivo (CTI) de Epstein (1987) y el Cuestionario de Desarrollo Emocionalpara Adultos (CDE-A) elaborado por el GROP (Grupo de Investigación en Orientación Psicopedagógicade la Universidad de Barcelona). Ambos instrumentos fueron utilizados como medidaspara evaluar la Inteligencia Emocional, en la búsqueda por sustentar acciones formativasque favorezcan la promoción y el desarrollo competencias socioemocionales y por consiguiente,el bienestar personal y social de aquellas personas con las que tenemos ocasión de trabajar.Se presentan ambos instrumentos, así como un estudio correlacional en función de los resultadosofrecidos por una muestra de estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Pedagogía de laUniversidad de Barcelona, lo que da lugar a una interesante discusión en torno a la cuestión¿Por qué y para qué utilizar instrumentos de medidas afines a la Inteligencia Emocional?
The objective of the thesis was to explore the nature and characteristics of customer-related internal communication in a global industrial matrix organization during a specific customer relationship, and how it could be improved. The theoretical part of the study views the field of the concepts of intra-organizational information and knowledge sharing. The theoretical part also views the internal communications influences to customer relationships, its problematic, and the suggestions to improve internal communication in literature. The empirical part of the study was conducted with the Content Analysis and the Social Network Analysis as research methods. The data was collected by interviews and a questionnaire. Internal communication was observed first generally within the organization from the point of view of a certain business, and secondly, during a specific customer relationship at personal level and at departmental level. The results of the study describe the nature and characteristics of internal communication in the organization. The results give 13 suggestions for improving internal communication in the organization. Although the study has been done in one specific organization, it also offers insights for other organizations as well as managers to improve their internal communication.
La enseñanza basada en las competencias es más compleja que la aplicación de saberes y la realización de casos prácticos específicos, siendo necesaria la ejecución de operaciones mentales abstractas que permitan consolidar los conocimientos, las habilidades y las actitudes necesarias para demostrar el ser competente. Algunas de las competencias transversales que orientan el diseño de la formación y la evaluación en el Grado en Enfermería son las que hacen referencia al razonamiento y a la capacidad reflexiva previa a la toma de decisiones. Para que el estudiante aprenda este proceso debe, en primer lugar, saber identificar las operaciones mentales implicadas, así como representarlas o expresarlas de forma manuscrita y esquematizada. De este modo, va integrando la estrategia de razonamiento más idónea en cada caso. La asignatura de"Resolución de casos desde un enfoque enfermero" del Departamento de Enfermería Fundamental y Médico-quirúrgica de la Universidad de Barcelona nace con la intención de dar respuesta a esa necesidad, enseñando el marco teórico de estrategias de pensamiento crítico para resolver casos clínicos de forma más efectiva y completa.
When a flash is presented aligned with a moving stimulus, the former is perceived to lag behind the latter (the flash-lag effect). We study whether this mislocalization occurs when a positional judgment is not required, but a veridical spatial relationship between moving and flashed stimuli is needed to perceive a global shape. To do this, we used Glass patterns that are formed by pairs of correlated dots. One dot of each pair was presented moving and, at a given moment, the other dot of each pair was flashed in order to build the Glass pattern. If a flash-lag effect occurs between each pair of dots, we expect the best perception of the global shape to occur when the flashed dots are presented before the moving dots arrive at the position that physically builds the Glass pattern. Contrary to this, we found that the best detection of Glass patterns occurred for the situation of physical alignment. This result is not consistent with a low-level contribution to the flash-lag effect.