933 resultados para Participatory loan
Purpose - This article describes the use of web services to interconnect the GTBib interlibrary loan program with the OCLC WorldShare platform. Design/methodology/approach - We describe the current problem of duplication of procedures in libraries that have added their collections to the OCLC WorldCat catalogue in recent years and are therefore more likely to receive interlibrary loan requests through the WorldShare Platform. Findings - A solution that uses web services to insert and retrieve requests between the two systems is presented. Autonomous agents periodically check the status of the requests and keep them updated and synchronized. These agents also inform the library staff of any variation or inconsistency that is detected. Practical Implications - This technology reduces process management time by making it unnecessary to introduce the request data in both systems. Agents are used to check the consistency of statuses between the two systems, thus avoiding errors and omissions and improving the efficiency of the whole interlibrary loan process. Originality/value - This paper describes in detail the technical aspects of the solution as a reference for the development of future applications.
[spa] El estudio afronta la regulación de los derechos de participación en los Estatutos de Autonomía de nueva generación. La novedad que representan estas normas respecto a sus predecesoras es la incorporación de una carta de derechos que vinculan de forma más explícita y detallada a los poderes públicos autonómicos. Los estatuyentes han interiorizado el creciente auge del fenómeno participativo regulando, junto a los tradicionales derechos de participación política, nuevos instrumentos y técnicas participativas, que se enmarcan en el concepto de democracia participativa. Significativa es, en este sentido, la voluntad política plasmada en la competencia que asumen algunos de ellos (Cataluña, Andalucía y Aragón)para la regulación de las consultas populares en cualquiera de sus modalidades ("encuestas, audiencias públicas, foros de participación") distintas el referéndum.
This article focuses on the analysis of the regulatory framework of citizen participation in the local government, which organises direct and participatory democracy at the local level, and identifies the laws and mechanisms through which the constitutional requirements for participation are accomplished. Mu nicipalities, the authority closest to citizens, are the best level of government since they directly involve civil society in the decision-making process experiencing the scope and appropriateness of the instruments by which it is channeled.
This paper presents a discussion on the process that led us to a progressively developing of a specific methodological approach for research on one parent families. This process has been systematized and built from the contributions of feminist epistemologies to the methodological design and participatory forms of work. From it derives a scientific and technical contribution, internationally unpublisheduntil now: Single Parenthood and family diversity Survey (EMODIF), which we propose as a not androcentric measuring tool of single parenthood, their profiles,experiences, expectations and realities. With this article we want to offer a systematization of the implications that has had our implementation of the feminist perspective in studies of one parent families.
Maailmantalouden globalisoitumisen myötä riskienhallinan rooli erityisesti rahoitusmarkkinoilla on korostunut entisestään. Pankeille on säädetty vakavaraisuusvaatimuksia, joita noudattamalla pyritään rahoitus-markkinoiden vakauden ja läpinäkyvyyden edistämiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää minkälaisia vaikutuksia pankkien uudella vakavaraisuussäädöksellä, Basel 2, on suomalaisten pk-yritysten rahoituspäätöksiin. Aiheesta ei ole vielä Suomessa tehty vastaavanlaista empiiristä tutkimuksesta. Tämä tutkimus on tehty yhteistyössä Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton kanssa. Tuloksia analysoitiin erilaisten oletushypoteesien mukaan. Kokonaisuudessaan Basel 2:n odotetaan näkyvän yrityksissä kiristyneinä lainaehtoina. Tulosten mukaan noin joka viides yritys raportoi lainaehtojensa kiristyneen viimeisen kahden vuoden aikana. Vakuuksien vaatimus sekä luoton riskiperusteinen hinnoittelu olivat myös lisääntyneet merkittävästi. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa saatiin myös yllättäviä tuloksia esimerkiksi perheyritysten vaikutusten kohdalla. Tuloksissa on pyritty ottamaan huomioon markkinahäiriön aiheuttamat vaikutukset.
Työssä tutkitaan asennetun laitekannan kunnossapitopalveluun perustuvan yritysten välisen yhteistyösuhteen kehittämisen edellytyksiä. Tutkimus pohjautuu teollisten palveluiden, yritysten välisten yhteistyösuhteiden ja palveluiden kehittämisen osatekijöiden ja menestystekijöiden teoreettiseen tarkasteluun, sekä kohdeyrityksille suoritetun kvalitatiivisen haastattelututkimuksen tulosten analysointiin teoreettisen viitekehyksen valossa. Tavoitteena on muodostaa ehjä ja hallittava kokonaisuus monialaisen ongelmakentän kriittisistä osatekijöistä, sekä niiden keskinäisistä kausaliteeteista. Yritysten välisen yhteistyön lähtökohtana on, että kaikki yhteistyön osapuolet saavuttavat toiminnalla hyötyjä omasta näkökulmastaan tarkasteltuna. Yhteistyösuhteen kehittäminen ja yhteisen arvon toteutuminen edellyttää näin ollen, että tarjottavan palvelukokonaisuuden sisältämät potentiaaliset hyödyt ja toisaalta myös niitä vastaavat riskit ymmärretään sekä palveluntarjoajan että asiakkaan organisaatiossa. Yhteistyösuhteen kehittäminen edellyttää edelleen myös, että suhteen kehittymistä ja saavutettavia hyötyjä pystytään mittaamaan relevanttien mittareiden avulla. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään hyötypotentiaalin selvittämisen edellytyksiin, sekä hyötyjen viestimisen haasteisiin molempia osapuolia palvelevasta objektiivisesta näkökulmasta. Haastattelututkimuksessa havaittujen ongelmakohtien pohjalta eritellään kehityskohteita ja ratkaisuehdotuksia päätöksenteon tueksi sekä laajojen palvelukokonaisuuksien ja niihin liittyvän ongelmakentän hahmottamisen ja hallinnan helpottamiseksi.
This paper compares different times of museums considering the situation of the past two decades. It reflects on the upswing and down, knowing that partake of the latter and we are in a deep crisis and unsustainable policies dictating contradictory. This situation raises the museums with their own project and creative professionals can better overcome difficulties because they do not suffer crisis of ideas. Some paradoxes are evident as the case of Greece, the place where the museums are repositories of highly relevant cultural values and the same institutions that have enhanced their improvement in the years of the upswing, they currently require, cuts that put them in a position risk. Similarly we can see that policies are applied to thin the identity of museums since they rely on adjustments that do not study each particular case. Alternatively there is the creativity and efforts of managers and professionals in general and cooperative work. It gives details of some of our participatory projects that go in this direction and to be successfully applied
The analysis of efficiency and productivity in banking has received a great deal of attention for almost three decades now. However, most of the literature to date has not explicitly accounted for risk when measuring efficiency. We propose an analysis of profit efficiency taking into account how the inclusion of a variety of bank risk measures might bias efficiency scores. Our measures of risk are partly inspired by the literature on earnings management and earnings quality, keeping in mind that loan loss provisions, as a generally accepted proxy for risk, can be adjusted to manage earnings and regulatory capital. We also consider some variants of traditional models of profit efficiency where different regimes are stipulated so that financial institutions can be evaluated in different dimensions—i.e., prices, quantities, or prices and quantities simultaneously. We perform this analysis on the Spanish banking industry, whose institutions have been deeply affected by the current international financial crisis, and where re-regulation is taking place. Our results can be explored in multiple dimensions but, in general, they indicate that the impact of earnings management on profit efficiency is of less magnitude than what might a priori be expected, and that on the whole, savings banks have performed less well than commercial banks. However, savings banks are adapting to the new regulatory scenario and rapidly catching up with commercial banks, especially in some dimensions of performance.
In the present work, we provide some considerations about the role of scientific communication in Chemistry Education. Such considerations may subsidize the development of communication in scientific language by Chemistry students. These considerations are based on information collected during a participatory research for the production of didactic material about scientific communication. The meetings were audio recorded and the contents of the participants' speeches were divided into categories. The category analysis supported the elaboration of the considerations.
Objective: To understand nursing student's self-consciousness and his/her autonomy in the discipline of fundamentals of professional care in the context of a liberating pedagogical proposal. Methodology. This qualitative, case-based research in the model of Ludke and André involved 14 students participating in the discipline. Data were collected by non-participatory observation and analysis of documents. Field observation was conducted from March to July 2010 and data were collected according to the proposal of Minayo: pre-analysis, exploration of material and treatment of results. Results. We constructed two thematic units of analysis: from "being to the self" and exercise of "become to be". Conclusion. When nursing students feel more liberty, they have the opportunity to substitute the scary prospect of learning something new material to something that motivates their curiosity and leads them to become more autonomous.
BACKGROUND: The Cancer Fast-track Programme's aim was to reduce the time that elapsed between well-founded suspicion of breast, colorectal and lung cancer and the start of initial treatment in Catalonia (Spain). We sought to analyse its implementation and overall effectiveness. METHODS: A quantitative analysis of the programme was performed using data generated by the hospitals on the basis of seven fast-track monitoring indicators for the period 2006-2009. In addition, we conducted a qualitative study, based on 83 semistructured interviews with primary and specialised health professionals and health administrators, to obtain their perception of the programme's implementation. RESULTS: About half of all new patients with breast, lung or colorectal cancer were diagnosed via the fast track, though the cancer detection rate declined across the period. Mean time from detection of suspected cancer in primary care to start of initial treatment was 32 days for breast, 30 for colorectal and 37 for lung cancer (2009). Professionals associated with the implementation of the programme showed that general practitioners faced with suspicion of cancer had changed their conduct with the aim of preventing lags. Furthermore, hospitals were found to have pursued three specific implementation strategies (top-down, consensus-based and participatory), which made for the cohesion and sustainability of the circuits. CONCLUSION: The programme has contributed to speeding up diagnostic assessment and treatment of patients with suspicion of cancer, and to clarifying the patient pathway between primary and specialised care.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää asuntosijoittamisen kilpailukykyisyyttä eläkesäästämismuotona. Vertailu tehdään kvantitatiivisena ja vertailukohtana ovat ns. perinteiset eläkesäästämismuodot, kuten rahastosijoitus, osakesijoitus, eläkevakuutus ja pankkitilisijoitus. Vertailu on tehty neljällä eri sijoittajaprofiililla. Profiilit eroavat toisistaan säästöajan ja säästösumman suhteen. Kaikissa tapauksissa kokonaissäästösumma on 36 000 euroa. Asuntosijoituksen lähtökohtana on osakehuoneisto, joka vuokrataan eteenpäin asumiskäyttöön. Asunnon ostoon otetaan pankkilaina, jota maksetaan pois vuokratuloilla sekä omalla osuudella niin, että kuukausittainen omaosuus lainan lyhennyksestä olisi vastaavan suuruinen kuin vaihtoehtoissijoituksen ns. perinteiseen eläkesäästämistuotteeseen. Tutkielmassa esiintyvät laskelmat on tehty Excel-taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla. Analyysissä keskitytään ensisijaisesti analysoimaan verojen ja kaikkien kulujen jälkeistä sijoitusten loppuarvoa, todellista vuosittaista tuottoprosenttia sekä koko sijoitetun pääoman tuottoprosenttia koko sijoitusajalta.
The aim of this study was to produce information on the implementation of the change process made according to the Kotter’s change model in HUSServis call operator services and to understand the success of the change process experienced by the call operators and the team leaders. The study was a qualitative case study. The research methods used were the researcher’s own participatory observation and the electronic survey. The survey was conducted by e-mail, using Webropol - software. The target group consisted of 32 persons, in which 29 were call operators and 3 were team leaders. The results of the study showed that the implementation of the change process made according to the Kotter’s change model was experienced successfully. The change was influenced by the successful selection of persons to the guiding coalition and an assertive leadership, in which the trust was enhanced in a research organization by increasing communication and feedback. This influence had a great positive change on the working environment. It also had a clear impact on the willingness of the personnel to be involved in change, which led to a clear improvement on the customer services.
The study focuses on primary school teachers’ perceptions of environmental education, its integration into primary school education and teachers’ teaching practices in Tanzania. The thesis is based on empirical research. The theoretical underpinnings of the study are based on Palmer’s (1998) model of environmental education. According to the model, meaningful environmental education should include education about, in or through and for the environment. The study is supported by national and international literature from research done on environmental education and education for sustainable development and policy statements. The study is qualitative in nature, adopting phenomenography and phenomenology as points of departure. The empirical data was collected from four primary schools in Morogoro region in Tanzania. The study sample consisted of 31 primary school teachers. Data was collected through interviews and lesson observations. According to the results of the study, primary school teachers expressed variations in their perceptions of environmental education and education for sustainable development. Most of the teachers focused on the aspect of knowledge acquisition. According to Tanzanian education and training policy, environmental education has to be integrated into all subjects. Although there is environmental education in the primary school curriculum, it is not integrated on an equal footing in all subjects. Some subjects like science, social studies and geography have more environmental content than other subjects. Teachers claim that the approach used to integrate environmental education into the school curriculum was not favoured because many claimed that what is to be taught as environmental education in the various subjects is not shown clearly. As a result, many teachers suggested that to ensure that it is taught properly it should be included in the curriculum as an independent subject or as specific topics. The study revealed that teachers’ teaching practices in integrating environmental education varied from one subject to another. Although most of the teachers said that they used participatory methods, lesson observations showed that they limited themselves to question and answer and group discussion. However, the teachers faced a number of barriers in the teaching of environmental education, some of which include lack of teaching and learning resources, time and large class size. The role of teachers in the implementation of environmental education in developing an environmentally literate citizenry is of great significance. The responsibility of the government in developing a curriculum with clear goals and content, developing teachers’ capacity in the teaching of environmental education and provision of teaching and learning materials needs to be taken seriously by the government in educational plans and programs.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) eli Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto perustettiin v. 1945 valvomaan 187 jäsenmaansa rahoitusjärjestelmiä ja edistämään rahoitusmarkkinoiden vakautta ja kansainvälistä kauppaa. IMF julkaisee kansainvälisiä maksutasetilastoja n. 200 maasta, ulkomaankaupan tilastotietoa, aikasarjoja v. 1948 lähtien ja valtiontalouden rahoitustilastoja sekä maakohtaisia raportteja. Painettuun kokoelmaan kuuluu vuosikertomuksia, kausijulkaisuja, tilastoja ja monografioita. Ne käsittelevät makrotaloutta, taloudellista kehitystä, rahoitusmarkkinoita, kansainvälistä taloutta ja valuuttamarkkinoita. Kokoelmassa on yhteensä n. 4342 nimekettä ja se karttuu jatkuvasti. Kokoelman vanhin julkaisu on vuodelta 1944. Suurin osa kokoelman julkaisuista on ilmestynyt v. 1995 - 2011. Sitä uudempia ei ole enää hankittu painettuina. Kokoelmaan kuuluu erilaisia vuosikirjoja pitkältä ajanjaksolta, kuten Annual report (1948 -), Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements (1990 -), Balance of payments statistics yearbook (1938 - ), Direction of trade statistics yearbook (1958 - ), Government finance statistics yearbook (1952 - ) ja International financial statistics yearbook (1991 - ). Kokoelma sisältää myös kausijulkaisuja kuten Economic review (1951 - ), IMF staff papers (1951 -) ja International financial statistics (1948 -). Kokoelmaan kuuluvat myös elektronisia julkaisuja sisältävät IMF E-Library ja AREAER -tietokannat. AREAR-tietokannassa on Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements -julkaisut sähköisessä muodossa. Tietokannassa on dataa mm. IMF:n jäsenmaiden valuutta- ja kauppajärjestelyistä. IMF E-Library, sisältää elektronisia julkaisuja sekä tilastotietokannat: International financial statistics (IFS), Balance of payments statistics (BOP), Direction of trade statistics (DOT) ja Government finance statistics (GFS). Julkaisuja on yhteensä n. 11 806. Kokoelman uudempaa osaa säilytetään Suomen Pankin kirjaston avokokoelmassa ja vanhempaa varastokokoelmassa. Painetut julkaisut ovat käytettävissä kirjastossa ja lainattavissa lukuun ottamatta tilastojulkaisuja, kausijulkaisuja ja vuosikirjoja. Elektronisia tietokantoja voi käyttää vain organisaation henkilökunta.