932 resultados para Organizational and work psychology


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In recent years, Knowledge Management (KM) has assumed great importance in the literature on business and management. However, we still have so little understanding of the human issues in KM processes. Thus, this research aims to contribute to analysing the importance of Organizational Commitment (OC) to KM. First, we used the Cardoso (2003) Knowledge Management Questionnaire (QGC) that embraces all organizational activities around knowledge processes and distinguishes four dimensions of KM. Secondly we applied the Quijano, Masip, Navarro and Aubert (1997) questionnaire (ASH-ICI) that distinguishes two types of commitment (personal and instrumental) into four dimensions. These two questionnaires were applied with 300 employees in the Portuguese industrial ceramics sector. Through multiple regression analysis we found that levels of organizational commitment are statistically important to KM dimensions. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that personal commitment is more important than need commitment. These results are discussed and Organizational Behaviour specialists and Work and Organizational psychologists are challenged to assume more responsibility and an active role in KM studies and practices and to explore human issues in this field.


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Using sexual assault on college campuses as a context for interrogating issues management, this study offers a normative model for inclusive issues management through an engagement approach that can better account for the gendered and emotional dimensions of issues. Because public relations literature and research have offered little theoretical or practical guidance for how issues managers can most effectively deal with issues such as sexual assault, this study represents a promising step forward. Results for this study were obtained through 32 in-depth interviews with university issues managers, six focus groups with student populations, and approximately 92 hours of participant observation. By focusing on inclusion, this revised model works to have utility for an array of issues that have previously fallen outside of the dominant masculine and rationale spheres that have worked to silence marginalized publics’ experiences. Through adapting previous issues management models to focus on inclusion at the heart of a strategic process, and engagement as the strategy for achieving this, this study offers a framework for ensuring more voices are heard—which enables organizations to more effectively communicate with their publics. Additionally, findings from this research may also help practitioners at different types of organizations develop better, and proactive, communication strategies for handling emotional and gendered issues as to avoid negative media attention and work to change organizational culture.


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My study investigated the effects of abusive supervision on work and family outcomes including supervisor-directed and organization-directed deviance and spousal undermining. Using a moderated-mediation model, the relationship of abusive supervision on outcome variables was proposed to be mediated by moral courage and moderated by leader-member exchange (a-path) and work and family role quality (b-path). Two separate studies were conducted using a sample (N=200) recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and through relatives of students at a large US public southeastern university (N=150 dyads). Results confirm the effects of abusive supervision on work and family outcomes while analyses of contextual and conditional factors are mixed. Confirmatory factor analyses, factor loadings, and model fit statistics are provided and implications for research and practice are discussed.^


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The purpose of this study was to compare two engagement constructs (work engagement and personal role engagement) with regards to their relationship with training perceptions and work role performance behaviours. It was hypothesised that personal role engagement would show incremental validity above that of work engagement at predicting work role performance behaviours and be a stronger mediator of the relationships between training perceptions and such behaviours. Questionnaire data was gathered from 304 full-time working adults in the UK. As predicted, personal role engagement was found to explain additional variance above that of work engagement for task proficiency, task adaptability, and task proactivity behaviours. Moreover, personal role engagement was a stronger mediator of the relationship between training perceptions and task proficiency as well as between training perceptions and task adaptability. Both work engagement and personal role engagement mediated the relationship between training perceptions and task proactivity to a similar degree. The findings suggest that personal role engagement has better practical utility to the HRD domain than work engagement, and indicates that future research may benefit from adopting the personal role engagement construct.


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The claim that high levels of engagement can enhance organizational performance and individual well-being has not previously been tested through a systematic review of the evidence. To bring coherence to the diffuse body of literature on engagement, the authors conducted a systematic synthesis of narrative evidence involving 214 studies focused on the meaning, antecedents and outcomes of engagement. The authors identified six distinct conceptualizations of engagement, with the field dominated by the Utrecht Group's ‘work engagement’ construct and measure, and by the theorization of engagement within the ‘job demands–resources’ framework. Five groups of factors served as antecedents to engagement: psychological states; job design; leadership; organizational and team factors; and organizational interventions. Engagement was found to be positively associated with individual morale, task performance, extra-role performance and organizational performance, and the evidence was most robust in relation to task performance. However, there was an over-reliance on quantitative, cross-sectional and self-report studies within the field, which limited claims of causality. To address controversies over the commonly used measures and concepts in the field and gaps in the evidence-base, the authors set out an agenda for future research that integrates emerging critical sociological perspectives on engagement with the psychological perspectives that currently dominate the field.


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In a professional and business-social context such as that of global hotel brands in the United Kingdom, intercultural communication, contacts and relationships are found at the heart of daily operations and of customer service. A large part of the clientele base of hotels in the United Kingdom is formed by individuals who belong to different cultural groups that travel in the country either for leisure or business. At the same time, the global workforce which is recruited in the hotel industry in the United Kingdom is a reality here to stay. Global travelling and labor work mobility are phenomena which have been generated by changes which occur on a socio-economic, cultural and political level due to the phenomenon of globalization. The hotel industry is therefore well acquainted with the essence of different cultures either to be accommodated within hotel premises, as in the case of external customers, or of diversity management where different cultures are recruited in the hotel industry, as in the case of internal customers. This thesis derives from research conducted on eight different global hotel brands in the United Kingdom in particular, with reference to three, four and five star categories. The research aimed to answer the question of how hotels are organized in order to address issues of intercultural communication during customer service and if intercultural barriers arise during the intercultural interaction of hotel staff and global customers. So as to understand how global hotel brands operate the research carried out focused in three main areas relating to each hotel: organizational culture, customer service–customer care and intercultural issues. The study utilized qualitative interviews with hotel management staff and non-management staff from different cultural backgrounds, public space observations between customers and staff during check-in and checkout in the reception area and during dining at the café-bar and restaurant. Thematic analysis was also applied to the official web page of each hotel and to job advertisements to enhance the findings from the interviews and the observations. For the process of analysis of the data interpretive (hermeneutic) phenomenology of Martin Heidegger has been applied. Generally, it was found that hotel staff quite often feel perplexed by how to deal with and how to overcome, for instance, language barriers and religious issues and how to interpret non verbal behaviors or matters on food culture relating to the intercultural aspect of customer service. In addition, it was interesting to find that attention to excellent customer service on the part of hotel staff is a top organizational value and customer care is a priority. Despite that, the participating hotel brands appear to have not yet, realized how intercultural barriers can affect the daily operation of the hotel, the job performance and the psychology of hotel staff. Employees indicated that they were keen to receive diversity training, provided by their organizations, so as to learn about different cultural needs and expand their intercultural skills. The notion of diversity training in global hotel brands is based on the sense that one of the multiple aims of diversity management as a practice and policy in the workplace of hotels is the better understanding of intercultural differences. Therefore global hotel brands can consider diversity training as a practice which will benefit their hotel staff and clientele base at the same time. This can have a distinctive organizational advantage for organizational affairs in the hotel industry, with potential to influence the effectiveness and performance of hotels.


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Entrepreneurship education has emerged as one popular research domain in academic fields given its aim at enhancing and developing certain entrepreneurial qualities of undergraduates that change their state of behavior, even their entrepreneurial inclination and finally may result in the formation of new businesses as well as new job opportunities. This study attempts to investigate the Colombian student´s entrepreneurial qualities and the influence of entrepreneurial education during their studies.


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El objetivo que tiene este proyecto es revisar los conceptos básicos acerca de las relaciones que crean los líderes con sus colaboradores dentro de las organizaciones, dichas relaciones y vínculos pueden afectar positiva o negativamente el desempeño de sus actividades diarias dentro de una organización. Para darle inicio a la investigación se estudió como primer paso el concepto de liderazgo transformacional, capital psicológico y que componentes hacían parte de este factor. El desarrollo de la investigación se enfatizó entre el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia ya que son factores claves dentro del desarrollo de las actividades organizacionales debido a que afectan claramente el capital humano de las compañías y están directamente relacionados con el crecimiento de las mismas, lo que nos llevó a preguntarnos ¿qué relación tendrá el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia en la productividad de las empresas? Es aquí donde radica la importancia de esta investigación ya que el cambio de pensamiento de las organizaciones hacia un liderazgo transformacional podría lograr una maximización del desempeño del personal de trabajo en relación al objetivo de la compañía. Como conclusión llegamos a que efectivamente hay un efecto positivo en los individuos que desarrollan un capital psicológico específicamente en el factor de autoeficacia para lograr un desempeño destacable, productivo y eficiente dentro de las organizaciones.


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Introducción. Los conductores de transporte terrestre de pasajeros están expuestos a factores de riesgo inherentes a su labor, por lo que la intervención sobre estos factores es un aspecto relevante en las empresas de transporte público dado que dicha actividad afecta la calidad de vida de los mismos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de estrés en el lugar de trabajo y los factores de riesgo biomecánicos asociados en trabajadores de una empresa de transporte terrestre de pasajeros. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios procedentes de una población de 219 empleados, de los cuales 13 eran administrativos y 206 laboraban en la operación de una empresa de transporte terrestre de pasajeros. Las variables incluidas fueron socio demográficas, laborales, variables relacionadas con la medición de estrés y síntomas osteomusculares. El análisis estadístico incluyó medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y para identificar los factores asociados con el estrés se utilizaron pruebas de asociación Chi2 y prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: La edad promedio de los participantes fue de 43 años (DS 10 años), siendo en su mayoría trabajadores de sexo masculino (96,3%). Se presentaron síntomas y factores de riesgo biomecánicos en cuello y espalda en un 55.5%. Se encontró asociación significativa entre estrés con los síntomas en pies (p=0,009), con los factores de riesgo biomecánicos, se encontró relación significativa con el tiempo que permanece adoptando las posturas de inclinación hacia delante (p=0,000) y hacia atrás (p=0,001) de espalda/tronco y las posturas en muñecas, (p=0,000), y a la exposición de los conductores a superficies vibrantes (asientos de vehículo) (p=0,021). No se encontró asociación significativa entre estrés y la postura de sedente. Conclusiones: Con este estudio se encontró una prevalencia de estrés de 78% en el lugar de trabajo y de los factores de riesgo biomecánicos asociados a antigüedad, postura y repetitividad de movimientos, con repercusiones en cuello y espalda lumbar, por lo tanto, se requiere de un seguimiento a las condiciones de salud y trabajo para los empleados del sector transporte.


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La capacidad de gestión del personal se ha convertido en un imperativo para las organizaciones modernas. Por tanto se vienen introduciendo temas como la administración en valores y el engagement de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, la relación entre estos dos aún no ha sido estudiada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto que tiene el grado de articulación y reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales y personales y organizacionales sobre los niveles de engagement de los empleados. Para esta investigación se utilizó una muestra constituida por 54 trabajadores de una organización del sector salud de la ciudad de Bogotá a quienes les fueron aplicadas dos escalas: el Inventario para Medir la Articulación entre la Persona y la Organización (Inventario APO) y Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES). Como principal resultado se obtuvo que de las tres dimensiones consideradas predictoras del engagement, solamente el reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo.


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El Síndrome de Burnout, es una condición cuya detección ha venido en aumento en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios realizados en docentes universitarios en Colombia. El objetivo del presente estudio es estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados, en población administrativa y docente de una universidad privada.


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Normalmente el desarrollo de un país se ha explicado desde una perspectiva tradicional en términos de su crecimiento económico, teniendo en cuenta indicadores macroeconómicos como el PIB, la inflación y el desempleo. Poca atención se le ha puesto a la importancia que para el desarrollo de un país representan el capital humano y el proceso de liderazgo. Debido a lo anterior, mediante este estudio de caso, se pretende entender el éxito de la estrategia de crecimiento por exportaciones de Japón entre los años 1960-1980 teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos. Así, se busca sustentar que la incorporación de un tipo de liderazgo transformacional- transaccional y los elementos propios de su cultura como el confucianismo y el budismo, le imprimieron una perspectiva no economicista al éxito del modelo de desarrollo como parte de la triada empresa-estado-universidad. Lo anterior se realizará partiendo de un análisis cualitativo y con un enfoque en la economía política internacional y en el liderazgo. Este último estudiado desde las disciplinas de la administración, la sociología y la psicología