945 resultados para Ondas elasticas
In many movies of scientific fiction, machines were capable of speaking with humans. However mankind is still far away of getting those types of machines, like the famous character C3PO of Star Wars. During the last six decades the automatic speech recognition systems have been the target of many studies. Throughout these years many technics were developed to be used in applications of both software and hardware. There are many types of automatic speech recognition system, among which the one used in this work were the isolated word and independent of the speaker system, using Hidden Markov Models as the recognition system. The goals of this work is to project and synthesize the first two steps of the speech recognition system, the steps are: the speech signal acquisition and the pre-processing of the signal. Both steps were developed in a reprogrammable component named FPGA, using the VHDL hardware description language, owing to the high performance of this component and the flexibility of the language. In this work it is presented all the theory of digital signal processing, as Fast Fourier Transforms and digital filters and also all the theory of speech recognition using Hidden Markov Models and LPC processor. It is also presented all the results obtained for each one of the blocks synthesized e verified in hardware
Environrnental issues are in focus lately, mainly due to climate change that have been registered in recent decades. Some of these changes are attributed to the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases induce, main1y due to anthropogenic emissions. These gases act by absorbing heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the planet, and after a time interval, reissuing such radiation in various directions, including back to the surface, causing overheating of the same. Projections indicate that climate change wiIl tend to increase even more. Because of this, in recent years a number of studies are being conducted on the dynamics of inducers of greenhouse gases, especially C02, because that is primarily responsible for the development of that phenomenon. To better understand the flow of C02 are studied specific areas, as regions bordering the forests, soils that are under preparation for agriculture, urban areas, among others. Forests are an important sink for C02, because during the process of photosynthesis, this molecule is captured and used to obtain glucose. Thus, studies of the regions bordering the forests contribute enough to the understanding of the dynamics of C02. Because it requires a large amount of factors, the concentration of CO2 in a given location is very variable and this makes it much more difficult to understand their dynamics and, consequently, the action of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Being a relatively new area of study, there are many controversies about the consequences of the greenhouse effect, so that the community does not believe that climate change resulting from human action. According to them, such changes are merely natural phenomena and periodicals
A Entomologia Forense é a ciência que aplica o estudo dos insetos, dentre outros artrópodes, a procedimentos legais, estando subdividida em três sub-áreas principais: Entomologia Urbana, Entomologia de Produtos Estocados e Entomologia Médico-Legal ou Médico-Criminal. A fauna entomológica cadavérica no Brasil apresenta uma ampla diversidade de espécies que se sucedem na carcaça, pois o processo de decomposição oferece condições ideais principalmente ao desenvolvimento dos dípteros, dentre outros insetos. A sucessão ecológica em carcaças ocorre em ondas de colonização, também denominada de sucessão ecológica de colonização de carcaças. A primeira onda, que é a mais importante para o presente estudo, inclui principalmente as moscas-varejeiras; dentre elas, merece destaque a espécie Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), um díptero da família Calliphoridae, que utiliza a carcaça para oviposição ou para alimentação dos adultos. Dos ovos eclodem as larvas, que se alimentam dos tecidos em decomposição, se desenvolvem e empupam no solo, nos arredores do cadáver, sendo assim possível estimar, a partir de evidências entomológicas, o tempo decorrido desde a morte até a descoberta de cadáveres humanos, ou seja, o intervalo pós-morte ou IPM, além de permitir obter informações do local onde possivelmente o crime tenha ocorrido, causa da morte, entre outros aspectos. Alguns trabalhos têm demonstrado que vários fatores podem afetar a determinação do IPM, tornando a investigação criminal mais difícil e, quando não forem levados em consideração, conduzem a erros no cálculo do IPM. Dispersão larval pós-alimentar, competição, predação, parasitismo, condições ambientais, e a presença de toxinas/drogas no corpo devem ser analisados em conjunto, de modo que erros na estimativa do IPM sejam minimizados tanto quanto possível. Deste modo, testes preliminares utilizando dietas artificiais em laboratório são...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the mid-nineteenth century, in his fruitful years of the perhaps best-known shortest literary career, Álvares de Azevedo wrote this verse “As ondas são anjos que dormem no mar” (“The waves are angels who sleep in the sea”). In the presentation of João Gilberto Noll’s young adult novel Anjo das ondas (Angel of the waves) in 2010, Ivan Marques states that the character in the novel, Gustavo, “with his adolescent passion, and torn spirit with overflowing lyrics, could even be compared to our tropical Byron”. João Gilberto Noll establishes a connection between him and Álvares de Azevedo that invites the reader to go beyond a first reading level of his work, seeking evidence of dialogue ratification between two apparently distant writers. The subtle intertextuality exceeds the initial clue and can be detected on Noll’s theme development from the history of Gustavo, a troubled teenager in search of his identity. Noll’s affinity to Álvares de Azevedo can still be captured in his narrative texture, in voices coming from his text; however, they also reveal to be unique and original features of his literary production. An apparent exercise in style shows that each author fulfills his mission by expressing, in his own way, the feeling of his time. In addition, it shows that through aesthetic emotion, literature allows us to transcend time and space.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
The application of ultrasound waves with a conventional dental ultrasonic scaler on glass ionomer cements surface accelerated initial setting reaction and improved the mechanical properties. Objective: This study evaluated the ultimate tensile strength of glass ionomer cements after ultrasonic excitation and different water storage times. Material and method: Twelve specimens of each material (Fuji IX GP, Ketac Molar Easymix and Vitremer) were prepared, and six of each received a 30-second ultrasound application during initial setting of the cements. After storage of the 24 hours or 30 days, the specimens were sectioned into stick to microtensile testing and the mean ultimate tensile strength values were submitted to Welch’s ANOVA and Tamhane’s test. Result: The results showed that the Vitremer presented the highest mean tensile strength. The chemically set Fuji IX GP presented significantly higher mean tensile strength after 30 days than after 24 hours of storage (p < 0.05). At 24 hours, the ultrasonically set Fuji IX GP presented significantly higher mean tensile strength than their counterparts set under standard conditions (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Treatment with ultrasound increased the tensile strength of Fuji IX GP in the early period of maturation.
Diottix(r) was calibrated at 25 Hz to achieve the frequency indicated in literature as being effective to mobilize the airways secretions. However, the amplitude and frequency of the waves generated by the equipment in different regions of the chest still need to be investigated. The objective of this study was to analyze the frequency and amplitude of waves generated by Diottix(r) in chests of healthy subjects. Diottix(r) was used in the anterior and posterior regions of the chest. The mechanical waves were captured using stethoscopes connected to electret microphones, which were connected to a digital oscilloscope. Frequency and amplitude data were recorded by the stethoscope, positioned in six points in the anterior region and six in the posterior region of the chest, following the positions commonly used in pulmonary auscultation. Signals were recorded and transferred to a computer with software for their analysis. The frequency of waves did not present a significant change (from 24.9 to 26.4 Hz). The wave amplitude in the anterior versus the posterior region in each area of the lung, the upper, middle and lower, had differences. Diottix(r) produces frequencies in the chest according to the calibrated; thus, it can be a complementary resource to bronchial hygiene maneuvers. The amplitudes of waves seem to be affected by other structures like bone parts and heart.