724 resultados para Oblique.


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Background and objectives Central venous catheterization of the internal jugular vein is a commonly performed invasive procedure associated with a significant morbidity and even mortality. Ultrasound-guided methods have shown to significantly improve the success of the technique and are recommended by various scientific societies, including the American Society of Anesthesiologists. The aim of this report is to describe an innovative ultrasound-guided central line placement of the internal jugular vein. Technique The authors describe an innovative ultrasound-guided central line placement of the internal jugular vein based on an oblique approach – the “Syringe-Free” approach. This technique allows immediate progression of the guide wire in the venous lumen, while maintaining a real-time continuous ultrasound image. Conclusions The described method adds to the traditional oblique technique the possibility of achieving a continuous real-time ultrasound-guided venipuncture and a guide wire insertion that does not need removing the probe from the puncture field, while having a single operator performing the whole procedure.


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To determine the prevalence of refractive errors in the public and private school system in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Methods: Refractometry was performed on both eyes of 1,024 randomly selected students, enrolled in the 2001 school year and the data were evaluated by the SPSS Data Editor 10.0. Ametropia was divided into: 1- from 0.1 to 0.99 diopter (D); 2- 1.0 to 2.99D; 3- 3.00 to 5.99D and 4- 6D or greater. Astigmatism was regrouped in: I- with-the-rule (axis from 0 to 30 and 150 to 180 degrees), II- against-the-rule (axis between 60 and 120 degrees) and III- oblique (axis between > 30 and < 60 and >120 and <150 degrees). The age groups were categorized as follows, in: 1- 5 to 10 years, 2- 11 to 15 years, 3- 16 to 20 years, 4- over 21 years. Results: Among refractive errors, hyperopia was the most common with 71%, followed by astigmatism (34%) and myopia (13.3%). Of the students with myopia and hyperopia, 48.5% and 34.1% had astigmatism, respectively. With respect to diopters, 58.1% of myopic students were in group 1, and 39% distributed between groups 2 and 3. Hyperopia were mostly found in group 1 (61.7%) as well as astigmatism (70.6%). The association of the astigmatism axes of both eyes showed 92.5% with axis with-the-rule in both eyes, while the percentage for those with axis againstthe- rule was 82.1% and even lower for the oblique axis (50%). Conclusion: The results found differed from those of most international studies, mainly from the Orient, which pointed to myopia as the most common refractive error, and corroborates the national ones, with the majority being hyperopia


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Este escrito es parte de las preocupaciones del equipo de Investigación de la Dra. Ximena Triquell11, y en ese marco inscribe la pesquisa en una perspectiva sobre conflictos sociales en discursos audiovisuales, en este caso, aquellos vinculados con la sexualidad en contextos escolares. En este marco, y con el objetivo de dar cuenta de conflictos vinculados a la sexualidad, este artículo presenta en primera instancia un análisis semiótico del filme Ausente, de Marco Berger. En segundo lugar, busca encuadrar estas reflexiones anteriores en una perspectiva que denominamos didáctica de la comunicación, que consideramos se encuentra actualmente en construcción. En tercer lugar, a partir de lo anterior, propone una reflexión oblicua sobre la educación sexual integral en Argentina.


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Grey and white carbonate mylonites were collected along thrust planes of the Helvetic Alps. They are characterised by very small grain sizes and non-random grain shape (SPO) and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). Presumably they deformed in the field of grain size sensitive flow by recrystallisation accommodated intracrystalline deformation in combination with granular flow. Both mylonites show a similar mean grain size, but in the grey mylonites the grain size range is larger, the grain shapes are more elongate and the dynamically recrystallised calcite grains are more often twinned. Grey mylonites have an oblique CPO, while the CPO in white mylonites is symmetric with respect to the shear plane. Combustion analysis and TEM investigations revealed that grey mylonites contain a higher amount of highly structured kerogens with particle sizes of a few tens of nanometers, which are finely dispersed at the grain boundaries. During deformation of the rock, nano-scale particles reduced the migration velocity of grain boundaries by Zener drag resulting in slower recrystallisation rates of the calcite aggregate. In the grey mylonites, more strain increments were accommodated by individual grains before they became refreshed by dynamic recrystallisation than in white mylonites, where grain boundary migration was less hindered and recrystallisation cycles were faster. Consequently, grey mylonites represent ‘deformation’ microfabrics while white mylonites are characterised by ‘recrystallisation’ microfabrics. Field geologists must utilise this different deformation behavior when applying the obliquity in CPO and SPO of the respective mylonites as reliable shear sense indicators.


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Statue of Liberty view is from ground level and Ellis Island views are oblique aerial views.


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Repeat photography is an efficient, effective and useful method to identify trends of changes in the landscapes. It was used to illustrate long-term changes occurring in the landscapes. In the Northeast of Portugal, landscapes changes is currently driven mostly by agriculture abandonment and agriculture and energy policy. However, there is a need to monitoring changes in the region using a multitemporal and multiscale approach. This project aimed to establish an online repository of oblique digital photography from the region to be used to register the condition of the landscape as recorded in historical and contemporary photography over time as well as to support qualitative and quantitative assessment of change in the landscape using repeat photography techniques and methods. It involved the development of a relational database and a series of web-based services using PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor language, and the development of an interface, with Joomla, of pictures uploading and downloading by users. The repository will make possible to upload, store, search by location, theme, or date, display, and download pictures for Northeastern Portugal. The website service is devoted to help researchers to obtain quickly the photographs needed to apply RP through a developed search engine. It can be accessed at: http://esa.ipb.pt/digitalandscape/.


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The purpose of this research is to study sedimentation mechanism by mathematical modeling in access channels which are affected by tidal currents. The most important factor for recognizing sedimentation process in every water environment is the flow pattern of that environment. It is noteworthy that the flow pattern is affected by the geometry and the shape of the environment as well as the type of existing affects in area. The area under the study in this thesis is located in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels (inner and outer). The study utilizes the hydrodynamic modeling with unstructured triangular and non-overlapping grids, using the finite volume, From method analysis in two scale sizes: large scale (200 m to 7.5km) and small scale (50m to 7.5km) in two different time durations of 15 days and 3.5 days to obtain the flow patterns. The 2D governing equations used in the model are the Depth-Averaged Shallow Water Equations. Turbulence Modeling is required to calculate the Eddy Viscosity Coefficient using the Smagorinsky Model with coefficient of 0.3. In addition to the flow modeling in two different scales and the use of the data of 3.5 day tidal current modeling have been considered to study the effects of the sediments equilibrium in the area and the channels. This model is capable of covering the area which is being settled and eroded and to identify the effects of tidal current of these processes. The required data of the above mentioned models such as current and sediments data have been obtained by the measurements in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels which was one of the PSO's (Port and Shipping Organization) project-titled, "The Sedimentation Modeling in Bushehr Port" in 1379. Hydrographic data have been obtained from Admiralty maps (2003) and Cartography Organization (1378, 1379). The results of the modeling includes: cross shore currents in northern and north western coasts of Bushehr Gulf during the neap tide and also the same current in northern and north eastern coasts of the Gulf during the spring tide. These currents wash and carry fine particles (silt, clay, and mud) from the coastal bed of which are generally made of mud and clay with some silts. In this regard, the role of sediments in the islands of this area and the islands made of depot of dredged sediments should not be ignored. The result of using 3.5 day modeling is that the cross channels currents leads to settlement places in inner and outer channels in tidal period. In neap tide the current enters the channel from upside bend of the two channels and outer channel. Then it crosses the channel oblique in some places of the outer channel. Also the oblique currents or even almost perpendicular current from up slope of inner channel between No. 15 and No. 18 buoys interact between the parallel currents in the channel and made secondary oblique currents which exit as a down-slope current in the channel and causes deposit of sediments as well as settling the suspended sediments carried by these currents. In addition in outer channel the speed of parallel currents in the bend of the channel which is naturally deeper increases. Therefore, it leads to erosion and suspension of sediments in this area. The speed of suspended sediments carried by this current which is parallel to the channel axis decreases when they pass through the shallower part of the channel where it is in the buoys No.7 and 8 to 5 and 6 are located. Therefore, the suspended sediment settles and because of this process these places will be even shallower. Furthermore, the passing of oblique upstream leads to settlement of the sediments in the up-slope and has an additional effect on the process of decreasing the depth of these locations. On the contrary, in the down-slope channel, as the results of sediments and current modeling indicates the speed of current increases and the currents make the particles of down-slope channel suspended and be carried away. Thus, in a vast area of downstream of both channels, the sediments have settled. At the end of the neap tide, the process along with circulations in this area produces eddies which causes sedimentation in the area. During spring some parts of this active location for sedimentation will enter both channels in a reverse process. The above mentioned processes and the places of sedimentation and erosion in inner and outer channels are validated by the sediments equilibrium modeling. This model will be able to estimate the suspended, bed load and the boundary layer thickness in each point of both channels and in the modeled area.


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Exploration of the Foundation Volcanic Chain (33 degrees S-131 degrees W; 37 degrees S-111 degrees W) revealed the existence of different magmatic provinces with relation to their geological settings. (1) The Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR) is made up of several en echelon segments where both glassy midocean ridge basalts (MORBs) with low incompatible elements (K2O<200 ppm, Zr<120 ppm and Ce <20 ppm) as well as andesites and dacites have erupted, (2) Oblique Ridges located up to 300 lan from the PAR axis are topped with seamounts made up essentially of transitional (T) and enriched (E) MORBs with intermediate incompatible elements (K2O=0.11-0.40 %, Zr=70-140 ppm and Ce=15-30 ppm), (3) the Foundation Seamounts (FS) consisting essentially of isolated volcanoes which have erupted alkalic lavas (alkali basalt, trachybasalt and trachyandesite) with high incompatible elements (K2O (0.50-1.1 %, Zr (>150 ppm) and Ce (>48 ppm)) at about 306-1300 km from the PAR axis, (4) The Old Pacific Seamounts built on a crust older than 23 m. y. located west of longitude 124 degrees W (> 1300 km from the PAR axis) consist of T and EMORB. On the PAR axis, extensive crystal fractionation (>65%) produced the silicic lavas. On the basis of Pacific plate reconstruction using a half spreading rate of about 50 mm/yr and integrating the observed compositional changes with respect to the structural settings, it is inferred that the last volcanic events giving rise to the FS took place at about 110 km from the PAR axis about 5 m. y. ago. The Oblique Ridges built between 5 m. y. and <1 m. y. are believed to represent ancient leaky transforms and/or large discontinuities between accreting ridge segments filled by volcanic cones during the interaction (mixing) of the enriched plume components of the FS with PAR depleted (MORB type) magmatism. The Old Pacific Seamounts built on ancient crust (>23 m. y.) with MORB volcanics comparable to those of the the Oblique Ridge-PAR provinces, could also have been formed by an interaction between the Foundation Seamount (dredge site 28) hotspot magmatism and that of an ancient accreting ridge magmatism precursor of the PAR.


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Constatado que não havia sido estudada a relação entre a Sabedoria e a Ansiedade Face à Morte (AFM) em adultos idosos, os objectivos deste trabalho consistiram na validação da versão portuguesa da Self Assessed Wisdom Scale (SAWS; Webster, 2003) e no estudo da relação entre essas variáveis e delas com a idade e o género. Usou-se também a versão portuguesa da Revised Death Anxiety Scale (RDAS; Thorson & Powell, 1994) validada para a população idosa por Carvalho, Diniz e Ribeiro (2008). Os 397 participantes (leque etário = 65-97 anos; M = 74) que voluntariamente colaboraram no estudo eram residentes na comunidade. Recorrendo à análise factorial confirmatória (LISREL8.53), a estrutura pentadimensional oblíqua da SAWS apresentou boa validade discriminante em todas as dimensões, e uma boa consistência interna e validade convergente apenas em três delas. No segundo estudo, foi testado o Modelo Preditor da AFM em Adultos Idosos, em que a idade (terceira vs. quarta idade) e o género foram tidos como antecedentes das dimensões Experiência de Vida e Reminiscência e Reflexividade da Sabedoria e também da AFM. Verificou-se que a idade e a Reminiscência e Reflexividade foram as únicas boas preditoras da AFM.


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Aim: To investigate the effect of implant-abutment angulation and crown material on stress distribution of central incisors. Finite element method was used to simulate the clinical situation of a maxillary right central incisor restored by two different implant-abutment angulations, 15° and 25°, using two different crown materials (IPS E-Max CAD and zirconia). Methods: Two 3D finite element models were specially prepared for this research simulating the abutment angulations. Commercial engineering CAD/CAM package was used to model crown, implant abutment complex and bone (cortical and spongy) in 3D. Linear static analysis was performed by applying a 178 N oblique load. The obtained results were compared with former experimental results. Results: Implant Von Mises stress level was negligibly changed with increasing abutment angulation. The abutment with higher angulation is mechanically weaker and expected to fail at lower loading in comparison with the steeper one. Similarly, screw used with abutment angulation of 25° will fail at lower (about one-third) load value the failure load of similar screw used with abutment angulated by 15°. Conclusions: Bone (cortical and spongy) is insensitive to crown material. Increasing abutment angulation from 15° to 25°, increases stress on cortical bone by about 20% and reduces it by about 12% on spongy bone. Crown fracture resistance is dramatically reduced by increasing abutment angulation. Zirconia crown showed better performance than E-Max one.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2016.


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We study the behavior of granular crystals subjected to impact loading that creates plastic deformation at the contacts between constituent particles. Granular crystals are highly periodic arrangements of spherical particles, arranged into densely packed structures resembling crystals. This special class of granular materials has been shown to have unique dynamics with suggested applications in impact protection. However, previous work has focused on very low amplitude impacts where every contact point can be described using the Hertzian contact law, valid only for purely elastic deformation. In this thesis, we extend previous investigation of the dynamics of granular crystals to significantly higher impact energies more suitable for the majority of applications. Additionally, we demonstrate new properties specific to elastic-plastic granular crystals and discuss their potential applications as well. We first develop a new contact law to describe the interaction between particles for large amplitude compression of elastic-plastic spherical particles including a formulation for strain-rate dependent plasticity. We numerically and experimentally demonstrate the applicability of this contact law to a variety of materials typically used in granular crystals. We then extend our investigation to one-dimensional chains of elastic-plastic particles, including chains of alternating dissimilar materials. We show that, using the new elastic-plastic contact law, we can predict the speed at which impact waves with plastic dissipation propagate based on the material properties of the constituent particles. Finally, we experimentally and numerically investigate the dynamics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional granular crystals with elastic-plastic contacts. We first show that the predicted wave speeds for 1D granular crystals can be extended to 2D and 3D materials. We then investigate the behavior of waves propagating across oblique interfaces of dissimilar particles. We show that the character of the refracted wave can be predicted using an analog to Snell's law for elastic-plastic granular crystals and ultimately show how it can be used to design impact guiding "lenses" for mitigation applications.


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Prenant appui sur l’occultation de la mémoire verbale par la théorie théâtrale actuelle, le présent mémoire questionne l’exercice mémoriel des acteurs contemporains à partir de la dialectique mémoire/oubli dans les théories et pratiques de l’énonciation de Larry Tremblay, de Daniel Danis et de Christian Lapointe. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse aux fondements de l’énonciation privilégiés par les praticiens dans leurs discours théoriques – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, plus précisément à la valeur accordée à la mémorisation verbale. Le deuxième s’attache à montrer que les textes dramatiques des auteurs-metteurs en scène – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – engagent aussi un rapport oblique à l’apprentissage par cœur. Enfin, le troisième cherche à définir la notion de mémoire oublieuse à la lumière de laquelle les théories et les pratiques de Tremblay, de Danis et de Lapointe peuvent être analysées ainsi qu’à en identifier certaines conséquences dans leurs mises en scène.


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Prenant appui sur l’occultation de la mémoire verbale par la théorie théâtrale actuelle, le présent mémoire questionne l’exercice mémoriel des acteurs contemporains à partir de la dialectique mémoire/oubli dans les théories et pratiques de l’énonciation de Larry Tremblay, de Daniel Danis et de Christian Lapointe. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse aux fondements de l’énonciation privilégiés par les praticiens dans leurs discours théoriques – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, plus précisément à la valeur accordée à la mémorisation verbale. Le deuxième s’attache à montrer que les textes dramatiques des auteurs-metteurs en scène – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – engagent aussi un rapport oblique à l’apprentissage par cœur. Enfin, le troisième cherche à définir la notion de mémoire oublieuse à la lumière de laquelle les théories et les pratiques de Tremblay, de Danis et de Lapointe peuvent être analysées ainsi qu’à en identifier certaines conséquences dans leurs mises en scène.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.