999 resultados para Mercat de treball -- Espanya -- 1986-2005
The objective of this paper is to investigate, in a methodologically consistent manner, the regional effects of public capital formation and the possible existence of regional spillover effects in Spain. The empirical results are based on VAR estimates at both the aggregate and regional levels using output, employment, and private capital, as well as different measures of public capital. Empirical results suggest that public capital affects output positively at the aggregate level as well as in all but one region. For most regions, the effects of public capital installed in the region itself are important but the spillover effects induced from public capital installed elsewhere are also very important. In fact, the spillover effects account for over half of the total effects of public capital formation in Spain. Furthermore, these spillover effects have a clear geographical pattern in that they tend to be more important in the peripheral regions of the country. We also find that relative to their share of the Spanish output, the biggest beneficiaries of public capital formation are the largest regions in the country. This suggests that public capital formation has contributed to concentration of output in these regions. Finally, in terms of the effects of public capital formation on the private inputs we find that both private capital and employment are affected positively at the aggregate level as well as for most of the regions. Nevertheless, the effects on private capital seem to be larger. Also, the spillover effects are very important for private capital but not for employment. This reflects a great degree of dynamism and mobility in the capital markets as opposed to the labor markets.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the causes leading to social exclusion dynamics. In particular, we wish to understand why any individual experiencing social exclusion today is much more likely to experience it again. In fact, there are two distinct processes that may generate a persistence of social exclusion: heterogeneity (individuals are heterogeneous with respect to some observed and/or unobserved adverse characteristics that are relevant for the chance of experiencing social exclusion and persistence over time) and true state of dependence (experiencing social exclusion in a specific time period, in itself, increases the probability of undergoing social exclusion in subsequent periods). Distinguishing between the two processes is crucial since the policy implications are very different.
En este artículo se analiza la productividad de las empresas españolas, utilizando la información estadística empresarial contenida en el Sistema de Análisis de Balances Españoles (SABE). Se demuestra la validez de SABE para el estudio de las empresas españolas de más de 9 trabajadores y se analiza el comportamiento diferencial de la productividad de estas empresas teniendo en cuenta el tamaño, el sector de actividad y su vocación exportadora. Los resultados confirman la mayor productividad de la mediana empresa y del sector industrial y, se muestra que la actividad exportadora de las empresas está claramente correlacionada con mayores niveles de productividad.
Con motivo de analizar las fuentes de las desigualdades interprovinciales de la renta en España las provincias vienen siendo agrupadas en función de su pertenencia a las CCAA. Este criterio de tipificación, de origen administrativo, no agota, sin embargo, las posibilidades existentes en orden a dividir a las provincias en grupos pretendidamente homogéneos. Disponemos, por ejemplo, de agrupaciones informales como las NUTS 1 europeas, los ejes de desarrollo (VILLAVERDE Y PÉREZ (1996) y las áreas geoeconómicas (ALCAIDE (2002) ó formales, como las sugeridas por AGHEVLI y MEHRAN (1981) y DAVIES y SHORROCKS (1989). El principal objeto de esta nota consiste en evaluar el atractivo asociado a esta variedad de agregaciones atendiendo a dos criterios básicos: el error de agregación y el número de grupos considerado.
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las decisiones de localización de las actividades industriales desde una óptica sectorial. En concreto, se explica la distribución municipal en Catalunya del número de nuevas inversiones procedentes del Registro de Establecimientos Industriales, durante el período 1986-2000. Los determinantes de la localización industrial se han agrupado en tres categorías: condiciones de oferta de factores, economías de aglomeración y accesibilidad. El análisis se lleva a cabo utilizando un modelo de eventos discretos con datos de panel. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los tres conjuntos de variables introducidas son relevantes en la explicación de la localización de las empresas manufactureras y que actúan en diferente grado para los diferentes sectores.
Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of R&D subsidies to firms has produced mixed results so far. One possible explanation is that firms and project selection rules may be quite heterogeneous both across agencies and across industries, leading to different outcomes in terms of the induced additional private effort. Here we focus on the participation stage. Using a sample of Spanish firms, we test for differences across agencies and industries. Our results suggest that firms in the same industry face different hurdles to participate in different agencies’ programs, that participation patterns may reflect a combination of agency goals, and that patterns differ across high-tech and low-tech industries.
Social exclusion can be defined as a process leading to a state of multiple functioning deprivations. Cross-sectional headcount ratios of social exclusion may overstate the extent of the problem if most individuals do not remain in the same state in successive years. To address this issue, we need to focus on mobility. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse changes in the individual levels of social exclusion focusing on the extent to which individuals change place in social exclusion distribution.
This study deals with the role of spatial accessibility to agglomeration economies in the change in spatial structure of industrial employment for the case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (BMR). Using the growth in gross density of municipal employment between 1986 and 1996 for seven manufacturing industries as an indicator of changes in the spatial structure of employment, an exploration is made of the spatial impact of agglomeration economies operating on a local scale the municipality and three areas 5, 8 and 12 kilometres away surrounding the municipality itself - , agglomeration economies emerging from CBD and the main specialised subcentres in the region, and the network economies associated with the total jobs in the region, access to which depends on the distance from the main transport infrastructures
El objetivo de la presente investigación es la identificación en España de Sistemas Locales de Trabajo (SLT) y potenciales Distritos Industriales (DI) a partir de la utilización de la metodología italiana del ISTAT. A pesar de que la estructura urbana y el sistema industrial español e italiano muestran rasgos muy similares, esta metodología no había sido aplicada en España debido a la falta de un censo industrial y de datos de movilidad laboral entre municipios. La aplicación es ahora posible al disponer de datos de movilidad laboral intermunicipal en el Censo de 2001 y utilizarse datos del DIRCE (Directorio Central de Empresas) para aproximar la dimensión de los establecimientos por sector y Sistema Local de Trabajo. La identificación para España de los distritos industriales permite el impulso de una nueva línea de política industrial que reconoce en las pymes y el territorio dos de los pilares fundamentales para el crecimiento de la productividad, y cuya aplicación se ve reforzada por la extensa experiencia italiana en la gestión de distritos industriales.
One of the most popular options for promoting public transport use is the provision of an integrated and high quality public transport system. This was the strategy adopted by the regional government in Madrid in 1986 and since then public transport patronage has increased by more than 50%. This paper has two objectives. The first is to identify the factors underlying the significant increase in the demand for public transport in Madrid. To do this we estimate an aggregate demand function for bus and underground trips, which allows us to obtain the demand elasticities with respect to the main attributes of public transport services and also to calculate the long-term impact of changes in those explanatory variables on patronage. The second objective is to evaluate the impact on revenue derived from the introduction of the travel card scheme, and to discuss the consequences on revenue of changes in the relative fare levels of different types of ticket without substantially affecting patronage. This latter issue is addressed by estimating a matrix of own and cross-price elasticities for different ticket types.
La tècnica de l’Activació Neutrònica (AAN) mitjançant un reactor nuclear és amplament emprada en els estudis sobre ceràmica majòlica. D’aquesta manera es poden atribuir ceràmiques de provinença desconeguda al seu centre productor o fins i tot arribar a discriminar entre diferents tallers o tradicions de producció pertanyent al mateix nucli productor. S’ha analitzat per AAN una mostra composada per individus ceràmics procedents de diversos centres productors de la Península Ibérica. La comparació de les dades obtingudes mitjançant aquest mètode amb les obtingudes amb la tècnica de la Fluorescència de Raigs X (FRX) ha permès aprofundir en el coneixement arqueomètric de les produccions i exportacions de les ceràmiques majòliques de la Península Ibèrica. També s’han realitzat anàlisis sobre la composició química dels vidrats de la ceràmica majòlica a partir de la tècnica de LA-ICP-MS, caracteritzant-ne les diferents decoracions cromàtiques que es troben en el vidrat de cadascuna de les ceràmiques analitzades.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2005. La criptografia és l’art d’escriure un llenguatge convingut, amb l’ús d’unes claus i de la seva operació inversa se’n diu criptoanalitzar. Els sistemes criptogràfics han estat emprats al llarg de la història. Actualment existeixen multituds de software i de hardware destinats a analitzar el tràfic de dades en xarxes de computadores. Encara que aquestes eines constitueixen un avenç en tècniques de seguretat i protecció, el seu ús indegut es al mateix temps un greu problema i una enorme font d’atacs a la intimitat dels seus usuaris i a la integritat dels seus propis sistemes. Des d’aquest punt de vista, s’explica com s’ha dissenyat dos aplicacions informàtiques per encriptar i desencriptar.
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2005. La revolució verda dels anys setanta incrementà la producció agrícola gràcies a la utilització d'adobs químics com a fertilitzants nitrogenats. Tanmateix, la fabricació i l'ús indiscriminat d'aquests adobs ha ocasionat problemes ambientals, sobretot quant a la contaminació dels aqüifers. Per trobar una alternativa a aquests problemes es fan servir els adobs naturals, una solució més ecològica. S’ha comparat el creixement de la planta Sorghum sp. amb un adob químic i de la Mucuna pruriens amb un adob natural, utilitzant una lleguminosa que presenta nòduls de Rhizobium (bacteri fixador de nitrogen atmosfèric). Es parteix de la hipòtesi que Sorghum sp. obtindrà un creixement major i una granació més abundant quan és conreada en associació amb Mucuna pruriens.
In this paper we check whether generator's bid behavior at the Spanish whosale electricity market is consistent with the hypothesis of profit maximization on their residual demands. Using OMEL data, we find the arc-elacticity of the residual demand around the system marginal price. The results suggest thet the larger firms are not actually profit-msximization. We argue how the regulatory environment may drive these results. Finally, we repeat the analysis for the first session of the intra-day market where presumably firms may not have the same incentives as in the day-ahead market.
This study displays and analyzes the contents of the Mathematics subject in ESO’s second cycle from a constructivist perspective. This analysis has been carried out by contrasting two groups of participants (control group and experimental group). These groups were formed by a sample of 240 students between the ages of 14 and 16 from four different educational centres of the Osona area. Research – Action methodology has been employed, combining quantitative techniques (statistical study with the SPSS package) with qualitative analysis (transcriptions of interviews and discussion group). This study has been carried out after years of classroom observation, reflection and action. The theoretical framework employed is a cognitive one, based on Ausubel’s Significative Learning Theory. Quantitative analysis shows how the researcher’s design improves, on the one hand, the students’ academic motivation and, on the other hand, their comprehensive memory, enabling them to achieve a more significant learning of the subjects’ contents. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the proposed method is more comprehensive than those employed by teachers collaborating with control groups. The main aim of the qualitative analysis is that of identifying the elements which configure the programme and contribute to an improvement of the aspects mentioned above. The key elements here are: co-operation as the basis of group dynamics; the employment, in some cases, of easily handled materials; the type of interaction between teacher and students, where, through open discussion, students are lead by teaching staff towards the course objectives; induction, that is, deducing formulae by initially using examples which are close to the students’ knowledge and experience or taken from everyday life (what we could call “down-top” mathematics). We should add here that the qualitative analysis does not only corroborate the results obtained by quantitative techniques, but also displays an increase of motivation in teaching staff. Teachers did show a positive attitude and welcomed the use and development of these materials in the next academic year. Finally, we discuss possible directions for further research.