723 resultados para Meningitis, Cerebrospinal
A 41-year-old man was admitted to an intensive care unit following respiratory arrest. One day prior to admission, he had complaints of nausea and pain involving lower limbs. On the night of admission he developed diplopia, dysphagia, and rapidly progressive quadriparesis. He developed respiratory failure requiring mechanical lung ventilation 24 hours later. On the fifth day of hospital stay the patient became comatose with absent brainstem reflexes and appeared to be brain dead. The cerebrospinal fluid showed albuminocytological dissociation. The electroencephalogram revealed an alpha rhythmical activity. The electrophysiological evaluation revealed an inexcitability of all nerves. Guillain-Barré syndrome was suspected. With supportive treatment the patient had a remarkable recovery and now is able to independently conduct his daily activities.
A 60 pacientes ingresados en emergencia y cirugía se realizó la medición de la presión intraabdominal [P.I.A.] por vía vesical a través de una sonda Foley. Clasificados en dos grupos de estudio: 30 del grupo de control; sin patología abdominal: 22 hombres y 8 mujeres con un promedio de edad 49 años, diagnosticados de; T.E.C., trauma raquimedular, meningitis, absceso cerebral y mal formación arteriovenoso, que necesitaban de sonda vesical. Obteníendose una media normal o valor referencial de normalidad de 2.7 cm. H20 o 1.98 mmHg. El segundo grupo experimental: 30 pacientes diagnosticados de abdomen agudo quirúrgico: 21 hombres y 9 mujeres, con un promedio de edad de 46 años, clasificados en 5 tipos de abdomen agudo: AAOI, AAT,AAP AAI. AAOV. se les mediÓ la presión intraabdominal transvesical, obteniéndose los siguientes resultados. P.I.A.: Prequirúrgico medio: 19.29 cm H20 [14.18 mmHg.]. P.IA.: Posquirúrgico media: 8.97 cm H20 [6.59 mmHg.]. Todos sometidos a laparotomía exploratoria. Mejorando 28 pacientes, uno empeoró y solicitÓ el alta, un paciente falleció. En el grupo de control los 30 pacientes presentaron la presiÓn intraabdominal en valores normales
Abnormalities in brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients are thought to start long before the first clinical symptoms emerge. The identification of affected individuals at this 'preclinical AD' stage relies on biomarkers such as decreased levels of the amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and positive amyloid positron emission tomography scans. However, there is little information on the longitudinal dynamics of CSF biomarkers, especially in the earliest disease stages when therapeutic interventions are likely most effective. To this end, we have studied CSF Aβ changes in three Aβ precursor protein transgenic mouse models, focusing our analysis on the initial Aβ deposition, which differs significantly among the models studied. Remarkably, while we confirmed the CSF Aβ decrease during the extended course of brain Aβ deposition, a 20-30% increase in CSF Aβ40 and Aβ42 was found around the time of the first Aβ plaque appearance in all models. The biphasic nature of this observed biomarker changes stresses the need for longitudinal biomarker studies in the clinical setting and the search for new 'preclinical AD' biomarkers at even earlier disease stages, by using both mice and human samples. Ultimately, our findings may open new perspectives in identifying subjects at risk for AD significantly earlier, and in improving the stratification of patients for preventive treatment strategies.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a human pathobiont that colonizes the nasopharynx. S. pneumoniae is responsible for causing non-invasive and invasive disease such as otitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis, being a leading cause of infectious diseases worldwide. Due to similarities with closely related species sharing the same niche, it may be a challenge to correctly distinguish S. pneumoniae from its relatives when using only non-culture based methods such as real time PCR (qPCR). In 2007, a molecular method targeting the major autolysin (lytA) of S. pneumoniae by a qPCR assay was proposed by Carvalho and collaborators to identify pneumococcus. Since then, this method has been widely used worldwide. In 2013, the gene encoding for the ABC iron transporter lipoprotein PiaA, was proposed by Trzcinzki and collaborators to be used in parallel with the lytA qPCR assay. However, the presence of lytA gene homologues has been described in closely related species such as S. pseudopneumoniae and S. mitis and the presence of piaA gene is not ubiquitous between S. pneumoniae. The hyaluronate lyase gene (hylA) has been described to be ubiquitous in S. pneumoniae. This gene has not been used so far as a target for the identification of S. pneumoniae. The aims of our study were to evaluate the specificity, sensitivity, positive predicted value (PPV) and negative predicted value (NPV) of the lytA and piaA qPCR methods; design and implement a new assay targeting the hylA gene and evaluate the same parameters above described; analyze the assays independently and the possible combinations to access what is the best approach using qPCR to identify S. pneumoniae. A total of 278 previously characterized strains were tested: 61 S. pseudopneumoniae, 37 Viridans group strains, 30 type strains from other streptococcal species and 150 S. pneumoniae strains. The collection included both carriage and disease isolates. By Mulilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) we confirmed that strains of S. pseudopneumoniae could be misidentified as S. pneumoniae when lytA qPCR assay is used. The results showed that as a single target, lytA had the best combination of specificity, sensitivity, PPV and NPV being, 98.5%, 100.0%, 98.7% and 100.0% respectively. The combination of targets with the best values of specificity, sensibility, PPV and NPV were lytA and piaA, with 100.0%, 93.3%, 97.9% and 92.6%, respectively. Nonetheless by MLSA we confirmed that strains of S. pseudopneumoniae could be misidentified as S. pneumoniae and some capsulated (23F, 6B and 11A) and non-capsulated S. pneumoniae were not Identified using this assay. The hylA gene as a single target had the lowest PPV. Nonetheless it was capable to correctly identify all S. pneumoniae.
International audience
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasilia, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.
Background Cerebrospinal fluid accumulation in hydrocephalus produces an elevation of intraventricular pressure with pathological consequences on the periventricular brain parenchyma including ischemia, oedema, oxidative stress, and accumulation of metabolic waste products. Here we studied in the hyh mouse, an animal model of congenital hydrocephalus, the role of reactive astrocytes in this clinical degenerative condition. Materials and Methods Wild type and hydrocephalic hyh mice at 30 days of postnatal age were used. Three metabolites related to the oxidative and neurotoxic conditions were analysed in ex vivo samples (glutathione, glutamine and taurine) using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS). Glutathione synthetase and peroxidase, glutamine synthetase, kidney-type glutaminase (KGA), and taurine/taurine transporter were immunolocated in brain sections. Results Levels of the metabolites were remarkably higher in hydrocephalic conditions. Glutathione peroxidase and synthetase were both detected in the periventricular reactive astrocytes and neurons. Taurine was mostly found free in the periventricular parenchyma and in the reactive astrocytes, and the taurine transporter was mainly present in the neurons located in such regions. Glutamine synthetase was found in reactive astrocytes. Glutaminase was also detected in the reactive astrocytes and in periventricular neurons. These results suggest a possible protective response of reactive astrocytes against oxidative stress and neurotoxic conditions. Conclusions Astrocyte reaction seems to trigger an anti-oxidative and anti-neurotoxic response in order to ameliorate pathological damage in periventricular areas of the hydrocephalic mice.
Seeking the identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis as a potential etiological agent of three clinical cases of eosinophilic meningitis, mollusc specimens were collected in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The snails were identified as Sarasinula marginata (45 specimens), Subulina octona (157), Achatina fulica (45) and Bradybaena similaris (23). Larvae obtained were submitted to polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism diagnosis. Their genetic profile were corresponded to A. cantonensis. Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected with third-stage larvae, developed menigoencephalitis, and parasites became sexually mature in the lungs. Additionally, larvae obtained from A. fulica snails, from São Vicente, state of São Paulo, also showed genetic profiles of this nematode. This is the first record of Brazilian molluscs infected with this nematode species.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Background: Although it is well described among adults, intravenous colistin use and its associated toxicities in newborns are poorly understood. Objectives: We present our experience of efficacy and safety of intravenous colistin in the treatment of sepsis in term and preterm neonates. Patients and Methods: The records of neonates who received colistin between January 2013 and February 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. All neonates with culture proven nosocomial infections due to multidrug resistant organisms and treated continuously with colistin for more than 72 hours were included in the study. Results: Patients were evaluated for clinical and microbiological response to the drug and its and side effects. Twelve newborn infants with mean 31.8 ± 3.5 weeks gestational age and median 1482 (810 - 3200) gram birth weight were included. 11/12 (91.7%) patients showed microbiological clearance with intravenous colistin. One patient who had recurrent cerebrospinal fluid positive culture was treated with intraventricular colistin. The major side effects observed was hyponatremia and hypokalemia in 2 (16.6%) patients, all infants required magnesium supplementation. Conclusions: Intravenous colistin administration appears to be safe and efficacious for multidrug-resistant gram-negative infections in neonates, including preterm infants. However, we believe that large prospective controlled studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and safety in neonates.
Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis.
Cette étude vise à caractériser le «crampage», une entité relativement nouvelle dans l’industrie ovine au Québec. Les signes cliniques se manifestent au pas, par une hyperflexion (hanche, grasset, jarret), d’un ou des deux membres pelviens. Cinq agneaux naturellement affectés et cinq agneaux appariés cliniquement normaux ont été soumis à des examens physique, neurologique et orthopédique, à des techniques d’imagerie avancée (tomodensitométrie, résonance magnétique), à des tests électrodiagnostiques (électromyogramme, vitesses de conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive) puis à une nécropsie. Des hématologies, biochimies ainsi que des analyses du liquide céphalorachidien ont également été réalisées. Les résultats ont été comparés entre les groupes (affectés/cliniquement normaux). Il a été constaté à la tomodensitométrie que la surface du canal vertébral mesurée au niveau de la deuxième vertèbre lombaire était inférieure dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.045). Aucune répercussion n’a été constatée sur le segment de moelle épinière correspondant. La racine S2, quant à elle, était plus grêle dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.01). À l’issue de cette étude, une cause orthopédique, musculaire ou neurologique consécutive à une lésion structurale de la moelle épinière a été écartée. Il pourrait s‘agir d’une atteinte sensitive de la racine S2 altérant la sensation dans le membre affecté, toutefois, une anomalie fonctionnelle cérébrale ou de la moelle épinière dans le renflement lombaire, est également à considérer. Sans anomalie musculaire, l’appellation «crampage» est inexacte. Nous proposons de la remplacer par des termes plus descriptifs comme «syndrome d’hyperflexion» ou «high stepping gait».
Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis.