881 resultados para Medical care, cost of
This thesis investigates the effectiveness of Corporate Governance (CG) reforms in Pakistan. Using a sample of 160 Pakistani firms from 2003 to 2013 and governance data collected manually from the annual reports, this thesis investigates seven closely related and important corporate issues that are related to the compliance of governance rules. Specifically, it aims to : (i) investigate the degree of CG compliance with 2002 Pakistani Code of CG (PCCG); (ii) determine whether the introduction of 2002 PCCG has improved Pakistani CG practices; (iii) investigate the determinants of CG compliance and disclosure for Pakistani listed firms; (iv) test the nexus between CG compliance with the 2002 PCCG and firms’ cost of capital (COC); (v) investigate the impact of different individual CG mechanisms on listed firms COC; (vi) examine how different ownership structures impact on firms’ COC; and (vii) analyse relationship between CG structures and Cost of Equity (COE) as well as Cost of Debt (COD) for Pakistani listed firms. These empirical investigations report some important results. First, the reported findings suggest that Pakistani firms have responded positively to governance disclosure requirements over the eleven year period from 2003 to 2013. The results also show that the introduction of the PCCG in 2002 has improved CG standards by Pakistani listed firms. Second, the reported results related to the determinants of CG compliance demonstrate that significant and positive association between institutional, government and foreign ownership with CG compliance. However, findings relating to the determinants of CG compliance show a negative and significant association between board size and block ownership with CG compliance and disclosure. The study finds no significant relationship between director ownership, audit firm size and the presence of female board members with the constructed Pakistan Corporate Governance Index (PCGI). Third, the investigation on the relationship between CG and COC report a significantly negative nexus between PCGI and firms’ COC. The investigation on the association between ownership structures and COC report a negative and significant nexus between block ownership with firms’ COC. Further, a number of robustness analyses performed in this study suggest that the empirical results reported in this study are generally robust to the alternative CG variables, alternative COC variables and potential endogeneity problems.
Investors value the special attributes of monetary assets (e.g., exchangeability, liquidity, and safety) and pay a premium for holding them in the form of a lower return rate -- The user cost of holding monetary assets can be measured approximately by the difference between the returns on illiquid risky assets and those of safer liquid assets -- A more appropriate measure should adjust this difference by the differential risk of the assets in question -- We investigate the impact that time non-separable preferences has on the estimation of the risk-adjusted user cost of money -- Using U.K. data from 1965Q1 to 2011Q1, we estimate a habit-based asset pricing model with money in the utility function and find that the risk adjustment for risky monetary assets is negligible -- Thus, researchers can dispense with risk adjusting the user cost of money in constructing monetary aggregate indexes
International audience
© 2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Objective: To assess the epidemiological evidence on dietary fiber intake and chronic diseases and make public health recommendations for the population in Romania based on their consumption. Populations that consume more dietary fiber from cereals, fruits and vegetables have less chronic disease. Dietary Reference Intakes recommend consumption of 14 g dietary fiber per 1,000 kcal, or 25 g for adult women and 38 g for adult men, based on epidemiologic studies showing protection against cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, colorectal -, breast -, gastric -, endometrial -, ovarian - and prostate cancer. Furthermore, increased consumption of dietary fiber improves serum lipid concentrations, lowers blood pressure, blood glucose leads to low glycemic index, aids in weight loss, improve immune function, reduce inflammatory marker levels, reduce indicators of inflammation. Dietary fibers contain an unique blend of bioactive components including resistant starches, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. Dietary fiber components have important physiological effects on glucose, lipid, protein metabolism and mineral bioavailability needed to prevent chronic diseases. Materials and methods: Data regarding diet was collected based on questionnaires. We used mathematical formulas to calculate the mean dietary fiber intake of Romanian adult population and compared the results with international public health recommendations. Results: Based on the intakes of vegetables, fruits and whole cereals we calculated the Mean Dietary Fiber Intake/day/person (MDFI). Our research shows that the national average MDFI was 9.8 g fiber/day/person, meaning 38% of Dietary Requirements, and the rest of 62% representing a “fiber gap” that we have to take into account. This deficiency predisposes to chronic diseases. Conclusions and recommendations:The poor control of relationship between dietary fiber intake and chronic diseases is a major issue that can result in adverse clinical and economic outcomes. The population in Romania is at risk to develop such diseases due to the deficient fiber consumption. A model of chronic diseases costs is needed to aid attempts to reduce them while permitting optimal management of the chronic diseases. This paper presents a discussion of the burden of chronical disease and its socio-economic implications and proposes a model to predict the costs reduction by adequate intake of dietary fiber.
Introdução: A satisfação dos doentes constitui um indicador indispensável para a avaliação da qualidade dos cuidados e há evidência da sua correlação com os resultados em saúde. A satisfação com os cuidados de saúde é um conceito multidimensional que considera aspetos como acesso, organização e interação doente - profissional. Consideramos que os cuidados de enfermagem, em particular, são fundamentais no processo saúde/doença. Objetivos: Validar uma escala para avaliar a satisfação dos utentes face aos cuidados de enfermagem, adaptado do instrumento EUROPEP e avaliar a satisfação dos utentes dos cuidados de saúde primários da região centro de Portugal. Material e métodos: Estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 827 utentes adultos (maioria do sexo feminino 64,4%) com uma média de idade de 50,08±18,58 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário, constituído por variáveis sociodemográficas, o instrumento EUROPEP (Ferreira, 1995) para avaliar a satisfação com os cuidados de saúde primários e para avaliar a satisfação especificamente com a equipa de enfermagem elaboramos questões adaptadas do instrumento EUROPEP e agrupadas nas dimensões relação de ajuda, dimensão interpessoal e instrumental. A consistência interna, reprodutibilidade e análise de conteúdo foram avaliados com recurso ao SPSS 23.0; considerando a consistência aceitável para um de Cronbach > 0,70. O coeficiente para cada item é apresentado com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Em todas as dimensões do questionário EUROPEP, a maior percentagem de satisfação com os cuidados situou-se entre “boa” e “muito boa”. As dimensões criadas para avaliar especificamente os cuidados de enfermagem apresentaram um coeficiente de α de Cronbach total de 0,972. Conclusões: Estes resultados sugerem que as dimensões criadas para avaliar os cuidados de enfermagem serão úteis para a investigação na população Portuguesa. A satisfação do utente é decisiva para a qualidade e eficiência dos cuidados prestados, sendo necessário o compromisso de todos os prestadores na implementação de práticas sistemáticas de gestão que conduzam à satisfação, dando particular atenção à melhoria contínua dos processos organizacionais. Palavras-chave: Satisfação dos Utentes; cuidados de saúde primários, cuidados de enfermagem, adulto, Portugal
Concerns have been raised in the past several years that introducing new transport protocols on the Internet has be- come increasingly difficult, not least because there is no agreed-upon way for a source end host to find out if a trans- port protocol is supported all the way to a destination peer. A solution to a similar problem—finding out support for IPv6—has been proposed and is currently being deployed: the Happy Eyeballs (HE) mechanism. HE has also been proposed as an efficient way for an application to select an appropriate transport protocol. Still, there are few, if any, performance evaluations of transport HE. This paper demonstrates that transport HE could indeed be a feasible solution to the transport support problem. The paper evaluates HE between TCP and SCTP using TLS encrypted and unencrypted traffic, and shows that although there is indeed a cost in terms of CPU load to introduce HE, the cost is rel- atively small, especially in comparison with the cost of using TLS encryption. Moreover, our results suggest that HE has a marginal impact on memory usage. Finally, by introduc- ing caching of previous connection attempts, the additional cost of transport HE could be significantly reduced.
Quality Assurance Standards for Symptomatic Breast Disease Services People in Ireland have a right to expect that medical care be of good quality. They expect that standards of care are consistently high. They expect that access to care is easy, speedy, effective and efficient. Society expects quality of care to measure up to international norms of good practice. Such assurance can be given by auditing the quality of activity. Click here to download PDF 606kb
Context: Cross-cultural clinical competence (CCC) requires a mixtureof "knowledge" (K), "attitude" (A) and "skills" (S), in order to develop theability to give quality care to patients of different cultures. Theseattributes allow, while providing medical care, consideration of thepatient's medical, social, cultural and language needs. The LausanneUniversity Medical Policlinic (PMU) provides approximately 30000consultations per year to migrant patients and over the past five yearshas implemented a training course on CCC that focuses on trialogue,stereotypes and administrative procedures for the healthcare ofmigrants.Method: A quantitative survey of 18 new residents, was carried outusing a validated questionnaire, the "Multicultural AssessmentQuestionnaire" (the MAQ, 16 questions on K, A and S) to evaluate theimpact of CCC training. The questionnaire was distributed before theCCC course (J-1), three days after (J+3) and three months later (J+90).A descriptive univariate analysis of the difference in MAQ scoresbetween the times J-1 - J+3 and J-1 - J+90 was made. Three FocusGroups were conducted, at three months, to explore residents' thoughtsabout the course.Results: A significant increase was observed in global performancedeclared by residents. Following the intervention, the score of the MAQincreased from 31.4 points to 38.0 points at three days (p = 0.004) andto 37.7 points at three months (p = 0.003). This increase was mostnoticeable in the field of acquiring K: total score J-1: 118, J+3: 189,J+90: 190 (difference J-1 - J+3 and J-1 - J+90: p <0.005). There was nosignificant difference in acquiring A (J-1: 222, J+3: 228, J+90: 229), andS increases in a significant way at first (J-1: 222, J+3: 265, J-1 - J+3:p = 0.035), then comes back to the start value (J+90: 217). The residentswere interested by the course which they felt provides useful informationfor clinical practice. They had a great number of expectations in varyingfields (medical anthropology, cultural differences, epidemiology, etc.),hoping a "ready-made" solution for the approach of migrant patients.Conclusions: A unique training of CCC at the post-graduate level,upgraded K, and to a lesser extent A and S, for these 18 residents. Theywere interest and they had many expectations. Subsequent coursesshould consolidate these acquisitions. Future study should demonstratethe impact on patients' clinical outcome.
PURPOSE The implementation of genomic-based medicine is hindered by unresolved questions regarding data privacy and delivery of interpreted results to health-care practitioners. We used DNA-based prediction of HIV-related outcomes as a model to explore critical issues in clinical genomics. METHODS We genotyped 4,149 markers in HIV-positive individuals. Variants allowed for prediction of 17 traits relevant to HIV medical care, inference of patient ancestry, and imputation of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types. Genetic data were processed under a privacy-preserving framework using homomorphic encryption, and clinical reports describing potentially actionable results were delivered to health-care providers. RESULTS A total of 230 patients were included in the study. We demonstrated the feasibility of encrypting a large number of genetic markers, inferring patient ancestry, computing monogenic and polygenic trait risks, and reporting results under privacy-preserving conditions. The average execution time of a multimarker test on encrypted data was 865 ms on a standard computer. The proportion of tests returning potentially actionable genetic results ranged from 0 to 54%. CONCLUSIONS The model of implementation presented herein informs on strategies to deliver genomic test results for clinical care. Data encryption to ensure privacy helps to build patient trust, a key requirement on the road to genomic-based medicine.Genet Med advance online publication 14 January 2016Genetics in Medicine (2016); doi:10.1038/gim.2015.167.
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Bakgrund: Traumatisk hjärnskada (THS) orsakas av våld mot huvud i samband med fallolyckor eller trafikolyckor. Varje år söker 20 000 personer vård på grund av skallskador. Vården för traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter i Sverige skiljer sig åt, mycket beroende på avstånden som finns till specialistsjukhus, tiden och rätta åtgärder är avgörande faktorer för denna patientgrupp. Syfte: Att undersöka vikten och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors behov av rutiner i samband med vård av patienter med hjärnskador på allmänintensivvårdsavdelningar och på neurointensivvårdavdelningar. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med fokusgruppsintervjuer av tio intensivvårdsjuksköterskor som arbetar på en allmänintensivvårdsavdelning (IVA) och specialistneurointensivvårdavdelningen (NIVA). Resultat: På NIVA finns väl inarbetade rutiner och tydliga riktlinjer nedskrivna. Sjuksköterskornas upplevelse var att det fanns tillräckligt med rutiner, men några rutiner kunde utvecklas. På IVA fanns det inga nedskrivna riktlinjer och inga tydliga rutiner för att vårda denna patientgrupp. Vården och kontrollerna ordinerades av läkare som är i tjänst. Slutsats: Vården kring hjärnskadade patienter är ytterst viktigt då man ständigt måste förebygga sekundära skador/insulter. Rutiner är väl inarbetade på specialistsjukhuset, men vården börjar först på hemsjukhuset på IVA där tydliga rutiner och riktlinjer saknas.
A randomized controlled trial was carried out to measure the societal costs of realtime teledermatology compared with those of conventional hospital care in New Zealand. Two rural health centres were linked to a specialist hospital via ISDN at 128 kbit/s. Over 10 months, 203 patients were referred for a specialist dermatological consultation and 26 were followed up, giving a total of 229 consultations. Fifty-four per cent were randomized to the teledermatology consultation and 46% to the conventional hospital consultation. A cost-minimization analysis was used to calculate the total costs of both types of dermatological consultation. The total cost of the 123 teledermatology consultations was NZ$34,346 and the total cost of the 106 conventional hospital consultations was NZ$30,081. The average societal cost of the teledermatology consultation was therefore NZ$279.23 compared with NZ$283.79 for the conventional hospital consultation. The marginal cost of seeing an additional patient was NZ$135 via teledermatology and NZ$284 via conventional hospital appointment. From a societal viewpoint, and assuming an equal outcome, teledermatology was a more cost-efficient use of resources than conventional hospital care.
OBJECTIVE: To assess direct medical costs associated with schizophrenia relapses in mental health services. METHODS: The study was conducted in three health facilities in the city of São Paulo: a public state hospital; a Brazilian National Health System (SUS)-contracted hospital; and a community mental health center. Medical records of 90 patients with schizophrenia who received care in 2006 were reviewed. Information on inpatient expenditures was collected and used for cost estimates. RESULTS: Mean direct medical cost of schizophrenia relapses per patient was US$ 4,083.50 (R$ 8,167.58) in the public state hospital; US$ 2,302.76 (R$ 4,605.46) in the community mental health center; and US$ 1,198.50 (R$ 2,397.74) in the SUS-affiliated hospital. The main component was daily inpatient room rates (87% - 98%). Medication costs varied depending on the use of typical or atypical antipsychotic drugs. Atypical antipsychotic drugs were more often used in the community mental health center. CONCLUSIONS: Costs associated with schizophrenia relapses support investments in antipsychotic drugs and strategies to reduce disease relapse and the need for mental health inpatient services. Treating patients in a community mental health center was associated with medium costs and added the benefit of not depriving these patients from family life.