978 resultados para Manipulation néonatale


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Robotic manipulanda are extensively used in investigation of the motor control of human arm movements. They permit the application of translational forces to the arm based on its state and can be used to probe issues ranging from mechanisms of neural control to biomechanics. However, most current designs are optimized for studying either motor learning or stiffness. Even fewer include end-point torque control which is important for the simulation of objects and the study of tool use. Here we describe a modular, general purpose, two-dimensional planar manipulandum (vBOT) primarily optimized for dynamic learning paradigms. It employs a carbon fibre arm arranged as a parallelogram which is driven by motors via timing pulleys. The design minimizes the intrinsic dynamics of the manipulandum without active compensation. A novel variant of the design (WristBOT) can apply torques at the handle using an add-on cable drive mechanism. In a second variant (StiffBOT) a more rigid arm can be substituted and zero backlash belts can be used, making the StiffBOT more suitable for the study of stiffness. The three variants can be used with custom built display rigs, mounting, and air tables. We investigated the performance of the vBOT and its variants in terms of effective end-point mass, viscosity and stiffness. Finally we present an object manipulation task using the WristBOT. This demonstrates that subjects can perceive the orientation of the principal axis of an object based on haptic feedback arising from its rotational dynamics.


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With recent developments in carbon-based electronics, it is imperative to understand the interplay between the morphology and electronic structure in graphene and graphite. We demonstrate controlled and repeatable vertical displacement of the top graphene layer from the substrate mediated by the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tip-sample interaction, manifested at the atomic level as well as over superlattices spanning several tens of nanometers. Besides the full-displacement, we observed the first half-displacement of the surface graphene layer, confirming that a reduced coupling rather than a change in lateral layer stacking is responsible for the triangular/honeycomb atomic lattice transition phenomenon, clearing the controversy surrounding it. Furthermore, an atomic scale mechanical stress at a grain boundary in graphite, resulting in the localization of states near the Fermi energy, is revealed through voltage-dependent imaging. A method of producing graphene nanoribbons based on the manipulation capabilities of the STM is also implemented.


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Crustacean aquaculture industry in India suffers greatly from lack of technological developments. A major constraint in this enterprise is the limitation of seed stock availability. A critical appraisal is made of the techniques used in the manipulation of reproductive processes in order to augment year-round production of seeds. A new possibility of induced ovarian maturation in crustaceans is by administering steroid hormones of vertebrate source. Environmental factors are known to govern the gametogenic cycle of marine crustaceans. Cryopreservation of male gametes and artificial insemination by way of spermatophore transfer could solve some of the problems of mating under laboratory conditions.


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The suitability of tilapia species for fish culture and the potential for the development of commercial culture operations in India are discussed. Sex regulation, monosex tilapia polyculture, chromosome manipulation and sex reversal, nutrition and feed formulation are examined in detail.


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Mahseers (Tor khudree), at one time considered to be of single species, are now represented by 6 valid species distributed all over India. Studies on their food habits, ecology of spawning grounds, eggs, larval development and especially methods of artificial propagation have advanced in recent years. Transport of eggs of Tor khudree by air in moist cotton has been possible for easy distribution. Breeding of T. khudree not only by hypophysation, but even without it in small ponds by manipulation of flow of water, exercise and feed has also been possible. Fry and fingerlings of T. khudree are being distributed to many of the states in the country to help conserve the species.


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Available of carp breeders in their prim state of maturity is a major constraint in hypophysation. Experiments conducted in a fish farm at Naihati, West Bengal, for two consecutive years, 1983-84 and 1984-85, clearly prove that by manipulation of environmental parameters such as metabolites, dissolved oxygen, running water conditions, as also of stock densities and quality and quantity of feed. Catla catla, Hypophythalmichthys molitrix, Labeo rohita, Cirrhina mrigala and Ctenopharyngodon idella can be made to attain better maturity and spawning stage much earlier than normal i.e. even in summer months and the entire stock spawned during the period from March to September. Percentage of successful breeding, quantities of eggs released and fertilised in relation to the body weight of all the species, were also found to be more in comparison to the brood stock raised through the conventional methods.


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Utilization of wastewater in fish culture is based on nutrient recycling, which enhances primary productivity, planktonic biomass, macrophytes and benthic organisms which determine fish production. Production of fishes could be enhanced to 10 ton/ha through wastewater recycling by judicial stock manipulation and management. The fallow lands around a sewage fish farm could be utilized for agri-horticultural production by recycling both sludge and sewage water, resulting in a total agro production of about 110 ton/ha through rotational vegetable cropping. The potential for additional production of vegetables not only enhances revenue but also creates employment.


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Artificial Insemination (AI) is a tool for genetic manipulation in the shrimp stocks. It is seen as one of the means for propagating shrimp culture to new areas by controlled reproduction. Attempts at artificial insemination in the dominant closed-thelycum penaeid shrimps species of the area viz. Metapenaeus affinis and Metapenaeus brevicornis were induced in wild adult stocks collected off Mumbai coast. Female specimens were subjected to unilateral eyestalk ablation by pinching so as to induce moulting and maturation. AI was performed two days after moulting on these females when the cuticle was still soft and flexible. Moulting also ensured rejection of initial spermatophores, if present. Response of males to electrical stimulation for spermatophore expulsion was spontaneous. Use of tissue glue for spermatophore retention was found to be unnecessary. Latency period ranged between10-16 days, while spawning occurred within 10-12 days of spermatophore transfer. Three partial spawning were recorded viz., two in Metapenaeus affinis and one in Metapenaeus brevicornis with an average spawning and hatching rates of 30% and 72.3% respectively. Average survival from first nauplius (N1) to one-day old post-larva (PLI) was a meager 3.43%. Use of AI in genetic manipulation of shrimp stocks for aquacultural purposes is indicated.


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以‘早久保’(Prunus persica (L.) Batch.)为试材,在果实最后迅速生长期,通过去果处理降低库力,同时设留果对照,并通过环剥和保留相同数量叶片严格控制库源关系,进行了源叶净光合速率(Pn)、叶绿素荧光、叶黄素循环、抗氧化酶及抗氧化同化物日变化的研究。结果表明,和留果对照相比,去果处理显著降低了源叶Pn、气孔导度(gs)和蒸腾速率(E),但显著增加了胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、叶面饱和蒸汽压亏缺(VPDl)和叶片温度(Tl)。光系统II光化学效率(ΦPSII)以及羧化速率(CE)与Pn平行降低。中午去果降低Pn主要归因于非气孔限制。在低库需条件下,开放的PSII反应中心捕获能量的降低以及关闭的PSII反应中心的增加导致了ΦPSII的降低。去果处理叶片中依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散以及抗氧化系统的上调保护叶片免受光氧化破坏。和留果对照相比,去果处理的叶片有更大的叶黄素循环库,更高的脱环氧化状态以及更高的抗氧化酶活性,包括超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、单脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(MDAR)和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)的活性以及更高的还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)的含量。但与此同时,去果显著增加了过氧化氢(H2O2)以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量,这意味着在去果处理的叶片中可能会发生光氧化破坏。 以一年生‘皇家嘎拉’苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)组培苗为试材,通过环剥降低库力,进行了源叶Pn、叶绿素荧光、核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/氧化酶(Rubisco)以及光系统II(PSII)复合体关键蛋白PsbA和PsbO含量日变化的研究。和对照相比,环剥显著降低了源叶Pn、gs和E,但是却显著增加了Ci、Tl和淀粉的含量。在低库需下,开放的PSII反应中心捕获能量的降低以及关闭的PSII反应中心的增加导致了ΦPSII的降低。另一方面,环剥降低了光合作用关键酶Rubisco以及PSII复合体PsbA和放氧复合体PsbO的含量。以上结果表明,环剥降低Pn主要归因于非气孔限制。


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In a Text-to-Speech system based on time-domain techniques that employ pitch-synchronous manipulation of the speech waveforms, one of the most important issues that affect the output quality is the way the analysis points of the speech signal are estimated and the actual points, i.e. the analysis pitchmarks. In this paper we present our methodology for calculating the pitchmarks of a speech waveform, a pitchmark detection algorithm, which after thorough experimentation and in comparison with other algorithms, proves to behave better with our TD-PSOLA-based Text-to-Speech synthesizer (Time- Domain Pitch-Synchronous Overlap Add Text to Speech System).


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Experiments were conducted investigating the interaction between a normal shock wave and a corner boundary layer in a constant area rectangular duct. Active corner suction and passive blowing were applied to manipulate the natural corner flows developing in the working section of the Cambridge University supersonic wind tunnel. In addition robust vane micro-vortex generators were applied to the corners of the working section. Experiments were conducted at Mach numbers of M∞=1.4 and 1.5. Flow visualisation was carried out through schlieren and surface oil flow, while static pressures were recorded via floor tappings. The results indicate that an interplay occurs between the corner flow and the centre line flow. It is believed that corner flow separation acts to induce a shock bifurcation, which in turn leads to a smearing of the adverse pressure gradient elsewhere. In addition the blockage effect from the corners was seen to result in a reacceleration of the subsonic post-shock flow. As a result manipulation of the corner regions allows a separated or attached centre line flow to be observed at the same Mach number. Copyright © 2010 by Babinsky, Burton, Bruce.


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Saturated sands particularly at low relative density commonly exhibit rises in excess pore pressure when subjected to earthquake loading. The excess pore pressure can approach a maximum value, limited by the initial vertical effective stress. After the completion of earthquake shaking, these excess pore pressures dissipate according to the consolidation equation, which can be solved to produce a Fourier series solution. It will be shown by manipulation of this Fourier series that excess pore pressure traces provide a method for back-calculation of coefficient of consolidation Cv. This method is validated against dissipation curves generated using known values of C v and seen to be more accurate in the middle of the layer. The method is then applied to data recorded in centrifuge tests to evaluate Cv throughout the reconsolidation process following liquefaction conditions. C v is seen to fit better as a function of excess pore pressure ratio than effective stress for the stress levels considered. For the soil investigated, Cv is about three times smaller at excess pore pressure ratio of 0.9 compared to excess pore pressure ratio of 0. Copyright © 1996-2011 ASTM.


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To explore the neural mechanisms related to representation of the manipulation dynamics of objects, we performed whole-brain fMRI while subjects balanced an object in stable and highly unstable states and while they balanced a rigid object and a flexible object in the same unstable state, in all cases without vision. In this way, we varied the extent to which an internal model of the manipulation dynamics was required in the moment-to-moment control of the object's orientation. We hypothesized that activity in primary motor cortex would reflect the amount of muscle activation under each condition. In contrast, we hypothesized that cerebellar activity would be more strongly related to the stability and complexity of the manipulation dynamics because the cerebellum has been implicated in internal model-based control. As hypothesized, the dynamics-related activation of the cerebellum was quite different from that of the primary motor cortex. Changes in cerebellar activity were much greater than would have been predicted from differences in muscle activation when the stability and complexity of the manipulation dynamics were contrasted. On the other hand, the activity of the primary motor cortex more closely resembled the mean motor output necessary to execute the task. We also discovered a small region near the anterior edge of the ipsilateral (right) inferior parietal lobule where activity was modulated with the complexity of the manipulation dynamics. We suggest that this is related to imagining the location and motion of an object with complex manipulation dynamics.


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The Effect of two freshwater green algae species Chlorella sp. & Scenedesmus obliquus enriched (from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours) with different dosages of B group vitamins (0, 0.5, 1, and 2 ml of enriching solution per each liter of algae medium) on fecundity of Daphnia magna and growth of Rutilus frisii kutum fry were investigated in a research from spring, 2008 to autumn, 2009. First, each of the green algae species were cultured purely and massively in the Zander (Z-8+N) medium and then the nutritional value (the amount of protein, lipid, and carbohydrate) of enriched algae were meausered. In this study, enriching of Chlorella sp. & S. obliquus with a suitable mix of B group vitamins significantly improved their nutritive value. So the highest amount of nutritional value of Chlorella sp. was obtained because of enriching with dosage 0.5 ml.l-1 (366.654Kcal) and for Scenedesmus obliquus with dosage of 1 ml.l-1 (376.95Kcal). The acquired amount from control group showed an increase of respectively 42% and 11%. According to the results, increased dosages of enriching solution caused Daphnia fecundity to increase (at both stages : enrichment from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours). So the highest average of D. magna reproduction rate was obtained through being fed with Chlorella sp. and S. obliquus enriched with dosage of 2 ml enriching solution per liter of algae medium. The average fecundity of D. magna fed with Chlorella sp. enriched with dosage of 2 ml.l-1 enriching solution from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours was obtained respectively 2.128 ± 0.375 and 2.1 ± 0.69 and the average fecundity of D. magna fed with S. obliquus enriched with dosage of 2 ml enriching solution from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours was obtained respectively 2.128 ± 0.375 and 2.1 ± 0.69 which showed respectively an increase of 61 ٪, 91٪, 77 ٪, and 83٪ in proportion to the acquired amount from control group. When enriching solution was added to either algae culture medium from the beginning of culture, showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between dosages of 0 and 2 ml.l-1, 1 and 2 ml.l-1, and 0.5 and 2 ml enriching solution per each liter of Chlorella sp. culture medium and between dosages of 0 and 1 ml.l-1, and 0 and 2 ml enriching solution per each liter of S. obliquus culture medium. The highest average of body weight gain percentage and specific growth rate of kutum fry was obtained respectively 21.19%, 26.63%, 1.92, and 2.34 from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours with dosage of 1 ml B group vitamins per each liter of Chlorella sp. culture medium, which showed respectively an increase of 50%, 70%, 46%, and 62% in proportion to the acquired amount from control group. In the cases which Chlorella sp. were grown in the medium containing vitamin, from point of view of the average percentage of weight and specific growth rate of kutum fry significant differences were observed on the basis of the result of One-way ANOVA between dosages of 0 and 1, 1 and 2 , 0.5 and 1 ml B group vitamins per each liter. The highest average of body weight gain percentage and specific growth rate of kutum fry was obtained respectively 32.02%, 29.42%, 2.78, and 2.34 from the beginning of culture and after 96 hours with dosage of 2 ml B group vitamins per each liter of S. obliquus culture medium, which showed respectively an increase of 32%, 19%, 28%, and 17% in proportion to the acquired amount from control group. In the cases which S. obliquus were grown in the medium containing vitamin, from point of view of the average percentage of weight and specific growth rate of kutum fry significant differences were observed on the basis of the result of One-way ANOVA between dosages of 0 and 1, 0 and 2. According to the results of the present research we can say that considerable enhancement in the quality of the food of D. magna can be made by manipulation of the nutritional value of fresh water unicellular green algae with suitable mixture of B group vitamins, so that both the fecundity of D. magna will increase and the nutritional requirements of the kutum fry will be filled in this way.


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Current research into the process of engineering design is extending the use of computers towards the acquisition, representation and application of design process knowledge in addition to the existing storage and manipulation of product-based models of design objects. This is a difficult task because the design of mechanical systems is a complex, often unpredictable process involving ill-structured problem solving skills and large amounts of knowledge, some which may be of an incomplete and subjective nature. Design problems require the integration of a variety of modes of working such as numerical, graphical, algorithmic or heuristic and demand products through synthesis, analysis and evaluation activities.

This report presents the results of a feasibility study into the blackboard approach and discusses the development of an initial prototype system that will enable an alphanumeric design dialogue between a designer and an expert to be analysed in a formal way, thus providing real-life protocol data on which to base the blackboard message structures.