911 resultados para Língua inglesa Advérbios


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The unpredictable biologic behavior of the oral squamous cells carcinoma has determined extensive research on the evolution of such tumor. Due to the existing relation between the outer cell matrix and the tumor cells, the integrins have been used as markers in the predictive study of the cell behavior. This study aims to analyze immunohistochemically the expression of the integrin α2β1, α3β1, and α5β1 connections for the collagen, the laminin and the fibronectin respectively in 15 cases of squamous cells carcinoma from the lower lip and 15 from the tongue, with different scores of malignance grading. A predominantly diffuse, cytoplasm and granular immunological marking was observed in the majority of the analyzed cases. According to the marking intensity, integrin α2β1 appeared positive in 80% of the lip and in 93,3% of the tongue cases. The immunological reactivity of integrin α3β1 was classified as positive in 60% of both the tongue and lip cases. For this integrin, 20% and 33.3% of the tongue and lip cases, respectively, were negative. In relation to integrin α5β1 the intensity was classified as positive in 53,3% of the cases and strongly positive in 46,7% of those located in the lip. In the tongue carcinomas, the intensity was positive in 46,7% of the cases and strongly positive in 53,3%. The statistic analysis did not show any significant differences or correlation of expression between these integrins nor between the anatomical sites or between different scores of malignancy grading. The expressive immunological marking of the integrins, α2β1, α3β1, and α5β1 in the studied cases of squamous cell carcinomas leads us to think of a great participation of these proteins in oral carcinogenesis; however, our results do not allow us to correlate its expression as an indicator of variations in the biological behavior of this neoplasia


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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most prevalent malignancy in the oral cavity and reach a large number of individuals, has become an important public health problem. Studies have demonstrated changes in pathway components BMP in various types of cancers as prostate, colon, breast, gastric and OSCCs. Is the current knowledge that these proteins may exert pro-tumor effect in more advanced stages of neoplastic development coming to favor progression and invasion tumor. The inhibition of the signaling pathway BMP-2 through its antagonists, have shown positive results of antitumor activity and use of Noggin may be a novel therapeutic target for cancer. Given this evidence and the few studies with BMP-2, Noggin and OSCC, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of BMP-2 and its antagonist Noggin on proliferation and migration cell in line of cell cultures of human tongue squamous cell carcinoma (SCC25). The study was divided in three groups, a control group, where SCC25 cells suffered no treatment, a BMP-2 group, in which cells were treated with 100ng/ml of BMP-2 and a group of cells that were treated with 100ng/ml of Noggin. For the proliferation assay and cell cycle were established three time intervals (24, 48 and 72 hours). Proliferative activity was investigated by trypan blue and cell cycle analysis by staining with propidium iodide flow cytometry. The potential for migration / invasion of SCC25 cells was performing by a cell invasion assay using Matrigel in a 48-hour interval. The proliferation curve showed a higher proliferation in cells treated with BMP-2 in 72 hours (p < 0.05), and lower overgrowth and cell viability in Noggin group. Recombinant proteins favored a greater percentage of cells in cell cycle phase Go/G1 with a statistically significant difference in the interval of 24 hours (p < 0.05). BMP- 2 produced a greater invasion of cells studied as well as its antagonist Noggin inhibits invasion of cells (p < 0.05). Thus, these results indicate that BMP-2 promotes malignant phenotype, dues stimulates proliferation and invasion of SCC25 cells and, its antagonist Noggin may be an alternative treatment, due to inhibit the tumor progression


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The progression of the oral squamous cells carcinomas (OSCCs) seems to suffer influence from related factors to the host, as local and systemic immunologic response, which are essential to the antineoplasic defenses. The purpose of this study was evaluate the local immunity in 30 tongue and 20 lower lip SCC by immunohistochemistry method, utilizing antibodies anti-CD3, CD4, -CD8, -CD25 e -&#950;(zeta), which immunoexpressions were compared considering the anatomical localization, the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate into the front of invasion and metastases. The CD4/CD8+ ratio was calculated for each case and associate with the mentioned variable, being the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrated also compared with the anatomical localization and metastase and for this the cases had been grouped in two categories: (n = 10) absent/scarce inflammatory infiltrate; and (n = 40) moderate/intense infiltrate. Fishers exact test was performed (&#945;= 0.05) and it was not observed any significant correlation between these groups with anatomical sites and metastases. With regard to the immunoexpression, the CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and CD25+ cells count was higher in the lower lip SCCs while the anti-&#950;immunomarcation was more evident in the non metastatic cases. Through the statistical analyses, it was verified that the CD3 exhibited positive-significant correlation with the inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.023). Furthermore, antibodies against CD8 and CD25 cells were also significantly correlated with the inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.002 and 0.030, respectively) and with the anatomical site (p = 0.004 and p = 0.004) mainly in the lower lip SCCs. CD4/CD8 ratio did not show significant association with metastase nor with anatomical localization. We conclude that the inflammatory infiltrated of the Bryne s (1998) system did not constitute an indicator of aggressiveness in the tongue and lower lip SCCs analyzed and that clinical behavior of the SCCs studied was related in part to the immunohistochemical profile of infiltrated the inflammatory present in tumoral invasion front


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The use of technology tools for teaching and learning has grown increasingly in our daily life. In this context, a branch that has had tremendous growth is the area of teaching and learning language through computational tools. The study of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), accomplished in this research, aims to evaluate existing tools in this context, focused specifically on the Japanese language; and from this study, accomplish the development of a new computational tool that can assist teaching/learning of the Japanese language. As results, we present a wide survey on the subject in various technologies/devices, as well as the complete development process of a new tool, the Karuch&#257; Ships Invaders game, that proposes to teach basic concepts of the language, blended with entertainment, and still, focusing on the Brazilian students of Japanese language audience. We will present all the concept phases of the game and its evolution through the research, as well as an interface evaluation. Still, we present proposal and validation of a method to evaluate motivational aspects of computational tools with educational focus, and results extracted from an experiment accomplished with prospective users


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The present dissertation aims to an approach of the teaching of Portuguese language on television, trying to find how possible is the contribution of this communication media in the sense to give a higher classroom dynamism and to excite the students for that subject. The TV show Afinando a Língua (roughly, putting the language in tune ), a Canal Futura feature, have as one of these main purpose be shown on the classrooms as a tool that could enlarge the possibilities of a subject often took as particularly difficult. Blocked by the traditional grammatical teaching, the Portuguese lessons have been for years pictured as hermetic and far from the Brazilian speakers reality. So, people create myths around the language that earns adjectives as complicate and inaccessible and that Brazilians can t speak the Portuguese really good, because it only happens in Portugal, the original country of the language. These myths start exactly because the teaching orientation take their basis only on the standard language, in fact just one of the language variations by the way, anywhere in the world dictated by ancestral rules, once produced in Portugal. The regular school don t accept the Portuguese variation as a natural fact for a huge country as Brazil, with almost 190 million people, regarding it as a wrong way of talking. The repression that follows the students from the early school days make them repel the language supposedly learned at school. In fact, they normally face it as something unfamiliar, different from the language that they have use to learn at home, from the family and neighbors Instead of giving new possibilities for the language learning, the television, a powerful audiovisual device, only reinforces the idea that everyone, in any life situation, should talk the standard Portuguese, turning its back to the learning acquired much earlier that any person reach the school. This conservative attitude brings almost no changes, between the shows that try to teach the idiom and the traditional Portuguese lessons, wasting valuable tools that could lead to the possibility to open the classroom to the outside world, and to the wider knowledge of the differences from each Brazilian region culture, a positive attitude that could much enlarge the cultural and linguistic students universe


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The low level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown to be effective in promoting the proliferation of different cells in vitro, including keratinocytes, osteoblasts, endothelial cells and stem cells. It has been speculated that the biostimulatory effect of LLLT could cause undesirable enhancement of tumor growth in neoplastic diseases, since the malignant cells are more susceptible to proliferative stimuli. Within this context, this study evaluated the effect of LLLT on epidermoid carcinoma of the tongue cell line (SCC25) proliferation and invasion. Cultured cells were irradiated with an InGaAIP diode laser, 660nm, 30mW using two energy densities (0.5J/cm2 and 1.0J/cm2). Proliferative activity was assessed through trypan blue staining method and through cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry. The invasive potential was measured through cell invasion assay using matrigel. Cyclin D1, E-cadherin, -catenin and MMP-9 expressions were analyzed by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry and related to the investigated biological activities. Proliferation curve demonstrated that SCC25 irradiated with 1.0J/cm2 had the highest proliferative rate when compared to the control group and the group irradiated with 0.5J/cm2 (p<0.05). LLLT affected cell cycle distribution and energy density of 1.0 J/cm2 promoted a higher percentage of cells in S/G2/M phases, with statistically significant differences at 24h interval (p<0.05). LLLT, mainly with 1.0J/cm2, revealed significantly higher potential for invasion and influenced the expression of cyclin D1, E-cadherin, -catenin and MMP-9, promoting the malignant phenotype. In conclusion, our results indicate that LLLT has an important stimulatory effect on proliferation and invasion of SCC25 cells, likely due to altered expression of proteins associated with these processes


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OBJETIVO: traduzir e adaptar protocolo desenvolvido por pesquisadores alemes, adequando-o s caractersticas fonticas e lingusticas do portugus falado no Brasil. Caracterizar os componentes de fala mais alterados na populao com doena de Parkinson, comparando-os com grupo de sujeitos normais na mesma faixa etria. MTODOS: realizou-se a traduo e adaptao do protocolo. Posteriormente foram avaliados 21 pacientes com diagnstico neurolgico de Doena de Parkinson nos estgios Hoehn &Yarh, entre 2 e 3, e 10 sujeitos normais. O protocolo inclua avaliao da respirao, fonao, ressonncia, articulao, prosdia e a anlise acstica dos parmetros vocais. RESULTADOS: o protocolo mostrou-se de fcil aplicao clnica. Nos sujeitos com doena de Parkinson foram observadas alteraes predominantes na fonao (85,9%) e articulao (42,9%). CONCLUSO: o estudo demonstrou ser o protocolo uma ferramenta eficiente para a avaliao da disartria em pacientes com doena de Parkinson.


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OBJETIVO: Revisar estudos que abordam as prticas alimentares atuais e o padro de atividade fsica como contribuintes do excesso de peso na infncia. FONTES DE DADOS: Ovid Journals, Highwire e SciELO, com seleo de artigos originais e de reviso nos ltimos dez anos (1997 a 2007), na língua portuguesa e inglesa. SNTESE DE DADOS: O acompanhamento do estado nutricional de crianas permite diagnosticar seu estado de sade atual, bem como predizer parcialmente seu prognstico na vida adulta. A prevalncia de obesidade infantil, no Brasil, apresenta aumento progressivo em todas as classes sociais e sua freqncia varia entre cinco a 18%, dependendo da regio estudada. A associao da transio epidemiolgica, demogrfica e comportamental e a alterao do hbito alimentar so apontadas como fatores causais do aumento progressivo da obesidade infantil. Prticas alimentares caracterizadas por elevado teor de lipdios, sacarose e sdio e por reduzido consumo de cereais integrais, frutas e hortalias associadas inatividade fsica decorrente do uso de computadores, jogos eletrnicos e televisores influenciam parte considervel de crianas. Este estilo de vida reflete os hbitos familiares e pode ser influenciado pelo ambiente escolar no qual a criana est inserida. CONCLUSES: Os dados sugerem influncia considervel dos fatores ambientais, principalmente hbitos alimentares e inatividade fsica, no crescente aumento da prevalncia de excesso de peso na populao peditrica.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Considerando o discurso poltico-educacional como meio de manifestao de poder, este artigo tem como objetivo propor reflexes acerca da relao poder-saber em documentos educacionais de diferentes esferas governamentais, nos quais se apresentam eventuais formas de resistncia. Para verificar como se d essa relao, sero analisadas as Orientaes Curriculares para o Ensino Mdio: Linguagens, Cdigos e suas Tecnologias, documento elaborado pela Secretaria de Educao Bsica (SEB) e a Proposta Curricular do Estado de So Paulo: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Ingls, da Secretaria da Educao de So Paulo (SEE), publicadas em 2006 e 2008, respectivamente. Para tanto, o arcabouo terico ser embasado em conceitos sobre a relao poder-saber, formas de resistncia e regimes de verdade amplamente discutidos por Foucault (1971, 2008), Pcheux (1990), Mascia (2002), Bertoldo (2003), Coracini (2003), Gregolin (2004), Orlandi (2006), Veiga-Neto (2007), Possenti (2007) e Amarante (2009). Por meio da anlise desses documentos, notou-se a presena de traos argumentativos que contribuem para o estabelecimento de um regime de verdade, perpassado por relaes de poder-saber. Alm disso, os resultados obtidos apontam para polmicas existentes entre as Orientaes Curriculares Nacionais e a Proposta Curricular do Estado de So Paulo no que concerne aos pressupostos tericos e orientaes prticas para o ensino e aprendizagem de línguas.


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Este trabalho visa discutir as caractersticas do processo de autoavaliao da aprendizagem de ingls como língua estrangeira em um contexto tandem a distancia. Trata-se, mais especificamente, da apresentao de uma pesquisa na qual se analisam os dados coletados no ambiente teletandem (TELLES, 2005) por uma brasileira (aprendiz de ingls), durante suas interaes via chat com dois parceiros norteamericanos (aprendizes de portugus). A anlise enfoca as metas e estratgias de aprendizagem em relao aos parmetros e critrios adotados pela brasileira em seu processo de autoavaliao.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se investigar o gerenciamento do erro em aulas de ingls como língua estrangeira e suas implicaes para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. em sua primeira etapa, a investigao buscou (a) verificar como os participantes da pesquisa vivenciavam o erro e a correo, (b) descrever as principais caractersticas das interlínguas dos aprendizes naquele momento. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma proposta de interveno e tratamento dos erros mais recorrentes, por meio da qual se pretendia implementar aes pedaggicas com foco na forma (FonF) que promovessem a negociao de determinados aspectos lingsticos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, questionrios, gravaes audiovisuais, observaes das aulas, notas de campo transformadas em dirios, sesses de visionamento com os aprendizes e de discusso com a professora participante, num processo cclico e contnuo, a fim de se embasarem as decises referentes ao processo interventivo. Verificou-se que os movimentos corretivos empregados para promover momentos de negociao da forma se mostraram uma importante ferramenta no tratamento dos erros por ajudarem os aprendizes a perceberem lacunas em suas interlínguas e a se esforarem para refazer suas produes consideradas imprecisas. Nesse esforo, observou-se a importncia do papel do professor ao fornecer os andaimes necessrios para que cada aprendiz pudesse se monitorar. Considerou-se, tambm, a relevncia do aspecto complementar entre os dois focos - foco na forma x foco na mensagem para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira por instruo.


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A anlise das gravaes de miniaulas ministradas por professores de língua estrangeira em formao permitiu verificar a carncia de um lxico especfico para a situao de sala de aula. Essa evidncia revela que o desenvolvimento de uma proficincia lingustica geral no suficiente na formao inicial de professores de línguas estrangeiras: necessrio que se realize tambm um trabalho sistemtico sobre a linguagem especfica de sala de aula. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a formao desses professores, este artigo apresenta um inventrio de falas tpicas de sala de aula elaborado a partir das dificuldades observadas no corpus de estudo. Prope-se utilizar esse inventrio como base para atividades que proporcionem ao professor em formao a oportunidade de adquirir proficincia lexical especfica para sua prtica profissional em língua estrangeira.