956 resultados para Hospitals, Medieval
Errors in the administration of medication represent a significant loss of medical resources and pose life altering or life threatening risks to patients. This paper considered the question, what impact do Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) systems have on medication errors in the hospital inpatient environment? Previous reviews have examined evidence of the impact of CPOE on medication errors, but have come to ambiguous conclusions as to the impact of CPOE and decision support systems (DSS). Forty-three papers were identified. Thirty-one demonstrated a significant reduction in prescribing error rates for all or some drug types; decreases in minor errors were most often reported. Several studies reported increases in the rate of duplicate orders and failures to remove contraindicated drugs, often attributed to inappropriate design or to an inability to operate the system properly. The evidence on the effectiveness of CPOE to reduce errors in medication administration is compelling though it is limited by modest study sample sizes and designs. ^
Dietary intake is a complex, health-related behavior, and although individual-level theoretical models explain some variation in dietary intake, comprehensive theoretical models such as the ecological framework describe the multiple levels which influence diet-related behaviors. Thus, the ecological framework is a preferred model for designing comprehensive nutrition interventions. While ecological-based nutrition interventions have been described, little work has focused on interventions in the hospital setting. Because hospitals are considered the hallmarks of health, it might seem that hospitals would regularly engage in worksite nutrition promotion; however, recent publications and other anecdotal evidence have indicated otherwise. The first paper of this dissertation systematically reviewed the scientific literature between 1996 and 2012 and identified 13 outcome evaluation trials for hospital-based worksite nutrition interventions. Of these 13 interventions, only one intervention targeted three of the four levels of the ecological framework and no intervention targeted all four levels. Only half of the interventions targeted the physical environment of hospitals, thus warranting more investigation into this specific level of the ecological framework in this setting. ^ A critical type of nutrition-related physical environments is the consumer nutrition environment. Although other tools measure the consumer nutrition environments of stores and restaurants, no tool specifically measured the consumer nutrition environments of hospitals until the CDC developed the Healthy Hospital Environment Scan for Cafeterias, Vending Machines, and Gift Shops (HHES-CVG). The HHES-CVG, a tool which measures the consumer nutrition environments of hospital cafeterias, vending machines, and gifts shops, was released in November 2011, and in the second paper of this dissertation, the reliability of this tool was investigated. Two trained raters visited 39 hospitals across Southern California between February and May 2012, and based on analyses of the raters' findings, the HHES-CVG exhibited strong reliability metrics (inter-observer agreement between 74 and 100%, and an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.961 for the overall nutrition composite score). Because the HHES-CVG was found to be a reliable tool, the third paper of this dissertation presented HHES-CVG results from the 39 hospitals. Overall, hospitals only scored about one-fourth of the total possible points for the nutrition composite score, indicating that most facilities do not have acceptable consumer nutrition environments. Some of the best practices observed in cafeterias were significantly associated with having a large facility and with having a contracted foodservice operation, but overall nutrition composite score was not associated with any specific facility or operation type. ^ The dissertation concluded that much work is needed in order to improve the consumer nutrition environments of hospitals. Practitioners and healthcare administrators should consider starting with ecological-based interventions addressing all levels including the physical environment.^
Hospitals, like all organizations, have both a mission and a finite supply of resources with which to accomplish that mission. Because the inventory of therapeutic drugs is among the more expensive resources needed by a hospital to achieve its mission, a conceptual model of structure plus process equals outcome posits that adequate emphasis should be placed on optimization of the organization's investment in this important structural resource to provide highest quality outcomes. Therefore emphasis should be placed on the optimization of pharmacy inventory because lowering the financial investment in drug inventory and associated costs increases productive efficiency, a key element of quality. ^ In this study, a post-intervention analysis of a hospital pharmacy inventory management technology implementation at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center was conducted to determine if an intervention which reduced a hospital's financial investment in pharmaceutical inventory provided an opportunity to incrementally optimize the organization's mix of structural resources thereby improving quality of care. The results suggest that hospital pharmacies currently lacking technology to support automated purchasing logistics and perpetual, real-time inventory management for drugs may achieve measurable benefits from the careful implementation of such technology, enabling the hospital to lower its investment in on-hand inventory and, potentially, to reduce overall purchasing expenditures. ^ The importance of these savings to the hospital and potentially to the patient should not be underestimated for their ability to generate funding for previously unfunded public health programs or in their ability to provide financial relief to patients in the form of lower drug costs given the current climate of escalating healthcare costs and tightening reimbursements.^
Fil: Lizabe, Gladys Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Este trabajo analiza las características del gesto ritual propio de la liturgia medieval, en particular su carácter de “eficaz". La gestualidad litúrgica “hace cosas", al decir de John Austin; en tanto produce cambios en sus destinatarios que llevan, incluso, a provocar modificaciones permanentes en sus vidas. ¿En qué consiste esa eficacia? ¿La eficacia la posee la palabra o el gesto litúrgico? La hipótesis que se plantea es que, si bien en el discurso académico la performatividad proviene de la palabra, no sucede lo mismo en el discurso popular puesto que, en este caso, la eficacia proviene del gesto. El trabajo se estructura en cuatro partes. Luego de una introducción y presentación de la problemática, se avanza en una aproximación al tema a partir de propuestas de teorías filosóficas y antropológicas contemporáneas. Se tiene en cuenta, particularmente, a John Austin. Luego, se realiza un análisis de algunos casos en un contexto histórico. En particular se trabajan la formula consecratoria de la eucaristía y el rito del bautismo. Finalmente, se trazan los aspectos conclusivos del artículo.
Fil: Alby, Juan Carlos.
El judaísmo tardío y posteriormente el cristianismo incursionaron frecuentemente en el célebre pasaje de Éx. 3, 14, entendiéndolo como la revelación del Nombre divino a Moisés. Las respectivas influencias de la ontología griega y de la Septuaginta que traduce el citado texto hebreo por “Yo Soy el que Soy" (ejgwv eijmi oJ w[n), se hicieron presentes en la tradición cristiana desde sus orígenes hasta la Escolástica del siglo XIII. Sea con matices esencialistas o de carácter existencial, el Dios bíblico ha sido comprendido como “Ser" en distintos momentos del cristianismo medieval. Este alejamiento de la intuición bíblica originaria en dirección a una concepción helénica del Ser, produjo notables consecuencias en la imagen de Dios sostenida por los cristianos.
El propósito de este trabajo es sondear las coincidencias y, por tanto, la cooperación que es posible encontrar entre textos de diversas procedencias y dataciones, acerca de los aspectos más representativos de la figura y de la función real. En primer lugar, se describe el proceso por el cual la inauguración del poder real es rodeado progresivamente de ritos litúrgicos. Luego, se señalan los elementos más significativos que contribuyeron a la construcción del ritual de la unción real. Finalmente, se analiza la oración de consagración real del Sacramentario de Ratoldus (s. X), rastreándose en ella los elementos que permiten reconstruir algunos aspectos centrales de la teoría política que alimentó a la sociedad altomedieval. Si tenemos en cuenta de que, en ese periodo histórico, no se produjeron tratados específicos sobre el tema, el recurso a los textos litúrgicos posibilita el acceso a una fuente de documentación válida y de particular interés para los estudios del pensamiento medieval.
Fil: Corso de Estrada, Laura. Universidad Católica Argentina. Sede Buenos Aires
Fil: Muñoz, Ceferino Pablo.
Fil: Peretó Rivas, Rubén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Fil: Peretó Rivas, Rubén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Este artículo intenta mostrar cómo la introducción del corpus aristotélico en el mundo cristiano medieval durante los siglos XII y XIII contribuyó notablemente a reivindicar el valor de los datos sensibles para conducir al conocimiento inteligible. En efecto, el platonismo con el que los primeros pensadores cristianos estuvieron bien familiarizados, negaba que lo sensible pudiera dar lugar a un verdadero conocimiento. Sin embargo, esto significaba, al mismo tiempo, que las cosas sensibles no tenían suficiente consistencia ontológica. Y puesto que el cristianismo enseñaba la dignidad de todo lo creado, la filosofía aristotélica vino a proveerle de una concepción de lo sensible mucho más afín con sus propios principios. Esta confianza en la realidad concreta como objeto de conocimiento incluso inteligible acabó, no obstante, hacia fines de la Edad Media, y con ella, el realismo gnoseológico característico del pensamiento cristiano medieval.
Fil: Cuccia, Emiliano Javier.