849 resultados para Helsinki Stock
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Under the 1994 amendments to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are required to publish Stock Assessment Reports for all stocks of marine mammals within U.S. waters, to review new information every year for strategic stocks and every three years for non-strategic stocks, and to update the stock assessment reports when significant new information becomes available. This report presents stock assessments for 13 Pacific marine mammal stocks under NMFS jurisdiction, including 8 “strategic” stocks and 5 “non-strategic” stocks (see summary table). A new stock assessment for humpback whales in American Samoa waters is included in the Pacific reports for the first time. New or revised abundance estimates are available for 9 stocks, including Eastern North Pacific blue whales, American Samoa humpback whales, five U.S. west coast harbor porpoise stocks, the Hawaiian monk seal, and southern resident killer whales. A change in the abundance estimate of Eastern North Pacific blue whales reflects a recommendation from the Pacific Scientific Review Group to utilize mark-recapture estimates for this population, which provide a better estimate of total population size than the average of recent line-transect and mark-recapture estimates. The ‘Northern Oregon/Washington Coast Stock’ harbor porpoise stock assessment includes a name change (‘Oregon’ is appended to ‘Northern Oregon’) to reflect recent stock boundary changes. Changes in abundance estimates for the two stocks of harbor porpoise that occur in Oregon waters are the result of these boundary changes, and do not reflect biological changes in the populations. Updated information on the three stocks of false killer whales in Hawaiian waters is also included in these reports. Information on the remaining 50 Pacific region stocks will be reprinted without revision in the final 2009 reports and currently appears in the 2008 reports (Carretta et al. 2009). Stock Assessments for Alaskan marine mammals are published by the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) in a separate report. Pacific region stock assessments include those studied by the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC, La Jolla, California), the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC, Honolulu, Hawaii), the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML, Seattle, Washington), and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC, Seattle, WA). Northwest Fisheries Science Center staff prepared the report on the Eastern North Pacific Southern Resident killer whale. National Marine Mammal Laboratory staff prepared the Northern Oregon/Washington coast harbor porpoise stock assessment. Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center staff prepared the report on the Hawaiian monk seal. Southwest Fisheries Science Center staff prepared stock assessments for 9 stocks. The stock assessment for the American Samoa humpback whale was prepared by staff from the Center for Coastal Studies, Hawaiian Islands Humpback National Marine Sanctuary, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Draft versions of the stock assessment reports were reviewed by the Pacific Scientific Review Group at the November 2008, Maui meeting. The authors also wish to thank those who provided unpublished data, especially Robin Baird and Joseph Mobley, who provided valuable information on Hawaiian cetaceans. Any omissions or errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. This is a working document and individual stock assessment reports will be updated as new information on marine mammal stocks and fisheries becomes available. Background information and guidelines for preparing stock assessment reports are reviewed in Wade and Angliss (1997). The authors solicit any new information or comments which would improve future stock assessment reports. These Stock Assessment Reports summarize information from a wide range of sources and an extensive bibliography of all sources is given in each report. We strongly urge users of this document to refer to and cite original literature sources rather than citing this report or previous Stock Assessment Reports. If the original sources are not accessible, the citation should follow the format: [Original source], as cited in [this Stock Assessment Report citation].
Under the 1994 amendments to the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) were required to produce stock assessment reports for all marine mammal stocks in waters within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. This document contains the stock assessment reports for the U.S. Pacific marine mammal stocks under NMFS jurisdiction. Marine mammal species which are under the management jurisdiction of the USFWS are not included in this report. A separate report containing background, guidelines for preparation, and .a summary of all stock assessment reports is available from the NMFS Office of Protected Resources. This report was prepared by staff of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NMFS and the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS. The information presented here was compiled primarily from published sources, but additional unpublished information was included where it contributed to the assessments. The authors wish to thanks the members of the Pacific Scientific Review Group for their valuable contributions and constructive criticism: Hannah Bernard, Robin Brown, Mark Fraker, Doyle Hanan, John Heyning, Steve Jeffries, Katherine Ralls, Michael Scott, and Terry Wright. Their comments greatly improved the quality of these reports, We also thanks the Marine Mammal Commission, The Humane Society of the United States, The Marine Mammal Center, The Center for Marine Conservation, and Friends of the Sea Otter for their careful reviews and thoughtful comments. Special thanks to Paul Wade of the Office of Protected Resources for his exhaustive review and comments, which greatly enhanced the consistency and technical quality of the reports. Any ommissions or errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. This is a working document and individual stock assessment reports will be updated as new information becomes available and as changes to marine mammal stocks and fisheries occur; therefore, each stock assessment report is intended to be a stand alone document. The authors solicit any new information or comments which would improve future stock assessment reports. This is Southwest Fisheries Science Center Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC- 219, July 1995. 111
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most important biomes of Brazil. Originally covering approximately 1.5 million of km(2), today this area has been reduced to 12% of its original size. Climate changes may alter the structure and the functioning of this tropical forest. Here we explore how increases in temperature and changes in precipitation distribution could affect dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in coastal Atlantic Forest of the southeast region of Brazil The main conclusion of this article is that the coastal Atlantic Forest has high stocks of carbon and nitrogen above ground, and especially, below ground. An increase in temperature may transform these forests from important carbon sinks to carbon sources by increasing loss of carbon and nitrogen to the atmosphere. However, this conclusion should be viewed with caution because it is based on limited information. Therefore, more studies are urgently needed to enable us to make more accurate predictions.
The aim of this study was to estimate the stock of biomass and organic carbon in a montane mixed shade forest located near General Carneiro, PR. 20 plots of 12 m x 12 m were installed, in which all trees with a CBH (Circumference at Breast Height) >= 31.4 cm were felled. From these the following information was obtained: total height, commercial height (agreed as being the morphological inversion point in the natural forest and the height of the first live branch), CBH, identification and collection of herbarium specimens. For the quantification of biomass in the understory and roots, three subunits 1 m x 1 m in each sampling unit were installed (12 m x 12 m) arranged in the lower left corner, center and diagonal upper right corner. To quantify accumulated litter at random, eight samples in each sampling unit were collected (12 m x 12 m), using a metal device measuring 0.25 m x 0.25 m. The montane mixed shade forest has more than 85% of its total biomass and total organic carbon stored in above ground plant structures. The total stock of organic carbon found in this study (104.7 Mg ha(-1)) demonstrates the importance of maintaining and preserving natural ecosystems as a way of maintaining this stock of organic carbon fixed in plant biomass.
Il presente studio si occupa di indagare lo stato delle popolazioni di alici, Engraulis encrasicolus, e sardine, Sardina pilchardus, presenti nel Mar Adriatico Centrale e Settentrionale attraverso l’utilizzo di metodi di dinamica di popolazione. L’attenzione per queste specie è dovuta alla loro importanza commerciale; sono, infatti, specie “target” della flotta peschereccia italiana, in particolare nell’area adriatica. I metodi di dinamica di popolazione sono uno degli aspetti più importanti delle scienze della pesca. Attraverso lo stock assessment si possono acquisire informazioni sull’abbondanza in mare delle risorse nel tempo e nello spazio, nonché sulla mortalità dovuta all’attività di pesca, che sono di primaria importanza per l’adozione di misure gestionali. I metodi di dinamica di popolazione esaminati e confrontati in questa tesi sono stati due: Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) e Integrated Catch-at-Age Analysis (ICA). Prima, però, è stato necessario esaminare le modalità con cui ottenere i dati di “input”, quali: tassi di crescita delle specie, mortalità naturale, sforzo di pesca, dati di cattura. Infine, è stato possibile ricostruire nel tempo la storia dello stock in questione e il suo stato attuale, dando indicazioni per lo sfruttamento futuro in un’ottica di conservazione dello stock stesso. Attraverso la determinazione della curva di crescita si sono potuti ottenere i parametri di crescita delle specie in esame, necessari per definire i tassi di mortalità naturale. L’abbondanza di questi stock è stata valutata con i programmi Age Length Key (ALK) e Iterative Age Length Key (IALK). Nei programmi di stock assessment utilizzati si è preferito utilizzare la stima di abbondanza calcolata con il primo metodo, in quanto più rappresentativo dello stock in esame. Un parametro di fondamentale importanza e di difficile stima è la mortalità; in particolare, in questo studio ci siamo occupati di determinare la mortalità naturale. Questa è stata determinata utilizzando due programmi: ProdBiom (Abella et al., 1998) e il sistema ideato da Gislason et al. (2008). Nonostante l’approccio conservativo suggerisca l’utilizzo dei valori ricavati da ProdBiom, in quanto più bassi, si è preferito utilizzare i tassi di mortalità naturale ricavati dalla seconda procedura. Questa preferenza è stata determinata dal fatto che il programma ProdBiom consegna indici di mortalità naturale troppo bassi, se confrontati con quelli presentati in letteratura per le specie in esame. Inoltre, benché nessuno dei due programmi sia stato costruito appositamente per le specie pelagiche, è comunque preferibile la metodologia ideata da Gislason et al. (2008), in quanto ottenuta da un esame di 367 pubblicazioni, in alcune delle quali erano presenti dati per queste specie. Per quanto riguarda i dati di cattura utilizzati in questo lavoro per il calcolo della Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE, cioè le catture per unità di sforzo), si sono utilizzati quelli della marineria di Porto Garibaldi, in quanto questa vanta una lunga serie temporale di dati, dal 1975 ad oggi. Inoltre, in questa marineria si è sempre pescato senza imposizione di quote e con quantitativi elevati. Determinati questi dati è stato possibile applicare i programmi di valutazione degli stock ittici: VPA e ICA. L’ICA risulta essere più attendibile, soprattutto per gli anni recenti, in quanto prevede un periodo nel quale la selettività è mantenuta costante, riducendo i calcoli da fare e, di conseguenza, diminuendo gli errori. In particolare, l’ICA effettua i suoi calcoli considerando che i dati di cattura e gli indici di “tuning” possono contenere degli errori. Nonostante le varie differenze dei programmi e le loro caratteristiche, entrambi concordano sullo stato degli stock in mare. Per quanto riguarda l’alice, lo stock di questa specie nel Mar Adriatico Settentrionale e Centrale, altamente sfruttato in passato, oggi risulta moderatamente sfruttato in quanto il livello di sfruttamento viene ottenuto con un basso livello di sforzo di pesca. Si raccomanda, comunque, di non incrementare lo sforzo di pesca, in modo da non determinare nuove drastiche diminuzioni dello stock con pesanti conseguenze per l’attività di pesca. Le sardine, invece, presentano un trend diverso: dalla metà degli anni ottanta lo stock di Sardina pilchardus ha conosciuto un continuo e progressivo declino, che solo nell’ultimo decennio mostra un’inversione di tendenza. Questo, però, non deve incoraggiare ad aumentare lo pressione di pesca, anzi bisogna cercare di mantenere costante lo sforzo di pesca al livello attuale in modo da permettere il completo ristabilimento dello stock (le catture della flotta italiana sono, infatti, ancora relativamente basse). Questo lavoro, nonostante i vari aspetti da implementare (quali: il campionamento, le metodologie utilizzate, l’introduzione di aspetti non considerati, come ad es. gli scarti,… etc.) e le difficoltà incontrate nel suo svolgimento, ha fornito un contributo di approfondimento sugli spinosi aspetti della definizione del tasso di mortalità naturale, individuando una procedura più adatta per stimare questo parametro. Inoltre, ha presentato l’innovativo aspetto del confronto tra i programmi ICA e VPA, mostrando una buon accordo dei risultati ottenuti. E’ necessario, comunque, continuare ad approfondire questi aspetti per ottenere valutazioni sempre più precise e affidabili, per raggiungere una corretta gestione dell’attività di pesca e ai fini della preservazione degli stock stessi.
This thesis proposes a solution for board cutting in the wood industry with the aim of usage minimization and machine productivity. The problem is dealt with as a Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem and specific Combinatorial Optimization methods are used to solve it considering the features of the real problem.