930 resultados para Fusion reactors.


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Technofusion will be the new Spanish singular scientific-technical installation for fusion research. The research activities will be focused on seven areas of materials research considered the most relevant ones for further technological developments of fusion energy. In principle, most of the infrastructure in Technofusion will be useful for both, magnetic (MC) and inertial (IC) confinement fusion communities and most of the research and developments carried out for one of the fusion concepts will be valid and transferable to the other. However, some aspects related to first wall materials strongly differ in MC and IC approaches. This is due to the very different typical ion energy and deposited powers in both cases.


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Systems inertial confinement fusion (ICF) need of a manufacturing process targets very accurate and efficient (Fig. A). Due to the frequency needed for energy production techniques are necessary to achieve high repetition rates, however it is also necessary to increase or maintain the quality and efficiency of these targets. In order to observe more resolution possible problems in the target manufacture (B), we propose the following theoretical methodology, by means of which analyze different phenomena present in the conditions which are fabrication and handled deuterium tritium target spheres (DT ice). Recent experiments show that addition of instabilities caused by the geometry of the solid layer of DT ice (C), and the cover (ablator), one can relate the loss of power delivery in the implosion due to different conformations of the solid layers with regarding handling conditions.


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Final lenses in laser fusion plants. Challenges for the protection of the final lenses. Plasmonic nanoparticles. Radiation resistance


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In this work the use of ESS-Bilbao fast neutron lines for irradiation of materials for nuclear fusion is studied. For the comparison of ESS-Bilbao with an inertial fusion facility a simplified model of HiPER chamber has been used. Several positions for irradiation at ESS-Bilbao have been also compared. The material chosen for the damage analysis is silica due to its importance on IFC optics. In this work a detailed comparison between the two facilities for silica irradiation is given. The comparison covers the neutron fluxes, doses, defect production and PKA spectra. This study is also intended as a methodological approach or guideline for future works on other materials.


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A novel algorithm based on bimatrix game theory has been developed to improve the accuracy and reliability of a speaker diarization system. This algorithm fuses the output data of two open-source speaker diarization programs, LIUM and SHoUT, taking advantage of the best properties of each one. The performance of this new system has been tested by means of audio streams from several movies. From preliminary results on fragments of five movies, improvements of 63% in false alarms and missed speech mistakes have been achieved with respect to LIUM and SHoUT systems working alone. Moreover, we also improve in a 20% the number of recognized speakers, getting close to the real number of speakers in the audio stream


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Silica final lens performance in laser fusion facilities: HiPER and LIFE


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The one-dimensional motion generated in a cold, infinite, uniform plasma of density na by the absorption, in a certain plane, of a linear pulse of energy per unit time and area = 4>0t/r, 0< t< r, is considered, the analysis allows for thermal conduction and viscosity of ions and electrons, their energy exchange, and an electron heat flux limiter The resulting motion is self-similar and governed by a single nondimensional parameter a«(n0 2T/0)2/3 Detailed asymptotic results are obtained for both a < l and a > l , the general behavior of the solution for arbitrary a is discussed The analysis can be extended to the case of a plasma initially occupying a half-space, and throws light on how to optimize the hydrodynamics of laser fusion plasmas Known approximate results corresponding to motion of a plasma submitted to constant irradiation (<()) are recovered in the present work under appropriate limiting processes


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The fluid-dynamics of the corona ejected by laser-fusion targets in the direct-drive approach (thermal radiation and atomic physics unimportant) is discussed. A two-fluid model involves inverse bremsstrahlung absorption, refraction, different ion and electron temperatures with energy exchange, different ion and electron velocities and magnetic field generation, and their effect on ion-electron friction and heat flux. Four dimensionless parameters determine coronal regimes for one-dimensional flows under uniform irradiation. One additional parameter is involved in two-dimensional problems,including the stability of one-dimensional flows, and the smoothing of nonuniform driving.


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In this paper, the fusion of probabilistic knowledge-based classification rules and learning automata theory is proposed and as a result we present a set of probabilistic classification rules with self-learning capability. The probabilities of the classification rules change dynamically guided by a supervised reinforcement process aimed at obtaining an optimum classification accuracy. This novel classifier is applied to the automatic recognition of digital images corresponding to visual landmarks for the autonomous navigation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the authors. The classification accuracy of the proposed classifier and its comparison with well-established pattern recognition methods is finally reported.


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The advantages of fast-spectrum reactors consist not only of an efficient use of fuel through the breeding of fissile material and the use of natural or depleted uranium, but also of the potential reduction of the amount of actinides such as americium and neptunium contained in the irradiated fuel. The first aspect means a guaranteed future nuclear fuel supply. The second fact is key for high-level radioactive waste management, because these elements are the main responsible for the radioactivity of the irradiated fuel in the long term. The present study aims to analyze the hypothetical deployment of a Gen-IV Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) fleet in Spain. A nuclear fleet of fast reactors would enable a fuel cycle strategy different than the open cycle, currently adopted by most of the countries with nuclear power. A transition from the current Gen-II to Gen-IV fleet is envisaged through an intermediate deployment of Gen-III reactors. Fuel reprocessing from the Gen-II and Gen-III Light Water Reactors (LWR) has been considered. In the so-called advanced fuel cycle, the reprocessed fuel used to produce energy will breed new fissile fuel and transmute minor actinides at the same time. A reference case scenario has been postulated and further sensitivity studies have been performed to analyze the impact of the different parameters on the required reactor fleet. The potential capability of Spain to supply the required fleet for the reference scenario using national resources has been verified. Finally, some consequences on irradiated final fuel inventory are assessed. Calculations are performed with the Monte Carlo transport-coupled depletion code SERPENT together with post-processing tools.


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El futuro de la energía nuclear de fisión dependerá, entre otros factores, de la capacidad que las nuevas tecnologías demuestren para solventar los principales retos a largo plazo que se plantean. Los principales retos se pueden resumir en los siguientes aspectos: la capacidad de proporcionar una solución final, segura y fiable a los residuos radiactivos; así como dar solución a la limitación de recursos naturales necesarios para alimentar los reactores nucleares; y por último, una mejora robusta en la seguridad de las centrales que en definitiva evite cualquier daño potencial tanto en la población como en el medio ambiente como consecuencia de cualquier escenario imaginable o más allá de lo imaginable. Siguiendo estas motivaciones, la Generación IV de reactores nucleares surge con el compromiso de proporcionar electricidad de forma sostenible, segura, económica y evitando la proliferación de material fisible. Entre los sistemas conceptuales que se consideran para la Gen IV, los reactores rápidos destacan por su capacidad potencial de transmutar actínidos a la vez que permiten una utilización óptima de los recursos naturales. Entre los refrigerantes que se plantean, el sodio parece una de las soluciones más prometedoras. Como consecuencia, esta tesis surgió dentro del marco del proyecto europeo CP-ESFR con el principal objetivo de evaluar la física de núcleo y seguridad de los reactores rápidos refrigerados por sodio, al tiempo que se desarrollaron herramientas apropiadas para dichos análisis. Efectivamente, en una primera parte de la tesis, se abarca el estudio de la física del núcleo de un reactor rápido representativo, incluyendo el análisis detallado de la capacidad de transmutar actínidos minoritarios. Como resultado de dichos análisis, se publicó un artículo en la revista Annals of Nuclear Energy [96]. Por otra parte, a través de un análisis de un hipotético escenario nuclear español, se evalúo la disponibilidad de recursos naturales necesarios en el caso particular de España para alimentar una flota específica de reactores rápidos, siguiendo varios escenarios de demanda, y teniendo en cuenta la capacidad de reproducción de plutonio que tienen estos sistemas. Como resultado de este trabajo también surgió una publicación en otra revista científica de prestigio internacional como es Energy Conversion and Management [97]. Con objeto de realizar esos y otros análisis, se desarrollaron diversos modelos del núcleo del ESFR siguiendo varias configuraciones, y para diferentes códigos. Por otro lado, con objeto de poder realizar análisis de seguridad de reactores rápidos, son necesarias herramientas multidimensionales de alta fidelidad específicas para reactores rápidos. Dichas herramientas deben integrar fenómenos relacionados con la neutrónica y con la termo-hidráulica, entre otros, mediante una aproximación multi-física. Siguiendo este objetivo, se evalúo el código de difusión neutrónica ANDES para su aplicación a reactores rápidos. ANDES es un código de resolución nodal que se encuentra implementado dentro del sistema COBAYA3 y está basado en el método ACMFD. Por lo tanto, el método ACMFD fue sometido a una revisión en profundidad para evaluar su aptitud para la aplicación a reactores rápidos. Durante ese proceso, se identificaron determinadas limitaciones que se discutirán a lo largo de este trabajo, junto con los desarrollos que se han elaborado e implementado para la resolución de dichas dificultades. Por otra parte, se desarrolló satisfactoriamente el acomplamiento del código neutrónico ANDES con un código termo-hidráulico de subcanales llamado SUBCHANFLOW, desarrollado recientemente en el KIT. Como conclusión de esta parte, todos los desarrollos implementados son evaluados y verificados. En paralelo con esos desarrollos, se calcularon para el núcleo del ESFR las secciones eficaces en multigrupos homogeneizadas a nivel nodal, así como otros parámetros neutrónicos, mediante los códigos ERANOS, primero, y SERPENT, después. Dichos parámetros se utilizaron más adelante para realizar cálculos estacionarios con ANDES. Además, como consecuencia de la contribución de la UPM al paquete de seguridad del proyecto CP-ESFR, se calcularon mediante el código SERPENT los parámetros de cinética puntual que se necesitan introducir en los típicos códigos termo-hidráulicos de planta, para estudios de seguridad. En concreto, dichos parámetros sirvieron para el análisis del impacto que tienen los actínidos minoritarios en el comportamiento de transitorios. Concluyendo, la tesis presenta una aproximación sistemática y multidisciplinar aplicada al análisis de seguridad y comportamiento neutrónico de los reactores rápidos de sodio de la Gen-IV, usando herramientas de cálculo existentes y recién desarrolladas ad' hoc para tal aplicación. Se ha empleado una cantidad importante de tiempo en identificar limitaciones de los métodos nodales analíticos en su aplicación en multigrupos a reactores rápidos, y se proponen interesantes soluciones para abordarlas. ABSTRACT The future of nuclear reactors will depend, among other aspects, on the capability to solve the long-term challenges linked to this technology. These are the capability to provide a definite, safe and reliable solution to the nuclear wastes; the limitation of natural resources, needed to fuel the reactors; and last but not least, the improved safety, which would avoid any potential damage on the public and or environment as a consequence of any imaginable and beyond imaginable circumstance. Following these motivations, the IV Generation of nuclear reactors arises, with the aim to provide sustainable, safe, economic and proliferationresistant electricity. Among the systems considered for the Gen IV, fast reactors have a representative role thanks to their potential capacity to transmute actinides together with the optimal usage of natural resources, being the sodium fast reactors the most promising concept. As a consequence, this thesis was born in the framework of the CP-ESFR project with the generic aim of evaluating the core physics and safety of sodium fast reactors, as well as the development of the approppriated tools to perform such analyses. Indeed, in a first part of this thesis work, the main core physics of the representative sodium fast reactor are assessed, including a detailed analysis of the capability to transmute minor actinides. A part of the results obtained have been published in Annals of Nuclear Energy [96]. Moreover, by means of the analysis of a hypothetical Spanish nuclear scenario, the availability of natural resources required to deploy an specific fleet of fast reactor is assessed, taking into account the breeding properties of such systems. This work also led to a publication in Energy Conversion and Management [97]. In order to perform those and other analyses, several models of the ESFR core were created for different codes. On the other hand, in order to perform safety studies of sodium fast reactors, high fidelity multidimensional analysis tools for sodium fast reactors are required. Such tools should integrate neutronic and thermal-hydraulic phenomena in a multi-physics approach. Following this motivation, the neutron diffusion code ANDES is assessed for sodium fast reactor applications. ANDES is the nodal solver implemented inside the multigroup pin-by-pin diffusion COBAYA3 code, and is based on the analytical method ACMFD. Thus, the ACMFD was verified for SFR applications and while doing so, some limitations were encountered, which are discussed through this work. In order to solve those, some new developments are proposed and implemented in ANDES. Moreover, the code was satisfactorily coupled with the thermal-hydraulic code SUBCHANFLOW, recently developed at KIT. Finally, the different implementations are verified. In addition to those developments, the node homogenized multigroup cross sections and other neutron parameters were obtained for the ESFR core using ERANOS and SERPENT codes, and employed afterwards by ANDES to perform steady state calculations. Moreover, as a result of the UPM contribution to the safety package of the CP-ESFR project, the point kinetic parameters required by the typical plant thermal-hydraulic codes were computed for the ESFR core using SERPENT, which final aim was the assessment of the impact of minor actinides in transient behaviour. All in all, the thesis provides a systematic and multi-purpose approach applied to the assessment of safety and performance parameters of Generation-IV SFR, using existing and newly developed analytical tools. An important amount of time was employed in identifying the limitations that the analytical nodal diffusion methods present when applied to fast reactors following a multigroup approach, and interesting solutions are proposed in order to overcome them.


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Nowadays, the projects LIFE (Laser Inertial Fusion Energy) in USA and HiPER (High Power Laser Energy Research) in Europe are the most advanced ones to demonstrate laser fusion energy viability. One of the main points of concern to properly achieve ignition is the performance of the final optics (lenses) under the severe irradiation conditions that take place in fusion facilities. In this paper, we calculate the radiation fluxes and doses as well as the radiation-induced temperature enhancement and colour centre formation in final lenses assuming realistic geometrical configurations for HiPER and LIFE. On these bases, the mechanical stresses generated by the established temperature gradients are evaluated showing that from a mechanical point of view lenses only fulfil specifications if ions resulting from the imploding target are mitigated. The absorption coefficient of the lenses is calculated during reactor startup and steady-state operation. The obtained results reveal the necessity of new solutions to tackle ignition problems during the startup process for HiPER. Finally, we evaluate the effect of temperature gradients on focal length changes and lens surface deformations. In summary, we discuss the capabilities and weak points of silica lenses and propose alternatives to overcome predictable problems


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Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN) is a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid, UPM) was chosen to host the Seminar as it is one of the most prestigious technical universities of Spain, and has a very strong curriculum in nuclear engineering training and research. Both, the UPM and the SNE, supported strongly the seminar: the opening session was conducted by the member of to board of directors of the Spanish Nuclear Society and Nuclear Engineering professor of the UPM, Emilio Mínguez and the closing session was conducted by the director of the Nuclear Fusion Institute (UPM).


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This paper presents a description of our system for the Albayzin 2012 LRE competition. One of the main characteristics of this evaluation was the reduced number of available files for training the system, especially for the empty condition where no training data set was provided but only a development set. In addition, the whole database was created from online videos and around one third of the training data was labeled as noisy files. Our primary system was the fusion of three different i-vector based systems: one acoustic system based on MFCCs, a phonotactic system using trigrams of phone-posteriorgram counts, and another acoustic system based on RPLPs that improved robustness against noise. A contrastive system that included new features based on the glottal source was also presented. Official and postevaluation results for all the conditions using the proposed metrics for the evaluation and the Cavg metric are presented in the paper.


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We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma magnetically confined in a Stellarator device in the nuclear fusion. The mathematical problem may be reduced to an nonlinear elliptic inverse nonlocal two dimensional free{boundary problem. The nonlinear terms involving the unknown functions of the problem and its rearrangement. Our main goal is to determinate the existence and the estimate on the location and size of region where the solution is nonnegative almost everywhere (corresponding to the plasma region in the physical model)