985 resultados para Fatal


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Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a rare and fatal congenital anomaly, primarily observed in ruminants, presenting fetus with dorsiflexion of the vertebral column, exposure of thoracic and visceral organs, and scoliosis. A caesarian was performed on a Dorper sheep on a farm in Botucatu-SP and according to the general characteristics and findings observed in the necropsy of the fetus it was an SR case. The radiography indicated a marked ventro-dorsal deviation of the thoracolumbar column segment and deformity of the ribs. On the computed tomography the integrity of the bones and organs were detected, except for the absence of a lumbar vertebra. No data were available in the literature for SR diagnosis in sheep by image, so radiographic and tomographic exams of the fetus were done.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A 35-year-old African Brazilian patient had sickle cell anemia complicated with recurrent vasoocclusive (VOC) crises and refractory painful leg ulcers for 16 years. The ulcers started over both medial malleoli and expanded gradually. The ulcer on the left leg spread from the foot to the knee circumferentially and was refractory to all forms of therapy within the frame work of multi-disciplinary care. The patient agreed to a below the knee amputation of the left leg. He felt much better after the amputation but developed severe neuropathic phantom pain that was well controlled medically. He could differentiate the sickle cell anemia and ulcer pain from the neuropathic pain. About 6 months after the amputation he had dengue fever with fatal outcome. This is the first report of treatment of refractory sickle cell anemia leg ulcer with amputation and probably the first report of a Brazilian patient with sickle cell anemia and dengue fever.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Toxoplasmosis, a zoonosis of worldwide distribution, has importance in human and veterinary medicine. Animals can be direct or indirect source of infection to man, and this intermediate host, the disease may be responsible for encephalitis and deaths due to congenital form as coinfection in neonates and patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The man and animals can acquire the disease by eating undercooked meat or cures, infected with tissue cysts, as well as food and water contaminated with oocysts. Iatrogenic, such as, blood transfusion and organ transplantation are other less frequent routes of transmission. The causative agent of this disease is Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan obligate intracellular coccidian. In small animals, the infection has been reported in several countries, promoting varied clinical manifestations and uncommon but severe and fatal, which is a challenge in the clinical diagnosis of small animals, especially when the nervous system involvement. Thus, constitute the purpose of this review address the participation of small animals in the spread of the disease, clinical aspects related to it, as well as discuss methods of diagnosis, therapeutic measures, prophylaxis and control of this disease.


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The Sarcocystis genus includes obligatory two-host life cycle protozoan parasites. It is the most numerous of the six genera of the Sarcocystidae family. The infection caused by parasites of this genus is a zoonotic and cosmopolitan disease known as sarcosistosis or sarcosporidiosis. The sarcositosis though frequently asymptomatic in its definitive hosts can be fatal in its intermediate hosts. The usual diagnoses of sarcosistosis takes place through a histological demonstration of schizonts in blood vessels and organs, and the presence of cysts in muscle tissue by necropsy or biopsy, this second method still more common and based on morphological features of the sarcocyst. However, these methods can be inadequate to a precise identification of the infector species once that, besides the genus being of numerous species, these often present similar morphological features. Another factor that makes the diagnostic more difficult is the non specificity of some Sacocystis species to their hosts. Consequently, molecular diagnostic methods have been used in order to identify the infector species and the parasite specific biological cycles, demonstrating also new species and coevolutive aspects between parasite and host. Among the most employed molecular techniques the Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR), the nested-PCR and the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) stands out


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Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrinopathies among dogs characterized by hyperglycemia and if not treated properly can be fatal. It occurs by an absolute or relative insulin deficiency, which alters the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins Complications such as cataracts, recurrent infections, pancreatitis and ketoacidosis can arise with the development of the disease. Recognizing these will help the diagnosis, once in some dogs it is not always detected the classical signs of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and weight loss


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The yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is the etiologic agent of cryptococcosis, an infectious cosmopolitan disease that affects humans. Although rare, this disease is potentially fatal, especially for immunocompromised hosts. This pathogen is frequently isolated from excrements of pigeons and parrots, with many environmental sources such as birds, pigeon droppings, eucalyptus leaves, decaying trees, towers, churches and places of storage of grain (the port area). The isolation of this microorganism has been obtained also from the aquatic environment. The identification of environmental sources is needed to protect human health, especially susceptible populations such as immunocompromised. Therefore, this study investigated the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans in yeast isolates obtained from samples of sea water and sand from three regions of São Paulo: São Sebastião Channel, Santos and Ubatuba. Isolates were analyzed according to micro-and macroscopic characteristics and biochemical tests: microculture, urease, ink nankin, auxanograma, zymogram and phenol. We analyzed 199 isolates, 175 of which had features suggestive for Cryptococcus spp. in microculture. All these 175 isolates were sown in the Christensen urea middle to verify the production of urease and submitted to the technique nankin ink to visualize the capsule. Of these, only 24 were selected for the next test that was the auxanograma (assimilation of carbohydrate and nitrogen). Of the 24, 10 were tested in zymograms (fermented sugar), from which 5 were selected for the phenoloxidase test in medium containing dopamine. None of the 5 isolates tested had black or brown color characteristic of Cryptococcus neoformans. According to these tests, we arrived at 5 isolates identified to the genus Cryptococcus, but not the neoformans specie


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Feline hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease is a cholestatic syndrome that affects domestic cats and is characterized by excess fat accumulation in the liver of cats. Symptoms commonly seen with this syndrome are anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice, and occasionally behavioral or neurologic signs such as excessive drooling, blindness, coma, and seizures. The diagnosis is based on the patient history, clinical examination, complementary examination, and the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytology and/or histopathology of hepatic tissue. In serum biochemistry, the main findings include increased serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST) and bilirubin. The gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is normal or slightly increased. The cornerstone of therapy is aggressive feeding to supply the cat full caloric requirements. Without aggressive nutritional support and intensive monitoring the fatty liver disease can be fatal


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Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious complications of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in small animals (SILVA, 2006). It is an acute metabolic disorder, potentially fatal, both in humans and in dogs and cats with DM (BRUYETTE, 1997), being related, mostly, to insulin-dependent diabetics (CHASTAIN, 1981; HUME et al., 2006). DKA is a medical emergency characterized by extreme metabolic abnormalities, including hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, ketonemia, dehydration and electrolyte loss (MACINTIRE, 2006) and its diagnosis may be established basically by the detection of ketonuria and metabolic acidosis (NELSON, 2009). The primary purposes of the treatment of DKA are intravascular volume restoration, dehydration, acid-base and electrolyte’s imbalances correction and blood glucose concentration reduction (BOYSEN, 2008). The treatment’s success depends of the clinical status at the time of diagnosis and of the introduction of an appropriate therapy to the conditions of each patient (CHASTAIN, 1981)