726 resultados para Farman, Jason
Specimens of the patellogastropod limpet Patella caerulea were collected within (pHlow-shells) and outside (pHn-shells) a CO2 vent site at Ischia, Italy. Four pHlow-shells and four pHn-shells were sectioned transversally and scanned for polymorph distribution by means of confocal Raman microscopy. The pHlow-shells displayed a twofold increase in aragonite area fraction and size-normalised aragonite area. Size-normalised calcite area was halved in pHlow-shells. Taken together with the increased apical and the decreased flank size-normalised thickness of the pHlow-shells, these data led us to conclude that low-pH-exposed P. caerulea specimens counteract shell dissolution by enhanced shell production. This is different from normal elongation growth and proceeds through addition of aragonitic parts only, while the production of calcitic parts is confined to elongation growth. Therefore, aragonite cannot be regarded as a disadvantageous polymorph per se under ocean acidification conditions.
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 (central North Atlantic) records paleomagnetic directional and relative paleointensity (RPI) variations for the last 1.5 Myr, in 110 m of the sediment sequence at a mean sedimentation rate of 7.3 cm/kyr. A detailed benthic oxygen isotope record was combined with RPI to produce an integrated, high-resolution magneto-isotopic stratigraphy for Site U1308. Apart from the well-known polarity reversals in this interval, the Punaruu excursion is recorded at 1092 ka and the Cobb Mountain Subchron in the 1182-1208 ka interval. The paleointensity proxies are determined as slopes of NRM versus ARM and NRM versus ARMAQ (ARM acquisition) with linear correlation coefficients to monitor the quality of the linear fit. The RPI record for Site U1308 is compared with the three other paleointensity records (one from the Western Equatorial Pacific and two from the North Atlantic) that cover the same time interval and have accompanying oxygen isotope records. The Match protocol of Lisiecki and Lisiecki (2002) is used to optimize the correlation of paleointensity records. Beginning with the original (published) age models for each record, the Match routine is used to optimize the RPI correlations to Site U1308, with checks to ensure compatibility with oxygen isotope records. Squared wavelet coherence (WTC) indicates significant improvement in RPI (and oxygen isotope) correlations after matching each RPI record to Site U1308, particularly for periods > 10 kyr. The level of coherence for the Atlantic RPI records and the lower resolution Pacific record implies synchronous global variability (at scales > 10 kyr) that can be attributed to the axial dipole geomagnetic field.
The impacts of ocean acidification on coastal biofilms are poorly understood. Carbon dioxide vent areas provide an opportunity to make predictions about the impacts of ocean acidification. We compared biofilms that colonised glass slides in areas exposed to ambient and elevated levels of pCO2 along a coastal pH gradient, with biofilms grown at ambient and reduced light levels. Biofilm production was highest under ambient light levels, but under both light regimes biofilm production was enhanced in seawater with high pCO2. Uronic acids are a component of biofilms and increased significantly with high pCO2. Bacteria and Eukarya denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profile analysis showed clear differences in the structures of ambient and reduced light biofilm communities, and biofilms grown at high pCO2 compared with ambient conditions. This study characterises biofilm response to natural seabed CO2 seeps and provides a baseline understanding of how coastal ecosystems may respond to increased pCO2 levels.
The biostratigraphic distribution and qualitative relative abundance of Quaternary-Pliocene diatoms from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188, Sites 1165 (64.380°S, 67.219°E) and 1166 (67.696°S, 74.787°E) offshore from East Antarctica, are documented in this report. The upper ~50 meters below seafloor (mbsf) of Hole 1165B consists of brown diatom-bearing silty clay spanning the upper Pleistocene to lower Pliocene. The diatom stratigraphy indicates a disconformity at ~17.1 mbsf of 0.5- to 0.6-m.y. duration. The integration of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data identified other disconformities at ~6.0, 14.4, 15.6, and 16.0 mbsf, but the duration of these hiatuses cannot be resolved through diatom biostratigraphy. In Hole 1166A, a narrow interval of diatomaceous Quaternary sediment is identified in the upper 2.92 mbsf and dated biostratigraphically at <0.38 Ma. The remaining Quaternary-Pliocene section is dominated by diamicton, except at ~114 mbsf, where two thin diatomaceous beds are present. The lower bed is ~65 cm thick, 2.5-2.7 to 2.7-3.2 Ma in age, and possibly disconformably overlain by the upper bed, which is ~15 cm thick and 1.8-2.0 to 2.1-2.5 Ma in age. The Pliocene assemblages in Hole 1166A contain components of both Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental shelf (Ross Sea) diatom floras.
The Holocene Twin Slides form the most recent of recurrent mass wasting events along the NE portion of Gela Basin within the Sicily Channel, central Mediterranean Sea. Here, we present new evidence on the morphological evolution and stratigraphic context of this coeval slide complex based on deepdrilled sediment sequences providing a >100 ka paleo-oceanographic record. Both Northern (NTS) and Southern Twin Slide (STS) involve two failure stages, a debris avalanche and a translational slide, but are strongly affected by distinct preconditioning factors linked to the older and buried Father Slide. Core-acoustic correlations suggest that sliding occurred along sub-horizontal weak layers reflecting abrupt physical changes in lithology or mechanical properties. Our results show further that headwall failure predominantly took place along sub-vertical normal faults, partly through reactivation of buried Father Slide headscarps.
Ocean acidification is expected to alter marine systems, but there is uncertainty about its effects due to the logistical difficulties of testing its large-scale and long-term effects. Responses of biological communities to increases in carbon dioxide can be assessed at CO2 seeps that cause chronic exposure to lower seawater pH over localised areas of seabed. Shifts in macroalgal communities have been described at temperate and tropical pCO2 seeps, but temporal and spatial replication of these observations is needed to strengthen confidence our predictions, especially because very few studies have been replicated between seasons. Here we describe the seawater chemistry and seasonal variability of macroalgal communities at CO2 seeps off Methana (Aegean Sea). Monitoring from 2011 to 2013 showed that seawater pH decreased to levels predicted for the end of this century at the seep site with no confounding gradients in Total Alkalinity, salinity, temperature or wave exposure. Most nutrient levels were similar along the pH gradient; silicate increased significantly with decreasing pH, but it was not limiting for algal growth at all sites. Metal concentrations in seaweed tissues varied between sites but did not consistently increase with pCO2. Our data on the flora are consistent with results from laboratory experiments and observations at Mediterranean CO2 seep sites in that benthic communities decreased in calcifying algal cover and increased in brown algal cover with increasing pCO2. This differs from the typical macroalgal community response to stress, which is a decrease in perennial brown algae and proliferation of opportunistic green algae. Cystoseira corniculata was more abundant in autumn and Sargassum vulgare in spring, whereas the articulated coralline alga Jania rubens was more abundant at reference sites in autumn. Diversity decreased with increasing CO2 regardless of season. Our results show that benthic community responses to ocean acidification are strongly affected by season.