878 resultados para FIRE STATISTICS
It has been recently shown numerically that the transition from integrability to chaos in quantum systems and the corresponding spectral fluctuations are characterized by 1/f(alpha) noise with 1 <= alpha <= 2. The system of interacting trapped bosons is inhomogeneous and complex. The presence of an external harmonic trap makes it more interesting as, in the atomic trap, the bosons occupy partly degenerate single-particle states. Earlier theoretical and experimental results show that at zero temperature the low-lying levels are of a collective nature and high-lying excitations are of a single-particle nature. We observe that for few bosons, the P(s) distribution shows the Shnirelman peak, which exhibits a large number of quasidegenerate states. For a large number of bosons the low-lying levels are strongly affected by the interatomic interaction, and the corresponding level fluctuation shows a transition to a Wigner distribution with an increase in particle number. It does not follow Gaussian orthogonal ensemble random matrix predictions. For high-lying levels we observe the uncorrelated Poisson distribution. Thus it may be a very realistic system to prove that 1/f(alpha) noise is ubiquitous in nature.
Statistics is a required course in virtually all undergraduate programs in Brazilian universities. In addition, undergraduate programs in Statistics are offered in many public universities. However, despite the importance of this science, there are no systematic studies in the national literature regarding the characterization of the faculty staff, which is responsible for the teaching of statistics in the country. In this context, this paper presents a description of the faculty members of undergraduate courses in Statistics. This description was based on a descriptive sample, related to aspects of their education and scientific production. A prediction of future demand for PhDs in Statistics to fill the vacancies is also provided based on the retirement of faculty members in undergraduate courses in Statistics in the country.
The transient and equilibrium properties of dynamics unfolding in complex systems can depend critically on specific topological features of the underlying interconnections. In this work, we investigate such a relationship with respect to the integrate-and-fire dynamics emanating from a source node and an extended network model that allows control of the small-world feature as well as the length of the long-range connections. A systematic approach to investigate the local and global correlations between structural and dynamical features of the networks was adopted that involved extensive simulations (one and a half million cases) so as to obtain two-dimensional correlation maps. Smooth, but diverse surfaces of correlation values were obtained in all cases. Regarding the global cases, it has been verified that the onset avalanche time (but not its intensity) can be accurately predicted from the structural features within specific regions of the map (i.e. networks with specific structural properties). The analysis at local level revealed that the dynamical features before the avalanches can also be accurately predicted from structural features. This is not possible for the dynamical features after the avalanches take place. This is so because the overall topology of the network predominates over the local topology around the source at the stationary state.
It is a well-established fact that statistical properties of energy-level spectra are the most efficient tool to characterize nonintegrable quantum systems. The statistical behavior of different systems such as complex atoms, atomic nuclei, two-dimensional Hamiltonians, quantum billiards, and noninteracting many bosons has been studied. The study of statistical properties and spectral fluctuations in interacting many-boson systems has developed interest in this direction. We are especially interested in weakly interacting trapped bosons in the context of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) as the energy spectrum shows a transition from a collective nature to a single-particle nature with an increase in the number of levels. However this has received less attention as it is believed that the system may exhibit Poisson-like fluctuations due to the existence of an external harmonic trap. Here we compute numerically the energy levels of the zero-temperature many-boson systems which are weakly interacting through the van der Waals potential and are confined in the three-dimensional harmonic potential. We study the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution and the spectral rigidity by unfolding the spectrum. It is found that an increase in the number of energy levels for repulsive BEC induces a transition from a Wigner-like form displaying level repulsion to the Poisson distribution for P(s). It does not follow the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble prediction. For repulsive interaction, the lower levels are correlated and manifest level-repulsion. For intermediate levels P(s) shows mixed statistics, which clearly signifies the existence of two energy scales: external trap and interatomic interaction, whereas for very high levels the trapping potential dominates, generating a Poisson distribution. Comparison with mean-field results for lower levels are also presented. For attractive BEC near the critical point we observe the Shnirelman-like peak near s = 0, which signifies the presence of a large number of quasidegenerate states.
Portable system of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence was used to determine the elemental composition of 68 pottery fragments from Sambaqui do Bacanga, an archeological site in Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil. This site was occupied from 6600 BP until 900 BP. By determining the element chemical composition of those fragments, it was possible to verify the existence of engobe in 43 pottery fragments. Obtained from two-dimensional graphs and hierarchical cluster analysis performed in fragments of stratigraphies from surface and 113-cm level, and 10 to 20, 132 and 144-cm level, it was possible to group these fragments in five distinct groups, according to their stratigraphies. The results of data grouping (two-dimensional graphics) are in agreement with hierarchical cluster analysis by Ward method. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This thesis selects concrete, steel and their relation as research subjects, mainly commentary and discusses the property changes of steel and concrete materials under and after high temperature.The differences and comparisons of reasearch methods and ways between different researchers and different papers,particularly for chinese researches and chinese papers,and partly for comparison between chinese papers methods and Euro-Amercian papers methods about Fire Resistance Behavior of Reinforced Concrete will be summarized and analyzed.The researches on fire-resistance behavior of reinforced concrete become more and more important all over the world. And I would find differences between Chinese researches results, between Chinese researches results and other countries researches results.
Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.
The Spin-Statistics theorem states that the statistics of a system of identical particles is determined by their spin: Particles of integer spin are Bosons (i.e. obey Bose-Einstein statistics), whereas particles of half-integer spin are Fermions (i.e. obey Fermi-Dirac statistics). Since the original proof by Fierz and Pauli, it has been known that the connection between Spin and Statistics follows from the general principles of relativistic Quantum Field Theory. In spite of this, there are different approaches to Spin-Statistics and it is not clear whether the theorem holds under assumptions that are different, and even less restrictive, than the usual ones (e.g. Lorentz-covariance). Additionally, in Quantum Mechanics there is a deep relation between indistinguishabilty and the geometry of the configuration space. This is clearly illustrated by Gibbs' paradox. Therefore, for many years efforts have been made in order to find a geometric proof of the connection between Spin and Statistics. Recently, various proposals have been put forward, in which an attempt is made to derive the Spin-Statistics connection from assumptions different from the ones used in the relativistic, quantum field theoretic proofs. Among these, there is the one due to Berry and Robbins (BR), based on the postulation of a certain single-valuedness condition, that has caused a renewed interest in the problem. In the present thesis, we consider the problem of indistinguishability in Quantum Mechanics from a geometric-algebraic point of view. An approach is developed to study configuration spaces Q having a finite fundamental group, that allows us to describe different geometric structures of Q in terms of spaces of functions on the universal cover of Q. In particular, it is shown that the space of complex continuous functions over the universal cover of Q admits a decomposition into C(Q)-submodules, labelled by the irreducible representations of the fundamental group of Q, that can be interpreted as the spaces of sections of certain flat vector bundles over Q. With this technique, various results pertaining to the problem of quantum indistinguishability are reproduced in a clear and systematic way. Our method is also used in order to give a global formulation of the BR construction. As a result of this analysis, it is found that the single-valuedness condition of BR is inconsistent. Additionally, a proposal aiming at establishing the Fermi-Bose alternative, within our approach, is made.
Throughout the twentieth century statistical methods have increasingly become part of experimental research. In particular, statistics has made quantification processes meaningful in the soft sciences, which had traditionally relied on activities such as collecting and describing diversity rather than timing variation. The thesis explores this change in relation to agriculture and biology, focusing on analysis of variance and experimental design, the statistical methods developed by the mathematician and geneticist Ronald Aylmer Fisher during the 1920s. The role that Fisher’s methods acquired as tools of scientific research, side by side with the laboratory equipment and the field practices adopted by research workers, is here investigated bottom-up, beginning with the computing instruments and the information technologies that were the tools of the trade for statisticians. Four case studies show under several perspectives the interaction of statistics, computing and information technologies, giving on the one hand an overview of the main tools – mechanical calculators, statistical tables, punched and index cards, standardised forms, digital computers – adopted in the period, and on the other pointing out how these tools complemented each other and were instrumental for the development and dissemination of analysis of variance and experimental design. The period considered is the half-century from the early 1920s to the late 1960s, the institutions investigated are Rothamsted Experimental Station and the Galton Laboratory, and the statisticians examined are Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates.
It is usual to hear a strange short sentence: «Random is better than...». Why is randomness a good solution to a certain engineering problem? There are many possible answers, and all of them are related to the considered topic. In this thesis I will discuss about two crucial topics that take advantage by randomizing some waveforms involved in signals manipulations. In particular, advantages are guaranteed by shaping the second order statistic of antipodal sequences involved in an intermediate signal processing stages. The first topic is in the area of analog-to-digital conversion, and it is named Compressive Sensing (CS). CS is a novel paradigm in signal processing that tries to merge signal acquisition and compression at the same time. Consequently it allows to direct acquire a signal in a compressed form. In this thesis, after an ample description of the CS methodology and its related architectures, I will present a new approach that tries to achieve high compression by design the second order statistics of a set of additional waveforms involved in the signal acquisition/compression stage. The second topic addressed in this thesis is in the area of communication system, in particular I focused the attention on ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. An option to produce and decode UWB signals is direct-sequence spreading with multiple access based on code division (DS-CDMA). Focusing on this methodology, I will address the coexistence of a DS-CDMA system with a narrowband interferer. To do so, I minimize the joint effect of both multiple access (MAI) and narrowband (NBI) interference on a simple matched filter receiver. I will show that, when spreading sequence statistical properties are suitably designed, performance improvements are possible with respect to a system exploiting chaos-based sequences minimizing MAI only.
La complessa materia della prevenzione incendi può essere approcciata secondo due strategie sostanzialmente differenti. Da una parte, l’approccio di tipo deterministico, imperante in Italia, si concretizza nell’emanazione di norme estremamente prescrittive e nel ricorso da parte del progettista a strumenti di calcolo molto semplici. Il pregio maggiore di tale approccio risiede senza dubbio alcuno nella sua estrema semplicità, nella garanzia di una certa omogeneità di applicazione e nella possibilità di erogare in tempi ragionevoli una formazione uniforme ed accettabile ai controllori. Mentre il limite più evidente consiste nella rigidità, talora eccessiva, delle prescrizioni normative e nelle procedure di calcolo da adottare. Dall’altra, un approccio di tipo ingegneristico (Fire Safety Engineering), seguito per lo più nei paesi anglosassoni, si basa sulla predizione della dinamica evolutiva dell’incendio tramite l’applicazione di idonei modelli di calcolo fisicamente basati (physically sound). Punto di forza di questa seconda strategia è la sua estrema flessibilità, che consente la simulazione d’incendi di complessità anche molto elevata. Per contro i limiti più evidenti di tale approccio risiedono nella problematica validazione sperimentale dei modelli in argomento, data la natura distruttiva delle prove che andrebbero condotte, nella spinta preparazione richiesta ai professionisti ed ancor più ai controllori, dato il proliferare negli anni di modelli anche molto diversi tra loro, ed, infine, nel caso di raffinati modelli di campo, in un onere computazionale non sempre sostenibile con i PC di comune diffusione. Allo stato attuale in Italia il ricorso alla Fire Safety Engineering è di fatto circoscritto alle applicazioni per le quali non esiste una specifica norma prescrittiva, su tutte la valutazione del rischio in attività a rischio di incidente rilevante e la Fire Investigation; talora essa è impiegata anche per la valutazione della sicurezza equivalente in occasione di richiesta di deroga a norme prescrittive.
Lo sviluppo di un incendio all’interno di depositi di liquidi infiammabili costituisce uno scenario particolarmente critico a causa della rilevanza delle conseguenze che ne possono scaturire. L’incendio causato dalla formazione di grandi pozze sviluppatesi a seguito di forature dei contenitori e il rapido coinvolgimento di tutto lo stoccaggio rappresentano uno scenario di incendio tipico di queste realtà. Si ha quindi la necessità di adottare provvedimenti atti a garantire specifici obiettivi di sicurezza tramite l’introduzione di misure antincendio. La prevenzione incendi, sino al 2007, era basata esclusivamente su norme di tipo prescrittivo, in base alle quali si definivano le misure di sicurezza secondo un criterio qualitativo. Successivamente l’ingegneria antincendio si è sempre più caratterizzata da approcci basati su analisi di tipo prestazionale, in grado di dimostrare il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo di sicurezza sulla base del comportamento reale d’incendio ottenuto mediante un’accurata simulazione del fuoco che ragionevolmente può prodursi nell'attività. La modellazione degli incendi è divenuta possibile grazie allo sviluppo di codici di fluidodinamica computazionale (CFD), in grado di descrivere accuratamente l’evoluzione delle fiamme. Il presente studio si inserisce proprio nell’ambito della modellazione CFD degli incendi, eseguita mediante il software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). L’obiettivo dell’elaborato è studiare l’azione dell’impianto di spegnimento a schiuma sullo sviluppo di un incendio di pozza in un deposito di liquidi infiammabili, in termini di riduzione della potenza termica rilasciata dal fuoco, al fine di determinare le temperature massime raggiunte, in corrispondenza delle quali valutare il comportamento di resistenza strutturale degli edifici. Il presente lavoro è articolato in 6 capitoli. Dopo il Capitolo 1, avente carattere introduttivo, vengono richiamati nel Capitolo 2 i principali concetti della chimica e fisica degli incendi. Nel Capitolo 3 vengono esaminate le normative intese ad unificare l’approccio ingegneristico alla sicurezza antincendio. Il Capitolo 4 fornisce una dettagliata descrizione del software di calcolo, FDS - Fire Dynamics Simulator, adoperato per la modellazione dell’incendio. Nel Capitolo 5 si procede alla progettazione prestazionale che conduce alla determinazione della curva naturale d'incendio in presenza degli impianti di spegnimento automatici. Infine nel Capitolo 6 si riportano le considerazioni conclusive.
In questa tesi si è studiato l’insorgere di eventi critici in un semplice modello neurale del tipo Integrate and Fire, basato su processi dinamici stocastici markoviani definiti su una rete. Il segnale neurale elettrico è stato modellato da un flusso di particelle. Si è concentrata l’attenzione sulla fase transiente del sistema, cercando di identificare fenomeni simili alla sincronizzazione neurale, la quale può essere considerata un evento critico. Sono state studiate reti particolarmente semplici, trovando che il modello proposto ha la capacità di produrre effetti "a cascata" nell’attività neurale, dovuti a Self Organized Criticality (auto organizzazione del sistema in stati instabili); questi effetti non vengono invece osservati in Random Walks sulle stesse reti. Si è visto che un piccolo stimolo random è capace di generare nell’attività della rete delle fluttuazioni notevoli, in particolar modo se il sistema si trova in una fase al limite dell’equilibrio. I picchi di attività così rilevati sono stati interpretati come valanghe di segnale neurale, fenomeno riconducibile alla sincronizzazione.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di presentare una proposta di ritraduzione per i primi tre capitoli del primo romanzo di A Song of Ice and Fire. La scelta di questo tema è stata dettata dalla contestata traduzione ufficiale di quest'opera alla quale sono personalmente appassionato, e dal conseguente desiderio di sfruttare le conoscenze acquisite durante i miei studi per ovviare ai problemi della resa di Sergio Altieri. Il lavoro è sviluppato in tre capitoli e un'appendice. Nel primo capitolo vengono analizzate le problematiche generali legate alla traduzione. Viene inoltre presentata una sinossi all'opera per semplificare la lettura della tesi. Nel secondo capitolo vengono esaminati i problemi principali della traduzione di Altieri. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato al confronto tra l'opera originale, la traduzione ufficiale e la proposta di ritraduzione dei primi capitoli. In appendice è presente la mia traduzione integrale dei tre capitoli del romanzo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of high resolution CT to radiologically define teeth filling material properties in terms of Hounsfield units after high temperature exposure.