998 resultados para FIR laser lines


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In this paper we address the problem of extracting representative point samples from polygonal models. The goal of such a sampling algorithm is to find points that are evenly distributed. We propose star-discrepancy as a measure for sampling quality and propose new sampling methods based on global line distributions. We investigate several line generation algorithms including an efficient hardware-based sampling method. Our method contributes to the area of point-based graphics by extracting points that are more evenly distributed than by sampling with current algorithms


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A new procedure to find the limiting range of the photomultiplier linear response of a low-cost, digital oscilloscope-based time-resolved laser-induced luminescence spectrometer (TRLS), is presented. A systematic investigation on the instrument response function with different signal input terminations, and the relationship between the luminescence intensity reaching the photomultiplier and the measured decay time are described. These investigations establish that setting the maximum intensity of the luminescence signal below 0.3V guarantees, for signal input terminations equal or higher than 99.7 ohm, a linear photomultiplier response.


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Previous results concerning radiative emission under laser irradiation of silicon nanopowder are reinterpreted in terms of thermal emission. A model is developed that considers the particles in the powder as independent, so under vacuum the only dissipation mechanism is thermal radiation. The supralinear dependence observed between the intensity of the emitted radiation and laser power is predicted by the model, as is the exponential quenching when the gas pressure around the sample increases. The analysis allows us to determine the sample temperature. The local heating of the sample has been assessed independently by the position of the transverse optical Raman mode. Finally, it is suggested that the photoluminescence observed in porous silicon and similar materials could, in some cases, be blackbody radiation


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The chemical composition of the volatiles of Nectandra salicina growing wild in Costa Rica was determined by capillary GC/FID and GC/MS. Thirty-seven and forty-two compounds were identified in the leaf and branch oils respectively corresponding to about 92.6 and 86.2% of the total amount of the oils. The major components of the leaf oil were: atractylone (14.6%), viridiflorene (10.1%), α-pinene (9.4%), β-caryophyllene (7.2%), α-humulene (7.0%), δ-cadinene (6.1%), β-pinene (6.0%) and germacrene D (5.8%). The major components of the branch oil were: atractylone (21.1%), germacrene D (10.7%), viridiflorene (7.9%) and 7-epi-α-selinene (5.0%). When the oils were tested on different cell lines, all the LD50 values were higher than 150 µg/mL, with values very similar for the leaf and branch oils. Low toxicity could be explained by antagonistic effects among the main compounds present in the oils.


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The spectroscopic behavior of thioxanthone and benzil (diphenylethanedione or dibenzoyl) in the ionic liquid [bmim.PF6] has been investigated employing the laser flash photolysis technique. Triplet-triplet absorption spectra for these carbonyl compounds in [bmim.PF6] are similar to those observed in organic solvents. The triplet lifetime for thioxanthone in desogygenated samples is very long (71 μs), whereas in oxygen-saturated solution is 500 ns, which indicates the low oxygen solubility in this solvent. For benzil, lifetimes of 10 μs in [bmim.PF6] and 3.8 μs in acetonitrile were obtained. The decay for triplet thioxanthone and benzil follows a clear first order kinetics in [bmim.PF6], from which one can conclude that triplet-triplet annihilation is not an important decay process in this solvent.


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A series of 15 ω-aminoalkoxylxanthones containing methyl, ethyl, propyl, tert-butylamino and piperidinyl moieties were synthesized from a natural xanthone isolated from a lichen species. These compounds were tested for their in vitro antibacterial properties against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and cytotoxicity against a number of human tumor cell lines was too evaluated. The newly synthesized derivatives revealed selective activity against Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive), and the most promising results are for a multidrug resistant strain, for which six of these compounds showed good activity (MICs 4 µg/mL). Many derivatives inhibited tumor cells growth and most compounds were active on multiple lines.


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The main objective of this work was to evaluate the diversification of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) populations as a way to manage resistance to the sorghum anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum graminicola. A total of 18 three-way hybrids were obtained by crossing six single cross male-sterile F1 hybrids, derived by crossing A (non restorer sterile cytoplasm) and B (non restorer normal cytoplasm) lines, with three fertile R (restorer) lines, previously evaluated for their differential reaction to the pathogen. Variation in the level of resistance was observed, as indicated by the values of the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) obtained for each hybrid. Lines contributed differently to the level of resistance of each hybrid. All hybrids in which CMSXS169R was the male progenitor were classified as highly resistant. Some hybrids had a level of resistance superior to the maximum levels of each line component individually.


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Neste trabalho descreve-se a tecnologia envolvida na fabricação de um detector piroelétrico para aplicações na determinação da energia de feixe de lasers pulsados ou CW (onda contínua) modulados, utilizando-se do polímero Polifluoreto de Vinilideno PVDF. Os dados experimentais revelam que o detector tem resposta linear com a energia aplicada para o intervalo compreendido entre 0,4 a 6,8 mili-Joule/pulse para pulsos com largura temporal de 8,3 milissegundos.


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Foram realizados estudos para avaliar a microestrutura, a dureza e a resistência à corrosão do titânio comercialmente puro-Ti c.p. soldado por laser e utilizado na confecção de prótese sobre implantes. Verificou-se que na soldagem a laser a microestrutura apresentou três regiões distintas: o cordão de solda, a zona afetada pelo calor - ZAC e o metal base. O Ti c.p. possui microestrutura granular, a microestrutura do cordão de solda é mais refinada e de maior dureza do que o metal base. A ZAC obtida por este processo de soldagem foi relativamente pequena quando comparada com o processo de soldagem por brasagem. Os ensaios eletroquímicos mostraram que a região da solda apresentou menor resistência à corrosão em meio de NaCl 0,15 molL-1 à temperatura ambiente.


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Investigou-se o comportamento de juntas soldadas de uma liga a base de ouro utilizada na confecção de próteses odontológicas sobre implantes antes e após ser submetida ao processo de soldagem a laser. Constatou-se que houve uma mudança estrutural na região da solda e esta apresentou uma microestrutura dendrítica refinada e o metal base uma microestrutura granular bifásica com maior dureza e presença de precipitados de Au. Os ensaios eletroquímicos, em meio aerado de NaCl 0,15 molL-1 à temperatura ambiente, que simula as condições do ambiente oral, demonstraram que a junta soldada apresentou melhor desempenho frente à corrosão quando comparada ao metal base; provavelmente devida a estrutura metalúrgica desta região.


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Due to font problem on the tilte field the titlte of the thesis is corrected here. The title of the thesis is: Superconducting properties and their enhancement in ReBa2Cu3O7-delta (RE = Y and Gd) films prepared by pulsed laser deposition


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Cutting of thick section stainless steel and mild steel, and medium section aluminium using the high power ytterbium fibre laser has been experimentally investigated in this study. Theoretical models of the laser power requirement for cutting of a metal workpiece and the melt removal rate were also developed. The calculated laser power requirement was correlated to the laser power used for the cutting of 10 mm stainless steel workpiece and 15 mm mild steel workpiece using the ytterbium fibre laser and the CO2 laser. Nitrogen assist gas was used for cutting of stainless steel and oxygen was used for mild steel cutting. It was found that the incident laser power required for cutting at a given cutting speed was lower for fibre laser cutting than for CO2 laser cutting indicating a higher absorptivity of the fibre laser beam by the workpiece and higher melting efficiency for the fibre laser beam than for the CO2 laser beam. The difficulty in achieving an efficient melt removal during high speed cutting of the 15 mmmild steel workpiece with oxygen assist gas using the ytterbium fibre laser can be attributed to the high melting efficiency of the ytterbium fibre laser. The calculated melt flow velocity and melt film thickness correlated well with the location of the boundary layer separation point on the 10 mm stainless steel cut edges. An increase in the melt film thickness caused by deceleration of the melt particles in the boundary layer by the viscous shear forces results in the flow separation. The melt flow velocity increases with an increase in assist gas pressure and cut kerf width resulting in a reduction in the melt film thickness and the boundary layer separation point moves closer to the bottom cut edge. The cut edge quality was examined by visual inspection of the cut samples and measurement of the cut kerf width, boundary layer separation point, cut edge squareness (perpendicularity) deviation, and cut edge surface roughness as output quality factors. Different regions of cut edge quality in 10 mm stainless steel and 4 mm aluminium workpieces were defined for different combinations of cutting speed and laserpower.Optimization of processing parameters for a high cut edge quality in 10 mmstainless steel was demonstrated


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The aim of the study was to create an easily upgradable product costing model for laser welded hollow core steel panels to help in pricing decisions. The theory section includes a literature review to identify traditional and modern cost accounting methodologies, which are used by manufacturing companies. The theory section also presents the basics of steel panel structures and their manufacturing methods and manufacturing costs based on previous research. Activity-Based costing turned out to be the most appropriate methodology for the costing model because of wide product variations. Activity analysis and the determination of cost drivers based on observations and interviews were the key steps in the creation of the model. The created model was used to test how panel parameters affect the costs caused by the main manufacturing stages and materials. By comparing cost structures, it was possible to find the panel types that are the most economic and uneconomic to manufacture. A sensitivity analysis proved that the model gives sufficiently reliable cost information to support pricing decisions. More reliable cost information could be achieved by determining the cost drivers more accurately. Alternative methods for manufacturing the cores were compared with the model. The comparison proved that roll forming can be more advantageous and flexible than press brake bending. However, more extensive research showed that roll forming is possible only when the cores are designed to be manufactured by roll forming. Due to that fact, when new panels are designed consideration should be given to the possibility of using roll forming.