929 resultados para English drama--17th century.


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A letter from dancer Marie Salle to her patroness dated 1731 reveals her ambitions to dance at the English opera.


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This paper investigates the inter-twining histories of two highly successful broadside ballads during the seventeenth century. Neither has been systematically studied before. A set of cultural relationships is opened for consideration by these songs: first, between the two ballads, which are different in several ways but set to the same tune; second, between the selected songs and other ballads on comparable themes; and third, between different editions of the two featured songs. In discussing each of these relationships, attention is paid not only to the texts but to the pictures and the tunes that helped to bring balladry to life for early-modern consumers. It is argued that balladry should be studied as an interconnected web and that individual publications drew significance from the manner in which they associated themselves – through shared pictures, tunes and narratives – with other examples of the genre.


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Abstract: The project for researching the role played by libraries in canon-formation (namely through their policies regarding the creation, organization, preservation, and utilization of the collections) will be presented and discussed. We selected the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Lisbon University, a modern academic library, created in 1859, by royal decree of D. Pedro V, following his canonical choice. Actually, the two contemporary rulers of new Britannia— Prince Albert, his cousin, and Queen Victoria—held this king in high consideration for his outstanding contribution to Portuguese modernisation. Representing various fields of study, the collections were decisive to canon-formation in the Faculty of Humanities. Thus, we have been trying to answer the following questions: who has been creating, organizing, preserving, and utilizing the collections, from the mid-nineteenth century onwards? When, where and how? Presently, we are studying the collections in English, namely the works belonging or referring to the long nineteenth century. Richard Garnett’s “The International Library of Famous Literature” (London, 1899) is our first case-study. The anthology determined the Western literary, cultural and visual canon at the turning of the century, as evidenced by comparing it to the Portuguese and Spanish editions, published at the beginning of the twentieth century.


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Chinese media in the context of China's rise have puzzled many scholars who used to understand media and communications phenomena by employing the theories generated from a few affluent Western democracies, notably the US. As a result, a complex but more accurate picture has been ignored. Under numerous theoretical polarizations, the contemporary social world seems little changed but polarized. This thesis aims to propose a different approach endeavoring to 'de-Westernize' or 'internationalize' media and communications studies. As a starting point, this study focuses on the globalization debate, Chinese media and news agency studies. The thesis has investigated the Chinese news agency, Xinhua, by employing Fuzzy Logic which captures the complexity of the change in the agency's business structure and journalistic practices over last 25 years. The change is also examined by scrutinizing the role of journalists in the interrelations of Xinhua with its news sources, media and nonmedia clients, and other news agencies. A combination of archive study and 94 semistructured interviews conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau and London provides an inclusive account of the Chinese news institution. The key research findings drawn from the empirical research into Xinhua have justified the central argument of this thesis: Crisp Logic or the 'either/or' approach has failed to explain the dynamics of the change to the media system based in a 'non-Western' society. The numerous theoretical polarizations generated by Crisp Logic to a large extent have distorted the understanding of the contemporary social world by polarizing it. Fuzzy Logic serves better(though it is not the only choice)than the traditional approach to reflect on the set of variables existing between the two poles created by Crisp Logic. This thesis is the first doctorate research in the UK and other English-speaking countries to investigate Xinhua by 'going inside' the news institution's headquarters, local branches and overseas bureaus. This is the first comprehensive academic study of the agency, which not only examines the agency's recent change in business structure and journalistic practices, but also provides a historical account of the agency and its relationship with other social institutions. This is the first media study that employs Fuzzy Logic to understand the globalization theory, Chinese media and news agencies.


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The origins of the vast majority of the words we use in contemporary English go back as far as Old or Middle English. In contrast, alright and all right in their present-day application appear to be the result of a more recent evolution, as there is no evidence of their use, not even in the two-word form, in the published fiction before the 18th century. Furthermore, there are not in the research literature, at least to my knowledge, any previous linguistic studies on this specific subject matter. The present article is simply an attempt to describe the various processes of diachronic change that brought about the emergence of alright.


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Previous research has suggested that drama has positive effects on learners' oral communication and anxiety; however, it is unclear which dimensions, or to what extent, they are affected by drama. This research narrows the investigation by examining how a drama-based EFL program impacts three dimensions of oral communication: fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness, and one anxiety factor - foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA) -, over time. Speech samples were collected from EFL learners in a treatment and a control group, and subsequently assessed by untrained Canadian-born raters. FLSA levels were measured through questionnaires and interviews. Pre- and post-test analysis indicate that learners in the treatment group made significant gains in oral fluency while oral fluency among learners in the control group remained unchanged. There was a significant reduction in FLSA levels among learners in both groups. Finally, qualitative analyses suggest that drama activities, among others, enhance learners' comfort levels in speaking English.


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«Construire hors limite: collisions fantastiques entre corps et machines dans la littérature fin-de-siècle française et anglaise» explore un ensemble de textes qui ont surgi à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle en réponse et en réaction à la fulgurante évolution de l’environnement scientifique et technologique, et qui considèrent la relation entre l’homme et la machine en fantasmant sur la zone grise où ils s’intersectent. Les principaux textes étudiés comprennent L’Ève future de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Le Surmâle d’Alfred Jarry, Trilby de George Du Maurier, Le Château des Carpathes de Jules Verne, ainsi qu’une sélection de contes dont nous pouvons qualifier de «contes à appareils», notamment «La Machine à parler» de Marcel Schwob. Utilisant la théorie des systèmes comme base méthodologique, cette dissertation cherche à réinterpréter les textes de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle qui naviguent les limites de l’humain et du mécanique et les surfaces sensibles où ils se touchent et interagissent en les réinscrivant dans un projet plus vaste de construction d’identité qui défie le temps chronologique et les échelles mathématiques. Le lien entre la théorie des systèmes et l’architecture – comme méthode d’organisation d’espace blanc en espace habitable – est exploré dans le but de comprendre la manière dont nous façonnons et interprétons le néant à l’origine de l’identité individuelle, et par association collective, en pratiquant littéralement la schématisation et la construction du corps. Des auteurs tels Villiers et Jarry imaginent la construction du corps comme une entreprise scientifique nécessairement fondée et réalisée avec les matériaux et les technologies disponibles, pour ensuite démanteler cette proposition en condamnant le corps technologique à la destruction. La construction d’une identité amplifiée par la technologie prend donc des proportions prométhéennes perpétuellement redessinées dans des actes cycliques de rasage (destruction) et d’érection (édification), et reflétées dans l’écriture palimpsestique du texte. L’intégrité du corps organique étant mis en question, le noyau même de ce que signifie l’être (dans son sens de verbe infinitif) humain pourrait bien s’avérer, si l’on considère la correspondance entre perte de voix et état pathologique dans les textes de Du Maurier, Verne et Schwob, être une structure des plus précaires, distinctement hors sens (unsound).


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Cette étude se penche sur les représentations des Néerlandais véhiculées par les chroniques missionnaires écrites par les religieux français de passage aux Antilles et sur la Côte Sauvage sud-américaine au XVIIe siècle et au début du XVIIIe siècle. En repérant et en analysant l’évolution de ces représentations, il appert que l’altérité néerlandaise était, entre 1640 et 1670, l’altérité européenne que les chroniqueurs religieux mettaient avantageusement de l’avant comme modèle de réussite économique et colonial pour modeler l’entreprise de colonisation française aux Antilles. C’est notamment le cas des écrits du dominicain Jean-Baptiste du Tertre (1654, 1667-1671), missionnaire bien au fait de l’altérité néerlandaise. Cependant, avec la marginalisation de la présence néerlandaise dans les Petites Antilles à la fin du xviie siècle, l’examen de la chronique de Jean-Baptiste Labat (1722) révèle que l’altérité néerlandaise a été remplacée par l’altérité anglaise lorsqu’il s’agit de proposer un modèle de réussite économique et colonial aux Français.


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Leigh Hunt's authorship of "A legend of Florence" (1840) — a drama inspired by the rich cultural, intellectual, and political climate of Italy — reflects, as Michael Eberle-Sinatra demonstrates in the final essay of the first section, not only a literary exchange between England and Italy, but argues that during the creation of his play, Hunt engaged in his own version of border crossing as he managed the transition between writing about and writing for the stage. A complex maneuver that required Hunt to rech beyond his own intellectual boundaries, the shift from critic to dramatist challenged and enriched his thoughts regarding the work of the theater.


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Este trabajo explica las razones por las cuales China se estrecha sus vinculos con Afirca. El tema principal es el inicio de la relacion sino-sudanesa y la evolucion de esta hasta el fin de la guerra civil en Sudan.


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Manuel Ancízar published in 1851 his Lectures on Psychology. The text has been a representative of the interests of Colombian intellectuals of the time for discipline. The treatise of the history of psychology Colombia have considered the nineteenth century as a period characterized by a poorly conceived attempt to import some emerging professional practices of psychiatric and educational type. However, the work of Ancízar showed large exhibition on the subject matter of psychology: human consciousness and the theories that support the formation of the new science. The core of the work is oriented towards the secular drama, against which Ancízar defended the supernatural origin and nature of the human soul. The author introduced an eclectic psychology in which, the secular orientation of modern ideas are integrated with the conception of the soul as a divine gift. The reading of the work has been outstanding and indispensable work for understanding ancient and autochthonous forms of access to psychological issues.


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Presenta consejos prácticos sobre cómo utilizar el teatro en el aula de ELT (English language teaching) para el aprendizaje de la comunicación oral; para enseñar literatura, para mejorar la pronunciación y aumentar la confianza del alumno en el inglés hablado. Ofrece ideas originales y pautas realistas para la creación de un proyecto teatral a gran escala, desde las improvisaciones iniciales hasta la representación final.


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Las dos principales secciones de este cuaderno de ejercicios están diseñadas para ayudar a los estudiantes a adquirir experiencia para el AQA examen de Literatura Inglesa de enseñanza secundaria y así conseguir el GCSE (Certificado General de Educación Secundaria). El cuadernillo contiene material y ejercicios que tienen por objeto mejorar el nivel de habilidades de los estudiantes. Los temas del cuadernillo son: la prosa moderna o el drama, extractos de prosa: Bleak House y Oliver Twist de Charles Dickens, explorando culturas.


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Samuel Beckett was arguably one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Known for his stage plays, including the renowned En attendant Godot (1948), Beckett’s contribution to the field of radio drama is often overlooked. His corpus of radio dramas included some of the most innovativeradio works of the post-World War II period. For Beckett, radio drama was not exclusively verbocentric, for he always maintained that his work was “a matter of fundamental sounds (no joke intended) made as fully as possible” (Frost 362). His (radio) drama aesthetics defined a strict hierarchy of sound whereby the dramatist balances sound effects, music and the characters’ dialogue – and the use of silence. In this essay, I examine the juxtaposition of sound and silence in Samuel Beckett’s most influential radio dramas: All That Fall, Embers, Words and Music and Cascando. In the end, this essay will show that the sounds and silence employed in Beckett’s radio dramatic works were inextricably linked, which added to the overall meaning of his dramas.