992 resultados para Efficient estimation
We present a new branch and bound algorithm for weighted Max-SAT, called Lazy which incorporates original data structures and inference rules, as well as a lower bound of better quality. We provide experimental evidence that our solver is very competitive and outperforms some of the best performing Max-SAT and weighted Max-SAT solvers on a wide range of instances.
AIMS: Estimating the effect of a nursing intervention in home-dwelling older adults on the occurrence and course of delirium and concomitant cognitive and functional impairment. METHODS: A randomized clinical pilot trial using a before/after design was conducted with older patients discharged from hospital who had a medical prescription to receive home care. A total of 51 patients were randomized into the experimental group (EG) and 52 patients into the control group (CG). Besides usual home care, nursing interventions were offered by a geriatric nurse specialist to the EG at 48 h, 72 h, 7 days, 14 days, and 21 days after discharge. All patients were monitored for symptoms of delirium using the Confusion Assessment Method. Cognitive and functional statuses were measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Katz and Lawton Index. RESULTS: No statistical differences with regard to symptoms of delirium (p = 0.085), cognitive impairment (p = 0.151), and functional status (p = 0.235) were found between the EG and CG at study entry and at 1 month. After adjustment, statistical differences were found in favor of the EG for symptoms of delirium (p = 0.046), cognitive impairment (p = 0.015), and functional status (p = 0.033). CONCLUSION: Nursing interventions to detect delirium at home are feasible and accepted. The nursing interventions produced a promising effect to improve delirium.
ZnO nanorods grown by both high temperature vapour phase transport and low temperature chemical bath deposition are very promising sources for UV third harmonic generation. Material grown by both methods show comparable efficiencies, in both cases an order of magnitude higher than surface third harmonic generation at the quartz-air interface of a bare quartz substrate. This result is in stark contrast to the linear optical properties of ZnO nanorods grown by these two methods, which show vastly different PL efficiencies. The third harmonic generated signal is analysed using intensity dependent measurements and interferometric frequency resolved optical gating, allowing extraction of the laser pulse parameters. The comparable levels of efficiency of ZnO grown by these very different methods as sources for third harmonic UV generation provides a broad suite of possible growth methods to suit various substrates, coverage and scalability requirements. Potential application areas range from interferometric frequency resolved optical gating characterization of few cycle fs pulses to single cell UV irradiation for biophysical studies.
The phyllochron is defined as the time required for the appearance of successive leaves on a plant; this characterises plant growth, development and adaptation to the environment. To check the growth and adaptation in cultivars of strawberry grown intercropped with fig trees, it was estimated the phyllochron in these production systems and in the monocrop. The experiment was conducted in greenhouses at the University of Passo Fundo (28º15'41'' S, 52º24'45'' W and 709 m) from June 8th to September 4th, 2009; this comprised the period of transplant until the 2nd flowering. The cultivars Aromas, Camino Real, Albion, Camarosa and Ventana, which seedlings were originated from the Agrícola LLahuen Nursery in Chile, as well as Festival, Camino Real and Earlibrite, originated from the Viansa S.A. Nursery in Argentina, were grown in white polyethylene bags filled with commercial substrate (Tecnomax®) and evaluated. The treatments were arranged in a randomised block design and four replicates were performed. A linear regression was realized between the leaf number (LN) in the main crown and the accumulated thermal time (ATT). The phyllochron (degree-day leaf-1) was estimated as the inverse of the angular coefficient of the linear regression. The data were submitted to ANOVA, and when significance was observed, the means were compared using the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The mean and standard deviation of phyllochrons of strawberry cultivars intercropped with fig trees varied from 149.35ºC day leaf-1 ± 31.29 in the Albion cultivar to 86.34ºC day leaf-1 ± 34.74 in the Ventana cultivar. Significant differences were observed among cultivars produced in a soilless environment with higher values recorded for Albion (199.96ºC day leaf-1 ± 29.7), which required more degree-days to produce a leaf, while cv. Ventana (85.76ºC day leaf-1 ± 11.51) exhibited a lower phyllochron mean value. Based on these results, Albion requires more degree-days to issue a leaf as compared to cv. Ventana. It was conclude that strawberry cultivars can be grown intercropped with fig trees (cv. Roxo de Valinhos).
Resveratrol has been shown to have beneficial effects on diseases related to oxidant and/or inflammatory processes and extends the lifespan of simple organisms including rodents. The objective of the present study was to estimate the dietary intake of resveratrol and piceid (R&P) present in foods, and to identify the principal dietary sources of these compounds in the Spanish adult population. For this purpose, a food composition database (FCDB) of R&P in Spanish foods was compiled. The study included 40 685 subjects aged 35-64 years from northern and southern regions of Spain who were included in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Spain cohort. Usual food intake was assessed by personal interviews using a computerised version of a validated diet history method. An FCDB with 160 items was compiled. The estimated median and mean of R&P intake were 100 and 933 mg/d respectively. Approximately, 32% of the population did not consume RΠ The most abundant of the four stilbenes studied was trans-piceid (53·6 %), followed by trans-resveratrol (20·9 %), cis-piceid (19·3 %) and cis-resveratrol (6·2 %). The most important source of R&P was wines (98·4 %) and grape and grape juices (1·6 %), whereas peanuts, pistachios and berries contributed to less than 0·01 %. For this reason the pattern of intake of R&P was similar to the wine pattern. This is the first time that R&P intake has been estimated in a Mediterranean country.
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää kustannustehokkaita keinoja uuteaineiden vähentämiseksi koivusulfaattimassasta. Uuteaineet voivat aiheuttaa ongelmia muodostaessaan saostumia prosessilaitteisiin. Saostumat aiheuttavat tukkeumia ja mittaushäiriöitä, mutta irrotessaan ne myös huonontavat sellun laatua. Lopputuotteeseen joutuessaan ne voivat lisäksi aiheuttaa haju- ja makuhaittoja, joilla on erityistä merkitystä esimerkiksi valmistettaessa elintarvikekartonkeja. Tämä työ tehtiin Stora Enson sellutehtaalla, Enocell Oy:llä, Uimaharjussa. Teoriaosassa käsiteltiin uuteaineiden koostumusta ja niiden aiheuttamia ongelmia sellu– ja paperitehtaissa. Lisäksi koottiin aikaisempien tehdaskokeiden fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia keinoja vähentää koivu-uutetta. Tarkastelualueina olivat puunkäsittely, keitto, pesemö ja valkaisu. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin esikokeita laboratorio- ja tehdasmittakaavassa, jotta saavutettaisiin käytännöllistä tietoa itse lopuksi tehtävää tehdasmittakaavan koetta varten. Laboratoriokokeissa tutkittiin mm. keiton kappaluvun, lisäaineiden ja hartsisaippuan vaikutusta koivu-uutteeseen. Lisäksi suoritettiin myös happo- (A) ja peretikkahappovaiheen (Paa) laboratoriokokeet. Tehdasmittakaavassa tarkasteltiin mm. keiton kappaluvun, pesemön lämpötilan, A-vaiheen, valkaisun peroksidi- ja Paa-vaiheen vaikutusta koivu-uutteeseen. Uutteenpoistotehokkuutta eri menetelmien välillä vertailtiin niin määrällisesti kuin rahallisesti. Uutteenpoistotehokkuudella mitattuna vertailuvaihe oli tehokkain pesemön loppuvaiheessa ja valkaisun alkuvaiheessa. Pesemön loppuvaiheessa uutteenpoistoreduktiot olivat noin 30 % ja valkaisun alkuvaiheessa 40 %. Peroksidivaihe oli tehokkain käytettynä valkaisun loppuvaiheessa noin 40 % reduktiolla. Kustannustehokkuudella mitattuna tehokkaimmaksi osoittautui A-vaihe yhdessä peroksidivaiheen kanssa. Säästöt vertailujaksoon verrattuna olivat noin 0.3 €/ADt. Lisäksi kyseinen yhdistelmä osoittautui hyväksi keinoksi säilyttää uutetaso alle maksimirajan kuitulinja 2:lla, kun kuitulinjalla 1 tuotettiin samanaikaisesti armeeraussellua.
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that can measure cardiac-related intra-thoracic impedance changes. EIT-based cardiac output estimation relies on the assumption that the amplitude of the impedance change in the ventricular region is representative of stroke volume (SV). However, other factors such as heart motion can significantly affect this ventricular impedance change. In the present case study, a magnetic resonance imaging-based dynamic bio-impedance model fitting the morphology of a single male subject was built. Simulations were performed to evaluate the contribution of heart motion and its influence on EIT-based SV estimation. Myocardial deformation was found to be the main contributor to the ventricular impedance change (56%). However, motion-induced impedance changes showed a strong correlation (r = 0.978) with left ventricular volume. We explained this by the quasi-incompressibility of blood and myocardium. As a result, EIT achieved excellent accuracy in estimating a wide range of simulated SV values (error distribution of 0.57 ± 2.19 ml (1.02 ± 2.62%) and correlation of r = 0.996 after a two-point calibration was applied to convert impedance values to millilitres). As the model was based on one single subject, the strong correlation found between motion-induced changes and ventricular volume remains to be verified in larger datasets.
The growth of five variables of the tibia (diaphyseal length, diaphyseal length plus distal epiphysis, condylo-malleolar length, sagittal diameter of the proximal epiphysis, maximum breadth of the distal epiphysis) were analysed using polynomial regression in order to evaluate their significance and capacity for age and sex determination during and after growth. Data were collected from 181 (90♂ and 91♀) individuals ranging from birth to 25 years of age and belonging to three documented collections from Western Europe. Results indicate that all five variables exhibit linear behaviour during growth, which can be expressed by a first-degree polynomial function. Sexual significant differences were observed from age 15 onward in the two epiphysis measurements and condylo-malleolar length, suggesting that these three variables could be useful for sex determination in individuals older than 15 years. Strong correlation coefficients were identified between the five tibial variables and age. These results indicate that any of the studied tibial measurements is likely to serve as a useful source for estimating sub-adult age in both archaeological and forensic samples.
We propose a novel formulation to solve the problem of intra-voxel reconstruction of the fibre orientation distribution function (FOD) in each voxel of the white matter of the brain from diffusion MRI data. The majority of the state-of-the-art methods in the field perform the reconstruction on a voxel-by-voxel level, promoting sparsity of the orientation distribution. Recent methods have proposed a global denoising of the diffusion data using spatial information prior to reconstruction, while others promote spatial regularisation through an additional empirical prior on the diffusion image at each q-space point. Our approach reconciles voxelwise sparsity and spatial regularisation and defines a spatially structured FOD sparsity prior, where the structure originates from the spatial coherence of the fibre orientation between neighbour voxels. The method is shown, through both simulated and real data, to enable accurate FOD reconstruction from a much lower number of q-space samples than the state of the art, typically 15 samples, even for quite adverse noise conditions.
(S)-2-(4-Bromo-2,4"-bithiazole)-1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)pyrrolidine ((S)-1) was obtained as a single enantiomer and in high yield by means of a two-step modified Hantzsch thiazole synthesis reaction when bromoketone 3 and thioamide (S)-4 were used. Further conversion of (S)-1 into trimethyltin derivative (S)-2 broadens the scope for further cross-coupling reactions.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää tutkittavan insinööriyksikön projektien kustannusestimointiprosessia, siten että yksikön johdolla olisi tulevaisuudessa käytettävänään tarkempaa kustannustietoa. Jotta tämä olisi mahdollista, ensin täytyi selvittää yksikön toimintatavat, projektien kustannusrakenteet sekä kustannusatribuutit. Tämän teki mahdolliseksi projektien kustannushistoriatiedon tutkiminen sekä asiantuntijoiden haastattelu. Työn tuloksena syntyi kohdeyksikön muiden prosessien kanssa yhteensopiva kustannusestimointiprosessi sekä –malli.Kustannusestimointimenetelmän ja –mallin perustana on kustannusatribuutit, jotka määritellään erikseen tutkittavassa ympäristössä. Kustannusatribuutit löydetään historiatietoa tutkimalla, eli analysoimalla jo päättyneitä projekteja, projektien kustannusrakenteita sekä tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet kustannusten syntyyn. Tämän jälkeen kustannusatribuuteille täytyy määritellä painoarvot sekä painoarvojen vaihteluvälit. Estimointimallin tarkuutta voidaan parantaa mallin kalibroinnilla. Olen käyttänyt Goal – Question – Metric (GQM) –menetelmää tutkimuksen kehyksenä.
Kuvien laatu on tutkituimpia ja käytetyimpiä aiheita. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan värin laatu ja spektrikuvia. Työssä annetaan yleiskuva olemassa olevista pakattujen ja erillisten kuvien laadunarviointimenetelmistä painottaen näiden menetelmien soveltaminen spektrikuviin. Tässä työssä esitellään spektriväriulkomuotomalli värikuvien laadunarvioinnille. Malli sovelletaan spektrikuvista jäljennettyihin värikuviin. Malli pohjautuu sekä tilastolliseen spektrikuvamalliin, joka muodostaa yhteyden spektrikuvien ja valokuvien parametrien välille, että kuvan yleiseen ulkomuotoon. Värikuvien tilastollisten spektriparametrien ja fyysisten parametrien välinen yhteys on varmennettu tietokone-pohjaisella kuvamallinnuksella. Mallin ominaisuuksien pohjalta on kehitetty koekäyttöön tarkoitettu menetelmä värikuvien laadunarvioinnille. On kehitetty asiantuntija-pohjainen kyselymenetelmä ja sumea päättelyjärjestelmä värikuvien laadunarvioinnille. Tutkimus osoittaa, että spektri-väri –yhteys ja sumea päättelyjärjestelmä soveltuvat tehokkaasti värikuvien laadunarviointiin.
Electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings are, most of the times, corrupted by spurious artifacts, which should be rejected or cleaned by the practitioner. As human scalp EEG screening is error-prone, automatic artifact detection is an issue of capital importance, to ensure objective and reliable results. In this paper we propose a new approach for discrimination of muscular activity in the human scalp quantitative EEG (QEEG), based on the time-frequency shape analysis. The impact of the muscular activity on the EEG can be evaluated from this methodology. We present an application of this scoring as a preprocessing step for EEG signal analysis, in order to evaluate the amount of muscular activity for two set of EEG recordings for dementia patients with early stage of Alzheimer’s disease and control age-matched subjects.
Yritysidentiteetistä on monta eri näkemystä ja yleisesti hyväksyttyä määritelmää ei ole olemassa. Monia eri näkemyksiä käsitellään tässä tutkielmassa. Vaikka yritysidentiteettiä ei olekaan helppo mitata, on tätä varten kuitenkin kehitetty useampia metodeja. Identiteetin viestintä vaati strategisia päätöksiä ennen kuin viestintää voidaan tehdä. Viestinnän integrointi on avainasemassa identiteetin viestinnässä. Hyvin hoidettu ja kommunikoitu yritysidentiteetti voi johtaa useisiin hyötyihin organisaatiolle. Kuitenkaan nämä hyödyt eivät näy kovin nopeasti, koska yritysidentiteetin viestintä on pitkän tähtäimen prosessi.