808 resultados para ERE


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The açai palm is a Brazilian native species and economically important, grown for the hearts of palm and fruit extraction, as well as the seedling production for ornamental purposes. The weed control is one of the concerns observed in seedling production, which has the artillery plant (Pilea microphylla) with the major and widespread occurrence. Thus, the aim of this trial was to evaluate the selectivity and efficacy of oxyfluorfen in artillery plant control in açai (Euterpe oleracea) seedlings. The experimental design was completely randomized. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial scheme, using 2 types of herbicide application: broadcast spraying (sprayed over total area) and spot spraying (directed to the target) and 3 oxyfluorfen dosages (0, 72 and 144 g of active ingredient ha-1) with four replications. Each experimental unit consisted by one açai palm pot infested by artillery plant. They ere visually evaluated for seedling toxicity and the weed control percentage, at 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after application (DAA). There was 100% control of artillery plant from 15 to 60 DAA for the two tested dosages, regardless of application type. However, 100% control was observed at 7 days, using 1.5 L ha-1 in the spot type. The effects of phytotoxicity from 30 to 60 days was moderate, regardless the application method or dosage.


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A search is performed for heavy resonances decaying to two long-lived massive neutral particles, each decaying to leptons. The experimental signature is a distinctive topology consisting of a pair of oppositely charged leptons originating at a separated secondary vertex. Events were collected by the CMS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV, and selected from data samples corresponding to 4.1 (5.1) fb-1 of integrated luminosity in the electron (muon) channel. No significant excess is observed above standard model expectations, and an upper limit is set with 95% confidence level on the production cross section times the branching fraction to leptons, as a function of the long-lived massive neutral particle lifetime. Copyright CERN.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Apresenta aspectos semânticos, morfossintáticos e morfológicos das palavras descritivas da língua Apurinã (Aruák), isto é, palavras que comumente são traduzidas como adjetivos nas línguas européias. Algumas dessas palavras recebem a marca de sujeito pronominal (ex. unatxitapeka 'ela está com fome'); outras recebem a marca de objeto (ex. ere-ru 'ela é bonita'); e outras podem receber tanto uma como a outra (ex. ny-pĩkareta eu estou com medo vs. papĩkare-nu eu sou medroso). A primeira questão aqui tratada foi quanto ao lugar das palavras descritivas nas partes do discurso Apurinã (são nomes, são verbos ou formam uma classe independente?). Utilizando evidências internas da língua, inicialmente estabelecemos uma classificação gramatical para essas palavras a partir de suas propriedades morfológicas em comparação aos nomes e verbos na língua, de modo a nos permitir responder a essa questão. A segunda questão foi sobre os correlatos semânticos das palavras descritivas. Considerando a divisão interna das palavras descritivas em Apurinã (subjetivas vs. objetivas), apresentamos as propriedades semânticas associadas a cada grupo e, a partir disso, apresentamos uma tentativa de motivar o subagrupamento de conceitos descritivos na língua com base nas noções aspectuais de transitoriedade e permanência. Finalmente, o fenômeno gramatical descrito é contextualizado dentro da tipologia de sistemas de intransitividade cindida descrito para outras línguas (PAYNE: 1997), e a descrição de suas propriedades semânticas é situada em relação à tipologia de aspectos lexicais ou aktionsarten (COMRIE: 1976, FRAWLEY: 1992).


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Este trabalho estudou a influência dos teores dos solutos Mg e Ni na modificação das propriedades térmicas, elétricas e mecânicas de uma liga Al-Cu-Fe para aplicação como condutor de energia elétrica. Para a realização do presente estudo, as ligas foram obtidas por fundição unidirecional horizontal, a partir da base do alumínio de pureza comercial com adição dos teores 0,05%p Cu e [0,24 a 0,28]%p Fe. Tal base foi modificada em uma primeira etapa com teores de 0,45, 0,60 e 0,80%p Mg. As ligas obtidas com estes teores tiveram suas propriedades estudadas para que se selecionasse um teor de Mg para posterior adição de Ni à liga. O estudo destas propriedades na primeira etapa passou pela análise das propriedades térmicas: velocidade de solidificação (VL) e taxa de resfriamento (Ṫ). A caracterização elétrica estudou a propriedade condutividade elétrica (φ) e o levantamento das propriedades mecânicas: limite de resistência à tração (σ) e microdureza Vickers (HV). A liga com adição de Ni passou por tratamentos térmicos de envelhecimento, por 1, 4 e 8h. Estas amostras foram analisadas em um microscópio eletrônico de varredura - MEV pelos sinais de elétrons retroespalhados – ERE e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva – EDS. Como resultados do estudo, encontrou-se que adições de Mg influenciaram significativamente a viscosidade das ligas, elevando as velocidades de solidificação nos instantes finais. Os ensaios de microdureza das amostras envelhecidas mostraram que houve um acréscimo significativo de dureza na quarta hora de envelhecimento, da mesma forma que as análises de EDS mostraram que a concentração de Ni também elevou-se nesta condição de tratamento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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NAKAGAWA, T. H., E. T. U. MORIYA, C. D. MACIEL, and F. V. SERRAO. Frontal Plane Biomechanics in Males and Females with and without Patellofemoral Pain. Med. Sci. Sports &ere., Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1747-1755, 2012. Purpose: The study's purpose was to compare trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane biomechanics in males and females with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during stepping. Methods: Eighty recreational athletes were equally divided into four groups: female PFPS, female controls, male PFPS, and male controls. Trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane kinematics and activation of the gluteus medius were evaluated at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees of knee flexion during the downward and upward phases of the stepping task. Isometric hip abductor torque was also evaluated. Results: Females showed increased hip adduction and knee abduction at all knee flexion angles, greater ipsilateral trunk lean and contralateral pelvic drop from 60 degrees of knee flexion till the end of the stepping task (P = 0.027-0.001), diminished hip abductor torque (P < 0.001), and increased gluteus medius activation than males (P = 0.008-0.001). PFPS subjects presented increased knee abduction at all the angles evaluated; greater trunk, pelvis, and hip motion from 45 of knee flexion of the downward phase till the end of the maneuver; and diminished gluteus medius activation at 60 degrees of knee flexion, compared with controls (P = 0.034-0.001). Females with PFPS showed lower hip abductor torque compared with the other groups. Conclusions: Females presented with altered frontal plane biomechanics that may predispose them to knee injury. PFPS subjects showed frontal plane biomechanics that could increase the lateral patellofemoral joint stress at all the angles evaluated and could increase even more from 45 degrees of knee flexion in the downward phase untill the end of the maneuver. Hip abductor strengthening and motor control training should be considered when treating females with PFPS.


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Nuptial gift offering is a courtship trait found among several insect orders and some spider families. Recent studies indicate that this gift-giving behavior in spiders represents the male mating effort acting on female receptivity through a mechanism of foraging motivation. However, little attention has been given to the sensory channels that are influencing female acceptance. To understand the role of these sensory channels in female perception of a nuptial gift, we focused on the nuptial gift of the neotropical spider Paratrechalea ornata (Araneae, Trechaleidae). The nuptial gift of this species is composed of a prey item wrapped in silk, and previous works suggest that visual and/or chemical cues may be involved in inducing female grasping behavior. We isolated sensory channels using mimetic nuptial gifts (artificial items) or by manipulating real nuptial gifts. Isolated visual signals were not responsible for female acceptance, whereas chemical signals found within the nuptial gift silk layer induced female acceptance. Our findings clearly indicate that a chemical signal located in the silk of the nuptial gift is the main attractant channel, and we formulated 2 hypotheses to explain the mechanisms of action in the female sensory system. We also discuss the consequences of such signaling over female acceptance.


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Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen zwei Relaxationsprozesse inder Schmelze von Polybutadien. Der alpha Proze? derstrukturellen Relaxation wird mit zwischenmolekularen undder beta Proze? mit intramolekularen Wechselwirkungen undBewegungen in Verbindung gebracht. Es ist Ziel dieserArbeit, mit der Hilfe von molekulardynamischen Simulationen(in einem NVT Ensemble) mit einem realistischenund verifizierten United Atom Modell die mikroskopischenBewegungsprozesse bei hohen Temperaturen (240 -- 353K) zuuntersuchen und andererseits mit Gr??en zu vergleichen, dieexperimentell nachgewiesen werden k?nnen. Speziell k?nnendurch gezielte Ver?nderungen der Potentiale ihre Effekte aufdie Statik und die Dynamik studiert werden. Dazu werden dieTorsionspotentiale des chemisch realistischen Modells (CRC,Kettenl?nge 116, 45% cis, 55% trans, 40 Ketten)ausgeschaltet, um damit ein modifiziertes Modelleiner frei rotierenden Kette (FRC) zu bekommen. BeideModelle werden in ihrer Statik und Dynamik verglichen. Inder Statik stellt man nur kleine Unterschiede fest. DieTorsionswechselwirkung hat jedoch einen dramatischen Einflu?auf die Dynamik: man beobachtet beim CRC Modell eineverlangsamte, glas?hnliche Dynamik, die jedoch nicht dasSzenario der Modenkopplungstheorie erf?llt. Das gro?skaligeVerhalten ist in beiden F?llen qualitativ identisch. F?rgr??ere q Werte jedoch stellt man fest, da? abh?ngig vondem Torsionspotential die Relaxation auf zwei v?lligverschiedene Weisen verl?uft, vibratorisch im FRC Modell undvibratorisch-relaxatorisch im CRC Modell. In der van HoveFunktion wird ein Slidingproze? beobachtet, der dasVerlassen des K?figs (im CRC Modell) und den Anfang dessubdiffusiven Bereichs einl?utet. DieZeitverz?gerung diesesProzesses im CRC Modell wird mit angeregtenSpr?ngen ?ber die Torsionsbarrieren in Verbindung gebracht.Durch den Slidingproze? wird die Isotropie der Bewegung inder Schmelze f?r kurze Zeiten verletzt, eineZeitskalentrennung zwischen longitudinaler undtransversaler Bewegung wird beobachtet.


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The g-factor is a constant which connects the magnetic moment $vec{mu}$ of a charged particle, of charge q and mass m, with its angular momentum $vec{J}$. Thus, the magnetic moment can be writen $ vec{mu}_J=g_Jfrac{q}{2m}vec{J}$. The g-factor for a free particle of spin s=1/2 should take the value g=2. But due to quantum electro-dynamical effects it deviates from this value by a small amount, the so called g-factor anomaly $a_e$, which is of the order of $10^{-3}$ for the free electron. This deviation is even bigger if the electron is exposed to high electric fields. Therefore highly charged ions, where electric field strength gets values on the order of $10^{13}-10^{16}$V/cm at the position of the bound electron, are an interesting field of investigations to test QED-calculations. In previous experiments [H"aff00,Ver04] using a single hydrogen-like ion confined in a Penning trap an accuracy of few parts in $10^{-9}$ was obtained. In the present work a new method for precise measurement of magnetic the electronic g-factor of hydrogen-like ions is discussed. Due to the unavoidable magnetic field inhomogeneity in a Penning trap, a very important contribution to the systematic uncertainty in the previous measurements arose from the elevated energy of the ion required for the measurement of its motional frequencies. Then it was necessary to extrapolate the result to vanishing energies. In the new method the energy in the cyclotron degree of freedom is reduced to the minimum attainable energy. This method consist in measuring the reduced cyclotron frequency $nu_{+}$ indirectly by coupling the axial to the reduced cyclotron motion by irradiation of the radio frequency $nu_{coup}=nu_{+}-nu_{ax}+delta$ where $delta$ is, in principle, an unknown detuning that can be obtained from the knowledge of the coupling process. Then the only unknown parameter is the desired value of $nu_+$. As a test, a measurement with, for simplicity, artificially increased axial energy was performed yielding the result $g_{exp}=2.000~047~020~8(24)(44)$. This is in perfect agreement with both the theoretical result $g_{theo}=2.000~047~020~2(6)$ and the previous experimental result $g_{exp1}=2.000~047~025~4(15)(44).$ In the experimental results the second error-bar is due to the uncertainty in the accepted value for the electron's mass. Thus, with the new method a higher accuracy in the g-factor could lead by comparison to the theoretical value to an improved value of the electron's mass. [H"af00] H. H"affner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5308 [Ver04] J. Verd'u et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 093002-1


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Computersimulationen von Keimbildungs- und Kris\-tallisationsprozessen in rnkolloidalen Systemen durchgef\"uhrt. rnEine Kombination von Monte-Carlo-Simulationsmethoden und der Forward-Flux-Sampling-Technik wurde rnimplementiert, um die homogene und heterogene Nukleation von Kristallen monodisperser Hart\-kugeln zu untersuchen. rnIm m\"a\ss{ig} unterk\"uhlten Bulk-Hartkugelsystem sagen wir die homogenen Nukleationsraten voraus und rnvergleichen die Resultate mit anderen theoretischen Ergebnissen und experimentellen Daten. rnWeiterhin analysieren wir die kristallinen Cluster in den Keimbildungs- und Wachstumszonen, rnwobei sich herausstellt, dass kristalline Cluster sich in unterschiedlichen Formen im System bilden. rnKleine Cluster sind eher l\"anglich in eine beliebige Richtung ausgedehnt, w\"ahrend gr\"o\ss{ere} rnCluster kompakter und von ellipsoidaler Gestalt sind. rn rnIm n\"achsten Teil untersuchen wir die heterogene Keimbildung an strukturierten bcc (100)-W\"anden. rnDie 2d-Analyse der kristallinen Schichten an der Wand zeigt, dass die Struktur der rnWand eine entscheidende Rolle in der Kristallisation von Hartkugelkolloiden spielt. rnWir sagen zudem die heterogenen Kristallbildungsraten bei verschiedenen \"Ubers\"attigungsgraden voraus. rnDurch Analyse der gr\"o\ss{ten} Cluster an der Wand sch\"atzen wir zus\"atzlich den Kontaktwinkel rnzwischen Kristallcluster und Wand ab. rnEs stellt sich heraus, dass wir in solchen Systemen weit von der Benetzungsregion rnentfernt sind und der Kristallisationsprozess durch heterogene Nukleation stattfindet. rn rnIm letzten Teil der Arbeit betrachten wir die Kristallisation von Lennard-Jones-Kolloidsystemen rnzwischen zwei ebenen W\"anden. rnUm die Erstarrungsprozesse f\"ur ein solches System zu untersuchen, haben wir eine Analyse des rnOrdnungsparameters f\"ur die Bindung-Ausrichtung in den Schichten durchgef\"urt. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass innerhalb einer Schicht keine hexatische Ordnung besteht, rnwelche auf einen Kosterlitz-Thouless-Schmelzvorgang hinweisen w\"urde. rnDie Hysterese in den Erhitzungs-Gefrier\-kurven zeigt dar\"uber hinaus, dass der Kristallisationsprozess rneinen aktivierten Prozess darstellt.