932 resultados para Doses de Radiação


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Objective: To examine the effect of different doses of triiodothyronine (T3) on mRNA levels of thyroid hormone receptors, TRα and TRβ, at different times. Materials and methods: 3T3-L1 adipocytes were incubated with T3 (physiological dose: F; supraphysiological doses: SI or SII), or without T3 (control, C) for 0.5, 1, 6, or 24h. TRα and TRβ mRNA was detected using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: F increased TRβ mRNA levels at 0.5h. After 1h, TRα levels increased with F and SI and TRβ levels decreased with SII compared with C, F, and SI. After 6h, both genes were suppressed at all concentrations. In 24h, TRα and TRβ levels were similar to those of C group. Conclusions: T3 action with F began at 1h for TRα and at 0.5h for TRβ. These results suggest the importance of knowing the times and doses that activate T3 receptors in adipocytes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of different doses of biofertilizers made from waste produced by cattle and pigs at growing-finishing on nutritive value of Piatã grass. The experiment was carried out at green house using a split plot design with a completely randomized factorial. Plots were divided into eight treatments: four doses of two biofertilizers, and four different periods of subplots cut. Biofertilizers were applied at a single dose, after the cut to standardize the plots, using doses of Nitrogen of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 . The results showed no significant difference among types of biofertilizer and also, the biofertilizer x dose interaction was not significant, making possible to recommend both of biofertilizers, with no risk of plant injure. Contents of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin showed negative linear behavior as a function of increasing doses of nitrogen. Contents of crude protein and “in vitro” dry matter digestibility coefficients replied linearly and positively to nitrogen doses. It also observed the effect of cut periods, since plants that were cut in summer showed nutritive value superior to those plants that were cut in autumn.


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O conhecimento sobre a turbidez atmosférica é de grande importância para áreas de climatologia, monitoramento de poluição e estudos da atenuação da radiação solar em condições de céu limpo. Neste trabalho o modelo de turbidez atmosférica de Linke (TL), modificado por Li e Lam é descrito e utilizado na estimativa da turbidez atmosférica e radiação solar direta na incidência (Ib). Os dados de Ib na incidência e radiação global utilizados são do período de 1996 a 2003. Os resultados mostram que TL apresenta sazonalidade em função do clima local variando entre 3,10±0,72 (maio) e 3,93±0,91(setembro), com média anual igual a 3,51±0,25. Na estimativa de Ib, ocorreu sub/superestimativa (MBE), espalhamento (RMSE) e ajustamento (d), respectivamente, em: janeiro: -4,38%; 13,87%; 0,83 e junho: 2,00%; 8,98%; 0,94. Com base nos valores dos três indicativos estatísticos, o melhor desempenho do modelo foi obtido nos meses de céu sem nuvens e baixa poluição.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Evaluated statistical equations estimates (based on radiometric fractions) of the hourly diffuse radiation incident on inclined surfaces for the North to 12.85, 22.85 and 32.85°, the climate and geographical conditions of Botucatu, SP. The database was generated from April/1998 to December/2007, with measures in the three tilted surfaces in different periods, but concomitant to the horizontal plane. In the validation of the equations were used indicative statistics MBE (mean absolute error), RMSE (square root mean square error) and index adjustment (d) for three inclinations and conditions of sky coverage. The increased angle of inclination of the surface led to increased scattering of hourly values for the coefficient of atmospheric transmissivity of diffuse radiation for inclined and horizontal surfaces. Estimates of diffuse radiation on the basis of hourly tilted horizontal global radiation occur for quadratic polynomial models, which adjust K'Dβ maximum values of between 0.14 and 0.30 for winter and summer when KTH varies between 0.40 and 0.66, indicating that energy, the highest values of diffuse radiation occur in partly cloudy sky conditions and / or partially open. The increase in atmospheric transmissivity decreases the performance of annual and monthly equations at all inclinations.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gamma radiation associated with modified atmosphere on postharvest quality of guavas ‘Pedro Sato’. It was used guavas from the region of Vista Alegre do Alto/São Paulo/Brazil. After harvest, the fruits were immediately transported to the Fruit and Vegetables Laboratory from the Agroindustrial Management and Technology Department, Agronomic Sciences College - UNESP - Botucatu / SP, where they were kept at 10 ° C and 90-95% RH in cold storage, for 28 days. It was used the randomized design, with factorial scheme 5 x 5, three repetitions. The first factor consisted of the following effects: control 1 (without package or irradiation), control 2 (polystyrene package/PS + package low density polyethylene/LDPE and without irradiation), treatment 1 (PS + LDPE and 0.2 kGy ), treatment 2 (PS + LDPE and 0.6 kGy) and treatment 3 (PS + LDPE and 1.0 kGy). The second factor consisted of the evaluation periods: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The analyses were: firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturity index, pH, respiration rate. Concluded that high doses of irradiation promoted a negative effect on physical-chemical characteristics of guava ‘Pedro Sato’, verifying that only the lowest dose associated with modified atmosphere provided fruits with higher quality and acceptability, due to higher maturation rate and soluble solids obtained. Regarding the days of analysis, there were no positive effect of the treatments during storage, where only the early days promoted better values for the variables studied.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the answer of the eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) submitted to different applied match doses in the planting hole. The treatments were composed by four doses of simple superphosphate (0, 1000, 2000, 3000 kg.ha-1), the experimental design was randomized block, with five repetitions, tends each unit experimental four plants. The phosphorus fertilized soil propitiated increase of the diameter of the lap of the adult plant, of the number of fruits for plant and productivity of fruits; could be used doses among 1814 to 2054 kg ha-1 of simple superphosphate in the conditions of Cassilandia (State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil).


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The application of industrial and municipal waste in the soil may be recommended by your corrective and fertilizer value, giving the great potential for agricultural reuse, improves physical, chemical and biological soil properties and helps to reduce the consumption of fertilizers and correctives, without contamination by heavy metals. This study aimed to evaluate the absorption of nutrients and potentially toxic elements, and their effect on the development of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) grown under No-Tillage system (NT). The work was developed in the field, at the Experimental Farm Lageado - FCA / UNESP, Botucatu (SP) in an Oxisol under tropical climate of altitude. The experimental design was randomized blocks, factorial 4x4+1, with four replications. The treatments consisted of four residues: two sewage sludge, one centrifuged and treated with quicklime (LC) and a biodigester (LB) and two industrial wastes: steel slag (E) and lime mud (Lcal) , applied in dosages of 0, 2, 4 and 8 Mg ha-1. The surface application of LC, LB, Lcal and E residues in soil under NT favored the development of soybean, with no heavy metal contamination, given the current legislation.


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The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the University of GoiásUEG, UNU Ipameri - GO with the objective of evaluating the effect of different doses of vinasse on the vegetative development of degraded pasture and soil physical properties in two seasons. The pasture used in the experiment was in a state of degradation, and had eight years of formation. The experimental design was randomized blocks consisted of eight treatments and four blocks, totaling 32 experimental units. We evaluated the following soil physical properties: density the soil, particle density, total porosity, infiltration velocity, soil water. We also evaluated the following parameters of vegetative development of grassland: green and dry mass of shoots, effective depth of the root system, the grass height. The results were submitted to analysis of variance at 5% significance level and after we performed regression testing. The vinasse promoted significant effect on all parameters related to vegetative development of both grazing during the rainy season as in the dry. In this case, a model that best fit the dataset vegetative pasture was quadratic. It appeared that the vinasse different doses did not cause changes in the physical properties of the soil.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação do Stimulate e Forth Seed associados a cinco doses de fósforo(P) no desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e parte aérea de plantas de feijão. O experimento foi desenvolvido em condições de casa de vegetação nas dependências do Departamento de Recursos Naturais – Ciência do Solo, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA), UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP. O solo usado foi um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro de textura média. As unidades experimentais foram vasos contendo 8 dm3 de solo mantendo-se a umidade correspondente a 60% do Volume Total de Poros (VTP) ocupados por água. Utilizou-se a cultivar de feijão IAC-Carioca, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos de dois produtos (Stimulate e Forth Seed) nas respectivas doses 5 e 3 mL Kg-1 de sementes e uma testemunha sem biofertilizante, e 5 doses de P (0, 16, 32, 64 e 128 mg dm-3), com três repetições. Foi avaliada, também, a qualidade fisiológica das sementes usadas no experimento por meio de: a) primeira contagem do teste padrão de germinação; b) emergência; c) vigor, mediante a contagem de emergência; d) velocidade de emergência e determinação do crescimento das plântulas. O uso de Stimulate e Forth Seed agregados a doses de P causou redução no peso seco final das plantas.


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The objective of this research work was to evaluate the effects of doses and time of application of N on the C/N ratio of the straw cover and on the growth and productivity of maize plants growing in a no tillage system. The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) on its campus of Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The treatments were distributed in the field according to a randomized complete block design in a split plot arrangement. The treatments consisted of four doses of N (0, 20, 40, and 60 kg ha-1 ) applied to oat crop and N doses (60, 80, 100, and 120 kg ha-1 ) sidedressed to corn. The development and productivity of the maize crop in a no-tillage system were found to be dependent of the C/N ratio and the straw cover. The response of the maize plants to the early application of N is dependent on doses and time of application.


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The present study was aimed to evaluate different (semi-solid) media for the production of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana propagules, and to evaluate the tolerance of these propagules to ultraviolet radiation and temperature. The experiments were performed at the Biological Control Laboratory of the Instituto Biológico at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. For both fungi, 6 repetitions were performed for each of the 17 treatments: corn starch, full rice, parboiled rice, type-1 rice, type-2 rice, oat flakes, canjiquinha [grits], wheat flour, raw cassava flour, yellow corn flour, special wheat flour, corn flour, corn in grains, cassava starch, soy in grains, crushed wheat, and turf. The viability analysis was done in plastic plates containing BDA. For the bioassays involving exposure to ultraviolet light and temperature, BDA was also used for viability analysis, and each treatment was exposed to the UV radiation for 0, 25 and 50 seconds, the temperature exposure being at 20, 25, 30 and 35º C. Using a Potter tower, 2 mL of fungus suspension from each treatment was inoculated to the Diatraea saccharalis caterpillars. Regarding the sporulation, the largest concentrations of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana were found for the treatments with parboiled rice, type-1 rice, type-2 rice, yellow corn flour, corn flour and crushed wheat. The viability of all treatments was superior to 94.00%. Also, the longer the duration of the exposition to the UV, the smaller the number of fertile conidia. At 35o C, a significant loss of conidia viability was observed, and all the treatments presented some level of virulence.


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O objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver um sistema informático de digitalização e processamento de actinogramas baseado em técnicas de Processamento de Imagens Digitais e comparar com o sistema tradicional de medidas. Os actinogramas foram fornecidos pela Estação Meteorológica de Botucatu (FCA/UNESP). As análises preliminares indicam um desempenho satisfatório do software proposto, gerando medidas na mesma ordem de grandeza do método de referência para partição diária. O software proposto pertence a um projeto que se encontra ainda em andamento, onde rotinas de técnicas diversas continuam sendo implementadas no reconhecimento da curva de interesse para melhorar a qualidade do processamento das informações gráficas dos actinogramas. Os actinogramas estão em fase de digitalização para que o software possa ser testado com uma base de dados mais consistente, onde poderão ser identificados tendências temporais dos dados resultantes da aplicação das técnicas de Processamento de Imagens Digitais no monitoramento da radiação solar por actinógrafos.


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This study aimed the avocado ‘Hass’ conservation with the use of radiation. We performed two experiments: Experiment I – fruits irradiated with different doses of cobalt-60 gamma irradiation(0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6 e 1,0 kGy); Experiment II – fruit irradiated by electron accelerator in different doses (0,0; 0,48; 0,8; 1,12 e 1,45 MeV), both maintained at room temperature of 21±1 °C and at relative humidity of 79±5 %. Antioxidant capacity, total phenolic compounds, fresh weight loss, and respiration rate evaluation were performed every three days for 12 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replicates per treatment. For statistical analysis, the Tukey test at 5% probability was employed. Under the conditions in which the experiments were performed, the results showed that the gamma radiation use retained the fruits for 12 days, regardless the doses applied. The radiation by electron accelerator use also promote the fruits preservation, regardless the doses employed.