Estimativa da radiação solar global em estufa de polietileno a partir do brilho solar

Autoria(s): Pai, Enzo Dal; Escobedo, João Francisco

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)






Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

This paper describes the study of the hours of bright sunshine (n IN) inside a polyethylene tunnel type greenhouse, and their relations to the hours of bright sunshine outside (n EX), astronomic day duration (N), global radiation inside (HGIN) and global outside (HGEX) for a database of measurement in the period from March 2008 to February 2009 in Botucatu. It was calculated the annual evolution of the mean monthly clearness index Kt atmosphere of that ranged from 39.6% to 62.7%, with an annual average of 50.0%; the transmissivity of global radiation in polyethylene cover (τG = GIN / GEX), which ranged from 79.4% to 71.2%, with an annual average of 75.6%; the ratio of the number of hours of bright sunshine inside and outside the greenhouse of polyethylene (NIN / NEX), which ranged from 65.0% to 82.0% with an annual average of 76.0%; and the relationship between relative sunshine inside and outside the greenhouse of polyethylene (n / N) IN / (n / N) EX, which ranged from 65.0% to 82.0% with an annual average of 75.0%. For the annual collation of data per day, was determined to estimate a linear equation between the relative sunshine inside and outside the greenhouse as polyethylene (n / N) IN = 0.768 (n / N) EX, with a high degree of correlation R2 = 0.9384. It was also obtained by linear regression equation for Ångström HGIN depending on the ratio relative sunshine inside (n / N) IN and outside (n / N) EX as: HGIN / H0 = 0.23 + 0.35 (n / N ) IN and HGIN / H0 = 0.23 + 0.28 (n / N) EX with a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.9104 and R2 = 0.8543 respectively.

O trabalho descreve uma analise da transmissividade da radiação global, o brilho solar em estufa de polietileno, e a obtenção da equação de estimativa da radiação global ( HGIN ) em função da razão da insolação interna (n / N)IN e externa ( n / N )EX. As bases de dados da radiação global e número de horas de brilho solar nos dois meios, foram medidas no período de março de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009 em Botucatu/SP/Brasil. A correlação (tipo Y = aX) obtida para a radiação global foi HGIN = 0,762 HGEX , com coeficiente de determinação de R2= 0,9948, enquanto o brilho solar (n )IN = 0,768 ( n )EX com R2= 0,9384. As equações de Ångström-Prescott tipo Y = a + b X obtidas por regressão linear em função da razão de insolação interna e externa foram: HGIN / H0 = 0,23 + 0,35 ( n / N )IN, HGIN / H0 = 0,23 + 0,28 ( n / N )EX com coeficientes de determinação R2= 0,9104 e R2 = 0,8543 respectivamente.




Energia na Agricultura, v. 26, n. 3, p. 44-54, 2011.








Energia na Agricultura



Palavras-Chave #Global solar radiation estimation inside polyethylene greenhouses from the sunshine duration #Ambiente protegido #Equação de Ångström #Prescott #Razão de insolação
