992 resultados para D., D. S. C. D. L. T.
Most people hold beliefs about personality characteristics typical members of their own and others' cultures. These perceptions of national character may be generalizations from personal experience, stereotypes with a "kernel of truth", or inaccurate stereotypes. We obtained national character ratings of 3989 people from 49 cultures and compared them with the average personality scores of culture members assessed by observer ratings and self-reports. National character ratings were reliable but did not converge with assessed traits. Perceptions of national character thus appear to be unfounded stereotypes that may serve the function of maintaining a national identity.
L'interaction soignant-soigné, dans ses aspects relationnel et communicationnel, a fait l'objet depuis les années 1970 de nombreuses études, inscrites dans une pluralité d'approches théoriques et méthodologiques. L'approche de la sociolinguistique de type médical, dans laquelle s'insère le présent travail de thèse, s'est développée dans le contexte même de ces études. Ce travail s'articule autour de trois sujets de recherche permettant d'illustrer, d'éclairer ainsi que de définir l'approche spécifique de la sociolinguistique médicale et traduisant, par ailleurs, certaines des questions relatives au développement de cette sociolinguistique, qui relève des sciences de la communication et des sciences humaines en médecine. Les deux premiers sujets de recherche se focalisent sur le processus d'échange d'information, central dans l'interaction médicale. Ils portent, pour l'un, sur un format de question spécifique utilisé par des étudiants en médecine dans le cadre d'entretiens avec patients simulés centrés sur l'annonce de mauvaises nouvelles et, pour l'autre, sur la(es) définition(s) d'une unité lexicale attestée dans le contexte communicationnel du VIH/sida. Le troisième sujet de recherche, en corrélation avec les deux autres, traite des défis qui se posent aux chercheurs-sociolinguistes relativement à l'étude et à la production de savoirs sur des questions liées à la santé et à la maladie. - Since the 1970's, many studies, following various theoretical and methodological approaches, have investigated - from a relational and communication point of view - the interaction between health care professionals and patients. The approach of the medical sociolinguistics, on which this PhD thesis is based, has been developed in the context of these studies. This PhD thesis is centred on three research topics illustrating and revealing the specific approach of the medical sociolinguistics and reflecting, as regards the third research topic, on particular issues related to the development of this discipline belonging to both communication sciences and medical humanities. The first two research topics focus on the information sharing process, a main phase and purpose of the medical interaction. They address (i) a particular question design used by medical students with simulated patients in breaking bad news interviews, and (ii) the meaning of a lexical unit used in the HIV/AIDS communication context. The third topic, related with the two other, focuses on the challenges faced by medical sociolinguists while producing knowledge and investigating health- and disease-related issues.
BACKGROUND: Infection with Leishmania parasites causes mainly cutaneous lesions at the site of the sand fly bite. Inflammatory metastatic forms have been reported with Leishmania species such as L. braziliensis, guyanensis and aethiopica. Little is known about the factors underlying such exacerbated clinical presentations. Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) is mainly found within South American Leishmania braziliensis and guyanensis. In a mouse model of L. guyanensis infection, its presence is responsible for an hyper-inflammatory response driven by the recognition of the viral dsRNA genome by the host Toll-like Receptor 3 leading to an exacerbation of the disease. In one instance, LRV was reported outside of South America, namely in the L. major ASKH strain from Turkmenistan, suggesting that LRV appeared before the divergence of Leishmania subgenera. LRV presence inside Leishmania parasites could be one of the factors implicated in disease severity, providing rationale for LRV screening in L. aethiopica. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A new LRV member was identified in four L. aethiopica strains (LRV-Lae). Three LRV-Lae genomes were sequenced and compared to L. guyanensis LRV1 and L. major LRV2. LRV-Lae more closely resembled LRV2. Despite their similar genomic organization, a notable difference was observed in the region where the capsid protein and viral polymerase open reading frames overlap, with a unique -1 situation in LRV-Lae. In vitro infection of murine macrophages showed that LRV-Lae induced a TLR3-dependent inflammatory response as previously observed for LRV1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this study, we report the presence of an immunogenic dsRNA virus in L. aethiopica human isolates. This is the first observation of LRV in Africa, and together with the unique description of LRV2 in Turkmenistan, it confirmed that LRV was present before the divergence of the L. (Leishmania) and (Viannia) subgenera. The potential implication of LRV-Lae on disease severity due to L. aethiopica infections is discussed.
BACKGROUND: The factors that contribute to increasing obesity rates in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive persons and to body mass index (BMI) increase that typically occurs after starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) are incompletely characterized. METHODS: We describe BMI trends in the entire Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) population and investigate the effects of demographics, HIV-related factors, and ART on BMI change in participants with data available before and 4 years after first starting ART. RESULTS: In the SHCS, overweight/obesity prevalence increased from 13% in 1990 (n = 1641) to 38% in 2012 (n = 8150). In the participants starting ART (n = 1601), mean BMI increase was 0.92 kg/m(2) per year (95% confidence interval, .83-1.0) during year 0-1 and 0.31 kg/m(2) per year (0.29-0.34) during years 1-4. In multivariable analyses, annualized BMI change during year 0-1 was associated with older age (0.15 [0.06-0.24] kg/m(2)) and CD4 nadir <199 cells/µL compared to nadir >350 (P < .001). Annualized BMI change during years 1-4 was associated with CD4 nadir <100 cells/µL compared to nadir >350 (P = .001) and black compared to white ethnicity (0.28 [0.16-0.37] kg/m(2)). Individual ART combinations differed little in their contribution to BMI change. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing obesity rates in the SHCS over time occurred at the same time as aging of the SHCS population, demographic changes, earlier ART start, and increasingly widespread ART coverage. Body mass index increase after ART start was typically biphasic, the BMI increase in year 0-1 being as large as the increase in years 1-4 combined. The effect of ART regimen on BMI change was limited.
Some of the anti-neoplastic effects of anthracyclines in mice originate from the induction of innate and T cell-mediated anticancer immune responses. Here we demonstrate that anthracyclines stimulate the rapid production of type I interferons (IFNs) by malignant cells after activation of the endosomal pattern recognition receptor Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). By binding to IFN-α and IFN-β receptors (IFNARs) on neoplastic cells, type I IFNs trigger autocrine and paracrine circuitries that result in the release of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 (CXCL10). Tumors lacking Tlr3 or Ifnar failed to respond to chemotherapy unless type I IFN or Cxcl10, respectively, was artificially supplied. Moreover, a type I IFN-related signature predicted clinical responses to anthracycline-based chemotherapy in several independent cohorts of patients with breast carcinoma characterized by poor prognosis. Our data suggest that anthracycline-mediated immune responses mimic those induced by viral pathogens. We surmise that such 'viral mimicry' constitutes a hallmark of successful chemotherapy.
This study aimed to elucidate the observed variable phenotypic expressivity associated with NRXN1 (Neurexin 1) haploinsufficiency by analyses of the largest cohort of patients with NRXN1 exonic deletions described to date and by comprehensively reviewing all comparable copy number variants in all disease cohorts that have been published in the peer reviewed literature (30 separate papers in all). Assessment of the clinical details in 25 previously undescribed individuals with NRXN1 exonic deletions demonstrated recurrent phenotypic features consisting of moderate to severe intellectual disability (91%), severe language delay (81%), autism spectrum disorder (65%), seizures (43%), and hypotonia (38%). These showed considerable overlap with previously reported NRXN1-deletion associated phenotypes in terms of both spectrum and frequency. However, we did not find evidence for an association between deletions involving the β-isoform of neurexin-1 and increased head size, as was recently published in four cases with a deletion involving the C-terminus of NRXN1. We identified additional rare copy number variants in 20% of cases. This study supports a pathogenic role for heterozygous exonic deletions of NRXN1 in neurodevelopmental disorders. The additional rare copy number variants identified may act as possible phenotypic modifiers as suggested in a recent digenic model of neurodevelopmental disorders. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Raised blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have identified 47 distinct genetic variants robustly associated with BP, but collectively these explain only a few percent of the heritability for BP phenotypes. To find additional BP loci, we used a bespoke gene-centric array to genotype an independent discovery sample of 25,118 individuals that combined hypertensive case-control and general population samples. We followed up four SNPs associated with BP at our p < 8.56 × 10(-7) study-specific significance threshold and six suggestively associated SNPs in a further 59,349 individuals. We identified and replicated a SNP at LSP1/TNNT3, a SNP at MTHFR-NPPB independent (r(2) = 0.33) of previous reports, and replicated SNPs at AGT and ATP2B1 reported previously. An analysis of combined discovery and follow-up data identified SNPs significantly associated with BP at p < 8.56 × 10(-7) at four further loci (NPR3, HFE, NOS3, and SOX6). The high number of discoveries made with modest genotyping effort can be attributed to using a large-scale yet targeted genotyping array and to the development of a weighting scheme that maximized power when meta-analyzing results from samples ascertained with extreme phenotypes, in combination with results from nonascertained or population samples. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and transcript expression data highlight potential gene regulatory mechanisms at the MTHFR and NOS3 loci. These results provide candidates for further study to help dissect mechanisms affecting BP and highlight the utility of studying SNPs and samples that are independent of those studied previously even when the sample size is smaller than that in previous studies.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to describe the prenatal diagnosis and epidemiology of multicystic kidney dysplasia (MCKD). METHODS: The study is based on routinely collected data from a European database of major congenital anomalies including 13 registries with cases born in 1997-2006 and covering 1 458 552 births. RESULTS: There were 601 MCKD cases giving an overall prevalence of 4.12 per 10 000 births with regional variation. In live births, 87% of cases had an isolated renal anomaly and 13% had associated major nonrenal anomalies (chromosomal, syndrome or other major anomalies). For the cases with isolated renal anomalies, 51/386 (11%) and 7/386 (2%) choose to terminate the pregnancy or resulted in an intrauterine fetal death, respectively. The prenatal detection rate was 88% in both unilateral and bilateral cases. Birth outcome differed with 92% of unilateral MCKD cases being liveborn compared with 33% of bilateral MCKD cases. For unilateral MCKD cases, 84% had an isolated renal anomaly compared with 51% of bilateral MCKD cases (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Cases with unilateral MCKD are mainly liveborn, and only 16% have associated major malformations or a syndrome. Cases with bilateral MCKD are often associated with nonrenal major congenital anomalies or part of a syndrome, and only one third of bilateral MCKD cases in this study were liveborn. Prenatal detection rate of MCKD was high for both unilateral and bilateral cases. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Gene expression data from microarrays are being applied to predict preclinical and clinical endpoints, but the reliability of these predictions has not been established. In the MAQC-II project, 36 independent teams analyzed six microarray data sets to generate predictive models for classifying a sample with respect to one of 13 endpoints indicative of lung or liver toxicity in rodents, or of breast cancer, multiple myeloma or neuroblastoma in humans. In total, >30,000 models were built using many combinations of analytical methods. The teams generated predictive models without knowing the biological meaning of some of the endpoints and, to mimic clinical reality, tested the models on data that had not been used for training. We found that model performance depended largely on the endpoint and team proficiency and that different approaches generated models of similar performance. The conclusions and recommendations from MAQC-II should be useful for regulatory agencies, study committees and independent investigators that evaluate methods for global gene expression analysis.
The prognostic relevance of additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is unclear. The impact of additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis on time to complete cytogenetic (CCR) and major molecular remission (MMR) and progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was analyzed using data from 1151 Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph(+)) CML patients randomized to the German CML Study IV. At diagnosis, 1003 of 1151 patients (87%) had standard t(9;22)(q34;q11) only, 69 patients (6.0%) had variant t(v;22), and 79 (6.9%) additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACAs). Of these, 38 patients (3.3%) lacked the Y chromosome (-Y) and 41 patients (3.6%) had ACAs except -Y; 16 of these (1.4%) were major route (second Philadelphia [Ph] chromosome, trisomy 8, isochromosome 17q, or trisomy 19) and 25 minor route (all other) ACAs. After a median observation time of 5.3 years for patients with t(9;22), t(v;22), -Y, minor- and major-route ACAs, the 5-year PFS was 90%, 81%, 88%, 96%, and 50%, and the 5-year OS was 92%, 87%, 91%, 96%, and 53%, respectively. In patients with major-route ACAs, the times to CCR and MMR were longer and PFS and OS were shorter (P < .001) than in patients with standard t(9;22). We conclude that major-route ACAs at diagnosis are associated with a negative impact on survival and signify progression to the accelerated phase and blast crisis.
Among pollutants released into the environment by human activities, residues of pharmaceuticals are an increasing matter of concern because of their potential impact on ecosystems. The aim of this study was to analyze differences of protein expression resulting from acute (2 days) and middle-term (7 days) exposure of aquatic microcrustacean Daphnia pulex to the anticancer drug tamoxifen. Using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry shotgun approach, about 4000 proteins could be identified, providing the largest proteomics data set of D. pulex published up to now. Considering both time points and tested concentrations, 189 proteins showed a significant fold change. The identity of regulated proteins suggested a decrease in translation, an increase in protein degradation and changes in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism as the major effects of the drug. Besides these impacted processes, which reflect a general stress response of the organism, some other regulated proteins play a role in Daphnia reproduction. These latter results are in accordance with our previous observations of the impact of tamoxifen on D. pulex reproduction and illustrate the potential of ecotoxicoproteomics to unravel links between xenobiotic effects at the biochemical and organismal levels. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001257.
It is known that hypertension is associated with endothelial dysfunction and that Angiotensin II (Ang II) is a key player in the pathogenesis of hypertension. We aimed to elucidate whether endothelial dysfunction is a specific feature of Ang II-mediated hypertension or a common finding of hypertension, independently of underlying etiology. We studied endothelial-dependent vasorelaxation in precapillary resistance arterioles and in various large-caliber conductance arteries in wild-type mice with Ang II-dependent hypertension (2-kidney 1-clip (2K1C) model) or Ang II-independent (volume overload) hypertension (1-kidney 1-clip model (1K1C)). Normotensive sham mice were used as controls. Aortic mechanical properties were also evaluated. Intravital microscopy of precapillary arterioles revealed a significantly impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in 2K1C mice compared with sham mice, as quantified by the ratio of acetylcholine (ACh)-induced over S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine (SNAP)-induced vasorelaxation (2K1C: 0.49±0.12 vs. sham: 0.87±0.11, P=0.018). In contrast, the ACh/SNAP ratio in volume-overload hypertension 1K1C mice was not significantly different from sham mice, indicating no specific endothelial dysfunction (1K1C: 0.77±0.27 vs. sham: 0.87±0.11, P=0.138). Mechanical aortic wall properties and endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, assessed ex vivo in rings of large-caliber conductance (abdominal and thoracic aorta, carotid and femoral arteries), were not different between 2K1C, 1K1C and sham mice. Endothelial dysfunction is an early feature of Ang II- but not volume-overload-mediated hypertension. This occurs exclusively at the level of precapillary arterioles and not in conduit arteries. Our findings, if confirmed in clinical studies, will provide a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of hypertension.
L'objectif de cette recherche est d'interroger la place, la valeur et l'appréhension de la violence comme un moyen de revendication politique dans un pays comme la Suisse qui s'est construit un mythe de non-violence. Son système de démocratie directe, son aisance économique, sa stabilité politique et sa neutralité seraient censés l'épargner à la fois des insurrections violentes et des conflits internationaux. Toutefois, une recherche dans les archives de la presse nationale révèle que pour la période étudiée, entre 1950 et 2000, la Suisse a vécu les actions collectives violentes provenant des séparatistes et des anti-séparatistes jurassiens, de l'extrême gauche et de l'extrême droite. Le pays a également été le terrain des actions violentes provenant de mouvements de lutte armée clandestins allemands, italiens ainsi que des attentats organisés par des mouvements arabes, comme le Front Populaire de Libération de la Palestine (FPLP). Avec une approche mettant l'accent sur les acteurs, plusieurs axes de recherches ont été développés, notamment la fonction de l'action violente pour les individus et les mouvements qui y ont recouru afin d'exprimer une revendication, qu'elle ait été politique, sociale ou culturelle, et la façon dont le gouvernement suisse a perçu le danger représenté par les différents courants politiques. La question des réseaux développés avec les organisations de lutte armée clandestines a été abordée avec les cas de l'Allemagne et de l'Italie, pour ce qui est des mouvements établis en Europe, puis, avec les organisations issues des pays arabes, notamment le FPLP. L'analyse articule une réflexion à la fois empirique et théorique, ne perdant jamais de vue que la notion de violence est le lieu privilégié de jugements de valeur et que sa signification varie selon d'où provient le discours.
Levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol are heritable, modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease. To identify new loci and refine known loci influencing these lipids, we examined 188,577 individuals using genome-wide and custom genotyping arrays. We identify and annotate 157 loci associated with lipid levels at P < 5 × 10(-8), including 62 loci not previously associated with lipid levels in humans. Using dense genotyping in individuals of European, East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry, we narrow association signals in 12 loci. We find that loci associated with blood lipid levels are often associated with cardiovascular and metabolic traits, including coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, waist-hip ratio and body mass index. Our results demonstrate the value of using genetic data from individuals of diverse ancestry and provide insights into the biological mechanisms regulating blood lipids to guide future genetic, biological and therapeutic research.
Introduction. - La lombalgie chronique reste une pathologie chère incluant les coûts directs et indirects. Les patients coûtant le plus sont ceux ayant un arrêt de travail de plus de 6 mois. Avec le temps, il devient de plus en plus difficile à remettre ces personnes au travail. Devant cette situation de nombreuses possibilités de traitement existent, mais plus que le temps court un programme de réhabilitation interdisciplinaire a les meilleures chances de fonctionner. Le but étant en traitant la personne déconditionnée, à la ramener au travail. Le but de cette étude a été d'étudier le retour au travail, en considérant les changements sur le plan psychologique et l'état de travail avant. Patients et Méthodes. - Nous avons étudié les résultats de 300 de nos patients ayant accompli un programme interdisciplinaire et qui ont été suivis sur 24 mois. Le programme consistait en entraînement physique, de work hardening le tout dans un contexte cognitivecomportemental. Nous avons analysé la relation entre la capacité de travail et sa corrélation avec différents questionnaires de la douleur (VAS, Oswestry ; Roland - Morris, Dallas pain questionnaire ; SF-36, HADS and FABQ). Résultats. - Le 1er facteur a été la capacité de travail, en le comparant avant le travail et à 24 mois après avoir accompli le programme. Il y avait une claire augmentation la faisant passer de 48 % à 80,4 % (p < 0,01). Associé à cette constatation, nous avons observé une réelle diminution dans les appréhensions et dans la douleur sur le plan fonctionnel. IL y avait aussi une relation entre une augmentation de la capacité de travail et une diminution dans les questionnaires fonctionnels, avec p. ex. Un Oswestry passant de 36 % à 14 % à 24 mois. Le retour au travail n'était pas lié à une amélioration des capacités physiques, mais dans une diminution de l'appréhension. Conclusion. - Dans le cadre de la lombalgie chronique, avec des absentéismes répétés, un programme de réhabilitation interdisciplinaire amenant un retour au travail de 72 % des patients avec un taux moyen à 80,4 %, doit être vu comme un moyen positif à traiter ses patients. La corrélation se retrouvait dans la partie psychologique, avec moins d'appréhension et une augmentation des valeurs de la SF 36. En fait, une amélioration de la confidence corporelle reste primordial dans les programmes de restauration fonctionnel, nettement mieux qu'en ciblant que la douleur.