Cancer cell-autonomous contribution of type I interferon signaling to the efficacy of chemotherapy.

Autoria(s): Sistigu A.; Yamazaki T.; Vacchelli E.; Chaba K.; Enot D.P.; Adam J.; Vitale I.; Goubar A.; Baracco E.E.; Remédios C.; Fend L.; Hannani D.; Aymeric L.; Ma Y.; Niso-Santano M.; Kepp O.; Schultze J.L.; Tüting T.; Belardelli F.; Bracci L.; La Sorsa V.; Ziccheddu G.; Sestili P.; Urbani F.; Delorenzi M.; Lacroix-Triki M.; Quidville V.; Conforti R.; Spano J.P.; Pusztai L.; Poirier-Colame V.; Delaloge S.; Penault-Llorca F.; Ladoire S.; Arnould L.; Cyrta J.; Dessoliers M.C.; Eggermont A.; Bianchi M.E.; Pittet M.; Engblom C.; Pfirschke C.; Préville X.; Uzè G.; Schreiber R.D.; Chow M.T.; Smyth M.J.; Proietti E.; André F.; Kroemer G.; Zitvogel L.



Some of the anti-neoplastic effects of anthracyclines in mice originate from the induction of innate and T cell-mediated anticancer immune responses. Here we demonstrate that anthracyclines stimulate the rapid production of type I interferons (IFNs) by malignant cells after activation of the endosomal pattern recognition receptor Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). By binding to IFN-α and IFN-β receptors (IFNARs) on neoplastic cells, type I IFNs trigger autocrine and paracrine circuitries that result in the release of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 (CXCL10). Tumors lacking Tlr3 or Ifnar failed to respond to chemotherapy unless type I IFN or Cxcl10, respectively, was artificially supplied. Moreover, a type I IFN-related signature predicted clinical responses to anthracycline-based chemotherapy in several independent cohorts of patients with breast carcinoma characterized by poor prognosis. Our data suggest that anthracycline-mediated immune responses mimic those induced by viral pathogens. We surmise that such 'viral mimicry' constitutes a hallmark of successful chemotherapy.


isbn:1546-170X (Electronic)







Nature Medicine, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1301-1309


