923 resultados para Convergence And Extension
The study proposes a constrained least square (CLS) pre-distortion scheme for multiple-input single-output (MISO) multiple access ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. In such a scheme, a simple objective function is defined, which can be efficiently solved by a gradient-based algorithm. For the performance evaluation, scenarios CM1 and CM3 of the IEEE 802.15.3a channel model are considered. Results show that the CLS algorithm has a fast convergence and a good trade-off between intersymbol interference (ISI) and multiple access interference (MAI) reduction and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) preservation, performing better than time-reversal (TR) pre-distortion.
Proposed is a symbol-based decision-directed algorithm for blind equalisation of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals using a decision feedback scheme. Independently of QAM order, it presents: (i) an error equal to zero when the equaliser output coincides with the transmitted signal; (ii) simultaneous recovery of the modulus and phase of the signal; (iii) a misadjustment close to that of the normalised least-mean squares algorithm; (iv) fast convergence; and (v) the avoidance of degenerative solutions. Additionally, its stability is ensured when the step-size is properly chosen.
The joint torque is an important variable related to children with cerebral palsy. The present study analyzed kinetic parameters during elbow flexion and extension movements in healthy and cerebral palsy children. Ten healthy and 10 cerebral palsy children participated of the study. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to measure the elbow mean peak torque, mean angle peak torque, coefficient of variation and acceleration during flexion and extension movements at different angular speeds. The mean peak torque on extension movement in healthy children group was significant higher compared to the cerebral palsy group. The coefficient of variation on both flexion and extension movements was significantly higher in cerebral palsy group. However there were significantly difference on both groups compared the lowest and highest velocities. Although the results showed no difference in flexor peak torque, the acceleration is significantly lower in lowest and highest angular velocity.
Background: We aimed to investigate the effect of rest interval, between successive contractions, on muscular fatigue. Methods: Eighteen subjects performed elbow flexion and extension (30 repetitions) on an isokinetic dynamometer with 80 degrees of range of motion. The flexion velocity was 120 degrees/s, while for elbow extension we used 5 different velocities (30, 75, 120, 240, 360 degrees/s), producing 5 different rest intervals (2.89, 1.28, 0.85, 0.57 and 0.54 s). Results: We observed that when the rest interval was 2.89 s there was a reduction in fatigue. On the other hand, when the rest interval was 0.54 s the fatigue was increased. Conclusions: When the resting time was lower (0.54 s) the decline of work in the flexor muscle group was higher compared with different rest interval duration.
Background: Walking with high-heeled shoes is a common cause of venous complaints such as pain, fatigue, and heavy-feeling legs. The aim of the study was to clarify the influence of high-heeled shoes on the venous return and test the hypothesis that women wearing different styles of high-heeled shoes present an impaired venous return when compared with their values when they are barefoot. Methods: Thirty asymptomatic women (mean age, 26.4 years) wearing appropriately sized shoes were evaluated by air plethysmography (APG), a test that measures changes in air volume on a cuff placed on the calf, while they performed orthostatic flexion and extension foot movements and altered standing up and lying down. The test was repeated in four situations: barefoot (0 cm), medium heels (3.5 cm), stiletto high heels (7 cm), and platform high heels (7 cm). The APG values of venous filling index (VFI), ejection fraction (EF), and residual volume fraction (RVF) were divided into four groups according to heel height and compared by repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results: RVF was increased in the groups wearing high heels (stiletto and platform) compared with the barefoot group (P < .05). RVF was increased in the medium-heel group (3.5 cm) compared with the barefoot group (P < .05), and despite the lack of statistical significance, the medium-heel group showed lower values of RVF compared with the two high-heel groups. The EF parameter followed the opposite tendency, showing higher values for the barefoot group compared with the other three groups (P < .05). Values for VFI were similar in the three situations evaluated. Conclusions: High heels reduce muscle pump function, as demonstrated by reduced EF and increased RVF values. The continuous use of high heels tends to provoke venous hypertension in the lower limbs and may represent a causal factor of venous disease symptoms. (J Vasc Surg 2012;56:1039-44.)
A quantidade de torque aplicado na articulação é uma medida de aptidão física importante para crianças com paralisia cerebral. O presente estudo analisou parâmetros cinéticos na articulação do cotovelo em crianças saudáveis e com paralisia cerebral. Participaram 10 crianças com paralisia cerebral e 10 crianças sem comprometimento neurológico. Avaliou-se a média do pico de torque, média do ângulo do pico de torque, coeficiente de variação do torque e aceleração angular do movimento de flexo-extensão do cotovelo nas velocidades com um dinamômetro isocinético. A média de pico de torque (extensão), aceleração (flexão) e coeficiente de variação (flexão e extensão) são diferentes entre grupos. Conclui-se que o torque e aceleração sofreram interferências no movimento de flexo-extensão; as principais diferenças encontradas foram entre os extremos das velocidades; não houve diferenças no ângulo do pico de torque. A espasticidade não interferiu na força dos músculos agonistas do movimento de flexão da articulação do cotovelo.
When compared to our Solar System, many exoplanet systems exhibit quite unusual planet configurations; some of these are hot Jupiters, which orbit their central stars with periods of a few days, others are resonant systems composed of two or more planets with commensurable orbital periods. It has been suggested that these configurations can be the result of a migration processes originated by tidal interactions of the planets with disks and central stars. The process known as planet migration occurs due to dissipative forces which affect the planetary semi-major axes and cause the planets to move towards to, or away from, the central star. In this talk, we present possible signatures of planet migration in the distribution of the hot Jupiters and resonant exoplanet pairs. For this task, we develop a semi-analytical model to describe the evolution of the migrating planetary pair, based on the fundamental concepts of conservative and dissipative dynamics of the three-body problem. Our approach is based on an analysis of the energy and the orbital angular momentum exchange between the two-planet system and an external medium; thus no specific kind of dissipative forces needs to be invoked. We show that, under assumption that dissipation is weak and slow, the evolutionary routes of the migrating planets are traced by the stationary solutions of the conservative problem (Birkhoff, Dynamical systems, 1966). The ultimate convergence and the evolution of the system along one of these modes of motion are determined uniquely by the condition that the dissipation rate is sufficiently smaller than the roper frequencies of the system. We show that it is possible to reassemble the starting configurations and migration history of the systems on the basis of their final states, and consequently to constrain the parameters of the physical processes involved.
O presente artigo visa analisar o novo fenômeno da pluralidade das ordens jurídicas, enfocando os aspectos de convergência e divergência entre o Direito Internacional e o Direito Nacional. Por fim, o artigo defende a possibilidade de harmonia entre as ordens jurídicas plurais, com base uma nova perspectiva na relação entre o Direito Internacional e o Direito Interno.
[ES] Los deslizamientos gravitatorios implicando volúmenes relativamente reducidos (millones de m3) son muy frecuentes, no así los que afectan a decenas, centenares e incluso miles de km3. Estos deslizamientos gigantes o megadeslizamientos son especialmente importantes y frecuentes en las islas oceánicas, particularmente en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo en escudo. Fueron descubiertos en las Islas Hawaii, donde alcanzan volúmenes ?prodigiosos? de miles de km3, pero es en las Canarias donde, a pesar de su menor volumen, son particularmente espectaculares y donde han sido mejor estudiados, tanto en sus etapas pre- y post-colapso en tierra, como las características y extensión de sus depósitos de avalancha en los fondos marinos. Los megadeslizamientos no sólo son procesos muy importantes en el desarrollo de las islas oceánicas y en sus riesgos naturales, sino que influyen en su variabilidad petrológica y aportan importantes recursos paisajísticos en forma de espectaculares valles y calderas
Wie viele andere Sprachen Ost- und Südostasiens ist das Thai eine numerusneutrale Sprache, in der ein Nomen lediglich das Konzept benennt und keinen Hinweis auf die Anzahl der Objekte liefert. Um Nomina im Thai zählen zu können, ist der Klassifikator (Klf) nötig, der die Objekte anhand ihrer semantischen Schlüsseleigenschaft herausgreift und individualisiert. Neben der Klassifikation stellt die Individualisierung die Hauptfunktion des Klf dar. Weitere Kernfunktionen des Klf außerhalb des Zählkontextes sind die Markierung der Definitheit, des Numerus sowie des Kontrasts. Die wichtigsten neuen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, die sowohl die Ebenen der Grammatik und Semantik als auch die der Logik und Pragmatik integriert, sind folgende: Im Thai kann der Klf sowohl auf der Element- als auch auf der Mengenebene agieren. In der Verbindung mit einem Demonstrativ kann der Klf auch eine pluralische Interpretation hervorrufen, wenn er auf eine als pluralisch präsupponierte Gesamtmenge referiert oder die Gesamtmenge in einer Teil-Ganzes-Relation individualisiert. In einem Ausdruck, der bereits eine explizite Zahlangabe enthält, bewirkt die Klf-Demonstrativ-Konstruktion eine Kontrastierung von Mengen mit gleichen Eigenschaften. Wie auch der Individualbegriff besitzt der Klf Intension und Extension. Intension und Extension von Thai-Klf verhalten sich umgekehrt proportional, d.h. je spezifischer der Inhalt eines Klf ist, desto kleiner ist sein Umfang. Der Klf signalisiert das Schlüsselmerkmal, das mit der Intension des Nomens der Identifizierung des Objekts dient. Der Klf individualisiert das Nomen, indem er Teilmengen quantifiziert. Er kann sich auf ein Objekt, eine bestimmte Anzahl von Objekten oder auf alle Objekte beziehen. Formal logisch lassen sich diese Funktionen mithilfe des Existenz- und des Allquantors darstellen. Auch die Nullstelle (NST) läßt sich formal logisch darstellen. Auf ihren jeweiligen Informationsgehalt reduziert, ergeben sich für Klf und NST abhängig von ihrer Positionierung verschiedene Informationswerte: Die Opposition von Klf und NST bewirkt in den Fragebögen ausschließlich skalare Q-Implikaturen, die sich durch die Informationsformeln in Form einer Horn-Skala darstellen lassen. In einem sich aufbauenden Kontext transportieren sowohl Klf als auch NST in der Kontextmitte bekannte Informationen, wodurch Implikaturen des M- bzw. I-Prinzips ausgelöst werden. Durch die Verbindung der Informationswerte mit den Implikaturen des Q-, M- und I-Prinzips lässt sich anhand der Positionierung direkt erkennen, wann der Klf die Funktion der Numerus-, der Definitheits- oder der Kontrast-Markierung erfüllt.
Im Verzweigungsprozess mit Immigration werden Schätzer für die erwartete Nachkommenzahl m eines Individuums und die erwartete Immigration λ pro Generation konstruiert. Sie sind nur aufgrund der beobachteten Populationsgröße einer jeden Generation konsistent, ohne Vorkenntnis darüber, ob der Prozess subkritisch (m<1), kritisch (m=1) oder superkritisch (m>1) ist. Im superkritischen Fall ist der Schätzer für λ jedoch nicht konsistent. Dies ist aber keine Einschränkung, denn es wird gezeigt, dass in diesem Fall kein konsistenter Schätzer für λ existiert. Des Weiteren werden Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit der Schätzer und asymptotische Verteilungen der Schätzfehler untersucht. Dabei werden die Fälle (m<1), (m>1) und (m=1) unterschieden, was gänzlich verschiedene Vorgehensweisen erfordert (Ergodizität, Martingalmethoden, Diffusionsapproximationen). Diese hier vorliegende Diplomarbeit orientiert sich an den Ideen und Ergebnissen von Wei und Winnicki (1989/90).
La tesi di Dottorato studia il flusso sanguigno tramite un codice agli elementi finiti (COMSOL Multiphysics). Nell’arteria è presente un catetere Doppler (in posizione concentrica o decentrata rispetto all’asse di simmetria) o di stenosi di varia forma ed estensione. Le arterie sono solidi cilindrici rigidi, elastici o iperelastici. Le arterie hanno diametri di 6 mm, 5 mm, 4 mm e 2 mm. Il flusso ematico è in regime laminare stazionario e transitorio, ed il sangue è un fluido non-Newtoniano di Casson, modificato secondo la formulazione di Gonzales & Moraga. Le analisi numeriche sono realizzate in domini tridimensionali e bidimensionali, in quest’ultimo caso analizzando l’interazione fluido-strutturale. Nei casi tridimensionali, le arterie (simulazioni fluidodinamiche) sono infinitamente rigide: ricavato il campo di pressione si procede quindi all’analisi strutturale, per determinare le variazioni di sezione e la permanenza del disturbo sul flusso. La portata sanguigna è determinata nei casi tridimensionali con catetere individuando tre valori (massimo, minimo e medio); mentre per i casi 2D e tridimensionali con arterie stenotiche la legge di pressione riproduce l’impulso ematico. La mesh è triangolare (2D) o tetraedrica (3D), infittita alla parete ed a valle dell’ostacolo, per catturare le ricircolazioni. Alla tesi sono allegate due appendici, che studiano con codici CFD la trasmissione del calore in microcanali e l’ evaporazione di gocce d’acqua in sistemi non confinati. La fluidodinamica nei microcanali è analoga all’emodinamica nei capillari. Il metodo Euleriano-Lagrangiano (simulazioni dell’evaporazione) schematizza la natura mista del sangue. La parte inerente ai microcanali analizza il transitorio a seguito dell’applicazione di un flusso termico variabile nel tempo, variando velocità in ingresso e dimensioni del microcanale. L’indagine sull’evaporazione di gocce è un’analisi parametrica in 3D, che esamina il peso del singolo parametro (temperatura esterna, diametro iniziale, umidità relativa, velocità iniziale, coefficiente di diffusione) per individuare quello che influenza maggiormente il fenomeno.
This doctoral thesis aims at contributing to the literature on transition economies focusing on the Russian Federations and in particular on regional income convergence and fertility patterns. The first two chapter deal with the issue of income convergence across regions. Chapter 1 provides an historical-institutional analysis of the period between the late years of the Soviet Union and the last decade of economic growth and a presentation of the sample with a description of gross regional product composition, agrarian or industrial vocation, labor. Chapter 2 contributes to the literature on exploratory spatial data analysis with a application to a panel of 77 regions in the period 1994-2008. It provides an analysis of spatial patterns and it extends the theoretical framework of growth regressions controlling for spatial correlation and heterogeneity. Chapter 3 analyses the national demographic patterns since 1960 and provides a review of the policies on maternity leave and family benefits. Data sources are the Statistical Yearbooks of USSR, the Statistical Yearbooks of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Demographic Yearbooks of Russia. Chapter 4 analyses the demographic patterns in light of the theoretical framework of the Becker model, the Second Demographic Transition and an economic-crisis argument. With national data from 1960, the theoretically issue of the pro or countercyclical relation between income and fertility is graphically analyzed and discussed, together with female employment and education. With regional data after 1994 different panel data models are tested. Individual level data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey are employed using the logit model. Chapter 5 employs data from the Generations and Gender Survey by UNECE to focus on postponement and second births intentions. Postponement is studied through cohort analysis of mean maternal age at first birth, while the methodology used for second birth intentions is the ordered logit model.
This Ph.D thesis focuses on iterative regularization methods for regularizing linear and nonlinear ill-posed problems. Regarding linear problems, three new stopping rules for the Conjugate Gradient method applied to the normal equations are proposed and tested in many numerical simulations, including some tomographic images reconstruction problems. Regarding nonlinear problems, convergence and convergence rate results are provided for a Newton-type method with a modified version of Landweber iteration as an inner iteration in a Banach space setting.
Im Mittelpunkt der Studie "The Sound of Democracy - the Sound of Freedom". Jazzrezeption in Deutschland (1945 - 1963) steht ein Korpus von 16 Oral-History-Interviews mit Zeitzeugen der deutschen Jazzszene. Interviewt wurden Musiker ebenso wie bildende Künstler, Journalisten, Clubbesitzer und Jazzfans, die die Jazzszene in den 1950ern bildeten. Die Interviews werden in einen Kontext zeitgenössischer Quellen gestellt: Zeitschriftenartikel (hauptsächlich aus dem "Jazz Podium" ebenso wie Radiomanuskripte des Bayerischen Rundfunks.rnDie Ausgangsüberlegung ist die Frage, was der Jazz für sein Publikum bedeutete, mit anderen Worten, warum wählte eine studentische, sich selbst als elitär wahrnehmende Schicht aus dem großen Fundus an kulturellen Ausdrucksformen, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus den USA nach Deutschland strömten, ausgerechnet den Jazz als persönliche Ausdrucksform? Worin bestand seine symbolische Strahlkraft für diese jungen Menschen?rnIn Zusammenhang mit dieser Frage steht die Überlegung: In welchem Maße wurde Jazz als dezidiert amerikanische Ausdrucksform wahrgenommen und welche Amerikabilder wurden durch den Jazz transportiert? Wurde Jazz bewusst als Werkzeug der Besatzer zur demokratischen Umerziehung des deutschen Volkes eingesetzt und wenn ja, in welcher Form, beziehungsweise in welchem Maß? Wie stark war die Symbolleistung und metaphorische Bedeutung des Jazz für das deutsche Publikum und in welchem Zusammenhang steht die Symbolleistung des Jazz mit der Symbolleistung der USA als Besetzungs- bzw. Befreiungsmacht? rn