933 resultados para Condensed Phase Velocity Map Imaging


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Objectives The study sought to evaluate the ability of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) to monitor acute and long-term changes in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) noninvasively. Background PVR monitoring during the follow-up of patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and the response to vasodilator testing require invasive right heart catheterization. Methods An experimental study in pigs was designed to evaluate the ability of CMR to monitor: 1) an acute increase in PVR generated by acute pulmonary embolization (n = 10); 2) serial changes in PVR in chronic PH (n = 22); and 3) changes in PVR during vasodilator testing in chronic PH (n = 10). CMR studies were performed with simultaneous hemodynamic assessment using a CMR-compatible Swan-Ganz catheter. Average flow velocity in the main pulmonary artery (PA) was quantified with phase contrast imaging. Pearson correlation and mixed model analysis were used to correlate changes in PVR with changes in CMR-quantified PA velocity. Additionally, PVR was estimated from CMR data (PA velocity and right ventricular ejection fraction) using a formula previously validated. Results Changes in PA velocity strongly and inversely correlated with acute increases in PVR induced by pulmonary embolization (r = –0.92), serial PVR fluctuations in chronic PH (r = –0.89), and acute reductions during vasodilator testing (r = –0.89, p ≤ 0.01 for all). CMR-estimated PVR showed adequate agreement with invasive PVR (mean bias –1.1 Wood units,; 95% confidence interval: –5.9 to 3.7) and changes in both indices correlated strongly (r = 0.86, p < 0.01). Conclusions CMR allows for noninvasive monitoring of acute and chronic changes in PVR in PH. This capability may be valuable in the evaluation and follow-up of patients with PH.


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In this work, we show how number theoretical problems can be fruitfully approached with the tools of statistical physics. We focus on g-Sidon sets, which describe sequences of integers whose pairwise sums are different, and propose a random decision problem which addresses the probability of a random set of k integers to be g-Sidon. First, we provide numerical evidence showing that there is a crossover between satisfiable and unsatisfiable phases which converts to an abrupt phase transition in a properly defined thermodynamic limit. Initially assuming independence, we then develop a mean-field theory for the g-Sidon decision problem. We further improve the mean-field theory, which is only qualitatively correct, by incorporating deviations from independence, yielding results in good quantitative agreement with the numerics for both finite systems and in the thermodynamic limit. Connections between the generalized birthday problem in probability theory, the number theory of Sidon sets and the properties of q-Potts models in condensed matter physics are briefly discussed


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We study dynamics of the bistable logistic map with delayed feedback, under the influence of white Gaussian noise and periodic modulation applied to the variable. This system may serve as a model to describe population dynamics under finite resources in noisy environment with seasonal fluctuations. While a very small amount of noise has no effect on the global structure of the coexisting attractors in phase space, an intermediate noise totally eliminates one of the attractors. Slow periodic modulation enhances the attractor annihilation.


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In this paper, the mathematical description of the temporal selfimaging effect is studied, focusing on the situation in which the train of pulses to be dispersed has been previously periodically modulated in phase and amplitude. It is demonstrated that, for each input pulse and for some specific values of the chromatic dispersion, a subtrain of optical pulses is generated whose envelope is determined by the Discrete Fourier Transform of the modulating coefficients. The mathematical results are confirmed by simulations of various examples and some limits on the realization of the theory are commented.


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En los últimos años, el Ge ha ganado de nuevo atención con la finalidad de ser integrado en el seno de las existentes tecnologías de microelectrónica. Aunque no se le considera como un canddato capaz de reemplazar completamente al Si en el futuro próximo, probalemente servirá como un excelente complemento para aumentar las propiedades eléctricas en dispositivos futuros, especialmente debido a su alta movilidad de portadores. Esta integración requiere de un avance significativo del estado del arte en los procesos de fabricado. Técnicas de simulación, como los algoritmos de Monte Carlo cinético (KMC), proporcionan un ambiente atractivo para llevar a cabo investigación y desarrollo en este campo, especialmente en términos de costes en tiempo y financiación. En este estudio se han usado, por primera vez, técnicas de KMC con el fin entender el procesado “front-end” de Ge en su fabricación, específicamente la acumulación de dañado y amorfización producidas por implantación iónica y el crecimiento epitaxial en fase sólida (SPER) de las capas amorfizadas. Primero, simulaciones de aproximación de clisiones binarias (BCA) son usadas para calcular el dañado causado por cada ión. La evolución de este dañado en el tiempo se simula usando KMC sin red, o de objetos (OKMC) en el que sólamente se consideran los defectos. El SPER se simula a través de una aproximación KMC de red (LKMC), siendo capaz de seguir la evolución de los átomos de la red que forman la intercara amorfo/cristalina. Con el modelo de amorfización desarrollado a lo largo de este trabajo, implementado en un simulador multi-material, se pueden simular todos estos procesos. Ha sido posible entender la acumulación de dañado, desde la generación de defectos puntuales hasta la formación completa de capas amorfas. Esta acumulación ocurre en tres regímenes bien diferenciados, empezando con un ritmo lento de formación de regiones de dañado, seguido por una rápida relajación local de ciertas áreas en la fase amorfa donde ambas fases, amorfa y cristalina, coexisten, para terminar en la amorfización completa de capas extensas, donde satura el ritmo de acumulación. Dicha transición ocurre cuando la concentración de dañado supera cierto valor límite, el cual es independiente de las condiciones de implantación. Cuando se implantan los iones a temperaturas relativamente altas, el recocido dinámico cura el dañado previamente introducido y se establece una competición entre la generación de dañado y su disolución. Estos efectos se vuelven especialmente importantes para iones ligeros, como el B, el cual crea dañado más diluido, pequeño y distribuido de manera diferente que el causado por la implantación de iones más pesados, como el Ge. Esta descripción reproduce satisfactoriamente la cantidad de dañado y la extensión de las capas amorfas causadas por implantación iónica reportadas en la bibliografía. La velocidad de recristalización de la muestra previamente amorfizada depende fuertemente de la orientación del sustrato. El modelo LKMC presentado ha sido capaz de explicar estas diferencias entre orientaciones a través de un simple modelo, dominado por una única energía de activación y diferentes prefactores en las frecuencias de SPER dependiendo de las configuraciones de vecinos de los átomos que recristalizan. La formación de maclas aparece como una consecuencia de esta descripción, y es predominante en sustratos crecidos en la orientación (111)Ge. Este modelo es capaz de reproducir resultados experimentales para diferentes orientaciones, temperaturas y tiempos de evolución de la intercara amorfo/cristalina reportados por diferentes autores. Las parametrizaciones preliminares realizadas de los tensores de activación de tensiones son también capaces de proveer una buena correlación entre las simulaciones y los resultados experimentales de velocidad de SPER a diferentes temperaturas bajo una presión hidrostática aplicada. Los estudios presentados en esta tesis han ayudado a alcanzar un mejor entendimiento de los mecanismos de producción de dañado, su evolución, amorfización y SPER para Ge, además de servir como una útil herramienta para continuar el trabajo en este campo. In the recent years, Ge has regained attention to be integrated into existing microelectronic technologies. Even though it is not thought to be a feasible full replacement to Si in the near future, it will likely serve as an excellent complement to enhance electrical properties in future devices, specially due to its high carrier mobilities. This integration requires a significant upgrade of the state-of-the-art of regular manufacturing processes. Simulation techniques, such as kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithms, provide an appealing environment to research and innovation in the field, specially in terms of time and funding costs. In the present study, KMC techniques are used, for the first time, to understand Ge front-end processing, specifically damage accumulation and amorphization produced by ion implantation and Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth (SPER) of the amorphized layers. First, Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) simulations are used to calculate the damage caused by every ion. The evolution of this damage over time is simulated using non-lattice, or Object, KMC (OKMC) in which only defects are considered. SPER is simulated through a Lattice KMC (LKMC) approach, being able to follow the evolution of the lattice atoms forming the amorphous/crystalline interface. With the amorphization model developed in this work, implemented into a multi-material process simulator, all these processes can be simulated. It has been possible to understand damage accumulation, from point defect generation up to full amorphous layers formation. This accumulation occurs in three differentiated regimes, starting at a slow formation rate of the damage regions, followed by a fast local relaxation of areas into the amorphous phase where both crystalline and amorphous phases coexist, ending in full amorphization of extended layers, where the accumulation rate saturates. This transition occurs when the damage concentration overcomes a certain threshold value, which is independent of the implantation conditions. When implanting ions at relatively high temperatures, dynamic annealing takes place, healing the previously induced damage and establishing a competition between damage generation and its dissolution. These effects become specially important for light ions, as B, for which the created damage is more diluted, smaller and differently distributed than that caused by implanting heavier ions, as Ge. This description successfully reproduces damage quantity and extension of amorphous layers caused by means of ion implantation reported in the literature. Recrystallization velocity of the previously amorphized sample strongly depends on the substrate orientation. The presented LKMC model has been able to explain these differences between orientations through a simple model, dominated by one only activation energy and different prefactors for the SPER rates depending on the neighboring configuration of the recrystallizing atoms. Twin defects formation appears as a consequence of this description, and are predominant for (111)Ge oriented grown substrates. This model is able to reproduce experimental results for different orientations, temperatures and times of evolution of the amorphous/crystalline interface reported by different authors. Preliminary parameterizations for the activation strain tensors are able to also provide a good match between simulations and reported experimental results for SPER velocities at different temperatures under the appliance of hydrostatic pressure. The studies presented in this thesis have helped to achieve a greater understanding of damage generation, evolution, amorphization and SPER mechanisms in Ge, and also provide a useful tool to continue research in this field.


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The structural state and static and dynamic magnetic properties of TbCu2 nanoparticles are reported produced by mechanical milling under inert atmosphere. The core magnetic structure retains the bulk antiferromagnetic arrangement. The overall interpretation is based on a superantiferromagnetic behavior which at low temperatures coexists with a canting of surface moments and mismatch of antiferromagnetic sublattices of the nanoparticles.


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We have added constitutively active MAP kinase/ERK kinase (MEK), an activator of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, to cycling Xenopus egg extracts at various times during the cell cycle. p42MAPK activation during entry into M-phase arrested the cell cycle in metaphase, as has been shown previously. Unexpectedly, p42MAPK activation during interphase inhibited entry into M-phase. In these interphase-arrested extracts, H1 kinase activity remained low, Cdc2 was tyrosine phosphorylated, and nuclei continued to enlarge. The interphase arrest was overcome by recombinant cyclin B. In other experiments, p42MAPK activation by MEK or by Mos inhibited Cdc2 activation by cyclin B. PD098059, a specific inhibitor of MEK, blocked the effects of MEK(QP) and Mos. Mos-induced activation of p42MAPK did not inhibit DNA replication. These results indicate that, in addition to the established role of p42MAPK activation in M-phase arrest, the inappropriate activation of p42MAPK during interphase prevents normal entry into M-phase.


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Single-molecule force spectroscopy reveals unfolding of domains in titin on stretching. We provide a theoretical framework for these experiments by computing the phase diagrams for force-induced unfolding of single-domain proteins using lattice models. The results show that two-state folders (at zero force) unravel cooperatively, whereas stretching of non-two-state folders occurs through intermediates. The stretching rates of individual molecules show great variations reflecting the heterogeneity of force-induced unfolding pathways. The approach to the stretched state occurs in a stepwise “quantized” manner. Unfolding dynamics and forces required to stretch proteins depend sensitively on topology. The unfolding rates increase exponentially with force f till an optimum value, which is determined by the barrier to unfolding when f = 0. A mapping of these results to proteins shows qualitative agreement with force-induced unfolding of Ig-like domains in titin. We show that single-molecule force spectroscopy can be used to map the folding free energy landscape of proteins in the absence of denaturants.


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Using C60-functionalized scanning tunneling microscope tips, we have investigated the adsorption of fluorine on graphite. Based on characteristics of the accompanying electron standing waves, we are able to distinguish the fluorine adatoms that have bonded ionically to the graphite surface from those that have formed covalent bonds with the surface. This result permits determination of the ratio of ionic to covalent C–F bonds on graphite obtained by gas phase fluorination, which seems to be temperatureindependent between 200 and 300°C under the reaction conditions used.


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Laser-polarized gases (3He and 129Xe) are currently being used in magnetic resonance imaging as strong signal sources that can be safely introduced into the lung. Recently, researchers have been investigating other tissues using 129Xe. These studies use xenon dissolved in a carrier such as lipid vesicles or blood. Since helium is much less soluble than xenon in these materials, 3He has been used exclusively for imaging air spaces. However, considering that the signal of 3He is more than 10 times greater than that of 129Xe for presently attainable polarization levels, this work has focused on generating a method to introduce 3He into the vascular system. We addressed the low solubility issue by producing suspensions of 3He microbubbles. Here, we provide the first vascular images obtained with laser-polarized 3He. The potential increase in signal and absence of background should allow this technique to produce high-resolution angiographic images. In addition, quantitative measurements of blood flow velocity and tissue perfusion will be feasible.


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Light microscopy of thick biological samples, such as tissues, is often limited by aberrations caused by refractive index variations within the sample itself. This problem is particularly severe for live imaging, a field of great current excitement due to the development of inherently fluorescent proteins. We describe a method of removing such aberrations computationally by mapping the refractive index of the sample using differential interference contrast microscopy, modeling the aberrations by ray tracing through this index map, and using space-variant deconvolution to remove aberrations. This approach will open possibilities to study weakly labeled molecules in difficult-to-image live specimens.


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Recent major advances in x-ray imaging and spectroscopy of clusters have allowed the determination of their mass and mass profile out to ≈1/2 the virial radius. In rich clusters, most of the baryonic mass is in the gas phase, and the ratio of mass in gas/stars varies by a factor of 2–4. The baryonic fractions vary by a factor of ≈3 from cluster to cluster and almost always exceed 0.09 h50−[3/2] and thus are in fundamental conflict with the assumption of Ω = 1 and the results of big bang nucleosynthesis. The derived Fe abundances are 0.2–0.45 solar, and the abundances of O and Si for low redshift systems are 0.6–1.0 solar. This distribution is consistent with an origin in pure type II supernova. The amount of light and energy produced by these supernovae is very large, indicating their importance in influencing the formation of clusters and galaxies. The lack of evolution of Fe to a redshift of z ≈ 0.4 argues for very early enrichment of the cluster gas. Groups show a wide range of abundances, 0.1–0.5 solar. The results of an x-ray survey indicate that the contribution of groups to the mass density of the universe is likely to be larger than 0.1 h50−2. Many of the very poor groups have large x-ray halos and are filled with small galaxies whose velocity dispersion is a good match to the x-ray temperatures.


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The phases of the x-ray form factors are derived for the ripple (Pbeta') thermodynamic phase in the lecithin bilayer system. By combining these phases with experimental intensity data, the electron density map of the ripple phase of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine is constructed. The phases are derived by fitting the intensity data to two-dimensional electron density models, which are created by convolving an asymmetric triangular ripple profile with a transbilayer electron density profile. The robustness of the model method is indicated by the result that many different models of the transbilayer profile yield essentially the same phases, except for the weaker, purely ripple (0,k) peaks. Even with this residual ambiguity, the ripple profile is well determined, resulting in 19 angstroms for the ripple amplitude and 10 degrees and 26 degrees for the slopes of the major and the minor sides, respectively. Estimates for the bilayer head-head spacings show that the major side of the ripple is consistent with gel-like structure, and the minor side appears to be thinner with lower electron density.


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The mechanism of contrast enhancement of tumors using magnetic resonance imaging was investigated in MCF7 human breast cancer implanted in nude mice. Dynamic contrast-enhanced images recorded at high spatial resolution were analyzed by an image analysis method based on a physiological model, which included the blood circulation, the tumor, the remaining tissues, and clearance via the kidneys. This analysis enabled us to map in rapidly enhancing regions within the tumor, the capillary permeability factor (capillary permeability times surface area per voxel volume) and the fraction of leakage space. Correlation of these maps with T2-weighted spin echo images, with histopathology, and with immunohistochemical staining of endothelial cells demonstrated the presence of dense permeable microcapillaries in the tumor periphery and in intratumoral regions that surrounded necrotic loci. The high leakage from the intratumoral permeable capillaries indicated an induction of a specific angiogenic process associated with stress conditions that cause necrosis. This induction was augmented in tumors responding to tamoxifen treatment. Determination of the distribution and extent of this stress-induced angiogenic activity by contrast-enhanced MRI might be of diagnostic and of prognostic value.


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We report on a procedure for tissue preparation that combines thoroughly controlled physical and chemical treatments: quick-freezing and freeze-drying followed by fixation with OsO4 vapors and embedding by direct resin infiltration. Specimens of frog cutaneous pectoris muscle thus prepared were analyzed for total calcium using electron spectroscopic imaging/electron energy loss spectroscopy (ESI/EELS) approach. The preservation of the ultrastructure was excellent, with positive K/Na ratios revealed in the fibers by x-ray microanalysis. Clear, high-resolution EELS/ESI calcium signals were recorded from the lumen of terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum but not from longitudinal cisternae, as expected from previous studies carried out with different techniques. In many mitochondria, calcium was below detection whereas in others it was appreciable although at variable level. Within the motor nerve terminals, synaptic vesicles as well as some cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum yielded positive signals at variance with mitochondria, that were most often below detection. Taken as a whole, the present study reveals the potential of our experimental approach to map with high spatial resolution the total calcium within individual intracellular organelles identified by their established ultrastructure, but only where the element is present at high levels.