987 resultados para Cleanthes, 331-232 B.C.
Phototropic hypocotyl bending in response to blue light excitation is an important adaptive process that helps plants to optimize their exposure to light. In Arabidopsis thaliana, phototropic hypocotyl bending is initiated by the blue light receptors and protein kinases phototropin1 (phot1) and phot2. Phototropic responses also require auxin transport and were shown to be partially compromised in mutants of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux facilitators. We previously described the D6 PROTEIN KINASE (D6PK) subfamily of AGCVIII kinases, which we proposed to directly regulate PIN-mediated auxin transport. Here, we show that phototropic hypocotyl bending is strongly dependent on the activity of D6PKs and the PIN proteins PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7. While early blue light and phot-dependent signaling events are not affected by the loss of D6PKs, we detect a gradual loss of PIN3 phosphorylation in d6pk mutants of increasing complexity that is most severe in the d6pk d6pkl1 d6pkl2 d6pkl3 quadruple mutant. This is accompanied by a reduction of basipetal auxin transport in the hypocotyls of d6pk as well as in pin mutants. Based on our data, we propose that D6PK-dependent PIN regulation promotes auxin transport and that auxin transport in the hypocotyl is a prerequisite for phot1-dependent hypocotyl bending.
In cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) perfused in vitro, inhibiting the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) reduces Cl(-) absorption. Since ENaC does not transport Cl(-), the purpose of this study was to determine how ENaC modulates Cl(-) absorption. Thus, Cl(-) absorption was measured in CCDs perfused in vitro that were taken from mice given aldosterone for 7 days. In wild-type mice, we observed no effect of luminal hydrochlorothiazide on either Cl(-) absorption or transepithelial voltage (V(T)). However, application of an ENaC inhibitor [benzamil (3 μM)] to the luminal fluid or application of a Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibitor to the bath reduced Cl(-) absorption by ∼66-75% and nearly obliterated lumen-negative V(T). In contrast, ENaC inhibition had no effect in CCDs from collecting duct-specific ENaC-null mice (Hoxb7:CRE, Scnn1a(loxlox)). Whereas benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption did not depend on CFTR, application of a Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransport inhibitor (bumetanide) to the bath or ablation of the gene encoding Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) blunted benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption, although the benzamil-sensitive component of V(T) was unaffected. In conclusion, first, in CCDs from aldosterone-treated mice, most Cl(-) absorption is benzamil sensitive, whereas thiazide-sensitive Cl(-) absorption is undetectable. Second, benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption occurs by inhibition of ENaC, possibly due to elimination of lumen-negative V(T). Finally, benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) flux occurs, at least in part, through transcellular transport through a pathway that depends on NKCC1.
The first investigation of arthropods associated with carrion in Cameroon was carried out within the campus of the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) from 17thJanuary to 3rd April 2008. Carcasses of rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 var WISTAR) were exposed to colonization by the local fauna of arthropods. The invading organisms were collected daily during the study period. 2287 individuals of arthropod belonging to 3 classes, 16 orders, 37 families and 7 subfamilies were identified. The insects assessed were mainly Diptera, Coleoptera and Acari. This study illustrates the high diversity of the necroentomofauna in Cameroon and provides an insight approximation into the succession pattern of invading insect and a weekly estimation of the time of death.
In the urinary bladder of the toad Bufo marinus triiodothyronine selectively inhibits the late effect of aldosterone on Na+ transport. We have investigated whether T3 might mediate its antimineralocorticoid action by controlling: i) the level of aldosterone binding sites in the soluble (cytosolic) pool isolated from tissues treated with T3 (60 nM) for up to 20 hr of incubation; ii) the kinetics of uptake of 3H-aldosterone into cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions after 2 or 20 hr of exposure to T3. The number and the affinity of Type I (high affinity, low capacity) and Type II (low affinity, high capacity) cytosolic binding sites (measured at 0 degrees C) did not vary significantly after 18 hr of exposure to T3, while aldosterone-dependent Na+ transport was significantly inhibited. In addition, T3 did not modify the kinetics of uptake (90 min) of 3H-aldosterone into cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of toad bladder incubated in vitro at 25 degrees C. By contrast, aldosterone itself was able to down-regulate its cytosolic and nuclear binding sites after an 18-hr exposure to the steroid hormone (10 or 80 nM). T3 slightly (20%) but significantly potentiated the down regulation of nuclear binding sites. In conclusion, T3 does not appear to have major effects on the regulation of the aldosterone receptor, which could explain in a simple manner its antimineralocorticoid action.
A matéria orgânica (MO) constitui um atributo indicativo da qualidade do solo. O conhecimento de seus distintos componentes, explicando a influência que as práticas de manejo exercem sobre a MO e a agregação dos solos, é de grande importância para a sustentabilidade dos sistemas agrícolas. Neste trabalho, avaliaram-se as substâncias húmicas, a atividade microbiana e o C orgânico lábil em agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de Minas Gerais sob vegetação natural de Cerradão e sob cultivo convencional com milho durante 30 anos. Para isso, foram retiradas amostras de solo nas profundidades de 5-10 e 15-20 cm em quatro pontos diferentes. Após coletado, o material foi seco ao ar e fracionado, por via seca, nas classes de agregados de: 4,75-2,0; 2,0-1,0; 1,0-0,5; 0,5-0,25; 0,25-0,105; e < 0,105 mm de diâmetro. Nesses materiais determinaram-se o C orgânico das frações ácidos fúlvicos (AF), ácidos húmicos (AH) e huminas (HUM) e o C orgânico lábil (COL) utilizando KMnO4 15,6 e 33,0 mmol L-1. Os materiais foram ainda submetidos a um ensaio de respirometria, em que os valores da produção de CO2 foram ajustados a equações logísticas [Y = a/1 + e-(b + cx)], estimando-se o tempo necessário para atingir metade da produção máxima de CO2 (t1/2). Os resultados mostraram que, em média, os agregados do solo sob cultivo apresentaram maiores teores de C orgânico da fração AH e de COL determinado com KMnO4 33,0 mmol L-1. Para as frações AF e HUM e o COL determinado com KMnO4 15,6 mmol L-1, esse comportamento foi observado somente na profundidade de 15-20 cm. Nos agregados do solo sob Cerradão, verificou-se maior produção de CO2. Os agregados de menor tamanho tenderam a apresentar maiores teores de C orgânico das frações AF e AH e do COL, além de serem responsáveis pela maior produção de CO2, constituindo-se em sítios favoráveis tanto para o estoque de MO, em decorrência da proteção física e química, quanto para sua mineralização, dada a ação preferencial dos microrganismos nesses locais. Os coeficientes da equação logística (a, b, c) e o t1/2 se mostraram importantes indicadores de qualidade da MO do solo em distintos manejos e, conseqüentemente, de sua labilidade.
PURPOSE: To develop and assess the diagnostic performance of a three-dimensional (3D) whole-body T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging pulse sequence at 3.0 T for bone and node staging in patients with prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective study was approved by the institutional ethics committee; informed consent was obtained from all patients. Thirty patients with prostate cancer at high risk for metastases underwent whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging in addition to the routine MR imaging protocol for node and/or bone metastasis screening, which included coronal two-dimensional (2D) whole-body T1-weighted MR imaging, sagittal proton-density fat-saturated (PDFS) imaging of the spine, and whole-body diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Two observers read the 2D and 3D images separately in a blinded manner for bone and node screening. Images were read in random order. The consensus review of MR images and the findings at prospective clinical and MR imaging follow-up at 6 months were used as the standard of reference. The interobserver agreement and diagnostic performance of each sequence were assessed on per-patient and per-lesion bases. RESULTS: The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were significantly higher with whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging than with whole-body 2D T1-weighted imaging regardless of the reference region (bone or fat) and lesion location (bone or node) (P < .003 for all). For node metastasis, diagnostic performance (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) was higher for whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging (per-patient analysis; observer 1: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging; observer 2: P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging), as was sensitivity (per-lesion analysis; observer 1: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging; observer 2: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging). CONCLUSION: Whole-body MR imaging is feasible with a 3D T1-weighted sequence and provides better SNR and CNR compared with 2D sequences, with a diagnostic performance that is as good or better for the detection of bone metastases and better for the detection of lymph node metastases.
PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic performance of multi-detector CT arthrography (CTA) and 1.5-T MR arthrography (MRA) in detecting hyaline cartilage lesions of the shoulder, with arthroscopic correlation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: CTA and MRA prospectively obtained in 56 consecutive patients following the same arthrographic procedure were independently evaluated for glenohumeral cartilage lesions (modified Outerbridge grade ≥2 and grade 4) by two musculoskeletal radiologists. The cartilage surface was divided in 18 anatomical areas. Arthroscopy was taken as the reference standard. Diagnostic performance of CTA and MRA was compared using ROC analysis. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement was determined by κ statistics. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of CTA varied from 46.4 to 82.4 % and from 89.0 to 95.9 % respectively; sensitivity and specificity of MRA varied from 31.9 to 66.2 % and from 91.1 to 97.5 % respectively. Diagnostic performance of CTA was statistically significantly better than MRA for both readers (all p ≤ 0.04). Interobserver agreement for the evaluation of cartilage lesions was substantial with CTA (κ = 0.63) and moderate with MRA (κ = 0.54). Intraobserver agreement was almost perfect with both CTA (κ = 0.94-0.95) and MRA (κ = 0.83-0.87). CONCLUSION: The diagnostic performance of CTA and MRA for the detection of glenohumeral cartilage lesions is moderate, although statistically significantly better with CTA. KEY POINTS: ? CTA has moderate diagnostic performance for detecting glenohumeral cartilage substance loss. ? MRA has moderate diagnostic performance for detecting glenohumeral cartilage substance loss. ? CTA is more accurate than MRA for detecting cartilage substance loss.
AMADEUS is a dexterous subsea robot hand incorporating force and slip contact sensing, using fluid filled tentacles for fingers. Hydraulic pressure variations in each of three flexible tubes (bellows) in each finger create a bending moment, and consequent motion or increase in contact force during grasping. Such fingers have inherent passive compliance, no moving parts, and are naturally depth pressure-compensated, making them ideal for reliable use in the deep ocean. In addition to the mechanical design, development of the hand has also considered closed loop finger position and force control, coordinated finger motion for grasping, force and slip sensor development/signal processing, and reactive world modeling/planning for supervisory `blind grasping¿. Initially, the application focus is for marine science tasks, but broader roles in offshore oil and gas, salvage, and military use are foreseen. Phase I of the project is complete, with the construction of a first prototype. Phase I1 is now underway, to deploy the hand from an underwater robot arm, and carry out wet trials with users.
AMADEUS is a dexterous subsea robot hand incorporating force and slip contact sensing, using fluid filled tentacles for fingers. Hydraulic pressure variations in each of three flexible tubes (bellows) in each finger create a bending moment, and consequent motion or increase in contact force during grasping. Such fingers have inherent passive compliance, no moving parts, and are naturally depth pressure-compensated, making them ideal for reliable use in the deep ocean. In addition to the mechanical design, development of the hand has also considered closed loop finger position and force control, coordinated finger motion for grasping, force and slip sensor development/signal processing, and reactive world modeling/planning for supervisory `blind grasping¿. Initially, the application focus is for marine science tasks, but broader roles in offshore oil and gas, salvage, and military use are foreseen. Phase I of the project is complete, with the construction of a first prototype. Phase I1 is now underway, to deploy the hand from an underwater robot arm, and carry out wet trials with users.
Calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporin A (CsA) are the mainstay of immunosuppressive treatment for organ transplant recipients. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is a major complication of treatment with these drugs, with a 65 to 100-fold higher risk than in the normal population. By contrast, the incidence of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the other major keratinocyte-derived tumour of the skin, of melanoma and of internal malignancies increases to a significantly lesser extent. Here we report that genetic and pharmacological suppression of calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) function promotes tumour formation in mouse skin and in xenografts, in immune compromised mice, of H-ras(V12) (also known as Hras1)-expressing primary human keratinocytes or keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Calcineurin/NFAT inhibition counteracts p53 (also known as TRP53)-dependent cancer cell senescence, thereby increasing tumorigenic potential. ATF3, a member of the 'enlarged' AP-1 family, is selectively induced by calcineurin/NFAT inhibition, both under experimental conditions and in clinically occurring tumours, and increased ATF3 expression accounts for suppression of p53-dependent senescence and enhanced tumorigenic potential. Thus, intact calcineurin/NFAT signalling is critically required for p53 and senescence-associated mechanisms that protect against skin squamous cancer development.
Cleft palate is a common congenital disorder that affects up to 1 in 2,500 live human births and results in considerable morbidity to affected individuals and their families. The etiology of cleft palate is complex, with both genetic and environmental factors implicated. Mutations in the transcription factor-encoding genes p63 and interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) have individually been identified as causes of cleft palate; however, a relationship between the key transcription factors p63 and IRF6 has not been determined. Here, we used both mouse models and human primary keratinocytes from patients with cleft palate to demonstrate that IRF6 and p63 interact epistatically during development of the secondary palate. Mice simultaneously carrying a heterozygous deletion of p63 and the Irf6 knockin mutation R84C, which causes cleft palate in humans, displayed ectodermal abnormalities that led to cleft palate. Furthermore, we showed that p63 transactivated IRF6 by binding to an upstream enhancer element; genetic variation within this enhancer element is associated with increased susceptibility to cleft lip. Our findings therefore identify p63 as a key regulatory molecule during palate development and provide a mechanism for the cooperative role of p63 and IRF6 in orofacial development in mice and humans.
Soil penetration resistance is an important property that affects root growth and elongation and water movement in the soil. Since no-till systems tend to increase organic matter in the soil, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency with which soil penetration resistance is estimated using a proposed model based on moisture content, density and organic matter content in an Oxisol containing 665, 221 and 114 g kg-1 of clay, silt and sand respectively under annual no-till cropping, located in Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil. Penetration resistance was evaluated at random locations continually from May 2008 to February 2011, using an impact penetrometer to obtain a total of 960 replications. For the measurements, soil was sampled at depths of 0 to 20 cm to determine gravimetric moisture (G), bulk density (D) and organic matter content (M). The penetration resistance curve (PR) was adjusted using two non-linear models (PR = a Db Gc and PR' = a Db Gc Md), where a, b, c and d are coefficients of the adjusted model. It was found that the model that included M was the most efficient for estimating PR, explaining 91 % of PR variability, compared to 82 % of the other model.
The antidiuretic effect of vasopressin is mediated by V2 receptors (V2R) that are located in kidney connecting tubules and collecting ducts. This study provides evidence that V2R signaling is negatively regulated by regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2), a member of the family of RGS proteins. This study demonstrates that (1) RGS2 expression in the kidney is restricted to the vasopressin-sensitive part of the nephron (thick ascending limb, connecting tubule, and collecting duct); (2) expression of RGS2 is rapidly upregulated by vasopressin; (3) the vasopressin-dependent accumulation of cAMP, the principal messenger of V2R signaling, is significantly higher in collecting ducts that are microdissected from the RGS2(-/-) mice compared with their wild-type littermates; and (4) analysis of urine output of mice that were exposed to water restriction followed by acute water loading revealed that RGS2(-/-) mice exhibit an increased renal responsiveness to vasopressin. It is proposed that RGS2 is involved in negative feedback regulation of V2R signaling.
Más allá de la referencia explícita a la tragedia griega y Edipo, el objetivo de este artículo es presentar la estrecha relación, en opinión del autor, entre lo que mantienen los protagonistas en Crimes and Misdemeanors y las teorías de los sofistas griegos sobre Dios, la ley, etc. Una confrontación minuciosa de sus textos con el guión de la película revela claramente unas raíces sofísticas que no pueden ser atribuidas, en este caso, a la presencia constante del legado judío en la obra de W. Allen.
Beyond the explicit reference to the Greek tragedy and Oedipus, the aim of this article is to show the clear relationship, in the author's opinion, between what the protagonists of the film maintain and the theories of the Greek Sophists about God, the law, etc. An accurate analysis both of their texts and the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors reveals different sophistic roots, which, in this case, cannot be attributed to the constant presence of the Jewish legacy in W. Allen's work.